def comp_exp_nsmats( problemname="drivencavity", N=10, Re=1e2, nu=None, linear_system=False, refree=False, bccontrol=False, palpha=None, use_old_data=False, mddir="pathtodatastorage", ): """compute and export the system matrices for Navier-Stokes equations Parameters --- refree : boolean, optional whether to use `Re=1` (so that the `Re` number can be applied later by scaling the corresponding matrices, defaults to `False` linear_system : boolean, optional whether to compute/return the linearized system, defaults to `False` bccontrol : boolean, optional whether to model boundary control at the cylinder via penalized robin boundary conditions, defaults to `False` palpha : float, optional penalization parameter for the boundary control, defaults to `None`, `palpha` is mandatory for `linear_system` """ if refree: Re = 1 print "For the Reynoldsnumber free mats, we set Re=1" if problemname == "drivencavity" and bccontrol: raise NotImplementedError("boundary control for the driven cavity" + " is not implemented yet") if linear_system and bccontrol and palpha is None: raise UserWarning("For the linear system a" + " value for `palpha` is needed") if not linear_system and bccontrol: raise NotImplementedError("Nonlinear system with boundary control" + " is not implemented yet") femp, stokesmatsc, rhsd_vfrc, rhsd_stbc = dnsps.get_sysmats(problem=problemname, bccontrol=bccontrol, N=N, Re=Re) if linear_system and bccontrol: Arob = stokesmatsc["A"] + 1.0 / palpha * stokesmatsc["Arob"] Brob = 1.0 / palpha * stokesmatsc["Brob"] elif linear_system: Brob = 0 invinds = femp["invinds"] A, J = stokesmatsc["A"], stokesmatsc["J"] fvc, fpc = rhsd_vfrc["fvc"], rhsd_vfrc["fpr"] fv_stbc, fp_stbc = rhsd_stbc["fv"], rhsd_stbc["fp"] invinds = femp["invinds"] NV = invinds.shape[0] data_prfx = problemname + "__N{0}Re{1}".format(N, Re) if bccontrol: data_prfx = data_prfx + "_penarob" soldict = stokesmatsc # containing A, J, JT soldict.update(femp) # adding V, Q, invinds, diribcs soldict.update(rhsd_vfrc) # adding fvc, fpr fv = rhsd_vfrc["fvc"] + rhsd_stbc["fv"] fp = rhsd_vfrc["fpr"] + rhsd_stbc["fp"] # print 'get expmats: ||fv|| = {0}'.format(np.linalg.norm(fv)) # print 'get expmats: ||fp|| = {0}'.format(np.linalg.norm(fp)) # import scipy.sparse.linalg as spsla # print 'get expmats: ||A|| = {0}'.format(spsla.norm(A)) # print 'get expmats: ||Arob|| = {0}'.format(spsla.norm(Arob)) # print 'get expmats: ||A|| = {0}'.format(spsla.norm(stokesmatsc['A'])) # raise Warning('TODO: debug') soldict.update( fv=fv, fp=fp, N=N, nu=nu, clearprvdata=~use_old_data, get_datastring=None, data_prfx=ddir + data_prfx + "_stst", paraviewoutput=False, ) if bccontrol and linear_system: soldict.update(A=Arob) # compute the uncontrolled steady state Navier-Stokes solution vp_ss_nse, list_norm_nwtnupd = snu.solve_steadystate_nse(return_vp=True, **soldict) v_ss_nse, p_ss_nse = vp_ss_nse[:NV], vp_ss_nse[NV:] # specify in what spatial direction Bu changes. The remaining is constant if problemname == "drivencavity": uspacedep = 0 elif problemname == "cylinderwake": uspacedep = 1 # # Control mats # contsetupstr = problemname + "__NV{0}NU{1}NY{2}".format(NV, NU, NY) # get the control and observation operators try: b_mat = dou.load_spa(ddir + contsetupstr + "__b_mat") u_masmat = dou.load_spa(ddir + contsetupstr + "__u_masmat") print "loaded `b_mat`" except IOError: print "computing `b_mat`..." b_mat, u_masmat = cou.get_inp_opa(cdcoo=femp["cdcoo"], V=femp["V"], NU=NU, xcomp=uspacedep) dou.save_spa(b_mat, ddir + contsetupstr + "__b_mat") dou.save_spa(u_masmat, ddir + contsetupstr + "__u_masmat") try: mc_mat = dou.load_spa(ddir + contsetupstr + "__mc_mat") y_masmat = dou.load_spa(ddir + contsetupstr + "__y_masmat") print "loaded `c_mat`" except IOError: print "computing `c_mat`..." mc_mat, y_masmat = cou.get_mout_opa(odcoo=femp["odcoo"], V=femp["V"], NY=NY) dou.save_spa(mc_mat, ddir + contsetupstr + "__mc_mat") dou.save_spa(y_masmat, ddir + contsetupstr + "__y_masmat") # restrict the operators to the inner nodes mc_mat = mc_mat[:, invinds][:, :] b_mat = b_mat[invinds, :][:, :] c_mat = lau.apply_massinv(y_masmat, mc_mat, output="sparse") # TODO: right choice of norms for y # and necessity of regularization here # by now, we go on number save # the pressure observation mean over a small domain if problemname == "cylinderwake": podcoo = dict(xmin=0.6, xmax=0.64, ymin=0.18, ymax=0.22) elif problemname == "drivencavity": podcoo = dict(xmin=0.45, xmax=0.55, ymin=0.7, ymax=0.8) else: podcoo = femp["odcoo"] # description of the control and observation domains dmd = femp["cdcoo"] xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = dmd["xmin"], dmd["xmax"], dmd["ymin"], dmd["ymax"] velcondomstr = "vel control domain: [{0}, {1}]x[{2}, {3}]\n".format(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) dmd = femp["odcoo"] xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = dmd["xmin"], dmd["xmax"], dmd["ymin"], dmd["ymax"] velobsdomstr = "vel observation domain: [{0}, {1}]x[{2}, {3}]\n".format(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) dmd = podcoo xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = dmd["xmin"], dmd["xmax"], dmd["ymin"], dmd["ymax"] pobsdomstr = "pressure observation domain: [{0}, {1}]x[{2}, {3}]\n".format(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) pcmat = cou.get_pavrg_onsubd(odcoo=podcoo, Q=femp["Q"], ppin=None) cdatstr = snu.get_datastr_snu(time=None, meshp=N, nu=nu, Nts=None) (coors, xinds, yinds, corfunvec) = dts.get_dof_coors(femp["V"], invinds=invinds) ctrl_visu_str = ( " the (distributed) control setup is as follows \n" + " B maps into the domain of control -" + velcondomstr + " the first half of the columns" + "actuate in x-direction, the second in y direction \n" + " Cv measures averaged velocities in the domain of observation" + velobsdomstr + " Cp measures the averaged pressure" + " in the domain of pressure observation: " + pobsdomstr + " the first components are in x, the last in y-direction \n\n" + " Visualization: \n\n" + " `coors` -- array of (x,y) coordinates in " + " the same order as v[xinds] or v[yinds] \n" + " `xinds`, `yinds` -- indices of x and y components" + " of v = [vx, vy] -- note that indexing starts with 0\n" + " for testing use corfunvec wich is the interpolant of\n" + " f(x,y) = [x, y] on the grid \n\n" + "Created in `` " + "(see at\n" +"%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y") ) if bccontrol and problemname == "cylinderwake" and linear_system: ctrl_visu_str = ( "the boundary control is realized via penalized robin \n" + "boundary conditions, cf. e.g. [Hou/Ravindran `98], \n" + "with predefined shape functions for the cylinder wake \n" + "and the penalization parameter `palpha`={0}." ).format(palpha) + ctrl_visu_str if linear_system: convc_mat, rhs_con, rhsv_conbc = snu.get_v_conv_conts( prev_v=v_ss_nse, invinds=invinds, V=femp["V"], diribcs=femp["diribcs"] ) # TODO: