def run(scheduled_process: ScheduledProcess) -> None: """ Checks whether a new backup should be created. Creates one if needed as well. """ # Create a partial, minimal backup first. Since it will grow and take disk space, only create one weekly. today = timezone.localtime( if today.isoweekday() == 1: create_partial(folder=os.path.join(get_backup_directory(), 'archive', formats.date_format(today, 'Y'), formats.date_format(today, 'm')), models_to_backup=(DayStatistics, )) # Now create full. create_full(folder=get_backup_directory()) # Schedule tomorrow, for the time specified. backup_settings = BackupSettings.get_solo() next_backup_timestamp = + timezone.timedelta(days=1) next_backup_timestamp = timezone.localtime(next_backup_timestamp) next_backup_timestamp = next_backup_timestamp.replace( hour=backup_settings.backup_time.hour, minute=backup_settings.backup_time.minute, second=0, microsecond=0) scheduled_process.reschedule(next_backup_timestamp)
def get_dropbox_client(scheduled_process: ScheduledProcess) -> dropbox.Dropbox: """ The Dropbox refresh token we locally store (after linking the user's Dropbox account) never expires. This method returns a new and authenticated instance of the Dropbox client that can be used for its (short) duration. """ dropbox_settings = DropboxSettings.get_solo() dbx = dropbox.Dropbox(oauth2_refresh_token=dropbox_settings.refresh_token, app_key=settings.DSMRREADER_DROPBOX_APP_KEY) try: dbx.refresh_access_token() dbx.check_user() # No-op, just to verify the client/session. except Exception as error: logger.error(' - Dropbox error: %s', error) # Network errors should NOT reset the client side app token (see further below). Only API errors should do so. if not isinstance(error, dropbox.exceptions.DropboxException): scheduled_process.delay(minutes=1) raise logger.error(' - Removing Dropbox credentials due to API failure') message = _( "Unable to authenticate with Dropbox, removing credentials. Error: {}" .format(error)) DropboxSettings.objects.update(refresh_token=None, ) # Does not trigger auto disable scheduled_process.disable() raise'Dropbox: Auth/user check OK') return dbx
def run(scheduled_process: ScheduledProcess) -> None: """ Compacts all unprocessed readings, capped by a max to prevent hanging backend. """ for current_reading in DsmrReading.objects.unprocessed( )[0:settings.DSMRREADER_COMPACT_MAX]: try: compact(dsmr_reading=current_reading) except CompactorNotReadyError: # Try again in a while, since we can't do anything now anyway. scheduled_process.delay(seconds=15) return scheduled_process.delay(seconds=1)
def sync_file(scheduled_process: ScheduledProcess, dropbox_client: dropbox.Dropbox, local_root_dir: str, abs_file_path: str) -> None: # The path we use in our Dropbox app folder. relative_file_path = abs_file_path.replace(local_root_dir, '') try: # Check whether the file is already at Dropbox, if so, check its hash. dropbox_meta = dropbox_client.files_get_metadata(relative_file_path) except dropbox.exceptions.ApiError as exception: error_message = str(exception.error) dropbox_meta = None # Unexpected. if 'not_found' not in error_message: logger.error(' - Dropbox error: %s', error_message) return # Calculate local hash and compare with remote. Ignore if the remote file is exactly the same. if dropbox_meta and calculate_content_hash( abs_file_path) == dropbox_meta.content_hash: logger.debug('Dropbox: Content hash is the same, skipping: %s', relative_file_path) return try: upload_chunked(dropbox_client=dropbox_client, local_file_path=abs_file_path, remote_file_path=relative_file_path) except dropbox.exceptions.DropboxException as exception: error_message = str(exception.error) logger.error('Dropbox: %s', error_message) if 'insufficient_space' in error_message: message = _( "Unable to upload files to Dropbox due to {}. Ignoring new files for the next {} hours..." .format(error_message, settings.DSMRREADER_DROPBOX_ERROR_INTERVAL)) scheduled_process.delay( hours=settings.DSMRREADER_DROPBOX_ERROR_INTERVAL) raise # pragma: no cover
