def test_save_mesh_value_collection(tempdir, encoding, data_type):
    dtype_str, dtype = data_type
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, 4, 4, 4)
    tdim = mesh.topology.dim
    meshfn = MeshFunction(dtype_str, mesh, mesh.topology.dim, False)
    meshfn.name = "volume_marker"
    mp = cpp.mesh.midpoints(mesh, tdim, range(mesh.num_entities(tdim)))
    for i in range(mesh.num_cells()):
        if mp[i, 1] > 0.1:
            meshfn.values[i] = 1
        if mp[i, 1] > 0.9:
            meshfn.values[i] = 2

    for mvc_dim in range(0, tdim + 1):
        mvc = MeshValueCollection(dtype_str, mesh, mvc_dim)
        tag = "dim_{}_marker".format(mvc_dim)
        mvc.name = tag
        mesh.create_connectivity(mvc_dim, tdim)
        mp = cpp.mesh.midpoints(mesh, mvc_dim,
        for e in range(mesh.num_entities(mvc_dim)):
            if (mp[e, 0] > 0.5):
                mvc.set_value(e, dtype(1))

        filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "mvc_{}.xdmf".format(mvc_dim))

        with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, encoding=encoding) as xdmf:

        with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename) as xdmf:
            read_function = getattr(xdmf, "read_mvc_" + dtype_str)
            mvc = read_function(mesh, tag)
def test_save_and_read_mesh_value_collection(tempdir):
    ndiv = 2
    filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "mesh_value_collection.h5")
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, ndiv, ndiv, ndiv)

    def point2list(p):
        return [p[0], p[1], p[2]]

    # write to file
    with HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, 'w') as f:
        for dim in range(mesh.topology.dim):
            mvc = MeshValueCollection("size_t", mesh, dim)
            for e in MeshEntities(mesh, dim):
                # this can be easily computed to the check the value
                val = int(ndiv * sum(point2list(e.midpoint()))) + 1
                mvc.set_value(e.index(), val)
            f.write(mvc, "/mesh_value_collection_{}".format(dim))

    # read from file
    with HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, 'r') as f:
        for dim in range(mesh.topology.dim):
            mvc = f.read_mvc_size_t(mesh,
            # check the values
            for (cell, lidx), val in mvc.values().items():
                eidx = Cell(mesh, cell).entities(dim)[lidx]
                mid = point2list(MeshEntity(mesh, dim, eidx).midpoint())
                assert val == int(ndiv * sum(mid)) + 1
def test_mesh_function_assign_2D_cells():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.comm_world, 3, 3)
    ncells = mesh.num_cells()
    f = MeshFunction("int", mesh, mesh.topology.dim, 0)
    for c in range(ncells):
        f.values[c] = ncells - c

    g = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 2)
    assert ncells == len(f.values)
    assert ncells == g.size()

    f2 = MeshFunction("int", mesh, g, 0)

    for c in range(mesh.num_cells()):
        value = ncells - c
        assert value == g.get_value(c, 0)
        assert f2.values[c] == g.get_value(c, 0)

    h = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 2)
    global_indices = mesh.topology.global_indices(2)
    ncells_global = mesh.num_entities_global(2)
    for c in range(mesh.num_cells()):
        if global_indices[c] in [5, 8, 10]:
        value = ncells_global - global_indices[c]
        h.set_value(c, int(value))

    f3 = MeshFunction("int", mesh, h, 0)

    values = f3.values
    values[values > ncells_global] = 0.

    assert MPI.sum(mesh.mpi_comm(), values.sum() * 1.0) == 140.
def test_mesh_function_assign_2D_cells():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.comm_world, 3, 3)
    ncells = mesh.num_cells()
    f = MeshFunction("int", mesh, mesh.topology.dim, 0)
    for cell in Cells(mesh):
        f[cell] = ncells - cell.index()

    g = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 2)
    assert ncells == f.size()
    assert ncells == g.size()

    f2 = MeshFunction("int", mesh, g, 0)

    for cell in Cells(mesh):
        value = ncells - cell.index()
        assert value == g.get_value(cell.index(), 0)
        assert f2[cell] == g.get_value(cell.index(), 0)

    h = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 2)
    global_indices = mesh.topology.global_indices(2)
    ncells_global = mesh.num_entities_global(2)
    for cell in Cells(mesh):
        if global_indices[cell.index()] in [5, 8, 10]:
        value = ncells_global - global_indices[cell.index()]
        h.set_value(cell.index(), int(value))

    f3 = MeshFunction("int", mesh, h, 0)

    values = f3.array()
    values[values > ncells_global] = 0.

    assert MPI.sum(mesh.mpi_comm(), values.sum() * 1.0) == 140.
def test_save_mesh_value_collection(tempdir, encoding, data_type):
    dtype_str, dtype = data_type
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, 4, 4, 4)
    tdim = mesh.topology.dim
    meshfn = MeshFunction(dtype_str, mesh, mesh.topology.dim, False)
    for c in Cells(mesh):
        if c.midpoint()[1] > 0.1:
            meshfn[c] = dtype(1)
        if c.midpoint()[1] > 0.9:
            meshfn[c] = dtype(2)

    for mvc_dim in range(0, tdim + 1):
        mvc = MeshValueCollection(dtype_str, mesh, mvc_dim)
        tag = "dim_%d_marker" % mvc_dim
        mesh.init(mvc_dim, tdim)
        for e in MeshEntities(mesh, mvc_dim):
            if (e.midpoint()[0] > 0.5):
                mvc.set_value(e.index(), dtype(1))

        filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "mvc_%d.xdmf" % mvc_dim)

        with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, encoding=encoding) as xdmf:

        with XDMFFile(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename) as xdmf:
            read_function = getattr(xdmf, "read_mvc_" + dtype_str)
            mvc = read_function(mesh, tag)
def test_save_and_read_mesh_value_collection(tempdir):
    ndiv = 2
    filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "mesh_value_collection.h5")
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, ndiv, ndiv, ndiv)