omg if bccontrol: f_mat = -Arob - convc_mat else: f_mat = -stokesmatsc["A"] - convc_mat infostr = ( "These are the coefficient matrices of the linearized " + "Navier-Stokes Equations \n for the " + problemname + " to be used as \n\n" + " $M \\dot v = Av + J^Tp + Bu$ and $Jv = 0$ \n\n" + " the Reynoldsnumber is computed as L/nu \n" + " Note this is the reduced system for the velocity update\n" + " caused by the control, i.e., no boundary conditions\n" + " or inhomogeneities here. To get the actual flow, superpose \n" + " the steadystate velocity solution `v_ss_nse` \n\n" + ctrl_visu_str ) matstr = (mddir + problemname + "__mats_N{0}_Re{1}").format(NV, Re) if bccontrol: matstr = matstr + "__penarob_palpha{0}".format(palpha) matstr, dict( A=f_mat, M=stokesmatsc["M"], nu=femp["nu"], Re=femp["Re"], J=stokesmatsc["J"], B=b_mat, C=c_mat, Cp=pcmat, Brob=Brob, v_ss_nse=v_ss_nse, info=infostr, contsetupstr=contsetupstr, datastr=cdatstr, coors=coors, xinds=xinds, yinds=yinds, corfunvec=corfunvec, ), ) print ("matrices saved to " + matstr) elif refree: hstr = ddir + problemname + "_N{0}_hmat".format(N) try: hmat = dou.load_spa(hstr) print "loaded `hmat`" except IOError: print "assembling hmat ..." hmat = dts.ass_convmat_asmatquad(W=femp["V"], invindsw=invinds) dou.save_spa(hmat, hstr) zerv = np.zeros((NV, 1)) bc_conv, bc_rhs_conv, rhsbc_convbc = snu.get_v_conv_conts( prev_v=zerv, V=femp["V"], invinds=invinds, diribcs=femp["diribcs"], Picard=False ) # diff_mat = stokesmatsc['A'] # bcconv_mat = bc_conv # fv_bcdiff = fv_stbc # fv_bcconv = - bc_rhs_conv fv = fvc fp = fpc # fp_bc = fp_stbc infostr = ( "These are the coefficient matrices of the quadratic " + "formulation of the Navier-Stokes Equations \n for the " + problemname + " to be used as \n\n" + " $M \\dot v + Av + H*kron(v,v) + J^Tp = Bu + fv$ \n" + " and $Jv = fp$ \n\n" + " the Reynoldsnumber is computed as L/nu \n" + " note that `A` contains the diffusion and the linear term \n" + " that comes from the dirichlet boundary values \n" + " as initial value one can use the provided steady state \n" + " Stokes solution \n" + " see" + " master/tests/ for appl example\n" + ctrl_visu_str ) mddir + problemname + "quadform__mats_N{0}_Re{1}".format(NV, Re), dict( A=f_mat, M=stokesmatsc["M"], H=-hmat, fv=fv, fp=fp, nu=femp["nu"], Re=femp["Re"], J=stokesmatsc["J"], B=b_mat, Cv=c_mat, Cp=pcmat, info=infostr, # ss_stokes=old_v, contsetupstr=contsetupstr, datastr=cdatstr, coors=coors, xinds=xinds, yinds=yinds, corfunvec=corfunvec, ), ) else: hstr = ddir + problemname + "_N{0}_hmat".format(N) try: hmat = dou.load_spa(hstr) print "loaded `hmat`" except IOError: print "assembling hmat ..." hmat = dts.ass_convmat_asmatquad(W=femp["V"], invindsw=invinds) dou.save_spa(hmat, hstr) zerv = np.zeros((NV, 1)) bc_conv, bc_rhs_conv, rhsbc_convbc = snu.get_v_conv_conts( prev_v=zerv, V=femp["V"], invinds=invinds, diribcs=femp["diribcs"], Picard=False ) f_mat = -stokesmatsc["A"] - bc_conv l_mat = -bc_conv fv = fv_stbc + fvc - bc_rhs_conv fp = fp_stbc + fpc vp_stokes = lau.solve_sadpnt_smw(amat=A, jmat=J, rhsv=fv_stbc + fvc, rhsp=fp_stbc + fpc) old_v = vp_stokes[:NV] p_stokes = -vp_stokes[NV:] # the pressure was flipped for symmetry infostr = ( "These are the coefficient matrices of the quadratic " + "formulation of the Navier-Stokes Equations \n for the " + problemname + " to be used as \n\n" + " $M \\dot v = Av + H*kron(v,v) + J^Tp + Bu + fv$ \n" + " and $Jv = fp$ \n\n" + " the Reynoldsnumber is computed as L/nu \n" + " note that `A` contains the diffusion and the linear term `L`\n" + " that comes from the dirichlet boundary values \n" + " for linearizations it might be necessary to consider `A-L` \n" + " as initial value one can use the provided steady state \n" + " Stokes solution \n" + " see" + " master/tests/ for appl example\n" + ctrl_visu_str ) mddir + problemname + "quadform__mats_N{0}_Re{1}".format(NV, Re), dict( A=f_mat, M=stokesmatsc["M"], H=-hmat, fv=fv, fp=fp, L=l_mat, nu=femp["nu"], Re=femp["Re"], J=stokesmatsc["J"], B=b_mat, Cv=c_mat, Cp=pcmat, info=infostr, p_ss_stokes=p_stokes, p_ss_nse=p_ss_nse, v_ss_stokes=old_v, v_ss_nse=v_ss_nse, contsetupstr=contsetupstr, datastr=cdatstr, coors=coors, xinds=xinds, yinds=yinds, corfunvec=corfunvec, ), )
def comp_exp_nsmats(problemname='drivencavity', N=10, Re=1e2, nu=None, linear_system=False, refree=False, bccontrol=False, palpha=None, use_old_data=False, mddir='pathtodatastorage'): """compute and export the system matrices for Navier-Stokes equations Parameters --- refree : boolean, optional whether to use `Re=1` (so that the `Re` number can be applied later by scaling the corresponding matrices, defaults to `False` linear_system : boolean, optional whether to compute/return the linearized system, defaults to `False` bccontrol : boolean, optional whether to model boundary control at the cylinder via penalized robin boundary conditions, defaults to `False` palpha : float, optional penalization parameter for the boundary control, defaults to `None`, `palpha` is mandatory for `linear_system` """ if refree: Re = 1 print 'For the Reynoldsnumber free mats, we set Re=1' if problemname == 'drivencavity' and bccontrol: raise NotImplementedError('boundary control for the driven cavity' + ' is not implemented yet') if linear_system and bccontrol and palpha is None: raise UserWarning('For the linear system a' + ' value for `palpha` is needed') if not linear_system and bccontrol: raise NotImplementedError('Nonlinear system with boundary control' + ' is not implemented yet') femp, stokesmatsc, rhsd_vfrc, rhsd_stbc = \ dnsps.get_sysmats(problem=problemname, bccontrol=bccontrol, N=N, Re=Re) if linear_system and bccontrol: Arob = stokesmatsc['A'] + 1. / palpha * stokesmatsc['Arob'] Brob = 1. / palpha * stokesmatsc['Brob'] elif linear_system: Brob = 0 invinds = femp['invinds'] A, J = stokesmatsc['A'], stokesmatsc['J'] fvc, fpc = rhsd_vfrc['fvc'], rhsd_vfrc['fpr'] fv_stbc, fp_stbc = rhsd_stbc['fv'], rhsd_stbc['fp'] invinds = femp['invinds'] NV = invinds.shape[0] data_prfx = problemname + '__N{0}Re{1}'.format(N, Re) if bccontrol: data_prfx = data_prfx + '_penarob' soldict = stokesmatsc # containing A, J, JT soldict.update(femp) # adding V, Q, invinds, diribcs soldict.update(rhsd_vfrc) # adding fvc, fpr fv = rhsd_vfrc['fvc'] + rhsd_stbc['fv'] fp = rhsd_vfrc['fpr'] + rhsd_stbc['fp'] # print 'get expmats: ||fv|| = {0}'.format(np.linalg.norm(fv)) # print 'get expmats: ||fp|| = {0}'.format(np.linalg.norm(fp)) # import scipy.sparse.linalg as spsla # print 'get expmats: ||A|| = {0}'.format(spsla.norm(A)) # print 'get expmats: ||Arob|| = {0}'.format(spsla.norm(Arob)) # print 'get expmats: ||A|| = {0}'.format(spsla.norm(stokesmatsc['A'])) # raise Warning('TODO: debug') soldict.update(fv=fv, fp=fp, N=N, nu=nu, clearprvdata=~use_old_data, get_datastring=None, data_prfx=ddir + data_prfx + '_stst', paraviewoutput=False) if