def collect_m_arrays(mlist, func, shapes, dtype):

    data = [ (mi, func(mi)) for mi in mpiutil.partition_list_mpi(mlist) ]


    if mpiutil.rank0 and mpiutil.size == 1:
        p_all = [data]
        p_all = mpiutil.world.gather(data, root=0)

    mpiutil.barrier() # Not sure if this barrier really does anything,
                      # but hoping to stop collect breaking

    marrays = None
    if mpiutil.rank0:
        marrays = [np.zeros((len(mlist),) + shape, dtype=dtype) for shape in shapes]

        for p_process in p_all:

            for mi, result in p_process:

                for si in range(len(shapes)):
                    if result[si] is not None:
                        marrays[si][mi] = result[si]


    return marrays
    def project_sky(self, sky, mlist = None, threshold=None, harmonic=False):

        # Set default list of m-modes (i.e. all of them), and partition
        if mlist is None:
            mlist = range(self.telescope.mmax + 1)
        mpart = mpiutil.partition_list_mpi(mlist)
        # Total number of sky modes.
        nmodes = self.beamtransfer.nfreq * self.beamtransfer.ntel

        # If sky is alm fine, if not perform spherical harmonic transform.
        alm = sky if harmonic else hputil.sphtrans_sky(sky, lmax=self.telescope.lmax)

        ## Routine to project sky onto eigenmodes
        def _proj(mi):
            p1 = self.project_sky_vector_forward(mi, alm[:, :, mi], threshold)
            p2 = np.zeros(nmodes, dtype=np.complex128)
            p2[-p1.size:] = p1
            return p2

        # Map over list of m's and project sky onto eigenbasis
        proj_sec = [(mi, _proj(mi)) for mi in mpart]

        # Gather projections onto the rank=0 node.
        proj_all = mpiutil.world.gather(proj_sec, root=0)

        proj_arr = None
        if mpiutil.rank0:
            # Create array to put projections into
            proj_arr = np.zeros((2*self.telescope.mmax + 1, nmodes), dtype=np.complex128)

            # Iterate over all gathered projections and insert into the array
            for proc_rank in proj_all:
                for pm in proc_rank:
                    proj_arr[pm[0]] = pm[1]

        # Return the projections (rank=0) or None elsewhere.
        return proj_arr
    sky_vec = bt.project_vector_forward(mi, alm[:, :, mi])

    tau_vec = np.fft.fft(blackman_harris(cyl.nfreq)[:, np.newaxis] * sky_vec,

    tau_vec = np.fft.ifft(tau_vec * blmask, axis=0)

    alm2 = bt.project_vector_backward(mi, tau_vec)

    return alm2

# Project m-modes across different processes
mlist = list(range(mmax + 1))
mpart = mpiutil.partition_list_mpi(mlist)
mproj = [[mi, projm(mi)] for mi in mpart]

if mpiutil.rank0:
    print("Gather results onto root process")
p_all = mpiutil.world.gather(mproj, root=0)

# Save out results
if mpiutil.rank0:

    palm = np.zeros_like(alm)

    print("Combining results.")
    for p_process in p_all:

        for mi, proj in p_process:
    mvals, mvecs = klt.modes_m(mi, threshold=cut)
    if mvals is None:
        return None

    ev_vec = klt.project_sky_vector_forward(mi, alm[:, :, mi], threshold=cut)
    tel_vec = klt.project_tel_vector_backward(mi, ev_vec, threshold=cut)

    alm2 = bt.project_vector_backward(mi, tel_vec)

    return alm2

# Project m-modes across different processes
mlist = range(mmax+1)
mpart = mpiutil.partition_list_mpi(mlist)
mproj = [[mi, projm(mi)] for mi in mpart]

if mpiutil.rank0:
    print "Gather results onto root process"
p_all = mpiutil.world.gather(mproj, root=0)

# Save out results
if mpiutil.rank0:

    palm = np.zeros_like(alm)

    print "Combining results."
    for p_process in p_all: