class MakeMovie(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.deg_to_rad = math.pi / 180.0

    def run(self, args, parser):
        Load the images from a tub and create a movie from them.

        if args.tub is None:
            print("ERR>> --tub argument missing.")

        conf = os.path.expanduser(args.config)
        if not os.path.exists(conf):
            print("No config file at location: %s. Add --config to specify\
                 location or run from dir containing config.py." % conf)

        self.cfg = dk.load_config(conf)

        if args.type is None and args.model is not None:
            args.type = self.cfg.DEFAULT_MODEL_TYPE
                "Model type not provided. Using default model type from config file"

        if args.salient:
            if args.model is None:
                    "ERR>> salient visualization requires a model. Pass with the --model arg."

            if args.type not in ['linear', 'categorical']:
                    "Model type {} is not supported. Only linear or categorical is supported for salient visualization"

        self.tub = Tub(args.tub)

        start = args.start
        self.end_index = args.end if args.end != -1 else len(self.tub)
        num_frames = self.end_index - start

        # Move to the correct offset
        self.current = 0
        self.iterator = self.tub.__iter__()
        while self.current < start:
            self.current += 1

        self.scale = args.scale
        self.keras_part = None
        self.do_salient = False
        self.user = args.draw_user_input
        if args.model is not None:
            self.keras_part = get_model_by_type(args.type, cfg=self.cfg)
            if args.salient:
                self.do_salient = self.init_salient(self.keras_part.model)

        print('making movie', args.out, 'from', num_frames, 'images')
        clip = mpy.VideoClip(self.make_frame,
                             duration=((num_frames - 1) /
        clip.write_videofile(args.out, fps=self.cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ)

    def draw_user_input(self, record, img):
        Draw the user input as a green line on the image

        import cv2

        user_angle = float(record["user/angle"])
        user_throttle = float(record["user/throttle"])

        height, width, _ = img.shape

        length = height
        a1 = user_angle * 45.0
        l1 = user_throttle * length

        mid = width // 2 - 1

        p1 = tuple((mid - 2, height - 1))
        p11 = tuple(
            (int(p1[0] + l1 * math.cos((a1 + 270.0) * self.deg_to_rad)),
             int(p1[1] + l1 * math.sin((a1 + 270.0) * self.deg_to_rad))))

        # user is green, pilot is blue
        cv2.line(img, p1, p11, (0, 255, 0), 2)

    def draw_model_prediction(self, img):
        query the model for it's prediction, draw the predictions
        as a blue line on the image
        if self.keras_part is None:

        import cv2

        expected = tuple(self.keras_part.get_input_shape()[1:])
        actual = img.shape

        # if model expects grey-scale but got rgb, covert
        if expected[2] == 1 and actual[2] == 3:
            # normalize image before grey conversion
            grey_img = rgb2gray(img)
            actual = grey_img.shape
            img = grey_img.reshape(grey_img.shape + (1, ))

        if expected != actual:
            print("expected input dim", expected, "didn't match actual dim",

        pilot_angle, pilot_throttle = self.keras_part.run(img)
        height, width, _ = img.shape

        length = height
        a2 = pilot_angle * 45.0
        l2 = pilot_throttle * length

        mid = width // 2 - 1

        p2 = tuple((mid + 2, height - 1))
        p22 = tuple(
            (int(p2[0] + l2 * math.cos((a2 + 270.0) * self.deg_to_rad)),
             int(p2[1] + l2 * math.sin((a2 + 270.0) * self.deg_to_rad))))

        # user is green, pilot is blue
        cv2.line(img, p2, p22, (0, 0, 255), 2)

    def draw_steering_distribution(self, img):
        query the model for it's prediction, draw the distribution of steering choices
        from donkeycar.parts.keras import KerasCategorical

        if self.keras_part is None or type(
                self.keras_part) is not KerasCategorical:

        import cv2

        pred_img = normalize_image(img)
        pred_img = pred_img.reshape((1, ) + pred_img.shape)
        angle_binned, _ = self.keras_part.model.predict(pred_img)

