def test_door_flow_regulation(tmp_path, env): """ :param tmp_path: working directory of test execution :param env: global environment object """ input_location = (env.systemtest_path / "door_tests" / "test_flow_regulation") copy_files( sources=[ input_location / "geometry.xml", input_location / "inifile.xml", input_location / "events.xml", ], dest=tmp_path, ) jpscore_driver = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path) starting_times_dict = read_starting_times(tmp_path / "events.xml") traffic_constraints = parse_traffic_constraints(tmp_path / "inifile.xml") check_flow( load_trajectory(jpscore_driver.traj_file), starting_times_dict, traffic_constraints, )
def test_juelich_12_obstructed_visibility(tmp_path, env, operational_model_id): """ Four pedestrians being simulated in a bottleneck. Pedestrians 0 and 1 have zero desired speed i.e. they will not move during the simulation whereas pedestrians 2 and 3 are heading towards the exit. The visibility between pedestrians 2 resp. 3 and 0 resp. 2 is obstructed by a wall resp. an obstacle. Expected results: Pedestrians 2 and 3 should not deviate from the horizontal dashed line. :param tmp_path: working directory of test execution :param env: global environment object """ input_location = env.systemtest_path / "juelich_tests" / "test_12" template_path = input_location / "inifile.template" inifile_path = tmp_path / "inifile.xml" instanciate_tempalte( src=template_path, args={"operational_model_id": operational_model_id}, dest=inifile_path, ) copy_files( sources=[input_location / "geometry.xml"], dest=tmp_path, ) jpscore_driver = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path) trajectories = load_trajectory(jpscore_driver.traj_file) agent_path = trajectories.path(2) y = agent_path[:, 3] dy = numpy.sum(numpy.abs(numpy.diff(y))) tolerance = 0.005 assert dy < tolerance
def test_door_closes_after_max_agents(tmp_path, env): """ :param tmp_path: working directory of test execution :param env: global environment object """ input_location = env.systemtest_path / "door_tests" / "closed_doors" copy_files( sources=[ input_location / "geometry.xml", input_location / "inifile.xml", ], dest=tmp_path, ) jpscore_driver = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path) flow_dict = {1: 0, 2: 0} # here the flow through the doors is computed. # The two doors are parallel to the X-axis, therefore the computation of the door taken by each pedestrian is simplyfied. trajectories = load_trajectory(jpscore_driver.traj_file) for ped_id in numpy.unique([:, 0]): path = trajectories.path(ped_id) for p1, p2 in pairwise(path): if p1[3] < 30 and p2[3] >= 30: if 20 <= p1[2] <= 22: flow_dict[1] += 1 if 28 <= p1[2] <= 30: flow_dict[2] += 1 assert flow_dict[1] >= 80 assert flow_dict[2] == 20
def test_router_corridor_close(tmp_path, env, router_id): """ :param tmp_path: working directory of test execution :param env: global environment object """ input_location = (env.systemtest_path / "router_tests" / "test_corridor_close") template_path = input_location / "inifile.template" inifile_path = tmp_path / "inifile.xml" instanciate_tempalte( src=template_path, args={"router_id": router_id}, dest=inifile_path, ) copy_files( sources=[input_location / "geometry.xml"], dest=tmp_path, ) jpscore_driver = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path) trajectories = load_trajectory(jpscore_driver.traj_file) agent_path = trajectories.path(2) assert get_intersetions_path_segment( agent_path, Segment(Point(9.5, -5), Point(9.5, 5)))
def test_juelich_8_obstacle_avoidance(tmp_path, env, operational_model_id): """ Expected result: The pedestrian should avoid the obstacle and exit the room without overlapping with the obstacle. :param tmp_path: working directory of test execution :param env: global environment object """ input_location = env.systemtest_path / "juelich_tests" / "test_8" template_path = input_location / "inifile.template" inifile_path = tmp_path / "inifile.xml" instanciate_tempalte( src=template_path, args={"operational_model_id": operational_model_id}, dest=inifile_path, ) copy_files( sources=[input_location / "geometry.xml"], dest=tmp_path, ) jpscore_driver = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path) trajectories = load_trajectory(jpscore_driver.traj_file) assert trajectories.runtime() <= 45.0
def test_juelich_5_single_pedestrian_moving_in_a_very_narrow_corridor_with_an_obstacle( tmp_path, env): """ This test is Similar to test 4. Two pedestrians are aligned in the same room. The second pedestrian from left is standing and will not move during the test. The corridor is narrow and does not allow passing of two pedestians without serious overlapping. Expected result: Pedestrian left should stop without overlapping with the standing pedestrian. :param tmp_path: working directory of test execution :param env: global environment object """ input_location = env.systemtest_path / "juelich_tests" / "test_5" copy_files( sources=[ input_location / "geometry.xml", input_location / "inifile.xml", ], dest=tmp_path, ) jpscore_driver = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path) trajectories = load_trajectory(jpscore_driver.traj_file) immobile_agent_path = trajectories.path(4) agent_path = trajectories.path(3) distances = numpy.sqrt((agent_path[:, 2] - immobile_agent_path[:, 2])**2 + (agent_path[:, 3] - immobile_agent_path[:, 3])**2) assert numpy.all(distances >= 0.4)