    # write to file
    with HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, 'w') as f:
        for dim in range(mesh.topology.dim):
            mvc = MeshValueCollection("size_t", mesh, dim)
            mp = cpp.mesh.midpoints(mesh, dim, range(mesh.num_entities(dim)))
            for e in range(mesh.num_entities(dim)):
                # this can be easily computed to the check the value
                val = int(ndiv * mp[e].sum()) + 1
                mvc.set_value(e, val)
            f.write(mvc, "/mesh_value_collection_{}".format(dim))

    # read from file
    with HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, 'r') as f:
        for dim in range(mesh.topology.dim):
            mvc = f.read_mvc_size_t(mesh,
            mp = cpp.mesh.midpoints(mesh, dim, range(mesh.num_entities(dim)))
            # check the values
            for (cell, lidx), val in mvc.values().items():
                eidx = MeshEntity(mesh, mesh.topology.dim,
                mid = mp[eidx]
                assert val == int(ndiv * mid.sum()) + 1
def test_save_and_read_mesh_value_collection_with_only_one_marked_entity(
    ndiv = 2
    filename = os.path.join(tempdir, "mesh_value_collection.h5")
    mesh = UnitCubeMesh(MPI.comm_world, ndiv, ndiv, ndiv)
    mvc = MeshValueCollection("size_t", mesh, 3)
    if MPI.rank(mesh.mpi_comm()) == 0:
        mvc.set_value(0, 1)

    # write to file
    with HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, 'w') as f:
        f.write(mvc, "/mesh_value_collection")

    # read from file
    with HDF5File(mesh.mpi_comm(), filename, 'r') as f:
        mvc = f.read_mvc_size_t(mesh, "/mesh_value_collection")
        assert MPI.sum(mesh.mpi_comm(), mvc.size()) == 1
        if MPI.rank(mesh.mpi_comm()) == 0:
            assert mvc.get_value(0, 0) == 1
def test_assign_2D_cells():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.comm_world, 3, 3)
    ncells = mesh.num_cells()
    f = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 2)
    all_new = True
    for c in range(ncells):
        value = ncells - c
        all_new = all_new and f.set_value(c, value)
    g = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 2)
    assert ncells == f.size()
    assert ncells == g.size()
    assert all_new

    for c in range(ncells):
        value = ncells - c
        assert value, g.get_value(c == 0)

    old_value = g.get_value(0, 0)
    g.set_value(0, 0, old_value + 1)
    assert old_value + 1 == g.get_value(0, 0)
def test_assign_2D_vertices():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.comm_world, 3, 3)
    mesh.create_connectivity(2, 0)
    ncells = mesh.num_cells()
    f = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 0)
    all_new = True
    for cell in Cells(mesh):
        value = ncells - cell.index()
        for i, vert in enumerate(VertexRange(cell)):
            all_new = all_new and f.set_value(cell.index(), i, value + i)

    g = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 0)
    assert ncells * 3 == f.size()
    assert ncells * 3 == g.size()
    assert all_new

    for cell in Cells(mesh):
        value = ncells - cell.index()
        for i, vert in enumerate(VertexRange(cell)):
            assert value + i == g.get_value(cell.index(), i)
def test_assign_2D_facets():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.comm_world, 3, 3)
    mesh.init(2, 1)
    ncells = mesh.num_cells()
    f = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 1)
    all_new = True
    for cell in Cells(mesh):
        value = ncells - cell.index()
        for i, facet in enumerate(FacetRange(cell)):
            all_new = all_new and f.set_value(cell.index(), i, value + i)

    g = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 1)
    assert ncells * 3 == f.size()
    assert ncells * 3 == g.size()
    assert all_new

    for cell in Cells(mesh):
        value = ncells - cell.index()
        for i, facet in enumerate(FacetRange(cell)):
            assert value + i == g.get_value(cell.index(), i)
def test_assign_2D_vertices():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.comm_world, 3, 3)
    mesh.create_connectivity(2, 0)
    ncells = mesh.num_cells()
    num_cell_vertices = cpp.mesh.cell_num_vertices(mesh.cell_type)

    f = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 0)
    all_new = True
    for c in range(ncells):
        value = ncells - c
        for i in range(num_cell_vertices):
            all_new = all_new and f.set_value(c, i, value + i)

    g = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 0)
    assert ncells * 3 == f.size()
    assert ncells * 3 == g.size()
    assert all_new

    for c in range(ncells):
        value = ncells - c
        for i in range(num_cell_vertices):
            assert value + i == g.get_value(c, i)
def test_assign_2D_facets():
    mesh = UnitSquareMesh(MPI.comm_world, 3, 3)
    mesh.create_connectivity(2, 1)
    tdim = mesh.topology.dim
    num_cell_facets = cpp.mesh.cell_num_entities(mesh.cell_type, tdim - 1)
    ncells = mesh.num_cells()

    f = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 1)
    all_new = True
    for c in range(ncells):
        value = ncells - c
        for i in range(num_cell_facets):
            all_new = all_new and f.set_value(c, i, value + i)

    g = MeshValueCollection("int", mesh, 1)
    assert ncells * 3 == f.size()
    assert ncells * 3 == g.size()
    assert all_new

    for c in range(ncells):
        value = ncells - c
        for i in range(num_cell_facets):
            assert value + i == g.get_value(c, i)