async def yt(self, ctx, *, term: str = ''): l = searchYT(term) # print(l) l = l[:5] menu = PaginatedMenu(ctx) i: YoutubeResult pages = [] for i in l: # embed = discord.Embed( ) # embed.set_thumbnail(url=i.thumbnail[0]) # embed.add_field(name="Views",value=i.views) page = Page(title=i.title[0], description=i.description[0], color=0x00ff00, url=i.url[0]) page.set_image(url=i.thumbnail[0]) page.add_field(name="Views", value=i.views, inline=True) page.add_field(name="duration", value=i.duration, inline=True) page.add_field(name="channel",, inline=True) page.add_field(name="publish time", value=i.publish_time, inline=True) pages.append(page) # await menu.add_pages(pages) menu.show_command_message() await
async def paginated2(self, ctx): data = generate_list_of_random_strings() paginated = split_data(data, 10) # paginate our data in chunks of 10 pages = [] for index, chunk in enumerate(paginated): page = Page(title=f'Page {index + 1} of {len(paginated)}' ) # define our first page for item in chunk: page.add_field( name='Data', value=item) # add each data point to a separate field pages.append(page) menu = PaginatedMenu(ctx) menu.show_command_message() menu.add_pages(pages) await
async def templates2(self, ctx): e1 = Page(description='First page test!') e2 = Page(title='Page 2', description='Second page test!', e2.add_field(name='Example C', value='Example D') e3 = Page(description='Third page test!') e3.add_field(name='Example E', value='Example F') e3.set_footer(text='A defined footer overrides templates!') template = Template( title='Template Example Default Title', description='This is a default description!',, footer={'text': 'This is a templated footer.'}, fields=[ { 'name': 'Template Field A', 'value': 'Templated field description for A.', 'inline': False }, { 'name': 'Template Field B', 'value': 'Templated field description for B.', 'inline': True }, ], field_style=FieldStyle. COMBINE, # this will force our template fields to combine with existing fields field_sort=FieldSort. LAST, # our template fields will always come after existing fields ) menu = PaginatedMenu(ctx) menu.show_command_message() menu.add_pages([e1, e2, e3], template=template) await
async def news(self, ctx): result = getAllNews() menu = PaginatedMenu(ctx) pages = [] # item = n = 2 r = [result[i:i + n] for i in range(0, len(result), n)] # print(r) for p in range(len(r)): items = r[p] page = Page(title=f"Page {p+1} of {len(r)}") # page = Page() for item in items: page.add_field(name=item.title, value=item.description, inline=False) page.add_field(name="Added By", value=item.added_by) page.add_field(name="Time Created", value=item.time_created) pages.append(page) menu.add_pages(pages) menu.show_command_message() menu.set_timeout(20) await
async def templates(self, ctx): e1 = Page(description='First page test!') e2 = Page(title='Page 2', description='Second page test!', e2.add_field(name='Example C', value='Example D') e3 = Page(description='Third page test!') e3.add_field(name='Example E', value='Example F') e3.set_footer(text='A defined footer overrides templates!') template = Template( title='Template Example Default Title', description='This is a default description!',, footer={'text': 'This is a templated footer.'}, ) menu = PaginatedMenu(ctx) menu.show_command_message() menu.add_pages([e1, e2, e3], template=template) await
async def ask(self,ctx, result_limit: typing.Optional[int] = 3, *, term: str=None): embedColour = random.randint(0, 0xffffff) if term!