def run(scheduled_process: ScheduledProcess) -> None: """ Checks for new updates. If one is available, it's displayed on the Dashboard. """ try: is_latest_version = except Exception as error: logger.error('Update checker: Error %s', error) scheduled_process.delay(hours=1) return if not is_latest_version: logger.debug('Update checker: Newer version of DSMR-reader available') message=_( 'There is a newer version of DSMR-reader available. See the changelog for more information.' ), redirect_to='frontend:changelog-redirect' ) scheduled_process.delay(days=7)
def run(scheduled_process: ScheduledProcess) -> None: dropbox_settings = DropboxSettings.get_solo() if not dropbox_settings.refresh_token: # Should not happen, safe fallback scheduled_process.disable() return dropbox_client = get_dropbox_client(scheduled_process=scheduled_process) backup_directory = # Sync each file, recursively. for current_file in list_files_in_dir(directory=backup_directory): if not should_sync_file(current_file): continue sync_file(scheduled_process=scheduled_process, dropbox_client=dropbox_client, local_root_dir=backup_directory, abs_file_path=current_file) scheduled_process.delay(hours=settings.DSMRREADER_DROPBOX_SYNC_INTERVAL)
def run(scheduled_process: ScheduledProcess) -> None: mindergas_settings = MinderGasSettings.get_solo() # Only when enabled and token set. if not mindergas_settings.auth_token: mindergas_settings.update(export=False) # Should also disable SP. return # Nonsense when having no data. if not scheduled_process.delay(hours=1) return try: export() except Exception as error: logger.exception(error) scheduled_process.delay(hours=1) 'Failed to export to MinderGas: {}'.format(error) )) return # Reschedule between 3 AM and 6 AM next day. midnight = timezone.localtime(timezone.make_aware( timezone.datetime.combine(, time.min) )) next_midnight = midnight + timezone.timedelta( ) ) scheduled_process.reschedule( next_midnight + timezone.timedelta( hours=random.randint(3, 5), minutes=random.randint(15, 59) ) )
def run(scheduled_process: ScheduledProcess) -> None: retention_settings = RetentionSettings.get_solo() if retention_settings.data_retention_in_hours == RetentionSettings.RETENTION_NONE: scheduled_process.disable() # Changing the retention settings in the admin will re-activate it again. return # These models should be rotated with retention. Dict value is the datetime field used. ITEM_COUNT_PER_HOUR = 2 MODELS_TO_CLEANUP = { DsmrReading.objects.processed(): 'timestamp', ElectricityConsumption.objects.all(): 'read_at', GasConsumption.objects.all(): 'read_at', } retention_date = - timezone.timedelta(hours=retention_settings.data_retention_in_hours) data_to_clean_up = False # We need to force UTC here, to avoid AmbiguousTimeError's on DST changes. timezone.activate(pytz.UTC) for base_queryset, datetime_field in MODELS_TO_CLEANUP.items(): hours_to_cleanup = base_queryset.filter( **{'{}__lt'.format(datetime_field): retention_date} ).annotate( item_hour=TruncHour(datetime_field) ).values('item_hour').annotate( item_count=Count('id') ).order_by().filter( item_count__gt=ITEM_COUNT_PER_HOUR ).order_by('item_hour').values_list( 'item_hour', flat=True )[:settings.DSMRREADER_RETENTION_MAX_CLEANUP_HOURS_PER_RUN] hours_to_cleanup = list(hours_to_cleanup) # Force evaluation. if not hours_to_cleanup: continue data_to_clean_up = True for current_hour in hours_to_cleanup: # Fetch all data per hour. data_set = base_queryset.filter( **{ '{}__gte'.format(datetime_field): current_hour, '{}__lt'.format(datetime_field): current_hour + timezone.timedelta(hours=1), } ) # Extract the first/last item, so we can exclude it. # NOTE: Want to alter this? Please update ITEM_COUNT_PER_HOUR above as well! keeper_pks = [ data_set.order_by(datetime_field)[0].pk, data_set.order_by('-{}'.format(datetime_field))[0].pk ] # Now drop all others. logger.debug('Retention: Cleaning up: %s (%s)', current_hour, data_set[0].__class__.__name__) data_set.exclude(pk__in=keeper_pks).delete() timezone.deactivate() # Delay for a bit, as there is nothing to do. if not data_to_clean_up: scheduled_process.delay(hours=12)
