def verify(conf, type = 'data', report_file=None):
    HDF file structure verifier.

    conf : str
        configuration file name, including path

    type : str
        a string characterizung the data type (i.e. data_dark, data_white or data), defaulted to 'data'

    report_file : file
        a file where the report will be written, defaulted to None, if no report wanted


    logger, limits, quality_checks, feedback, feedback_pv, report_type = init(conf)

    aggregateq = Queue()
    args = limits[type], aggregateq, quality_checks, feedback, feedback_pv
    feed.feed_data(conf, logger, *args)

    bad_indexes = {}
    aggregate = aggregateq.get()

    if report_file is not None:
        report.report_results(logger, aggregate, type, None, report_file, report_type)
    report.add_bad_indexes(aggregate, type, bad_indexes)

    return bad_indexes
    def verify(self, config, report_file=None, sequence = None):
        This function starts real time verification process according to the given configuration.

        This function reads configuration and initiates variables accordingly.
        It creates a Feed instance and starts data_feed and waits to receive results in aggregateq.
        The results are then written into a report file.

        conf : str
            configuration file name, including path

        report_file : file
            a file where the report will be written, defaulted to None, if no report wanted

        sequence : list or int
            information about data sequence or number of frames


        def get_decor(qc):
            decor = {}
            qc = [6]
            if const.QUALITYCHECK_RATE_SAT in qc:
                decor[const.QUALITYCHECK_RATE_SAT] = detector + ":" + detector_basic +":AcquireTime"
            return decor

        logger, limits, quality_checks, feedback, report_type, consumers = init(config)
        no_frames, aggregate_limit, detector, detector_basic, detector_image = adapter.parse_config(config)

        aggregateq = Queue()

        # address the special cases of quality checks when additional arguments are required
        decor = get_decor(quality_checks)
        if len(decor) is 0:
            self.feed = Feed()
            self.feed = FeedDecorator(decor)

        aggregate_limit = no_frames
        args = limits, aggregateq, quality_checks, aggregate_limit, consumers, feedback, detector
        ack = self.feed.feed_data(no_frames, detector, detector_basic, detector_image, logger, sequence, *args)
        if ack == 1:
            bad_indexes = {}

            aggregate = aggregateq.get()

            if report_file is not None:
                report.report_results(logger, aggregate, None, report_file, report_type)
            report.add_bad_indexes(aggregate, bad_indexes)

            return bad_indexes
def verify_file_ge(logger, file, limits, quality_checks, report_type,
                   report_dir, consumers):
    This method handles verification of data in a ge file type.
    This method creates and starts a new handler process. The handler is initialized with data queue,
    the data type, which is 'data', and a result queue.
    After starting the process the function enqueues queue slice by slice into data, until all data is
    queued. The last enqueued element is end of the data marker.

    logger: Logger
        Logger instance.

    file : str
        a filename including path that will be verified

    limits : dict
        a dictionary of limits values

    quality_checks : dict
        a dictinary specifying quality checks structure that will be applied to verify the data file

    report_type : int
        report type, currently supporting 'none', 'errors', and 'full'

    report_dir : str
        a directory where report files will be located

    consumers : dict
        a dictionary containing consumer processes to run, and their parameters

    bad_indexes : dict
        a dictionary of bad indexes per data type

    type = 'data'

    fp, nframes, fsize = utils.get_data_ge(logger, file)
    # data file is corrupted, error message is logged
    if fp is None:
        return None

    dataq = Queue()
    aggregateq = Queue()

    p = Process(target=handler.handle_data,
                args=(dataq, limits, aggregateq, quality_checks, consumers))

    for i in range(0, nframes):
        img = np.fromfile(fp, 'uint16', fsize)
        dataq.put(Data(const.DATA_STATUS_DATA, img, type))

    # receive the results
    bad_indexes = {}
    aggregate = aggregateq.get()
    report.add_bad_indexes(aggregate, bad_indexes)

    if report_type != const.REPORT_NONE:
        if report_dir is None:
            report_file = file + '.report'
            file_path = file.rsplit("/", )
            report_file = report_dir + "/" + file_path[len(file_path) -
                                                       1] + '.report'

        report.report_results(logger, aggregate, file, report_file,

    logger.info('data verifier evaluated ' + file + ' file')

    return bad_indexes
def verify_file_hdf(logger, file, data_tags, limits, quality_checks,
                    report_type, report_dir, consumers):
    This method handles verification of data in hdf type file.

