def test_from_geojson_units_test():
    """Test the Model from_geojson method with non-meter units."""

    # Load test geojson
    geojson_folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests', 'geojson')
    geo_fp = os.path.join(geojson_folder, 'TestGeoJSON.geojson')
    location = Location('Boston', 'MA', 'USA', 42.366151, -71.019357)

    model, loc = Model.from_geojson(geo_fp, location=location, units='Feet')

    # Check the first building
    bldg1 = [bldg for bldg in model.buildings
             if bldg.identifier == 'ResidenceBuilding'][0]

    # Check properties
    assert bldg1.identifier == 'ResidenceBuilding'
    assert bldg1.display_name == 'ResidenceBuilding'

    # Check if area is in feet square
    m2ft = 1 / hb_model.Model.conversion_factor_to_meters('Feet')
    sm2sft = m2ft * m2ft
    assert (600.0 * sm2sft) == pytest.approx(bldg1.floor_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert (200.0 * sm2sft) == pytest.approx(bldg1.footprint_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert bldg1.story_count == 3

    # Check story
    assert bldg1.story_count == 3
    assert len(bldg1.unique_stories) == 1
    for story in bldg1.unique_stories:
        assert (3.0) == pytest.approx(story.floor_to_floor_height, abs=1e-10)
def test_from_geojson():
    """Test the Model from_geojson method."""

    # Load test geojson
    geojson_folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests', 'geojson')
    geo_fp = os.path.join(geojson_folder, 'TestGeoJSON.geojson')
    location = Location('Boston', 'MA', 'USA', 42.366151, -71.019357)
    model, loc = Model.from_geojson(geo_fp, location=location)

    # Check model non-geometry properties
    assert model.identifier == 'TestGeoJSON'
    assert model.display_name == 'TestGeoJSON'

    # Check model buildings (features)
    assert len(model.buildings) == 3, len(model.buildings)

    # Check the first building
    bldg1 = [bldg for bldg in model.buildings
             if bldg.identifier == 'ResidenceBuilding'][0]

    # Check properties
    assert bldg1.identifier == 'ResidenceBuilding'
    assert bldg1.display_name == 'ResidenceBuilding'
    assert 600.0 == pytest.approx(bldg1.floor_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert 200.0 == pytest.approx(bldg1.footprint_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert bldg1.story_count == 3
    assert bldg1.unique_stories[0].floor_to_floor_height == pytest.approx(3.0, abs=1e-10)

    # Check the second building
    bldg2 = [bldg for bldg in model.buildings
             if bldg.identifier == 'RetailBuildingBig'][0]

    # Check properties
    assert bldg2.identifier == 'RetailBuildingBig'
    assert bldg2.display_name == 'RetailBuildingBig'
    assert 200.0 == pytest.approx(bldg2.floor_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert 200.0 == pytest.approx(bldg2.footprint_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert bldg2.story_count == 1
    assert bldg2.unique_stories[0].floor_to_floor_height == pytest.approx(3.0, abs=1e-10)

    # Check the third building
    bldg3 = [bldg for bldg in model.buildings
             if bldg.identifier == 'OfficeBuilding'][0]

    # Check properties
    assert bldg3.identifier == 'OfficeBuilding'
    assert bldg3.display_name == 'OfficeBuilding'
    assert 1625.0 == pytest.approx(bldg3.floor_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert 325.0 == pytest.approx(bldg3.footprint_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert bldg3.story_count == 5
    assert bldg3.unique_stories[0].floor_to_floor_height == pytest.approx(3.0, abs=1e-10)
def test_from_minimal_geojson():
    """Test the Model from_geojson method with a minimal geojson file."""

    # Load test geojson
    geojson_folder = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'tests', 'geojson')
    geo_fp = os.path.join(geojson_folder, 'TestGeoJSON_minimal.geojson')
    location = Location('Boston', 'MA', 'USA', 42.366151, -71.019357)
    model, loc = \
        Model.from_geojson(geo_fp, all_polygons_to_buildings=True, location=location)

    # Check model non-geometry properties
    assert model.identifier == 'Model_1'
    assert model.display_name == 'Model_1'

    # Check model buildings (features)
    assert len(model.buildings) == 3, len(model.buildings)

    bldgs = []
    for bldg in model.buildings:
        if abs(bldg.floor_area - 200.0) < 1e-5:
            # Formerly ResidentialBuilding, or RetailBuildingBig
            # Formerly OfficeBuilding

    # Check properties
    assert 200.0 == pytest.approx(bldgs[0].floor_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert 200.0 == pytest.approx(bldgs[0].footprint_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert bldgs[0].story_count == 1
    assert bldgs[0].unique_stories[0].floor_to_floor_height == \
        pytest.approx(3.5, abs=1e-10)