        x = 4
        dx = 4
        y = 120 - 4
        iArgMax = np.argmax(angle_binned)
        for i in range(15):
            p1 = (x, y)
            p2 = (x, y - int(angle_binned[0][i] * 100.0))
            if i == iArgMax:
                cv2.line(img, p1, p2, (255, 0, 0), 2)
                cv2.line(img, p1, p2, (200, 200, 200), 2)
            x += dx

    def init_salient(self, model):
        # Utility to search for layer index by name.
        # Alternatively we can specify this as -1 since it corresponds to the last layer.
        first_output_name = None
        for i, layer in enumerate(model.layers):
            if first_output_name is None and "dropout" not in layer.name.lower(
            ) and "out" in layer.name.lower():
                first_output_name = layer.name
                layer_idx = i

        if first_output_name is None:
                "Failed to find the model layer named with 'out'. Skipping salient."
            return False

        print("Visualizing activations on layer:", first_output_name)

        # ensure we have linear activation
        model.layers[layer_idx].activation = activations.linear
        # build salient model and optimizer
        sal_model = utils.apply_modifications(model)
        modifier_fn = get('guided')
        sal_model_mod = modifier_fn(sal_model)
        losses = [(ActivationMaximization(sal_model_mod.layers[layer_idx],
                                          None), -1)]
        self.opt = Optimizer(sal_model_mod.input, losses, norm_grads=False)
        return True

    def compute_visualisation_mask(self, img):
        grad_modifier = 'absolute'
        grads = self.opt.minimize(seed_input=img,
        channel_idx = 1 if K.image_data_format() == 'channels_first' else -1
        grads = np.max(grads, axis=channel_idx)
        res = utils.normalize(grads)[0]
        return res

    def draw_salient(self, img):
        import cv2
        alpha = 0.004
        beta = 1.0 - alpha
        expected = self.keras_part.model.inputs[0].shape[1:]
        actual = img.shape

        # check input depth and convert to grey to match expected model input
        if expected[2] == 1 and actual[2] == 3:
            grey_img = rgb2gray(img)
            img = grey_img.reshape(grey_img.shape + (1, ))

        norm_img = normalize_image(img)
        salient_mask = self.compute_visualisation_mask(norm_img)
        z = np.zeros_like(salient_mask)
        salient_mask_stacked = np.dstack((z, z))
        salient_mask_stacked = np.dstack((salient_mask_stacked, salient_mask))
        blend = cv2.addWeighted(img.astype('float32'), alpha,
                                salient_mask_stacked, beta, 0.0)
        return blend

    def make_frame(self, t):
        Callback to return an image from from our tub records.
        This is called from the VideoClip as it references a time.
        We don't use t to reference the frame, but instead increment
        a frame counter. This assumes sequential access.

        if self.current >= self.end_index:
            return None

        rec = self.iterator.next()
        img_path = os.path.join(self.tub.images_base_path,
        image = img_to_arr(Image.open(img_path))

        if self.do_salient:
            image = self.draw_salient(image)
            image = image * 255
            image = image.astype('uint8')

        if self.user: self.draw_user_input(rec, image)
        if self.keras_part is not None:

        if self.scale != 1:
            import cv2
            h, w, d = image.shape
            dsize = (w * self.scale, h * self.scale)
            image = cv2.resize(image,

        self.current += 1
        # returns a 8-bit RGB array
        return image
class MakeMovie(object):
    def run(self, args, parser):
        Load the images from a tub and create a movie from them.
        global cfg

        if args.tub is None:
            print("ERR>> --tub argument missing.")

        conf = os.path.expanduser(args.config)
        if not os.path.exists(conf):
            print("No config file at location: %s. Add --config to specify\
                 location or run from dir containing config.py." % conf)

        cfg = dk.load_config(conf)

        if args.type is None and args.model is not None:
            args.type = cfg.DEFAULT_MODEL_TYPE
                "Model type not provided. Using default model type from config file"

        if args.salient:
            if args.model is None:
                    "ERR>> salient visualization requires a model. Pass with the --model arg."