=None: googlequery=term q=googlequery.replace(" ","+") cq=googlequery.replace(" ","%20") searchurl=''+q originurl=''+cq # print(searchurl,q) # The initial embed which shows what you searched for startEmbed = discord.Embed( title ="You asked", description =f'{term} \n [source]({originurl})', colour=embedColour ) startEmbed.set_author(, # print(term) # List which will contain the results results=[] # fetch results from codegrepper async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: async with session.get('', params ={"q":term}) as r : result = await r.json() results=result['answers'] answerEmbed=discord.Embed( title='Answers', colour=embedColour ) # print(len(results),'length') # embed.set_footer(text=f'{ctx.message}') print(len(results)) # If less than 1 result stored, send notFoundEmbed if len(results)<1: notFoundEmbed=discord.Embed( title="Answer Not Found", description=f'''[Search yourself]({searchurl}) \nYou can also contribute to this by installing [codegrepper]( extension and marking an answer when you find it ''', colour=embedColour ) await ctx.send(embed=startEmbed) await ctx.send(embed=notFoundEmbed) # if there is exactly 1 result, send directly instead of using pages elif len(results)==1: print(len(results)) await ctx.send(embed=startEmbed) data=results resultList = [] for i in range(len(data)): # print(i) # print(i['answer']) if i >= result_limit : break j=data[i] ans = j['answer'] lang =j['language'] source=" " source=j['source_url'] print(source,"source") answer=f'```{lang}\n {ans}```' answerEmbed=discord.Embed( # name="name", description=answer, colour=embedColour ) notGotEmbed=discord.Embed( title=":frowning2: Did Not Find Your Answer?", description=f'''[Search yourself]({searchurl}) \nYou can also contribute to this by installing [codegrepper]( extension and marking an answer when you find it ''', colour=embedColour ) await ctx.send(embed=answerEmbed) await ctx.send(embed=notGotEmbed) # if more than or equal to 2 results, make multiple embeds and send a menu elif len(results)>=2: await ctx.send(embed=startEmbed) data=results resultList = [] for i in range(len(data)): # print(i) # print(i['answer']) if i >= result_limit : break j=data[i] ans = j['answer'] lang =j['language'] source=" " source=j['source_url'] print(source,"source") answer=f'```{lang}\n {ans}```' answerEmbed=discord.Embed( # name="name", description=answer, colour=embedColour ) # add the embed to resultList resultList.append(answerEmbed) #await ctx.send(embed=answerEmbed) notGotEmbed=discord.Embed( title=":frowning2: Did Not Find Your Answer?", description=f'''[Search yourself]({searchurl}) \nYou can also contribute to this by installing [codegrepper]( extension and marking an answer when you find it ''', colour=embedColour ) # page related stuff menu = PaginatedMenu(ctx) menu.add_pages(resultList) menu.set_timeout(30) menu.show_command_message() menu.persist_on_close() menu.show_page_numbers() menu.show_skip_buttons() menu.allow_multisession() await print('menu opened') await ctx.send(embed=notGotEmbed) else: pass # if no argument is passed else: noargEmbed=discord.Embed( title="Ask Something, it can't be blank", description=''' something expected `?ask what you want to ask` ''', colour=embedColour ) await ctx.send(embed=noargEmbed)
async def howtoask(self, ctx, page=0, target: discord.Member = None): embedcolour = random.randint(0, 0xffffff) helpEmbed = discord.Embed( title="How to ask", description= "Here is a short explanation on how you should ask a question efficiently:", colour=embedcolour) helpEmbed.set_thumbnail( url= "" ) if target != None: helpEmbed.set_author(name=target, icon_url=target.avatar_url) else: helpEmbed.set_author(, helpEmbed.add_field( name="No Hello", value= "It's alright if you don't greet. You can directly ask your question right away; it saves your's and the other person's time. More on that [here](", ) helpEmbed1 = discord.Embed( title="Asking a Code Related Question", description= """To ask a question on a code, refrain from sending screenshots or photos of the code as they are usually barely visible. Here are two ways you can share your code:""", colour=embedcolour) helpEmbed1.set_thumbnail( url= '' ) helpEmbed1.add_field(name="1. Use an Online Code Sharing Service", value=""" Use these if the code you are sharing is larger than 12 lines. Below are some of the code sharing services that you can use: [GitHub Gist](, [JSfiddle](, [Codepen](, [Pastebin](, [OnlineGDB](, [](, etc""", inline=False) helpEmbed1.add_field( name="2. Use a Code Snippet", value= """Use these when the code you are sharing is less than or about 12 lines. To make a code snippet, encase your code between a pair of 3 backticks \``` Like This \``` So when a code is sent, it will look something like this: ```py # python3 Hello World Program print("Hello World!") ``` You can read more about how Discord's Markdown works [here](""", inline=False) if target != None: helpEmbed1.set_author(name=target, icon_url=target.avatar_url) else: helpEmbed1.set_author(, if target != None: await ctx.send("<@!