    # Check properties
    assert 200.0 == pytest.approx(bldgs[1].floor_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert 200.0 == pytest.approx(bldgs[1].footprint_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert bldgs[1].story_count == 1
    assert bldgs[1].unique_stories[0].floor_to_floor_height == \
        pytest.approx(3.5, abs=1e-10)

    # Check properties
    assert 325.0 == pytest.approx(bldgs[2].floor_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert 325.0 == pytest.approx(bldgs[2].footprint_area, abs=1e-5)
    assert bldgs[2].story_count == 1
    assert bldgs[2].unique_stories[0].floor_to_floor_height == \
        pytest.approx(3.5, abs=1e-10)
def test_from_geojson_coordinates_simple_location():
    """Test the Model coordinates from_geojson method with different location inputs.

    # Test 1: The location is equal to the point (0, 0) in model space.

    # Construct Model
    pts_1 = (Point3D(50, 50, 0), Point3D(60, 50, 0), Point3D(60, 60, 0), Point3D(50, 60, 0))
    pts_2 = (Point3D(60, 50, 0), Point3D(70, 50, 0), Point3D(70, 60, 0), Point3D(60, 60, 0))
    room2d_1 = Room2D('Residence1', Face3D(pts_1), 3)
    room2d_2 = Room2D('Residence2', Face3D(pts_2), 3)
    story = Story('ResidenceFloor', [room2d_1, room2d_2])
    story.multiplier = 3
    test_building = Building('ResidenceBuilding', [story])

    # Convert to geojson. Location defines the origin of the model space.
    test_model = Model('TestGeoJSON_coords1', [test_building])
    location = Location('Boston', 'MA', 'USA', 42.366151, -71.019357)  # bottom-left
    geojson_folder = './tests/geojson/'
    test_model.to_geojson(location, folder=geojson_folder)
    geo_fp = os.path.join(geojson_folder, test_model.identifier,

    # Convert back to Model. Location defines the origin.
    model, loc = Model.from_geojson(geo_fp, location=location, point=Point2D(0, 0))

    assert len(model.buildings) == 1

    # Test geometric properties of building
    bldg1 = model.buildings[0]

    # Check story height
    for story in bldg1.unique_stories:
        assert 3.0 == pytest.approx(story.floor_to_floor_height, abs=1e-10)

    assert pytest.approx(bldg1.footprint_area, test_building.footprint_area, abs=1e-10)
    vertices = bldg1.footprint()[0].vertices
    test_vertices = test_building.footprint()[0].vertices
    for point, test_point in zip(vertices, test_vertices):
        assert point.is_equivalent(test_point, 1e-5)

    # Test 2: Change the location to equal to the point (70, 60) in model space, which is
    # the top-right corner of the building footprints.

    # Construct model with a new location that defines the top-right corner in lon/lat degrees.
    location2 = Location('Boston', 'MA', 'USA', 42.366690813294774, -71.01850462247945)
    # We define the point at the top-right corner in model units.
    model, loc = Model.from_geojson(geo_fp, location=location2, point=Point2D(70, 60))

    assert len(model.buildings) == 1

    # Test geometric properties of building
    bldg1 = model.buildings[0]
    assert test_building.footprint_area == pytest.approx(bldg1.footprint_area, abs=1e-5)
    vertices = bldg1.footprint()[0].vertices
    test_vertices = test_building.footprint()[0].vertices
    for point, test_point in zip(vertices, test_vertices):
        assert point.is_equivalent(test_point, 1e-3) # reduce precision due to conversion

    nukedir(os.path.join(geojson_folder, test_model.identifier), True)
    from ladybug_rhino.config import tolerance, angle_tolerance, units_system, \
    from ladybug_rhino.grasshopper import all_required_inputs
except ImportError as e:
    raise ImportError('\nFailed to import ladybug_rhino:\n\t{}'.format(e))

if all_required_inputs(ghenv.Component) and _import:
    # set default inputs if not specified
    pt = to_point2d(_point_) if _point_ is not None else Point2D(0, 0)
    all_to_bldg = bool(all_to_bldg_)  # handle case of None
    model_units, con_fac = units_system(), 1 / conversion_to_meters()

    # convert the geoJSON to a dragonfly Model
    model, location = Model.from_geojson(_geojson,
    point = from_point2d(pt)

    # if other geometry has been requested, then import it
    if other_geo_:
        # parse the geoJSON into a dictionary and get lat/lon converters
        with open(_geojson, 'r') as fp:
            data = json.load(fp)
        origin_lon_lat = origin_long_lat_from_location(location, pt)
        _convert_facs = meters_to_long_lat_factors(origin_lon_lat)
        convert_facs = 1 / _convert_facs[0], 1 / _convert_facs[1]

        # get all of the non-building geometry features
        geo_types = ('LineString', 'Polygon')