            #if args.type not in ['linear', 'categorical']:
            #    print("Model type {} is not supported. Only linear or categorical is supported for salient visualization".format(args.type))
            #    parser.print_help()
            #    return

        self.tub = Tub(args.tub)

        start = args.start
        self.end_index = args.end if args.end != -1 else len(self.tub)
        num_frames = self.end_index - start

        # Move to the correct offset
        self.current = 0
        self.iterator = self.tub.__iter__()
        while self.current < start:
            self.current += 1

        self.scale = args.scale
        self.keras_part = None
        self.do_salient = False
        self.user = args.draw_user_input
        self.pilot_angle = 0.0
        self.pilot_throttle = 0.0
        self.pilot_score = 1.0  # used for color intensity
        self.user_angle = 0.0
        self.user_throttle = 0.0
        self.control_score = 0.25  # used for control size
        self.flag_test_pilot_angle = 1
        self.flag_test_pilot_throttle = 1
        self.flag_test_user_angle = 1
        self.flag_test_user_throttle = 1
        self.throttle_circle_pilot_angle = 0
        self.throttle_circle_user_angle = 0
        self.is_test = False
        self.last_pilot_throttle = 0.0  # used for color transparency
        self.last_user_throttle = 0.0  # used for color transparency
        self.pilot_throttle_trans = 1.0  # used for color transparency
        self.user_throttle_trans = 1.0  # used for color transparency
        self.pilot_throttle_trans_rate = 0.25  # used for color transparency
        self.user_throttle_trans_rate = 0.25  # used for color transparency

        if args.model is not None:
            self.keras_part = get_model_by_type(args.type, cfg=cfg)
            if args.salient:
                self.do_salient = self.init_salient(

        print('making movie', args.out, 'from', num_frames, 'images')
        clip = mpy.VideoClip(self.make_frame,
                             duration=((num_frames - 1) / cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ))
        clip.write_videofile(args.out, fps=cfg.DRIVE_LOOP_HZ)

    def draw_line_into_image(angle, throttle, is_pred, img, color):
            True: from draw_model_prediction()
            False: from draw_user_input()

        height, width, _ = img.shape
        mid_h = height // 2
        length = height // 4
        a1 = angle * 45.0
        l1 = throttle * length
        mid_w = width // 2 + (-1 if is_pred else +1)

        p1 = tuple((mid_w - 2, mid_h - 1))
        p11 = tuple((int(p1[0] + l1 * math.cos((a1 + 270.0) * DEG_TO_RAD)),
                     int(p1[1] + l1 * math.sin((a1 + 270.0) * DEG_TO_RAD))))

        cv2.line(img, p1, p11, color, 2)

    def get_user_input(self, record, img):
        Get the user input from record
        if self.is_test:
            self.user_angle_a = float(record["user/angle"])
            self.user_throttle_a = float(record["user/throttle"])
            self.user_angle = float(record["user/angle"])
            self.user_throttle = float(record["user/throttle"])

    def get_model_prediction(self, img, salient_image):
        Get the pilot input from model prediction
        if self.keras_part is None:

        #expected = tuple(self.keras_part.get_input_shape()[1:])
        expected = self.keras_part.interpreter.model.inputs[0].shape[1:]
        actual = img.shape

        # if model expects grey-scale but got rgb, covert
        if expected[2] == 1 and actual[2] == 3:
            # normalize image before grey conversion
            grey_img = rgb2gray(img)
            actual = grey_img.shape
            img = grey_img.reshape(grey_img.shape + (1, ))

        if expected != actual:
            print(f"expected input dim {expected} didn't match actual dim "

        if self.is_test:
            self.pilot_angle_a, self.pilot_throttle_a = self.keras_part.run(
            self.pilot_angle, self.pilot_throttle = self.keras_part.run(img)

    def draw_steering_distribution(self, img, salient_image):
        query the model for it's prediction, draw the distribution of
        steering choices
        from donkeycar.parts.keras import KerasCategorical

        if self.keras_part is None or type(
                self.keras_part) is not KerasCategorical:

        pred_img = normalize_image(img)
        pred_img = pred_img.reshape((1, ) + pred_img.shape)
        angle_binned, _ = self.keras_part.interpreter.predict(pred_img)

        x = 4
        dx = 4
        y = cfg.IMAGE_H - 4
        iArgMax = np.argmax(angle_binned)
        for i in range(15):
            p1 = (x, y)
            p2 = (x, y - int(angle_binned[0][i] * 100.0))
            if i == iArgMax:
                cv2.line(salient_image, p1, p2, (255, 0, 0), 2)
                cv2.line(salient_image, p1, p2, (200, 200, 200), 2)
            x += dx

