def __init__(self, logger): """ Class responsible for cummunicating with the temperature sensor network for data acquisition. This expects a sensLog instance called logger to exist when runnig. """ # For some reason we aren't inheriting this globally so instead we'll override it. self.__logger = logger self.__logger.log("Init thermalNetwork...") # Debug? self.__debugOn = False # Temperature sensor support self.__tempSens = ds18b20() # Temperature sensor registry self.__sensorSet = {} # Store readings and sensor data globally. self.__sensorReadings = {} # Running flag. Set to false when we should die. self.__keepRunning = True
def __init__(self): for key in hotpiConfig['devices'].keys(): device = hotpiConfig['devices'][key] if device['type'] == 'ds18b20': device['handler'] = ds18b20(device) elif device['type'] == 'ct30': device['handler'] = ct30(device) elif device['type'] == 'relay': device['handler'] = relay(device) elif device['type'] == 'semaphore': device['handler'] = semafile(device)
# GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # Email: [email protected] from ds18b20 import ds18b20 import time brew = [{ "heater": False, "heatctl": 1, "min": 20, "max": 21, "sensor": ds18b20("28-0517022710ff") }, { "heater": False, "heatctl": 2, "min": 20, "max": 21, "sensor": ds18b20("28-041702ce85ff") }] try: while 1: # Iterate through sensors for s in range(len(brew)): temp = brew[s]["sensor"].temperature print("Brew {0}: Temperature {1}".format(s + 1, temp))
def temperatureRead(self): self.t=ds18b20(self.thermId) self.temperature=self.t.getTemp() self.roundedTemp= '%05.1f' % round(self.temperature,1) return self.roundedTemp
import rrdtool from time import sleep from segmentDisplay import segmentDisplay from ds18b20 import ds18b20 project_dir="/home/pi/virtualenvs/BrewPi" log=False temp=-999 s=segmentDisplay('0x38') t=ds18b20('28-000004e4e579') l='Office' s.setupDisplay() for i in range (1,5): s.clearDisplay(i) while True: curtemp=t.getTemp() temp = '%05.1f' % round(curtemp,1) ret = rrdtool.update(project_dir + "/rrd/temps.rrd","N:" + str(temp)); if ret: print rrdtool.error() if log==True: # Logging switch l = Log(temperature=curtemp,location=l, if temp_HLT[0] != "0": s.writeDisplay(1,temp[0],0) else: s.clearDisplay(1) s.writeDisplay(2,temp[1],0)
import rrdtool from time import sleep from segmentDisplay import segmentDisplay from ds18b20 import ds18b20 project_dir = "/home/pi/virtualenvs/BrewPi" log = False temp = -999 s = segmentDisplay('0x38') t = ds18b20('28-000004e4e579') l = 'Office' s.setupDisplay() for i in range(1, 5): s.clearDisplay(i) while True: curtemp = t.getTemp() temp = '%05.1f' % round(curtemp, 1) ret = rrdtool.update(project_dir + "/rrd/temps.rrd", "N:" + str(temp)) if ret: print rrdtool.error() if log == True: # Logging switch l = Log(temperature=curtemp, location=l, if temp_HLT[0] != "0": s.writeDisplay(1, temp[0], 0) else: s.clearDisplay(1) s.writeDisplay(2, temp[1], 0) s.writeDisplay(3, temp[2], 1)
# HARD CODE PINS FOR SENSORS RELAY_PIN_1 = 16 RELAY_PIN_2 = 18 RELAY_PIN_3 = 22 TOUCH_PIN = 13 LIGHT_PIN = 11 TEMP_HUMID_PIN = 22 #This is the GPIO pin. Other pins set using BOARD ################# lcd = LCD.LCD_Display(rs=37, e=35, data_pins=[33, 31, 29, 23]) light = light_sensor.READ_LIGHT_SENSOR(pin=LIGHT_PIN) temp_humid = temp_humid.READ_DHT11(pin=TEMP_HUMID_PIN) r1 = relay_switch.relay_switch(pin=RELAY_PIN_1) r2 = relay_switch.relay_switch(pin=RELAY_PIN_2) r3 = relay_switch.relay_switch(pin=RELAY_PIN_3) temperature = ds18b20.ds18b20() def change_display(): global display_num global in_temp_f global in_humid global out_temp_f global condition if display_num == 1: display_num = 0 else: display_num = 1 touch = touch_sensor.touch_sensor(change_display, pin=TOUCH_PIN)
def __init__(self): # Create our temperature sensor instance. self.tempSens = ds18b20()
def main(saveData,now,scriptWD): bme = bme280.bme280() (temperature,pressure,humidity) = bme.readBME280All() print("Temperature : ", temperature, "C") print("Pressure : ", pressure, "hPa") print("Humidity : ", humidity, "%") del bme ds = ds18b20.ds18b20() temp_c = ds.readDS18b20All() for n in range(len(temp_c)): print("Senor # : ", n) print("Sensor ID : ", temp_c[n][1]) print("Sensor name :", temp_c[n][2]) print("Temperature : ", temp_c[n][3], "C") if temp_c[n][2] == 'Water bucket': tempInBucket = temp_c[n][3] del ds jsn = jsn_sr0t4_2.jsnsr0t4(tempInBucket) (currentDepth, currentH20Content) = jsn.readJSNSR0T4() print('current water level : ', currentDepth, ' cm') print('current water