def __init__(self): """ MCache is used to store the A record value of Dozens API Server. """ if Config.USEMEMCACHED is True: = MCache(server = Config.MEMCACHED_SERVER, username = Config.MEMCACHED_USERNAME, password = Config.MEMCACHED_PASSWORD) else: = None self.api = DozensApi()
class IPUpdater(object): def __init__(self): """ MCache is used to store the A record value of Dozens API Server. """ if Config.USEMEMCACHED is True: = MCache(server = Config.MEMCACHED_SERVER, username = Config.MEMCACHED_USERNAME, password = Config.MEMCACHED_PASSWORD) else: = None self.api = DozensApi() def extract_A_records(self, records): """ Extract A record from DNS records. The DNS records is exepected to DozensAPI json format. The count of A records must be 1 or 0. If the count is more than 2, Excexption is generated. When there is A record, this function will return the A record data as DozensAPI json format. When there is not A record, this function will return None. """ a_records = [] for record in records: if record["type"] == "A": a_records.append(record) #Check the results of Arecords if len(a_records) > 1: raise Exception() # "A" record should be a one. elif a_records == []: # No "A" records return None else: return a_records[0] def get_dns_A_record(self, zone_name): """ Retrieve the A record data from DozensAPI server. If you set the config of MEMCACHED true, the A record value is may stored in memcached server. After checking the memcache server, if there is no data in memcached server, this function retrieve the A record data from DozensDNS server and store the result to memcached. """ a_record = None a_record = self._get_cache(zone_name) # check memcached server if a_record is not None: return a_record r = self.api.get_records(zone_name) # Retrive A record from Dozens a_record = self.extract_A_records(r["record"]) if a_record is not None: self._set_cache(zone_name, a_record) return a_record def update_A_record(self, heroku_host_ip, dns_a_record): """ Update A record in Dozens DNS Server. Return the updated A record value as DozensAPI json form. """ r = self.api.post_update_record( record_id = dns_a_record.get('id'), prio = dns_a_record.get('prio'), content = heroku_host_ip, ttl = dns_a_record.get('ttl')) dns_a_record = self.extract_A_records(r["record"]) return dns_a_record def create_A_record(self, heroku_host_ip, domain, ttl): """ Create A record in Dozens DNS Server. Return the updated A record value as DozensAPI json form. """ r = self.api.post_create_record( domain = domain, name = None, record_type = "A", prio = None, content = heroku_host_ip, ttl = ttl) dns_a_record = self.extract_A_records(r["record"]) return dns_a_record def get_heroku_host_ip(self, host): """ Get IP Address by hostname. Hostname is expected to Heroku app name. eg) """ if "" not in host: raise Exception() # host must point to the default heroku domain ipaddr = socket.gethostbyname(host) return ipaddr def ip_update(self, custom_domain, heroku_host): """ Update A records in DozensDNS Server. Check the current IP Address for heroku application. If the current IP is different from the A record's in DNS, this function update the A records in the DozensDNS server. If there is no A record in DozensDNS Server, this function will create new A record in the sever. If there is already A record in the DozensDNS server, this function will update its value. If there is already A record in the DozensDNS server and the A record's value is same as current IP, this function do nothing. """ update_pattern = None resultmsg = "TargetHost:%s Result:" % custom_domain new_dns_a_record = None dns_a_record = self.get_dns_A_record(custom_domain) heroku_host_ip = self.get_heroku_host_ip(heroku_host) #Store A record to Dozens Server if dns_a_record is None: update_pattern = "Create" new_dns_a_record = self.create_A_record(heroku_host_ip, custom_domain, Config.DEFAULT_TTL) elif dns_a_record["content"] != heroku_host_ip: update_pattern = "Update" new_dns_a_record = self.update_A_record(heroku_host_ip, dns_a_record) elif dns_a_record["content"] == heroku_host_ip: update_pattern = "Already updated" new_dns_a_record = dns_a_record #Evaluate and cache the result if new_dns_a_record is not None: resultmsg += "Success.%s%s" % (update_pattern, new_dns_a_record) resultflg = True if update_pattern != "Alread updated": self._set_cache(custom_domain, new_dns_a_record) else: resultmsg += "Fail. %s." % update_pattern resultflg = False return (resultflg, resultmsg) def main(self): """ Update A record's ip Address for all hosts in config. """ results = [] for t in Config.APPHOSTS: custom_domain = t["custom_domain"] heroku_host = t["heroku_host"] result = self.ip_update(custom_domain, heroku_host) results.append(result) return results def _get_cache(self, zone_name): if Config.USEMEMCACHED is False: return None mc_key = Config.CACHE_KEY_PREFIX + zone_name return def _set_cache(self, zone_name, a_record): if Config.USEMEMCACHED is False: return None mc_key = Config.CACHE_KEY_PREFIX + zone_name, a_record, Config.DEFAULT_TTL / 2)