    def init_salient(self, model):
        # Utility to search for layer index by name.
        # Alternatively we can specify this as -1 since it corresponds to the last layer.
        self.output_names = []

        for i, layer in enumerate(model.layers):
            if "dropout" not in layer.name.lower(
            ) and "out" in layer.name.lower():
                self.output_names += [layer.name]

        if len(self.output_names) == 0:
                "Failed to find the model layer named with 'out'. Skipping salient."
            return False

        print("Visualizing activations on layer:", *self.output_names)

        # Create Saliency object.
        # If `clone` is True(default), the `model` will be cloned,
        # so the `model` instance will be NOT modified, but it takes a machine resources.
        self.saliency = Saliency(model,
        # Create GradCAM++ object, Just only repalce class name to "GradcamPlusPlus"
        self.gradcampp = GradcamPlusPlus(model,

        return True

    def draw_gradcam_pp(self, img):

        x = preprocess_input(img, mode='tf')

        # Generate heatmap with GradCAM++
        salient_map = self.gradcampp(
            penultimate_layer=-1,  # model.layers number

        return self.draw_mask(img, salient_map)

    def draw_salient(self, img):
        # https://github.com/keras-team/keras-applications/blob/master/keras_applications/imagenet_utils.py
        x = preprocess_input(img, mode='tf')

        # Generate saliency map with smoothing that reduce noise by adding noise
        salient_map = self.saliency(self.loss, x)
        return self.draw_mask(img, salient_map)

    def draw_mask(self, img, salient_map):
        if salient_map[0].size != cfg.IMAGE_W * cfg.IMAGE_H:
            print("salient size failed.")

        salient_map = salient_map[0]
        salient_map = salient_map * 255
        salient_mask = cv2.cvtColor(salient_map, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
        salient = cv2.applyColorMap(salient_map.astype('uint8'),
        salient = cv2.applyColorMap(salient, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
        salient = cv2.bitwise_and(salient, salient_mask.astype('uint8'))

        blend = cv2.addWeighted(img, 1.0, salient, 1.0, 0.0)

        return blend

    def make_frame(self, t):
        Callback to return an image from from our tub records.
        This is called from the VideoClip as it references a time.
        We don't use t to reference the frame, but instead increment
        a frame counter. This assumes sequential access.

        if self.current >= self.end_index:
            return None

        rec = self.iterator.next()
        img_path = os.path.join(self.tub.images_base_path,
        camera_image = img_to_arr(Image.open(img_path))

        salient_image = None
        if self.do_salient:
            salient_image = self.draw_salient(camera_image)
            #salient_image = self.draw_gradcam_pp(camera_image)
            salient_image = salient_image.astype('uint8')
        if salient_image is None:
            salient_image = camera_image
        # resize
        if self.scale != 1:
            h, w, d = salient_image.shape
            dsize = (w * self.scale, h * self.scale)
            salient_image = cv2.resize(salient_image,

        # draw control
        if self.keras_part is not None:
            self.get_model_prediction(camera_image, salient_image)
            self.draw_steering_distribution(camera_image, salient_image)
        if self.user: self.get_user_input(rec, salient_image)
        salient_image = self.draw_control_into_image(salient_image)
        # left upper text
        display_str = []
        display_str.append(f"pilot_angle: {self.pilot_angle:.2f}")
        display_str.append(f"pilot_throttle: {self.pilot_throttle:.2f}")
        self.draw_text(salient_image, display_str)

        self.current += 1
        # returns a 8-bit RGB array
        return salient_image

    def model_modifier(self, m):
        m.layers[-1].activation = tf.keras.activations.linear

    def loss(self, output):
        return (output[0])

    def draw_control_into_image(self, img):
        self.pilot_score = np.random.default_rng().uniform(low=0.2, high=1.0)
        self.pilot_throttle = np.random.default_rng().uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0)
        self.pilot_angle = np.random.default_rng().uniform(low=-1.0, high=1.0)
        if self.is_test:
            if self.pilot_angle >= 1.0:
                self.flag_test_pilot_angle = -0.1
            elif self.pilot_angle <= -1.0:
                self.flag_test_pilot_angle = +0.1
            self.pilot_angle += self.flag_test_pilot_angle