{}>".format( if page == 1: await ctx.send(embed=helpEmbed) elif page == 2: await ctx.send(embed=helpEmbed1) else: menu = PaginatedMenu(ctx) menu.add_pages([helpEmbed, helpEmbed1]) menu.set_timeout(30) menu.show_command_message() menu.persist_on_close() menu.show_page_numbers() menu.allow_multisession() await
async def corona(self, ctx, *, target_country = None): """Display COVID-19 data from countries or the world Usage: !c !c br !c brazil """ if not target_country: url_td = "" url_yt = "" url_2d = "" country_flag = "" else: url_td = "" + target_country.lower() url_yt = "" + target_country.lower() + "?yesterday=true" url_2d = "" + target_country.lower() + "?twoDaysAgo=true" country_flag = None try: data_today = requests.get(url_td).json() data_yesterday = requests.get(url_yt).json() data_twoDaysAgo = requests.get(url_2d).json() country_flag = country_flag if country_flag else data_today['countryInfo']['flag'] except: await ctx.send("Unable to get information right now. Try again later or contact Cow... idk") return try: title = data_today['country'] except: title = "World" time = int((datetime.utcnow() - datetime.utcfromtimestamp(data_today['updated']/1000)).total_seconds()/60) def create_embed(data, flag, title, day, time): embed = discord.Embed( colour=discord.Colour.purple(), title=title + " Covid-19 " + day, url="") embed.set_thumbnail(url=flag) if time < 1: embed.set_footer(text="Updated less than a min. ago") else: embed.set_footer(text="Updated " + str(time) + "min ago") todayCases = prettify(data['todayCases']) todayDeaths = prettify(data['todayDeaths']) todayRecovered = prettify(data['todayRecovered']) activeCases = millify(data['active'], precision=2) population = millify(data['population'], precision=2) totalCases = millify(data['cases'], precision=2) tests = millify(data['tests'], precision=2) recovered = millify(data['recovered'], precision=2) totalDeaths = millify(data['deaths'], precision=2) embed.add_field(name="<:casesarrow:696516134962462771> New Cases", value=todayCases) embed.add_field(name="<:deathsarrow:696493553697947690> New Deaths", value=todayDeaths) embed.add_field(name="⛑️ New Recoveries", value=todayRecovered) embed.add_field(name="<:totalcases:696506315131846717> Total Cases", value=totalCases + " **({:.2f}%)**".format(calc_percentage(data['cases'], data['population'])) ) embed.add_field(name="<:coronadeaths:696408166988120124> Total Deaths", value=totalDeaths + " **({:.2f}%)**".format(calc_percentage(data['deaths'], data['cases'])) ) embed.add_field(name="<:coronarecovered:696408101078827049> Total Recovered", value=recovered + " **({:.2f}%)**".format(calc_percentage(data['recovered'], data['cases'])) ) embed.add_field(name="<a:coronacases:696408215675732078> Active Cases", value=activeCases + " **({:.2f}%)**".format(calc_percentage(data['active'], data['population'])) ) embed.add_field(name="🧪 Tests", value=tests) embed.add_field(name="<:coronapopulation:813592002293792788> Population", value=population) return embed def calc_percentage(cases, population): percentage = int(cases)/int(population)*100 return percentage embed_today = create_embed(data_today, country_flag, title, "today", time) embed_yesterday = create_embed(data_yesterday, country_flag, title, "yesterday", time) embed_ereyesterday = create_embed(data_twoDaysAgo, country_flag, title, "two days ago", time) menu = PaginatedMenu(ctx) menu.add_pages([embed_today, embed_yesterday, embed_ereyesterday]) menu.set_timeout(60) menu.show_command_message() menu.hide_cancel_button() menu.allow_multisession() menu.set_timeout_page(embed_today) await