def results(self): '''Returns results as a JSON encodable Python value. This calls :meth:`SearchEngine.recommendations` and converts the results returned into JSON encodable values. Namely, feature collections are slimmed down to only features that are useful to an end-user. ''' results = self.recommendations() transformed = [] for t in results['results']: if len(t) == 2: cid, fc = t info = {} elif len(t) == 3: cid, fc, info = t else: bottle.abort(500, 'Invalid search result: "%r"' % t) result = info result['content_id'] = cid if not self.params['omit_fc']: result['fc'] = util.fc_to_json(fc) transformed.append(result) results['results'] = transformed return results
def v1_fc_get(visid_to_dbid, store, cid): """Retrieve a single feature collection. The route for this endpoint is: ``/dossier/v1/feature-collections/<content_id>``. This endpoint returns a JSON serialization of the feature collection identified by ``content_id``. """ fc = store.get(visid_to_dbid(cid)) if fc is None: bottle.abort(404, 'Feature collection "%s" does not exist.' % cid) return util.fc_to_json(fc)
def v1_fc_get(visid_to_dbid, store, cid): '''Retrieve a single feature collection. The route for this endpoint is: ``/dossier/v1/feature-collections/<content_id>``. This endpoint returns a JSON serialization of the feature collection identified by ``content_id``. ''' fc = store.get(visid_to_dbid(cid)) if fc is None: bottle.abort(404, 'Feature collection "%s" does not exist.' % cid) return util.fc_to_json(fc)
def v1_fc_put(request, response, store, kvlclient, tfidf, cid): '''Store a single feature collection. The route for this endpoint is: ``PUT /dossier/v1/feature-collections/<content_id>``. ``content_id`` is the id to associate with the given feature collection. The feature collection should be in the request body serialized as JSON. Alternatively, if the request's ``Content-type`` is ``text/html``, then a feature collection is generated from the HTML. The generated feature collection is then returned as a JSON payload. This endpoint returns status ``201`` upon successful storage otherwise. An existing feature collection with id ``content_id`` is overwritten. ''' tfidf = tfidf or None if request.headers.get('content-type', '').startswith('text/html'): url = urllib.unquote(cid.split('|', 1)[1]) fc = etl.create_fc_from_html(url,, tfidf=tfidf)'created FC for %r', cid) store.put([(cid, fc)]) return fc_to_json(fc) else: fc = FeatureCollection.from_dict(json.load(request.body)) keywords = set() for subid in fc: if subid.startswith('subtopic'): ty = subtopic_type(subid) if ty in ('text', 'manual'): # get the user selected string data = typed_subtopic_data(fc, subid) map(keywords.add, cleanse(data).split()) keywords.add(cleanse(data)) folders = Folders(kvlclient) for fid, sid in folders.parent_subfolders(cid): if not isinstance(fid, unicode): fid = fid.decode('utf8') if not isinstance(sid, unicode): sid = sid.decode('utf8') keywords.add(cleanse(fid)) keywords.add(cleanse(sid)) fc[u'keywords'] = StringCounter(keywords) store.put([(cid, fc)]) response.status = 201
def v1_random_fc_get(response, dbid_to_visid, store): """Retrieves a random feature collection from the database. The route for this endpoint is: ``GET /dossier/v1/random/feature-collection``. Assuming the database has at least one feature collection, this end point returns an array of two elements. The first element is the content id and the second element is a feature collection (in the same format returned by :func:`dossier.web.routes.v1_fc_get`). If the database is empty, then a 404 error is returned. Note that currently, this may not be a uniformly random sample. """ # Careful, `store.scan()` would be obscenely slow here... sample = streaming_sample(store.scan_ids(), 1, 1000) if len(sample) == 0: bottle.abort(404, "The feature collection store is empty.") return [dbid_to_visid(sample[0]), util.fc_to_json(store.get(sample[0]))]
def v1_random_fc_get(response, dbid_to_visid, store): '''Retrieves a random feature collection from the database. The route for this endpoint is: ``GET /dossier/v1/random/feature-collection``. Assuming the database has at least one feature collection, this end point returns an array of two elements. The first element is the content id and the second element is a feature collection (in the same format returned by :func:`dossier.web.routes.v1_fc_get`). If the database is empty, then a 404 error is returned. Note that currently, this may not be a uniformly random sample. ''' # Careful, `store.scan()` would be obscenely slow here... sample = streaming_sample(store.scan_ids(), 1, 1000) if len(sample) == 0: bottle.abort(404, 'The feature collection store is empty.') return [dbid_to_visid(sample[0]), util.fc_to_json(store.get(sample[0]))]