def downloadPerFolder(workQueue, endQueue): pattern = re.compile("\.Z$") ftps = ftpHandler.connectFTP_TLS() while True: time.sleep(1) fileDir = workQueue.get() try: fileList = ftps.nlst(fileDir) startTime = time.time() for filename in fileList: if( continue print('Downloading '+filename) downloader.downloadFile(filename, ftps) deltaTime = time.time() - startTime print(fileDir + ' Done in ' + str(deltaTime) + ' seconds') endQueue.get() except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemError): raise except: workQueue.put(fileDir) print ("Unexpected error: ") print(str(sys.exc_info()[0])) print(str(sys.exc_info()[1])) print(str(sys.exc_info()[2])) print(traceback.format_exc()) print('some error on ' + fileDir)
def startDownloader(): for img in imgList: downloadFile(img) textBox.insert(tk.INSERT, "1 file downloaded \n")
def downloadVideo(video, path, quality): dic = {"Sd": "标清", "Hd": "高清", "Shd": "超清", "Share": "标清(包含字幕)"} downloadFile(video["url"], path, video["name"] + " - " + dic[quality] + ".mp4") for subname, url in video["srt"].items(): downloadFile(url, path, video["name"] + " - " + subname + "字幕.srt")
def main(): # Auxiliary Function To Extract Juice From A Book Search Page def getPageJuice(search='None', pageNum='1') -> List[Dict]: """ Extract Page Details for the page <pageNum> corresponding to the search string <search> and returns the extracted details for each book as a list of dictionaries """ soup = searchSoup(search, pageNum) try: imgs = soup.findAll('img') srcs = [img['src'] for img in imgs] refstobookget = [ '' + img.parent['href'].split('=', 1)[1] for img in imgs ] bkldpgsoups = soupipy.getSoups(refstobookget) loaderURIs = [ bkldpgsoup.findAll('a', text='GET')[:][0]['href'] for bkldpgsoup in bkldpgsoups ] except Exception as e: print(e) NUM_RECORDS = len(loaderURIs) print('{} Books Found.'.format(NUM_RECORDS)) NON_EXISTING = -1 imgsrcuris = [ '' + src if src.find('https') is NON_EXISTING else src.split('/covers/', 1)[1] for src in srcs ] bibtexjsonsresultset = soup.findAll('a', text='Link') bibtexjsons = [ '' + bibtexjson['href'] for bibtexjson in bibtexjsonsresultset ] bibtexjsonsoups = soupipy.getSoups(bibtexjsons) bibtexjsonsoupsnuts = [ bibtexjsonsoup.textarea.text.split('\n', 1)[1:][-1][:-1] for bibtexjsonsoup in bibtexjsonsoups ] sizes = soup.findAll('td', text='Size:') FILE_SIZE = 0 EXTENSION = 2 sizesexts = [(size.findNextSiblings()[FILE_SIZE].text, size.findNextSiblings()[EXTENSION].text) for size in sizes] # Extracting sizes and extensions pgnums = [ pg.findNextSiblings()[0].text for pg in soup.findAll('td', text='Pages:') ] FILE_SIZE = 0 EXTENSION = 1 """ """ bibtexjsonsoupsnuts = [(' ' + bibtexjsonsoupsnut.strip() + ',\n size = {},\n extension = {},\n pages = {}'. format('{' + sizesexts[i][FILE_SIZE] + '}', '{' + sizesexts[i][EXTENSION] + '}', '{' + pgnums[i]) + '}').split(',') \ for i, bibtexjsonsoupsnut in enumerate(bibtexjsonsoupsnuts)] """ """ bibtexjsonsoupsnuts = [ ''.join(bibtexjsonsoupsnut).replace('=', '', 1) for bibtexjsonsoupsnut in bibtexjsonsoupsnuts ] pageJuice = [] TITLE = 0 AUTHOR = 1 PUBLISHER = 2 ISBN = 3 YEAR = 4 SERIES = 5 EDITION = 6 VOLUME = 7 URL = 8 SIZE = 9 EXTENSION = 10 PAGES = 11 for i, bibtexjsonsoupsnut in enumerate(bibtexjsonsoupsnuts): record = [ element[element.index('{') + 1:].strip('}') for element in bibtexjsonsoupsnut.split('\n') ] dictRecord = {} dictRecord['Title'] = record[TITLE] dictRecord['Author'] = record[AUTHOR] dictRecord['Pubisher'] = record[PUBLISHER] dictRecord['ISBN'] = record[ISBN] dictRecord['Year'] = record[YEAR] dictRecord['Series'] = record[SERIES] dictRecord['Edition'] = record[EDITION] dictRecord['Volume'] = record[VOLUME] dictRecord['URL'] = record[URL] dictRecord['Size'] = record[SIZE] dictRecord['Extension'] = record[EXTENSION] dictRecord['Pages'] = record[PAGES] dictRecord['Image URL'] = imgsrcuris[i] dictRecord['Book URL'] = loaderURIs[i] pageJuice.append(dictRecord) spdlinksoups = [ soupipy.getSoup(spdlnkget['URL'].replace( '', '')) for spdlnkget in pageJuice ] bookdscrns = [ str(spdlinksoup).split('<td colspan="2">')[-1].split('</td>') [0].replace('<br/>', ' ') + '\n' for spdlinksoup in spdlinksoups ] bookdscrns = [ bookdscrn if bookdscrn.find('<html/>') == -1 else 'Not Found' for bookdscrn in bookdscrns ] spdlnkgeturls = [ catchErr( lambda: spdlinksoup.findAll('a', text='GET')[:][0]['href']) for spdlinksoup in spdlinksoups ] for pgJce, spdlnkgeturl, bookdscrn in zip(pageJuice, spdlnkgeturls, bookdscrns): pgJce['Book URL(Faster)'], pgJce[ 'Book Description'] = spdlnkgeturl, bookdscrn return pageJuice, NUM_RECORDS startCoverRenderer() searchfor = input( 'What Do You Like To Search For?(Search By Title,Author,Pubisher,ISBN and Tags): ' ) pgnum = input('Enter the Page Number To Search: ') print('Juicing......Kindly Wait') pgJce, _ = getPageJuice(searchfor, pgnum) for book in pgJce: imgurl = book['Image URL'] if book['Book URL(Faster)'] is not None: bookurl = book['Book URL(Faster)'] else: bookurl = book['Book URL'] name = book['Title'] author = book['Author'] numOfPgs = book['Pages'] year = book['Year'] size = book['Size'] extension = book['Extension'] description = book['Book Description'] renderCoverImage(imgurl) print('\nDo you want to download this book?') print('Title : {}'.format(name)) print('Author : {}'.format(author)) print('Number of Pages : {}'.format(numOfPgs)) print('Year : {}'.format(year)) print('Size : {}'.format(size)) print('Extention : {}'.format(extension)) print('Description : {}'.format(description)) print() clip.copy(author) # Author name is copied to the system clipboard choice = input('Y/N : ') if choice in ['Y', 'y']: #$sizeinbytes = int(size.split('(')[1].rstrip(')')) print('\nDownloading: {} \n'.format(name + '.' + extension)) dlr.downloadFile(fileURL=bookurl, path=getUserBasePath(appendPath='Desktop'), fileName=name, fileExtension=extension, barStyle='BAR') ringBell() else: continue exitCoverRenderer()