            if self.pilot_throttle >= 1.0:
                self.flag_test_pilot_throttle = -0.01
            elif self.pilot_throttle <= -1.0:
                self.flag_test_pilot_throttle = +0.01
            self.pilot_throttle += self.flag_test_pilot_throttle

            if self.user_angle >= 1.0:
                self.flag_test_user_angle = -0.05
            elif self.user_angle <= -1.0:
                self.flag_test_user_angle = +0.05
            self.user_angle += self.flag_test_user_angle

            if self.user_throttle >= 1.0:
                self.flag_test_user_throttle = -0.02
            elif self.user_throttle <= -1.0:
                self.flag_test_user_throttle = +0.02
            self.user_throttle += self.flag_test_user_throttle

            #self.control_score = abs(self.pilot_throttle/4*3) + 0.25

        height, width, _ = img.shape
        y = height // 2
        x = width // 2

        # prepare ellipse mask
        r_base = 6.0
        r_mask = int(height // r_base)
        white = np.ones_like(img) * 255
        ellipse = np.zeros_like(img)

        r_pilot = int(height // r_base + (height // 3.1) * self.control_score)
        r_user = int(height // r_base + (height // 6.2) * self.control_score)

        pilot_trans, user_trans = self.trans_make()

        # draw pilot control
        green = (0, int(255 * pilot_trans), 0)  # green for reverse
        blue = (0, 0, int(255 * pilot_trans))  # blue for reverse
        self.draw_ellipse(self.pilot_angle, self.pilot_throttle, x, y, r_pilot,
                          ellipse, green, blue)

        pilot_circle_mask = cv2.circle(
            white, (int(x), int(y)),
            int(r_user + (height // 10) * self.control_score), (0, 0, 0),
        # pilot mask
        ellipse = cv2.bitwise_and(ellipse, pilot_circle_mask)

        # draw user control
        green = (0, int(255 * user_trans), 0)  # green for reverse
        blue = (0, 0, int(255 * user_trans))  # blue for reverse
        orange = (255, 69, 0)  # orange for reverse
        self.draw_ellipse(self.user_angle, self.user_throttle, x, y, r_user,
                          ellipse, green, blue)
        white = np.ones_like(img) * 255

        user_circle_mask = cv2.circle(
            white, (int(x), int(y)),
            int(r_mask + (height // 10) * self.control_score), (0, 0, 0),
        # user mask
        ellipse = cv2.bitwise_and(ellipse, user_circle_mask)

        # draw circle
        color1 = (0, 0, 215)
        color2 = (0, 25, 78)
        color3 = (0, 255, 215)
        cv2.circle(ellipse, (int(x), int(y)), int(r_pilot), color1, 1)
        cv2.circle(ellipse, (int(x), int(y)), int(r_user), color2, 1)
        cv2.circle(ellipse, (int(x), int(y)), int(r_mask), color3, 1)

        # draw dot circle
        ellipse = self.draw_dot_circle2(ellipse, x, y,
                                        r_pilot + 1 + self.scale // 4,
                                        1 + self.scale // 4, (0, 255, 218), -1,
                                        4 * self.scale, self.pilot_throttle,
        ellipse = self.draw_dot_circle2(ellipse, x, y,
                                        r_user + 1 + self.scale // 4,
                                        1 + self.scale // 4, (0, 255, 218), -1,
                                        4 * self.scale, self.user_throttle,

        # draw speed meter
        #self.draw_analog_meter(ellipse, self.pilot_speed)
        self.draw_analog_direction_meter(ellipse, self.pilot_angle,
        ellipse = self.draw_digital_meter(ellipse,
                                          r_mask - (2 + self.scale // 4),
                                          self.pilot_throttle, 18 * self.scale,
        ellipse = self.draw_digital_meter(
            ellipse, r_mask - (2 + self.scale // 4) * 2 -
            (width // 10) * self.control_score, self.user_throttle,
            12 * self.scale, user_trans)

