def test_exclude_expansion():
    # test that we can use --exclude-expansion or
    # --exclude-expansions, that we can have multiple
    # items with a single flag, that * syntax
    # works, that we can use either the
    # cardset tag or name, and that capitalization
    # doesn't matter
    options = main.parse_opts([
        "intrigue 2nd*",
        "dominion 2nd edition",
    options = main.clean_opts(options)
    options.data_path = "."
    cards = main.read_card_data(options)
    cards = main.filter_sort_cards(cards, options)
    card_sets = set(x.cardset.lower() for x in cards)
    assert card_sets == {
        "dominion 2nd edition upgrade",
        "intrigue 1st edition",
def test_expansion_description_card_order():
    # test that the expansions cards lists cards
    # in alphabetical order, like they are printed,
    # and that accents don't matter
    options = main.parse_opts([
    options = main.clean_opts(options)
    options.data_path = "."
    cards = main.read_card_data(options)
    cards = main.filter_sort_cards(cards, options)
    card_names = [c.strip() for c in cards[0].description.split("|")]
    # The 26 french card names of the Hinterlands expansion should be sorted as if no accent
    assert len(card_names) == 26
    assert card_names == sorted(
        key=lambda s: "".join(c for c in unicodedata.normalize("NFD", s)
                              if unicodedata.category(c) != "Mn"),
def test_only_type():
    options = main.parse_opts(
    options = main.clean_opts(options)
    options.data_path = "."
    cards = main.read_card_data(options)
    cards = main.filter_sort_cards(cards, options)
    # Total 8 from
    #      Blank:         +5 added in options
    #      Curse:         +1 from base
    #      Action Attack: +2 from Alchemy
    assert len(cards) == 8