def test_juelich_6_single_pedestrian_moving_in_a_corridor_with_more_than_one_target( tmp_path, env): """ A pedestrian is moving in a corridor with several intermediate goals. Expected result: The pedestrian should move through the different targets without a substantial change in its velocity i.e. with a desired speed of 1 m/s the distance of 10 m should be covered in 10 s. :param tmp_path: working directory of test execution :param env: global environment object """ input_location = env.systemtest_path / "juelich_tests" / "test_6" copy_files( sources=[ input_location / "geometry.xml", input_location / "inifile.xml", ], dest=tmp_path, ) jpscore_driver = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path) trajectories = load_trajectory(jpscore_driver.traj_file) assert trajectories.runtime() <= 10.1 assert trajectories.runtime() >= 9.0
def test_juelich_3_single_pedestrian_moving_in_a_corridor_with_a_desired_direction( tmp_path, env, seed, exit_crossing_strategy): """ A pedestrian is started from a random position in a holding area. This test should be repeated with different initial positions. Expected result: The pedestrians should be able to reach the marked goal in all repetitions of the test. :param tmp_path: working directory of test execution :param env: global environment object :param seed: value to use for the simulation :param exit_crossing_strategy: exit strategy id to use """ input_location = env.systemtest_path / "juelich_tests" / "test_3" template_path = input_location / "inifile.template" inifile_path = tmp_path / "inifile.xml" instanciate_tempalte( src=template_path, args={ "seed": seed, "exit_crossing_strategy": exit_crossing_strategy }, dest=inifile_path, ) copy_files(sources=[input_location / "geometry.xml"], dest=tmp_path) jpscore_driver = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path) trajectories = load_trajectory(jpscore_driver.traj_file) agent_path = trajectories.path(2) assert trajectories.runtime() < 10.0 assert numpy.any(agent_path[:, 2] > 8.5)
def test_juelich_2_single_pedestrian_moving_in_a_corridor( tmp_path, env, operational_model_id): """ Rotating the same geometry as in test 1 around the z−axis by an arbitrary angle e.g. 45deg should lead to the evacuation time of 10 s. :param tmp_path: working directory of test execution :param env: global environment object :param operational_model_id this test is parametrized for two models, the ids have to match the model ids in the template file """ input_location = env.systemtest_path / "juelich_tests" / "test_2" template_path = input_location / "inifile.template" inifile_path = tmp_path / "inifile.xml" instanciate_tempalte( src=template_path, args={"operational_model_id": operational_model_id}, dest=inifile_path, ) copy_files(sources=[input_location / "geometry.xml"], dest=tmp_path) jpscore_driver = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path) trajectories = load_trajectory(jpscore_driver.traj_file) agent_path = trajectories.path(2) d_x = max(agent_path[:, 2]) - min(agent_path[:, 2]) d_y = max(agent_path[:, 3]) - min(agent_path[:, 3]) beeline_distance = numpy.sqrt(d_x**2 + d_y**2) v_expected = 1.0 time_limit = (beeline_distance / v_expected) + 0.1 assert trajectories.runtime() <= time_limit
def test_train_capacity_feature(tmp_path, env): """ The first train has a capacity of 15, the second train of 20. At the end of the simulation only 15 agents should remain. BUG: Currently the capacity can be exceeded if pedestrians enter in the same frame, hence the remaining pedestrians are treated as an upper bound. :param tmp_path: working directory of test execution :param env: global environment object """ input_location = (env.systemtest_path / "train_tests" / "train_test_max_agents") copy_all_files(src=input_location, dest=tmp_path) jpscore_driver = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path) trajectories = load_trajectory(jpscore_driver.traj_file) # Check agent count after the first train left first_train_leaving_index = int(trajectories.framerate * 15) assert trajectories.agent_count_in_frame(first_train_leaving_index) <= 35 # Check agent count after the second train left second_train_leaving_index = int(trajectories.framerate * 30) assert trajectories.agent_count_in_frame(second_train_leaving_index) <= 15 # Check agent count at the end of the simulation last_frame_index = trajectories.frame_count() - 1 assert trajectories.agent_count_in_frame(last_frame_index) <= 15