    This method creates and starts a new handler process. The handler is initialized with data queue,
    the data type, and a result queue. The data type can be 'data_dark', 'data_white' or 'data'.
    After starting the process the function enqueues queue slice by slice into data, until all data is
    queued. The last enqueued element is end of the data marker.

    logger: Logger
        Logger instance.

    file : str
        a filename including path that will be verified

    data_tags : dict
        a dictionary od data_type/hdf tag

    limits : dict
        a dictionary of limits values

    quality_checks : dict
        a dictinary specifying quality checks structure that will be applied to verify the data file

    report_type : int
        report type, currently supporting 'none', 'errors', and 'full'

    report_dir : str
        a directory where report files will be located

    consumers : dict
        a dictionary containing consumer processes to run, and their parameters

    bad_indexes : dict
        a dictionary of bad indexes per data type

    def process_data(data_type):
        data_tag = data_tags[data_type]
        dt = fp[data_tag]
        for i in range(0, dt.shape[0]):
            data = Data(const.DATA_STATUS_DATA, dt[i], data_type)
            # add delay to slow down flow up, so the flow down (results)
            # are handled in synch

    fp, tags = utils.get_data_hdf(file)
    dataq = Queue()
    aggregateq = Queue()

    p = Process(target=handler.handle_data,
                args=(dataq, limits, aggregateq, quality_checks, consumers))

    # assume a fixed order of data types; this will determine indexes on the data
    if 'data_dark' in data_tags:
    if 'data_white' in data_tags:
    if 'data' in data_tags:


    if report_type != const.REPORT_NONE:
        if report_dir is None:
            report_file = file.rsplit(".", )[0] + '.report'
            file = file.rsplit(".", )[0]
            file_path = file.rsplit("/", )
            report_file = report_dir + "/" + file_path[len(file_path -
                                                           1)] + '.report'

    # receive the results
    bad_indexes = {}
    aggregate = aggregateq.get()

    if report_file is not None:
        report.report_results(logger, aggregate, None, report_file,
    report.add_bad_indexes(aggregate, bad_indexes)

    logger.info('data verifier evaluated ' + file + ' file')
    return bad_indexes
def verify_file_ge(logger, file, limits, quality_checks, report_type, report_dir):
    This method handles verification of ge file type.
    This method creates and starts a new handler process. The handler is initialized with data queue,
    the data type, which is 'data', and a result queue.
    After starting the process the function enqueues queue slice by slice into data, until all data is
    queued. The last enqueued element is end of the data marker.

    logger: Logger
        Logger instance.

    file : str
        a filename including path that will be verified

    data_tags : dict
        a dictionary od data_type/hdf tag

    limits : dict
        a dictionary of limits values

    quality_checks : dict
        a dictinary specifying quality checks structure that will be applied to verify the data file

    report_type : int
        report type, currently supporting 'none', 'errors', and 'full'

    report_dir : str
        a directory where report files will be located

    bad_indexes : dict
        a dictionary of bad indexes per data type

    type = 'data'

    fp, nframes, fsize = utils.get_data_ge(logger, file)
    # data file is corrupted, error message is logged
    if fp is None:
        return None

    dataq = Queue()
    aggregateq = Queue()

    p = Process(target=handler.handle_data, args=(dataq, limits['data'], aggregateq, quality_checks))

    for i in range(0,nframes):
        img = np.fromfile(fp,'uint16', fsize)

    bad_indexes = {}
    aggregate = aggregateq.get()
    report.add_bad_indexes(aggregate, type, bad_indexes)

    if report_type != const.REPORT_NONE:
        if report_dir is None:
            report_file = file + '.report'
            file_path = file.rsplit("/",)
            report_file = report_dir + "/" + file_path[len(file_path)-1]+ '.report'

        report.report_results(logger, aggregate, type, file, report_file, report_type)

    logger.info('data verifier evaluated ' + file + ' file')

    return bad_indexes
def verify_file_hdf(logger, file, data_tags, limits, quality_checks, report_type, report_dir):
    This method handles verification of hdf type file.
    This method creates and starts a new handler process. The handler is initialized with data queue,
    the data type, and a result queue. The data type can be 'data_dark', 'data_white' or 'data'.
    After starting the process the function enqueues queue slice by slice into data, until all data is
    queued. The last enqueued element is end of the data marker.

    logger: Logger
        Logger instance.

    file : str
        a filename including path that will be verified

    data_tags : dict
        a dictionary od data_type/hdf tag

    limits : dict
        a dictionary of limits values

    quality_checks : dict
        a dictinary specifying quality checks structure that will be applied to verify the data file

    report_type : int
        report type, currently supporting 'none', 'errors', and 'full'

    report_dir : str
        a directory where report files will be located

    bad_indexes : dict
        a dictionary of bad indexes per data type

    fp, tags = utils.get_data_hdf(file)

    queues = {}
    bad_indexes = {}

    for type in data_tags.keys():
        data_tag = data_tags[type]
        if data_tag in tags:
            queue = Queue()
            queues[type] = queue
            process_data(type, queue, fp, data_tag, limits, quality_checks)

    if report_type != const.REPORT_NONE:
        if report_dir is None:
            report_file = file.rsplit(".",)[0] + '.report'
            file = file.rsplit(".",)[0]
            file_path = file.rsplit("/",)
            report_file = report_dir + "/" + file_path[len(file_path-1)]+ '.report'