bccontrol and linear_system: soldict.update(A=Arob) # compute the uncontrolled steady state Navier-Stokes solution vp_ss_nse, list_norm_nwtnupd = snu.solve_steadystate_nse(return_vp=True, **soldict) v_ss_nse, p_ss_nse = vp_ss_nse[:NV], vp_ss_nse[NV:] # specify in what spatial direction Bu changes. The remaining is constant if problemname == 'drivencavity': uspacedep = 0 elif problemname == 'cylinderwake': uspacedep = 1 # # Control mats # contsetupstr = problemname + '__NV{0}NU{1}NY{2}'.format(NV, NU, NY) # get the control and observation operators try: b_mat = dou.load_spa(ddir + contsetupstr + '__b_mat') u_masmat = dou.load_spa(ddir + contsetupstr + '__u_masmat') print 'loaded `b_mat`' except IOError: print 'computing `b_mat`...' b_mat, u_masmat = cou.get_inp_opa(cdcoo=femp['cdcoo'], V=femp['V'], NU=NU, xcomp=uspacedep) dou.save_spa(b_mat, ddir + contsetupstr + '__b_mat') dou.save_spa(u_masmat, ddir + contsetupstr + '__u_masmat') try: mc_mat = dou.load_spa(ddir + contsetupstr + '__mc_mat') y_masmat = dou.load_spa(ddir + contsetupstr + '__y_masmat') print 'loaded `c_mat`' except IOError: print 'computing `c_mat`...' mc_mat, y_masmat = cou.get_mout_opa(odcoo=femp['odcoo'], V=femp['V'], NY=NY) dou.save_spa(mc_mat, ddir + contsetupstr + '__mc_mat') dou.save_spa(y_masmat, ddir + contsetupstr + '__y_masmat') # restrict the operators to the inner nodes mc_mat = mc_mat[:, invinds][:, :] b_mat = b_mat[invinds, :][:, :] c_mat = lau.apply_massinv(y_masmat, mc_mat, output='sparse') # TODO: right choice of norms for y # and necessity of regularization here # by now, we go on number save # the pressure observation mean over a small domain if problemname == 'cylinderwake': podcoo = dict(xmin=0.6, xmax=0.64, ymin=0.18, ymax=0.22) elif problemname == 'drivencavity': podcoo = dict(xmin=0.45, xmax=0.55, ymin=0.7, ymax=0.8) else: podcoo = femp['odcoo'] # description of the control and observation domains dmd = femp['cdcoo'] xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = dmd['xmin'], dmd['xmax'], dmd['ymin'], dmd['ymax'] velcondomstr = 'vel control domain: [{0}, {1}]x[{2}, {3}]\n'.\ format(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) dmd = femp['odcoo'] xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = dmd['xmin'], dmd['xmax'], dmd['ymin'], dmd['ymax'] velobsdomstr = 'vel observation domain: [{0}, {1}]x[{2}, {3}]\n'.\ format(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) dmd = podcoo xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = dmd['xmin'], dmd['xmax'], dmd['ymin'], dmd['ymax'] pobsdomstr = 'pressure observation domain: [{0}, {1}]x[{2}, {3}]\n'.\ format(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) pcmat = cou.get_pavrg_onsubd(odcoo=podcoo, Q=femp['Q'], ppin=None) cdatstr = snu.get_datastr_snu(time=None, meshp=N, nu=nu, Nts=None) (coors, xinds, yinds, corfunvec) = dts.get_dof_coors(femp['V'], invinds=invinds) ctrl_visu_str = \ ' the (distributed) control setup is as follows \n' +\ ' B maps into the domain of control -' +\ velcondomstr +\ ' the first half of the columns' +\ 'actuate in x-direction, the second in y direction \n' +\ ' Cv measures averaged velocities in the domain of observation' +\ velobsdomstr +\ ' Cp measures the averaged pressure' +\ ' in the domain of pressure observation: ' +\ pobsdomstr +\ ' the first components are in x, the last in y-direction \n\n' +\ ' Visualization: \n\n' +\ ' `coors` -- array of (x,y) coordinates in ' +\ ' the same order as v[xinds] or v[yinds] \n' +\ ' `xinds`, `yinds` -- indices of x and y components' +\ ' of v = [vx, vy] -- note that indexing starts with 0\n' +\ ' for testing use corfunvec wich is the interpolant of\n' +\ ' f(x,y) = [x, y] on the grid \n\n' +\ 'Created in `` ' +\ '(see at\n' +\"%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y") if bccontrol and problemname == 'cylinderwake' and linear_system: ctrl_visu_str = \ ('the boundary control is realized via penalized robin \n' + 'boundary conditions, cf. e.g. [Hou/Ravindran `98], \n' + 'with predefined shape functions for the cylinder wake \n' + 'and the penalization parameter `palpha`={0}.').format(palpha) +\ ctrl_visu_str if linear_system: convc_mat, rhs_con, rhsv_conbc = \ snu.get_v_conv_conts(prev_v=v_ss_nse, invinds=invinds, V=femp['V'], diribcs=femp['diribcs']) # TODO: omg if bccontrol: f_mat = -Arob - convc_mat else: f_mat = -stokesmatsc['A'] - convc_mat infostr = 'These are the coefficient matrices of the linearized ' +\ 'Navier-Stokes Equations \n for the ' +\ problemname + ' to be used as \n\n' +\ ' $M \\dot v = Av + J^Tp + Bu$ and $Jv = 0$ \n\n' +\ ' the Reynoldsnumber is computed as L/nu \n' +\ ' Note this is the reduced system for the velocity update\n' +\ ' caused by the control, i.e., no boundary conditions\n' +\ ' or inhomogeneities here. To get the actual flow, superpose \n' +\ ' the steadystate velocity solution `v_ss_nse` \n\n' +\ ctrl_visu_str matstr = (mddir + problemname + '__mats_N{0}_Re{1}').format(NV, Re) if bccontrol: matstr = matstr + '__penarob_palpha{0}'.format(palpha) matstr, dict(A=f_mat, M=stokesmatsc['M'], nu=femp['nu'], Re=femp['Re'], J=stokesmatsc['J'], B=b_mat, C=c_mat, Cp=pcmat, Brob=Brob, v_ss_nse=v_ss_nse, info=infostr, contsetupstr=contsetupstr, datastr=cdatstr, coors=coors, xinds=xinds, yinds=yinds, corfunvec=corfunvec)) print('matrices saved to ' + matstr) elif refree: hstr = ddir + problemname + '_N{0}_hmat'.format(N) try: hmat = dou.load_spa(hstr) print 'loaded `hmat`' except IOError: print 'assembling hmat ...' hmat = dts.ass_convmat_asmatquad(W=femp['V'], invindsw=invinds) dou.save_spa(hmat, hstr) zerv = np.zeros((NV, 1)) bc_conv, bc_rhs_conv, rhsbc_convbc = \ snu.get_v_conv_conts(prev_v=zerv, V=femp['V'], invinds=invinds, diribcs=femp['diribcs'], Picard=False) # diff_mat = stokesmatsc['A'] # bcconv_mat = bc_conv # fv_bcdiff = fv_stbc # fv_bcconv = - bc_rhs_conv fv = fvc fp = fpc # fp_bc = fp_stbc infostr = 'These are the coefficient matrices of the quadratic ' +\ 'formulation of the Navier-Stokes Equations \n for the ' +\ problemname + ' to be used as \n\n' +\ ' $M \\dot v + Av + H*kron(v,v) + J^Tp = Bu + fv$ \n' +\ ' and $Jv = fp$ \n\n' +\ ' the Reynoldsnumber is computed as L/nu \n' +\ ' note that `A` contains the diffusion and the linear term \n' +\ ' that comes from the dirichlet boundary values \n' +\ ' as initial value one can use the provided steady state \n' +\ ' Stokes solution \n' +\ ' see' +\ ' master/tests/ for appl example\n' +\ ctrl_visu_str mddir + problemname + 'quadform__mats_N{0}_Re{1}'.format(NV, Re), dict( A=f_mat, M=stokesmatsc['M'], H=-hmat, fv=fv, fp=fp, nu=femp['nu'], Re=femp['Re'], J=stokesmatsc['J'], B=b_mat, Cv=c_mat, Cp=pcmat, info=infostr, # ss_stokes=old_v, contsetupstr=contsetupstr, datastr=cdatstr, coors=coors, xinds=xinds, yinds=yinds, corfunvec=corfunvec)) else: hstr = ddir + problemname + '_N{0}_hmat'.format(N) try: hmat = dou.load_spa(hstr) print 