content : ', currentH20Content, ' l') del jsn time.sleep(1.) # wait a second for the read LED to switch off import tsl2591 # has to be imported here, otherwise jsn_sr0t4 script gives error tsl = tsl2591.tsl2591() (lux,infrared,visible,full_spectrum) = tsl.readTSL2591All() print("Total light : ", lux, "lux") print("Infrared light : ", infrared) print("Visible light : ", visible) print("Full spectrum (IR + visible) light : ", full_spectrum) del tsl minutes = int(now.strftime("%M")) rainfallScraped = False if (minutes > 19) and (minutes < 29): # scrape rainfall only once per hour at 20 min fullHour = now.strftime("%Hh00") rf = scrapeRainfall.scrapeRainfall(fullHour) (pluie, hour) = rf.getRainfallData() print("Measurement hour :", hour) print("Rainfall in mm :", pluie) waterChange = rf.getDifferenceInWaterButtContent(now) print("Water in butt changed by : %s l between %02dh and %02dh" % (waterChange[0],waterChange[1],waterChange[2])) rainfallScraped = True if saveData: dFile = open("%s/data/" % (scriptWD, now.strftime("%Y-%m")), "a") dFile.write("%s %s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n" % (now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"), now.strftime("%H:%M:%S"), temperature,np.round(pressure, 2),np.round(humidity, 2),temp_c[0][3],temp_c[1][3],np.round(currentDepth, 3), np.round(currentH20Content, 3),np.round(lux,4),infrared,visible,full_spectrum)) dFile.close() print('data saved to file') # send data to initial state streamer = Streamer(bucket_name=ITA.BUCKET_NAME, bucket_key=ITA.BUCKET_KEY, access_key=ITA.ACCESS_KEY) #print(np.round(humidity, 2),np.round(pressure, 2),temperature,temp_c[0][3],temp_c[1][3],np.round(currentH20Content, 3),np.round(lux,4)) streamer.log(SENSOR_LOCATION_NAME + " Humidity (%)", np.float(np.round(humidity, 2))) streamer.log(SENSOR_LOCATION_NAME + " Pressure (hPa)", np.round(pressure, 2)) streamer.log(SENSOR_LOCATION_NAME + " Chip Temperature (C)", temperature) streamer.log(SENSOR_LOCATION_NAME + " Water Bucket Temperature (C)", temp_c[0][3]) streamer.log(SENSOR_LOCATION_NAME + " Outside Temperature (C)", temp_c[1][3]) streamer.log(SENSOR_LOCATION_NAME + " Water Content (l)", np.round(currentH20Content, 3)) streamer.log(SENSOR_LOCATION_NAME + " Luminosity (lux)", np.round(lux,4)) if rainfallScraped: if pluie is not None: streamer.log(SENSOR_LOCATION_NAME + " Rainfall (mm)", pluie) streamer.log(SENSOR_LOCATION_NAME + " Water Change (l)", np.round(waterChange[0],4)) dFile = open("%s/data/" % (scriptWD,now.strftime("%Y-%m")),"a") dFile.write("%s %s\t%s\t%s\n" % (now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d"),now.strftime("%H:00"),pluie,np.round(waterChange[0],4))) dFile.close() print('rainfall and water change data saved to file') streamer.flush() print('Upload code finished')
from ds18b20 import ds18b20 from bmp280 import bmp280 # Obtenemos la fecha y hora con el formato elegido from datetime import datetime fecha=now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') hora=now.strftime('%H:%M') fechahora=now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M') #Cargados datos obtenidos por sensor dht22 dht22=dht22() #Separamos la informacion de temperatura temp1=(dht22[0]) #Separamos humedad humedad=(dht22[1]) #Cargamos datos temperatura obtenidos por el sensor ds18b20 temp2=ds18b20() #Cargados datos obtenidos por sensor bmp280 bmp280=bmp280() #Separamos temperatura temp3=(bmp280[0]) #Separamos presion presion=(bmp280[1]) presion=round(presion /10,2) #Obtenemos la direccion mac de la interfaz with open('/sys/class/net/wlan0/address') as wlan: mac=mac[:-1] #Obtenemos media temperatura 3 sensores temps=[temp1,temp2,temp3] ltemp=len(temps) tmedia=(round(sum(temps)*1.0/ltemp,2))
# GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <>. # # Email: [email protected] import time from ds18b20 import ds18b20 import ener import mosquitto as mqtt power = ener.Energenie() is_connected = False is_first = True brew = [{"heater":False,"heatctl":1,"min":20,"max":21,"sensor":ds18b20("28-0517022710ff")}, {"heater":False,"heatctl":2,"min":20,"max":21,"sensor":ds18b20("28-041702ce85ff")}] def mqtt_connect(client, userdata, rc): global is_connected global is_first print("Connected with result code {}".format(rc)) client.subscribe("beer/brew1/heater", 2) client.subscribe("beer/brew1/min_temp", 2) client.subscribe("beer/brew1/max_temp", 2) client.subscribe("beer/brew2/heater", 2) client.subscribe("beer/brew2/min_temp", 2) client.subscribe("beer/brew2/max_temp", 2) is_connected = True is_first = True