def test_juelich_11_geo_room_subroom_structure(tmp_path, env, operational_model_id): """ The same geometry is constructed differently The whole geometry is designed as a rooms (i.e. utility space) The geometry is designed by dividing the utility space in connected subrooms. Distribute randomly pedestrians in all sub-rooms of the geometry and repeat the simulation to get a certain statistical significance. Expected results: The mean value of the evacuation times calculated from both cases should not differ. :param tmp_path: working directory of test execution :param env: global environment object """ input_location = env.systemtest_path / "juelich_tests" / "test_11" template_path_a = input_location / "inifile_a.template" template_path_b = input_location / "inifile_b.template" tmp_path_a = tmp_path / "a" tmp_path_b = tmp_path / "b" tmp_path_a.mkdir() tmp_path_b.mkdir() inifile_path_a = tmp_path_a / "inifile.xml" instanciate_tempalte( src=template_path_a, args={"operational_model_id": operational_model_id}, dest=inifile_path_a, ) copy_files( sources=[input_location / "geometry_a.xml"], dest=tmp_path_a, ) inifile_path_b = tmp_path_b / "inifile.xml" instanciate_tempalte( src=template_path_b, args={"operational_model_id": operational_model_id}, dest=inifile_path_b, ) copy_files( sources=[input_location / "geometry_b.xml"], dest=tmp_path_b, ) jpscore_driver_a = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path_a) jpscore_driver_b = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path_b) trajectories_a = load_trajectory(jpscore_driver_a.traj_file) trajectories_b = load_trajectory(jpscore_driver_b.traj_file) assert numpy.allclose(,, 0.001)
def test_train_feature_basic_functionality(tmp_path, env): """ Simple scenario with pedestrians heading for the train. It is expected that all agents have left the simulation within 50 seconds. :param tmp_path: working directory of test execution :param env: global environment object """ input_location = env.systemtest_path / "train_tests" / "simple_train_test" copy_all_files(src=input_location, dest=tmp_path) jpscore_driver = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path) trajectories = load_trajectory(jpscore_driver.traj_file) assert trajectories.runtime() <= 50.0
def run_scenario(*, jpscore_path: Path, scenario_path: Path, working_directory: Path): working_directory.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) copy_all_files( src=scenario_path, dest=working_directory, ) jpscore_driver = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=jpscore_path, working_directory=working_directory)"Running {}") start_time = time.time() end_time = time.time() return end_time - start_time
def test_juelich_4_single_pedestrian_moving_in_a_corridor_with_obstacle( tmp_path, env, operational_model_id): """ Two pedestrians are aligned in the same room. The second pedestrian from left is standing and will not move during the test. Expected result: Pedestrian left should be able to overtake the standing pedestrian. :param tmp_path: working directory of test execution :param env: global environment object :param operational_model_id this test is parametrized for two models, the ids have to match the model ids in the template file """ input_location = env.systemtest_path / "juelich_tests" / "test_4" template_path = input_location / "inifile.template" inifile_path = tmp_path / "inifile.xml" instanciate_tempalte( src=template_path, args={"operational_model_id": operational_model_id}, dest=inifile_path, ) copy_files(sources=[input_location / "geometry.xml"], dest=tmp_path) jpscore_driver = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path) trajectories = load_trajectory(jpscore_driver.traj_file) agent_path3 = trajectories.path(3) agent_path4 = trajectories.path(4) x_1 = agent_path3[:, 2] y_1 = agent_path3[:, 3] x_2 = agent_path4[:, 2] y_2 = agent_path4[:, 3] eps = 0.3 # 10 cm x_min = x_2[0] - eps x_max = x_2[0] + eps y_min = y_2[0] - eps y_max = y_2[0] + eps lx = numpy.logical_and(x_1 > x_min, x_1 < x_max) ly = numpy.logical_and(y_1 > y_min, y_1 < y_max) overlap = (lx * ly).any() assert not overlap
def test_juelich_1_free_flow_movement_in_corridor(tmp_path, env): """ A pedestrian that starts in the middle of a corridor (i.e. is not influenced by the walls) should move with its free flow velocity towards the exit. :param tmp_path: working directory of test execution :param env: global environment object """ input_location = env.systemtest_path / "juelich_tests" / "test_1" copy_all_files(src=input_location, dest=tmp_path) jpscore_driver = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path) trajectories = load_trajectory(jpscore_driver.traj_file) expected_evac_time = 10.0 assert trajectories.runtime() <= expected_evac_time
def test_router_10(tmp_path, env): """ :param tmp_path: working directory of test execution :param env: global environment object """ input_location = env.systemtest_path / "router_tests" / "test_router_10" copy_files( sources=[ input_location / "geometry.xml", input_location / "inifile.xml", ], dest=tmp_path, ) jpscore_driver = JpsCoreDriver(jpscore_path=env.jpscore_path, working_directory=tmp_path) trajectories = load_trajectory(jpscore_driver.traj_file) agent_path = trajectories.path(2) assert get_intersetions_path_segment( agent_path, Segment(Point(90.1, -104), Point(90.1, -102)))