'loaded `hmat`' except IOError: print 'assembling hmat ...' hmat = dts.ass_convmat_asmatquad(W=femp['V'], invindsw=invinds) dou.save_spa(hmat, hstr) zerv = np.zeros((NV, 1)) bc_conv, bc_rhs_conv, rhsbc_convbc = \ snu.get_v_conv_conts(prev_v=zerv, V=femp['V'], invinds=invinds, diribcs=femp['diribcs'], Picard=False) f_mat = -stokesmatsc['A'] - bc_conv l_mat = -bc_conv fv = fv_stbc + fvc - bc_rhs_conv fp = fp_stbc + fpc vp_stokes = lau.solve_sadpnt_smw(amat=A, jmat=J, rhsv=fv_stbc + fvc, rhsp=fp_stbc + fpc) old_v = vp_stokes[:NV] p_stokes = -vp_stokes[NV:] # the pressure was flipped for symmetry infostr = 'These are the coefficient matrices of the quadratic ' +\ 'formulation of the Navier-Stokes Equations \n for the ' +\ problemname + ' to be used as \n\n' +\ ' $M \\dot v = Av + H*kron(v,v) + J^Tp + Bu + fv$ \n' +\ ' and $Jv = fp$ \n\n' +\ ' the Reynoldsnumber is computed as L/nu \n' +\ ' note that `A` contains the diffusion and the linear term `L`\n' +\ ' that comes from the dirichlet boundary values \n' +\ ' for linearizations it might be necessary to consider `A-L` \n' +\ ' as initial value one can use the provided steady state \n' +\ ' Stokes solution \n' +\ ' see' +\ ' master/tests/ for appl example\n' +\ ctrl_visu_str mddir + problemname + 'quadform__mats_N{0}_Re{1}'.format(NV, Re), dict(A=f_mat, M=stokesmatsc['M'], H=-hmat, fv=fv, fp=fp, L=l_mat, nu=femp['nu'], Re=femp['Re'], J=stokesmatsc['J'], B=b_mat, Cv=c_mat, Cp=pcmat, info=infostr, p_ss_stokes=p_stokes, p_ss_nse=p_ss_nse, v_ss_stokes=old_v, v_ss_nse=v_ss_nse, contsetupstr=contsetupstr, datastr=cdatstr, coors=coors, xinds=xinds, yinds=yinds, corfunvec=corfunvec))
def lqgbt(problemname='drivencavity', N=10, Nts=10, nu=1e-2, plain_bt=True, savetomatfiles=False): tip = time_int_params(Nts, nu) problemdict = dict(drivencavity=dnsps.drivcav_fems, cylinderwake=dnsps.cyl_fems) problemfem = problemdict[problemname] femp = problemfem(N) data_prfx = problemname + '__' NU, NY = 3, 4 # specify in what spatial direction Bu changes. The remaining is constant if problemname == 'drivencavity': uspacedep = 0 elif problemname == 'cylinderwake': uspacedep = 1 # output ddir = 'data/' try: os.chdir(ddir) except OSError: raise Warning('need "' + ddir + '" subdir for storing the data') os.chdir('..') stokesmats = dts.get_stokessysmats(femp['V'], femp['Q'], tip['nu']) rhsd_vf = dts.setget_rhs(femp['V'], femp['Q'], femp['fv'], femp['fp'], t=0) # remove the freedom in the pressure stokesmats['J'] = stokesmats['J'][:-1, :][:, :] stokesmats['JT'] = stokesmats['JT'][:, :-1][:, :] rhsd_vf['fp'] = rhsd_vf['fp'][:-1, :] # reduce the matrices by resolving the BCs (stokesmatsc, rhsd_stbc, invinds, bcinds, bcvals) = dts.condense_sysmatsbybcs(stokesmats, femp['diribcs']) # pressure freedom and dirichlet reduced rhs rhsd_vfrc = dict(fpr=rhsd_vf['fp'], fvc=rhsd_vf['fv'][invinds, ]) # add the info on boundary and inner nodes bcdata = {'bcinds': bcinds, 'bcvals': bcvals, 'invinds': invinds} femp.update(bcdata) # casting some parameters NV, DT, INVINDS = len(femp['invinds']), tip['dt'], femp['invinds'] soldict = stokesmatsc # containing A, J, JT soldict.update(femp) # adding V, Q, invinds, diribcs soldict.update(rhsd_vfrc) # adding fvc, fpr soldict.update(fv_stbc=rhsd_stbc['fv'], fp_stbc=rhsd_stbc['fp'], N=N, nu=tip['nu'], nnewtsteps=tip['nnewtsteps'], vel_nwtn_tol=tip['vel_nwtn_tol'], ddir=ddir, get_datastring=None, data_prfx=data_prfx, paraviewoutput=tip['ParaviewOutput'], vfileprfx=tip['proutdir']+'vel_', pfileprfx=tip['proutdir']+'p_') # # compute