        #self.draw_analog_meter(ellipse, -0.75)
        #print(f"r_pilot: {r_pilot}")
        # draw stripe circle
        if self.pilot_throttle >= 0:
            flag_pilot_throttle = 1
            add_pilot_deg = 180
            flag_pilot_throttle = -1
            add_pilot_deg = 0
        if self.user_throttle >= 0:
            flag_user_throttle = 1
            add_user_deg = 180
            flag_user_throttle = -1
            #add_user_deg = 0
            add_user_deg = 180
        p1 = (x,y-flag_pilot_throttle*r_pilot)
        p2 = (x,y+flag_pilot_throttle*y//10)
        red = (255,0,0)
        pts = self.points_rotation([p1,p2], center=(x,y), degrees=flag_pilot_throttle*self.pilot_angle*90)
        cv2.line(ellipse, pts[0], pts[1], red, 2)
        cv2.line(ellipse, p1, p2, red, 2)
        red = (255, 0, 0)
        #self.draw_arc_center_line(ellipse, x,y,r_pilot+1+(height//40),r_user+(height//20)*self.control_score, red, 2, degrees=flag_pilot_throttle*self.pilot_angle*90+add_pilot_deg)
            r_user + 1 + (height // 40),
            r_mask + (height // 20) * self.control_score,
            degrees=flag_user_throttle * self.user_angle * 90 + add_user_deg)

        # left upper text
        display_str = []
        display_str.append(f"x: {x}")
        display_str.append(f"y: {y}")
        display_str.append(f"r_pilot: {r_pilot}")
        display_str.append(f"angle: {self.pilot_angle:.2f}")
        display_str.append(f"throttle: {self.pilot_throttle:.2f}")
        self.draw_text(ellipse, display_str)

        # blur
        if self.scale <= 3:
            ellipse = cv2.GaussianBlur(ellipse, (3, 3), 0)
            ellipse = cv2.GaussianBlur(ellipse, (5, 5), 0)

        self.last_pilot_throttle = self.pilot_throttle
        self.last_user_throttle = self.user_throttle

        return cv2.addWeighted(img, 1.0, ellipse, 1.0, 0.0)

    def trans_make(self):
        if self.pilot_throttle != self.last_pilot_throttle:
            if self.pilot_throttle_trans >= 0.8:
                self.pilot_throttle_trans_rate = -0.25
            elif self.pilot_throttle_trans <= 0.3:
                self.pilot_throttle_trans_rate = +0.25
            self.pilot_throttle_trans += self.pilot_throttle_trans_rate
            self.pilot_throttle_trans = 1.0
        if self.user_throttle != self.last_user_throttle:
            if self.user_throttle_trans >= 0.8:
                self.user_throttle_trans_rate = -0.25
            elif self.user_throttle_trans <= 0.3:
                self.user_throttle_trans_rate = +0.25
            self.user_throttle_trans += self.user_throttle_trans_rate
            self.user_throttle_trans = 1.0
        return self.pilot_throttle_trans, self.user_throttle_trans

    def draw_analog_meter(self, img, value):
        height, width, _ = img.shape
        y = height // 2
        x = width // 2

        r_base = 6.0
        r_pilot = int(height // r_base + (height // 3.1) * self.control_score)
        red = (255, 0, 0)

        p1 = (x, y - r_pilot)
        p2 = (x, y + y // 10)
        pts = self.points_rotation([p1, p2],
                                   center=(x, y),
                                   degrees=value * 180 - 90)
        cv2.line(img, tuple(pts[0]), tuple(pts[1]), red, 2)

    def draw_analog_direction_meter(self, img, angle, throttle):
        height, width, _ = img.shape
        y = height // 2
        x = width // 2

        r_base = 6.0
        r_pilot = int(height // r_base + (height // 3.1) * self.control_score)
        red = (255, 0, 0)

        p1 = (x, y - r_pilot)
        p2 = (x, y + y // 10)
        if throttle >= 0:
            flag_throttle = 1
            add_deg = 0
            flag_throttle = -1
            #add_deg = 180
            add_deg = 0

        pts = self.points_rotation([p1, p2],
                                   center=(x, y),
                                   degrees=flag_throttle * angle * 90 +
        cv2.line(img, tuple(pts[0]), tuple(pts[1]), red, 2)

