def gauss_hermite_nodes(orders, sigma, mu=None):

    if isinstance(orders, int):
        orders = [orders]

    import numpy

    if mu is None:
        mu = numpy.array([0] * sigma.shape[0])

    herms = [hermgauss(i) for i in orders]

    points = [h[0] * numpy.sqrt(2) for h in herms]
    weights = [h[1] / numpy.sqrt(numpy.pi) for h in herms]

    if len(orders) == 1:
        return [numpy.array(points) * sigma, weights[0]]

    x = cartesian(points).T

    from functools import reduce
    w = reduce(numpy.kron, weights)

    C = numpy.linalg.cholesky(sigma)

    x = numpy.dot(C, x) + mu[:, numpy.newaxis]

    return [x, w]
def gauss_hermite_nodes(orders, sigma, mu=None):

    if isinstance(orders, int):
        orders = [orders]

    import numpy

    if mu is None:
        mu = numpy.array( [0]*sigma.shape[0] )

    herms = [hermgauss(i) for i in orders]

    points = [ h[0]*numpy.sqrt(2) for h in herms]
    weights = [ h[1]/numpy.sqrt( numpy.pi) for h in herms]

    if len(orders) == 1:
        return [numpy.array(points)*sigma, weights[0]]

    x = cartesian( points).T

    from functools import reduce
    w = reduce( numpy.kron, weights)

    C = numpy.linalg.cholesky(sigma)

    x = numpy.dot(C, x) + mu[:,numpy.newaxis]

    return [x,w]
 def __init__(self, smin, smax, l):
     from dolo.numeric.interpolation.smolyak import SmolyakGrid
     sg = SmolyakGrid(smin,smax,l)
     self.smin = array(smin)
     self.smax = array(smax)
     self.bounds = row_stack([smin,smax])
     vertices = cartesian( zip(smin,smax) ).T
     self.grid = column_stack( [sg.grid, vertices] )
 def __init__(self, smin, smax, l):
     from dolo.numeric.interpolation.smolyak import SmolyakGrid
     sg = SmolyakGrid(smin, smax, l)
     self.smin = array(smin)
     self.smax = array(smax)
     self.bounds = row_stack([smin, smax])
     vertices = cartesian(zip(smin, smax)).T
     self.grid = column_stack([sg.grid, vertices])
    def __init__(self, smin,smax,orders):


        from dolo.numeric.misc import cartesian

        grid = cartesian( [numpy.linspace(self.smin[i], self.smax[i], self.orders[i]) for i in range(self.d)] ).T
        self.grid = numpy.ascontiguousarray(grid)
def product_iid(iids: List[DiscretizedIIDProcess])->DiscretizedIIDProcess:

    from dolo.numeric.misc import cartesian

    nn = [len(f.integration_weights) for f in iids]

    cart = cartesian([range(e) for e in nn])

    nodes = np.concatenate([f.integration_nodes[cart[:,i],:] for i,f in enumerate(iids)], axis=1)
    weights = iids[0].integration_weights
    for f in iids[1:]:
        weights = np.kron(weights, f.integration_weights)

    return DiscretizedIIDProcess(nodes, weights)
def product_iid(iids: List[FiniteDistribution])->FiniteDistribution:

    from dolo.numeric.misc import cartesian

    nn = [len(f.weights) for f in iids]

    cart = cartesian([range(e) for e in nn])

    nodes = np.concatenate([f.points[cart[:,i],:] for i,f in enumerate(iids)], axis=1)
    weights = iids[0].weights
    for f in iids[1:]:
        weights = np.kron(weights, f.weights)

    return FiniteDistribution(nodes, weights)
def gauss_hermite_nodes(orders, sigma, mu=None):

    if isinstance(orders, int):
        orders = [orders]

    import numpy

    sigma = sigma.copy()

    if mu is None:
        mu = numpy.array([0] * sigma.shape[0])

    herms = [hermgauss(i) for i in orders]

    points = [h[0] * numpy.sqrt(2) for h in herms]
    weights = [h[1] / numpy.sqrt(numpy.pi) for h in herms]

    if len(orders) == 1:
        x = numpy.array(points) * sigma
        w = weights[0]
        return [x.T, w]

        x = cartesian(points).T

        from functools import reduce

        w = reduce(numpy.kron, weights)

        zero_columns = numpy.where(sigma.sum(axis=0) == 0)[0]
        for i in zero_columns:
            sigma[i, i] = 1.0

        C = numpy.linalg.cholesky(sigma)

        x = numpy.dot(C, x) + mu[:, numpy.newaxis]

        x = numpy.ascontiguousarray(x.T)

        for i in zero_columns:
            x[:, i] = 0

        return [x, w]
def gauss_hermite_nodes(orders, sigma, mu=None):

    if isinstance(orders, int):
        orders = [orders]

    import numpy

    sigma = sigma.copy()

    if mu is None:
        mu = numpy.array([0] * sigma.shape[0])

    herms = [hermgauss(i) for i in orders]

    points = [h[0] * numpy.sqrt(2) for h in herms]
    weights = [h[1] / numpy.sqrt(numpy.pi) for h in herms]

    if len(orders) == 1:
        x = numpy.array(points) * sigma
        w = weights[0]
        return [x.T, w]

        x = cartesian(points).T

        from functools import reduce
        w = reduce(numpy.kron, weights)

        zero_columns = numpy.where(sigma.sum(axis=0) == 0)[0]
        for i in zero_columns:
            sigma[i, i] = 1.0

        C = numpy.linalg.cholesky(sigma)

        x = numpy.dot(C, x) + mu[:, numpy.newaxis]

        x = numpy.ascontiguousarray(x.T)

        for i in zero_columns:
            x[:, i] = 0

        return [x, w]
def gauss_hermite_nodes(orders, sigma, mu=None):
    Computes the weights and nodes for Gauss Hermite quadrature.

    orders : int, list, array
        The order of integration used in the quadrature routine
    sigma : array-like
        If one dimensional, the variance of the normal distribution being
        approximated. If multidimensional, the variance-covariance matrix of
        the multivariate normal process being approximated.

    x : array
        Quadrature nodes
    w : array
        Quadrature weights
    if isinstance(orders, int):
        orders = [orders]

    import numpy

    if mu is None:
        mu = numpy.array([0] * sigma.shape[0])

    herms = [hermgauss(i) for i in orders]

    points = [h[0] * numpy.sqrt(2) for h in herms]
    weights = [h[1] / numpy.sqrt(numpy.pi) for h in herms]

    if len(orders) == 1:
        # Note: if sigma is 2D, x will always be 2D, even if sigma is only 1x1.
        # print(points.shape)
        x = numpy.array(points[0]) * numpy.sqrt(float(sigma))
        if sigma.ndim == 2:
            x = x[:, None]
        w = weights[0]
        return [x, w]

        x = cartesian(points).T

        from functools import reduce
        w = reduce(numpy.kron, weights)

        zero_columns = numpy.where(sigma.sum(axis=0) == 0)[0]
        for i in zero_columns:
            sigma[i, i] = 1.0

        C = numpy.linalg.cholesky(sigma)

        x = numpy.dot(C, x) + mu[:, numpy.newaxis]

        x = numpy.ascontiguousarray(x.T)

        for i in zero_columns:
            x[:, i] = 0

        return [x, w]