    def __init__(self, radgrid: RadialGrid, prec: int) -> None:
        self._dtype = radgrid.dtype
        self._device = radgrid.device

        assert (prec % 2 == 1) and (3 <= prec <= 131),\
            "Precision must be an odd number between 3 and 131"

        # load the Lebedev grid points
        lebedev_dsets = torch.tensor(LebedevLoader.load(prec),
        wphitheta = lebedev_dsets[:, -1]  # (nphitheta)
        phi = lebedev_dsets[:, 0]
        theta = lebedev_dsets[:, 1]

        # get the radial grid
        assert radgrid.coord_type == "radial"
        r = radgrid.get_rgrid().unsqueeze(-1)  # (nr, 1)

        # get the cartesian coordinate
        rsintheta = r * torch.sin(theta)
        x = (rsintheta * torch.cos(phi)).view(-1, 1)  # (nr * nphitheta, 1)
        y = (rsintheta * torch.sin(phi)).view(-1, 1)
        z = (r * torch.cos(theta)).view(-1, 1)
        xyz = torch.cat((x, y, z), dim=-1)  # (nr * nphitheta, ndim)
        self._xyz = xyz

        # calculate the dvolume (integration weights)
        dvol_rad = radgrid.get_dvolume().unsqueeze(-1)  # (nr, 1)
        self._dvolume = (dvol_rad * wphitheta).view(-1)  # (nr * nphitheta)
def test_radial_grid_dvol(grid_integrator, grid_transform):
    ngrid = 40
    dtype = torch.float64
    radgrid = RadialGrid(ngrid, grid_integrator, grid_transform, dtype=dtype)

    dvol = radgrid.get_dvolume()  # (ngrid,)
    rgrid = radgrid.get_rgrid()  # (ngrid, ndim)
    r = rgrid[:, 0]

    # test gaussian integration
    fcn = torch.exp(-r * r * 0.5)  # (ngrid,)
    int1 = (fcn * dvol).sum()
    val1 = 2 * np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) * np.pi
    assert torch.allclose(int1, int1 * 0 + val1)
    def rad_slices(self, atz: int, radgrid: RadialGrid) -> List[slice]:
        ratom = self._radii_list[atz]
        ralphas = self._alphas * ratom
        rgrid = radgrid.get_rgrid().reshape(-1, 1)  # (nr, 1)
        if atz <= 2:  # H & He
            ralphas_i = ralphas[0]
        elif atz <= 10:
            ralphas_i = ralphas[1]
            ralphas_i = ralphas[2]
        # place has value from 0 to 4 (inclusive)
        place = torch.sum(rgrid > ralphas_i, dim=-1)  # (nr,)

        # convert it to slice
        pl, counts = torch.unique_consecutive(place, return_counts=True)
        idx = 0
        res: List[slice] = []
        precs = self._get_precs(atz)
        for i in range(len(precs)):
            c = int(counts[i])
            res.append(slice(idx, idx + c, None))
            idx += c
        return res