    # receive the results
    for type in queues.keys():
        queue = queues[type]
        aggregate = queue.get()
        report.add_bad_indexes(aggregate, type, bad_indexes)
        if report_file is not None:
            report.report_results(logger, aggregate, type, file, report_file, report_type)

    logger.info('data verifier evaluated ' + file + ' file')

    return bad_indexes
    def verify(self, config, report_file=None, sequence=None):
        This function starts real time verification process according to the given configuration.

        This function reads configuration and initiates variables accordingly.
        It creates a Feed instance and starts data_feed and waits to receive results in aggregateq.
        The results are then written into a report file.

        conf : str
            configuration file name, including path

        report_file : file
            a file where the report will be written, defaulted to None, if no report wanted

        sequence : list or int
            information about data sequence or number of frames


        feed_args, feed_kwargs, feedback, decor_map, logger, report_type = self.init(

        # init the pv feedback
        if not feedback is None:
            feedbackq = Queue()
            feedback_pvs = utils.get_feedback_pvs(feed_args[1])
            fb_args = {
                'feedback_pvs': feedback_pvs,
                'detector': feed_kwargs['detector']
            feedback_obj = fb.Feedback(feedbackq, feedback, **fb_args)
            # put the logger to args
            if const.FEEDBACK_LOG in feedback:
            feed_kwargs['feedbackq'] = feedbackq

            self.p = Process(target=feedback_obj.deliver, args=())

        reportq = Queue()

        # address the special cases of quality checks when additional arguments are required
        if decor_map is None:
            self.feed = Feed()
            self.feed = FeedDecorator(decor_map)

        ack = self.feed.feed_data(logger, reportq, *feed_args, **feed_kwargs)
        if ack == 1:
            bad_indexes = {}
            aggregate = reportq.get()

            if report_file is not None:
                report.report_results(logger, aggregate, None, report_file,
            report.add_bad_indexes(aggregate, bad_indexes)

            return bad_indexes
def verify_file_hdf(logger, file, data_tags, limits, quality_checks, report_type, report_dir, consumers):
    This method handles verification of data in hdf type file.

    This method creates and starts a new handler process. The handler is initialized with data queue,
    the data type, and a result queue. The data type can be 'data_dark', 'data_white' or 'data'.
    After starting the process the function enqueues queue slice by slice into data, until all data is
    queued. The last enqueued element is end of the data marker.

    logger: Logger
        Logger instance.

    file : str
        a filename including path that will be verified

    data_tags : dict
        a dictionary od data_type/hdf tag

    limits : dict
        a dictionary of limits values

    quality_checks : dict
        a dictinary specifying quality checks structure that will be applied to verify the data file

    report_type : int
        report type, currently supporting 'none', 'errors', and 'full'

    report_dir : str
        a directory where report files will be located

    consumers : dict
        a dictionary containing consumer processes to run, and their parameters

    bad_indexes : dict
        a dictionary of bad indexes per data type

    def process_data(data_type):
        data_tag = data_tags[data_type]
        dt = fp[data_tag]
        for i in range(0,dt.shape[0]):
            data = Data(const.DATA_STATUS_DATA, dt[i], data_type)
            # add delay to slow down flow up, so the flow down (results)
            # are handled in synch

    fp, tags = utils.get_data_hdf(file)
    dataq = Queue()
    aggregateq = Queue()

    p = Process(target=handler.handle_data, args=(dataq, limits, aggregateq, quality_checks, consumers))

    # assume a fixed order of data types; this will determine indexes on the data
    if 'data_dark' in data_tags:
    if 'data_white' in data_tags:
    if 'data' in data_tags:


    if report_type != const.REPORT_NONE:
        if report_dir is None:
            report_file = file.rsplit(".",)[0] + '.report'
            file = file.rsplit(".",)[0]
            file_path = file.rsplit("/",)
            report_file = report_dir + "/" + file_path[len(file_path-1)]+ '.report'

    # receive the results
    bad_indexes = {}
    aggregate = aggregateq.get()

    if report_file is not None:
        report.report_results(logger, aggregate, None, report_file, report_type)
    report.add_bad_indexes(aggregate, bad_indexes)

    logger.info('data verifier evaluated ' + file + ' file')
    return bad_indexes