    def draw_arc_center_line(self, img, x, y, r1, r2, color, thickness,
        base_point1 = np.array([0, r1])
        base_point2 = np.array([0, r2])
        rot = self.rot(degrees)
        p1 = np.dot(
            base_point1)  # NEVER DO .astype('uint8'). x,y is more than 255.
        p2 = np.dot(rot, base_point2)
        cv2.line(img, (int(p1[0] + x), int(p1[1] + y)),
                 (int(p2[0] + x), int(p2[1] + y)), color, thickness)

    def color_make(self, value):
        Rainbow color maker.
        value: -1.0 to 1.0

        abs(value) 0.0: blue
        abs(value) 0.5: green
        abs(value) 1.0: red
        value = abs(value)
        if value > 1:
            value = 1

        c = int(255 * value)
        c1 = int(255 * (value * 2 - 0.5))
        c05 = int(255 * value * 2)
        if c > 255:
            c = 255
        elif c < 0:
            c = 0
        if c1 > 255:
            c1 = 255
        elif c1 < 0:
            c1 = 0
        if c05 > 255:
            c05 = 255
        elif c05 < 0:
            c05 = 0

        if 0 <= value and value < 0.5:
            color = (0, c05, 255 - c05)  # blue -> green
        elif 0.5 <= value and value <= 1.0:
            color = (c1, c05 - c1, 0)  # green -> red
        elif 1.0 < value:
            color = (255, 0, 0)  # red

        return color

    def draw_digital_meter(self, img, r_mask, value, num, trans):
        Rainbow digital throttle meter.
        img: image to draw
        r_mask: circumferential radius
        value: -1.0 to 1.0
        num: number of boxes
        trans: when the value is changed, boxes transparency is changed with this value
        if num > 36:
            num = 36
        height, width, _ = img.shape
        y = height // 2
        x = width // 2
        h = (height // 20) * self.control_score
        w = (width // 10) * self.control_score
        base_points = np.array([[r_mask, h / 2], [r_mask, -h / 2],
                                [-w + r_mask, -h / 2], [-w + r_mask, h / 2]])
        dot_angle = 360.0 / num
        center = np.atleast_2d((x, y))
        start_angle = 145

        mask_img = np.zeros_like(img)
        meter_img = np.zeros_like(img)
        self.draw_digital_mask(value, x, y, r_mask, mask_img)

        for i in range(0, num):
            deg = i * dot_angle + start_angle
            box = self.points_rotation(base_points, center=(0, 0), degrees=deg)
            box = ((box.T + center.T).T)
            if i == 0:
                color = (0, 0, 255 * trans)
                if value >= 0:
                    color = self.color_make(i * dot_angle / 270)
                    color = self.color_make((360 - i * dot_angle) / 270)
                color = (color[0] * trans, color[1] * trans, color[2] * trans)
            cv2.fillPoly(meter_img, np.array([box], dtype=np.int32), color)

        meter_img = cv2.bitwise_and(meter_img.astype('uint8'),
        img = cv2.bitwise_or(img, meter_img.astype('uint8'))
        return img

    def draw_dot_circle(self, img, x, y, r, cr, color, thickness, num):
        Draw outer dot circle.
        if num > 36:
            num = 36
        base_point = np.array([r, 0])
        dot_angle = 360.0 / num
        for i in range(0, num):
            deg = i * dot_angle
            rot = self.rot(deg)
            rotated = np.dot(rot, base_point)
            img = cv2.circle(img, (int(rotated[0] + x), int(rotated[1] + y)),
                             cr, color, thickness).astype('uint8')
        return img

    def draw_dot_circle2(self, img, x, y, r, cr, color, thickness, num,
                         throttle, is_pilot):
        Draw outer dot circle.
        This circle rotates according to the throttle.
        if num > 36:
            num = 36
        dot_angle = 360.0 / num
        rot_spd = throttle * dot_angle
        if rot_spd > dot_angle / 2.0:  # rotation speed limit
            rot_spd = dot_angle / 2.0
        elif rot_spd < -dot_angle / 2.0:
            rot_spd = -dot_angle / 2.0
        if is_pilot:
            self.throttle_circle_pilot_angle += rot_spd
            start_angle = self.throttle_circle_pilot_angle
            self.throttle_circle_user_angle += rot_spd
            start_angle = self.throttle_circle_user_angle
        rot = self.rot(start_angle)
        base_point = np.dot(rot, np.array([r, 0]))
        throttle = abs(throttle)
        for i in range(0, num):
            deg = i * dot_angle
            rot = self.rot(deg)
            rotated = np.dot(rot, base_point)