the uncontrolled steady state Stokes solution # v_ss_nse, list_norm_nwtnupd = snu.solve_steadystate_nse(**soldict) # # Prepare for control # contsetupstr = problemname + '__NV{0}NU{1}NY{2}'.format(NV, NU, NY) # get the control and observation operators try: b_mat = dou.load_spa(ddir + contsetupstr + '__b_mat') u_masmat = dou.load_spa(ddir + contsetupstr + '__u_masmat') print 'loaded `b_mat`' except IOError: print 'computing `b_mat`...' b_mat, u_masmat = cou.get_inp_opa(cdcoo=femp['cdcoo'], V=femp['V'], NU=NU, xcomp=uspacedep) dou.save_spa(b_mat, ddir + contsetupstr + '__b_mat') dou.save_spa(u_masmat, ddir + contsetupstr + '__u_masmat') try: mc_mat = dou.load_spa(ddir + contsetupstr + '__mc_mat') y_masmat = dou.load_spa(ddir + contsetupstr + '__y_masmat') print 'loaded `c_mat`' except IOError: print 'computing `c_mat`...' mc_mat, y_masmat = cou.get_mout_opa(odcoo=femp['odcoo'], V=femp['V'], NY=NY) dou.save_spa(mc_mat, ddir + contsetupstr + '__mc_mat') dou.save_spa(y_masmat, ddir + contsetupstr + '__y_masmat') # restrict the operators to the inner nodes mc_mat = mc_mat[:, invinds][:, :] b_mat = b_mat[invinds, :][:, :] c_mat = lau.apply_massinv(y_masmat, mc_mat, output='sparse') # TODO: right choice of norms for y # and necessity of regularization here # by now, we go on number save # # setup the system for the correction # (convc_mat, rhs_con, rhsv_conbc) = snu.get_v_conv_conts(prev_v=v_ss_nse, invinds=invinds, V=femp['V'], diribcs=femp['diribcs']) f_mat = - stokesmatsc['A'] - convc_mat cdatstr = snu.get_datastr_snu(time=None, meshp=N, nu=tip['nu'], Nts=None, dt=None) if savetomatfiles: import datetime import (coors, xinds, yinds, corfunvec) = dts.get_dof_coors(femp['V'], invinds=invinds) infostr = 'These are the coefficient matrices of the linearized ' +\ 'Navier-Stokes Equations \n for the ' +\ problemname + ' to be used as \n\n' +\ ' $M \\dot v = Av + J^Tp + Bu$ and $Jv = 0$ \n\n' +\ ' the Reynoldsnumber is computed as L/nu \n' +\ ' Note that this is the reduced system for the velocity update\n' +\ ' caused by the control, i.e., no boundary conditions\n' +\ ' or inhomogeneities here. To get the actual flow, superpose \n' +\ ' the steadystate velocity solution `v_ss_nse` \n\n' +\ ' the control setup is as follows \n' +\ ' B maps into the domain of control - the first half of the colums' +\ 'actuate in x-direction, the second in y direction \n' +\ ' C measures averaged velocities in the domain of observation' +\ ' the first components are in x, the last in y-direction \n\n' +\ ' Visualization: \n\n' +\ ' `coors` -- array of (x,y) coordinates in ' +\ ' the same order as v[xinds] or v[yinds] \n' +\ ' `xinds`, `yinds` -- indices of x and y components' +\ ' of v = [vx, vy] -- note that indexing starts with 0\n' +\ ' for testing use corfunvec wich is the interpolant of\n' +\ ' f(x,y) = [x, y] on the grid \n\n' +\ 'Created in `` ' +\ '(see at\n' +\"%I:%M%p on %B %d, %Y") mddir = '/afs/' if problemname == 'cylinderwake': charlen = 0.15 # diameter of the cylinder Re = charlen/nu elif problemname == 'drivencavity': Re = nu else: Re = nu + problemname + '__mats_N{0}_Re{1}'.format(NV, Re), dict(A=f_mat, M=stokesmatsc['M'], nu=nu, Re=Re, J=stokesmatsc['J'], B=b_mat, C=c_mat, v_ss_nse=v_ss_nse, info=infostr, contsetupstr=contsetupstr, datastr=cdatstr, coors=coors, xinds=xinds, yinds=yinds, corfunvec=corfunvec)) return