    def __init__(self, ax, x1, x2, bounds=None, slide_on='x', valfmt='%1.2f',
                    closedmin=True, closedmax=True, dragging=True, use_blit=True, **kwargs):
        self.ax = ax
        #AxesWidget.__init__(self, ax)          #NOTE: sets self.ax, self.canvas etc
        self.slide_on = slide_on
        self._index = int(slide_on == 'y')
        self._locked = 'yx'[self._index]
        self._order = slice(None, None, -1 if self._index else 1)
        self.axpos = ax.viewLim.get_points()[int(not self._index), 0]#1.0    #set the axis spine position #TODO: more descriptive name for this thing
        #print(ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim())
        #ax2data = ax.transAxes + ax.transData.inverted()
        #initial values
        #self.positions  = np.array([x1, x2]) #x1, x2 = vals
        self._original_position = np.array([x1, x2])
        #set the bounds #IS THIS EXPLICITLY NECESSARY??
        self._bounds = bounds
        if bounds is not None:
            self._bounds = sorted(bounds)
        #transform position of sliders form data to axes coordinates
        #val_ax = [x1, x2] / (self.valmax - self.valmin)

        self.dragging = dragging
        #create sliders & add to axis
        ms = self.marker_size
        coo1 = [x1, self.axpos][self._order]
        coo2 = [x2, self.axpos][self._order]
        #transform = btf(*[ax.transAxes, ax.transData][self._order])
        markers = ax.plot(*coo1, 'b>',
                          *coo2, 'r<',                      #note: python3.5 syntax only
                          ms=ms, picker=15, clip_on=False,)  #plot to outside axes

        #self.sliders = [self.min_slider, self.max_slider]
        #self.valfmt = valfmt
        DragMachinery.__init__(self, markers, annotate=False)
        self.sliders = self.min_slide, self.max_slide = list(self)
        for slide in self.sliders:
        opg = operator.ge if closedmin else operator.gt
        self.min_slide.validation(lambda xy: opg(xy[self._index], self.boundmin))
        self.min_slide.validation(lambda xy: xy[self._index] < self.positions[1])
        opl = operator.le if closedmax else operator.lt
        self.max_slide.validation(lambda xy: opl(xy[self._index], self.boundmax))
        self.max_slide.validation(lambda xy: xy[self._index] > self.positions[0])
 from draggables.machinery import DragMachinery
 from draggables.errorbar import DraggableErrorbar
 from draggables.lines import DragggableLine
 #Line2D test
 x = 0 #np.arange(N)
 y0 = 0.5    #np.random.randn(N)
 fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(18,8) )
 pl = ax.plot(x, y0, 'r>', clip_on=False)
 ax.set_xlim(0, 0.5)
 d = DragMachinery(pl)
 #Errorbar test
 #fig, ax = plt.subplots( figsize=(18,8) )
 #N = 100
 #x = np.arange(N)
 #y0 = np.random.randn(N)
 #y1, y2, y3  = y0 + np.c_[[5, 10, -10]]
 #y0err, y1err = np.random.randn(2, N) / np.c_[[5, 2]]
 #y2err, y3err = None, None
 #x0err, x1err, x2err, x3err  = np.random.randn(N), None, None, np.random.randn(N)*8