            color = self.color_make(throttle)
            img = cv2.circle(img, (int(rotated[0] + x), int(rotated[1] + y)),
                             cr, color, thickness).astype('uint8')
            #print(f'i: {i}, deg: {deg}, (x,y): ({int(rotated[0]+x),int(rotated[1]+y)})')
        return img

    def rot(self, degrees):
        rad = np.deg2rad(degrees)
        return np.array([[np.cos(rad), -np.sin(rad)],
                         [np.sin(rad), np.cos(rad)]])

    def points_rotation_test(self, pts, center=(0, 0), degrees=0):
        the same as points_rotation()
        res = None
        for pt in pts:
            base_point = np.array([pt[0] - center[0], pt[1] - center[1]])
            rot = self.rot(degrees)
            p = np.dot(rot, base_point)
            p = (int(p[0] + center[0]), int(p[1] + center[1]))
            if res is None:
                res = p
                res = np.vstack((res, p))
        return res

    def points_rotation(self, pts, center=(0, 0), degrees=0):
        This function rotates the polygon coordinates.
        pts: 2D polygon coordinates 
        center: Center coordinates of rotation
        degrees: angle
        R = self.rot(degrees)
        o = np.atleast_2d(center)
        pts = np.atleast_2d(pts)
        return np.squeeze((R @ (pts.T - o.T) + o.T).T).astype(
        )  # 'int16' or more. x,y is larger than 255. cv2.fillPoly required int32

    def draw_ellipse(self, angle, throttle, x, y, r, img, color,
        Draw the outer arc.
        angle_deg = int(throttle * 270)
        if throttle < 0:
            center_deg = +90 + abs(angle_deg / 2)
            color = reverse_color
            center_deg = -90 - abs(angle_deg / 2)

        if throttle < 0:
            angle = angle * -1.0
        rotate_deg = int(angle * 90) + center_deg

        cv2.ellipse(img, (int(x), int(y)), (int(r), int(r)), rotate_deg, 0,
                    angle_deg, color, -1)

    def draw_digital_mask(self, throttle, x, y, r, img):
        throttle: -1.0 to 1.0
        x: x coordinate in the center of the image
        y: y coordinate in the center of the image
        r: radius of arc
        img: mask image
        angle_deg = int(throttle * 270)  # ellipse angle
        rotate_deg = 145  # ellipse start position
        color = (255, 255, 255)
        cv2.ellipse(img, (int(x), int(y)), (int(r), int(r)), rotate_deg, 0,
                    angle_deg, color, -1)

    def draw_text(self, img, display_str=[]):
        """ STATISTICS FONT """
        fontScale = img.shape[0] / 1000.0
        if fontScale < 0.4:
            fontScale = 0.4
        fontThickness = 1 + int(fontScale)
        fontFace = cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX

        max_text_width = 0
        max_text_height = 0
        """ DRAW BLACK BOX AND TEXT """
        [(text_width, text_height),
         baseLine] = cv2.getTextSize(text=display_str[0],
        x_left = int(baseLine)
        y_top = int(baseLine)
        for i in range(len(display_str)):
            [(text_width, text_height),
             baseLine] = cv2.getTextSize(text=display_str[i],
            if max_text_width < text_width:
                max_text_width = text_width
            if max_text_height < text_height:
                max_text_height = text_height
        """ DRAW BLACK BOX """
            img, (x_left - 2, int(y_top)),
            (int(x_left + max_text_width + 2),
             int(y_top + len(display_str) * max_text_height * 1.2 + baseLine)),
            color=(0, 0, 0),
        """ DRAW FPS, TEXT """
        for i in range(len(display_str)):
                        org=(x_left, y_top + int(max_text_height * 1.2 +
                                                 (max_text_height * 1.2 * i))),
                        color=(77, 255, 9))