def run_quarter_hour_peaks(scheduled_process: ScheduledProcess) -> None: """ Calculates the quarter-hour peak consumption. For background info see issue #1084 .""" MINUTE_INTERVAL = 15 # Just start with whatever time this process was scheduled. # As it's incremental and will fix data gaps (see further below). fuzzy_start = scheduled_process.planned.replace(second=0, microsecond=0) # The fuzzy start should be just beyond whatever we target. E.g. fuzzy start = currently 14:34 logger.debug('Quarter hour peaks: Using %s as fuzzy start', timezone.localtime(fuzzy_start)) # Rewind at least 15 minutes. E.g. currently 14:34 -> 14:19 (rewind_minutes = 15) rewind_minutes = MINUTE_INTERVAL # Map to xx:00, xx:15, xx:30 or xx:45. E.g. 14:19 -> 14:15. Makes 19 % 15 = 4 (rewind_minutes = 15 + 4) rewind_minutes += (fuzzy_start - timezone.timedelta(minutes=rewind_minutes) ).minute % MINUTE_INTERVAL # E.g. Fuzzy start was 14:34. Now we start/end at 14:15/14:30. start = fuzzy_start - timezone.timedelta(minutes=rewind_minutes) end = start + timezone.timedelta(minutes=MINUTE_INTERVAL) # Do NOT continue until we've received new readings AFTER the targeted end. Ensuring we do not miss any and it also # blocks the "self-healing" implementation when having data gaps. # Only happens for data gaps or directly after new installations (edge cases). This will keep pushing forward. if not DsmrReading.objects.filter(timestamp__gte=end).exists(): logger.debug( 'Quarter hour peaks: Ready but awaiting any new readings after %s, postponing for a bit...', timezone.localtime(end), ) # Assumes new readings will arrive shortly (for most users/setups) scheduled_process.postpone(seconds=5) return quarter_hour_readings = DsmrReading.objects.filter(timestamp__gte=start, timestamp__lte=end) # Only happens for data gaps or directly after new installations (edge cases). This will keep pushing forward. if len(quarter_hour_readings) < 2: logger.warning( 'Quarter hour peaks: Ready but not enough readings found between %s - %s, skipping quarter...', timezone.localtime(start), timezone.localtime(end), ) scheduled_process.postpone(minutes=MINUTE_INTERVAL) return first_reading = quarter_hour_readings.first() last_reading = quarter_hour_readings.last() logger.debug( 'Quarter hour peaks: Quarter %s - %s resulted in readings %s - %s', timezone.localtime(start), timezone.localtime(end), timezone.localtime(first_reading.timestamp), timezone.localtime(last_reading.timestamp), ) # Do not create duplicate data. existing_data = QuarterHourPeakElectricityConsumption.objects.filter( read_at_start__gte=start, read_at_start__lte=end, ).exists() if existing_data: logger.debug( 'Quarter hour peaks: Ready but quarter already processed, rescheduling for next quarter...' ) scheduled_process.reschedule( planned_at=end + timezone.timedelta(minutes=MINUTE_INTERVAL)) return # Calculate quarter data. total_delivered_start = first_reading.electricity_delivered_1 + first_reading.electricity_delivered_2 total_delivered_end = last_reading.electricity_delivered_1 + last_reading.electricity_delivered_2 avg_delivered_in_quarter = total_delivered_end - total_delivered_start logger.debug( 'Quarter hour peaks: Calculating for %s - %s', timezone.localtime(first_reading.timestamp), timezone.localtime(last_reading.timestamp), ) new_instance = QuarterHourPeakElectricityConsumption.objects.create( # Using the reading timestamps used to ensure we can indicate gaps or lag in reading input. # E.g. due backend/datalogger process sleep or simply v4 meters emitting a reading only once per 10 seconds. read_at_start=first_reading.timestamp, read_at_end=last_reading.timestamp, # avg_delivered_in_quarter = kW QUARTER peak during 15 minutes... x 4 maps it to avg per hour for kW HOUR peak average_delivered=avg_delivered_in_quarter * 4) logger.debug('Quarter hour peaks: Created %s', new_instance) # Reschedule around the next moment we can expect to process the next quarter. Also works retroactively/with gaps. scheduled_process.reschedule(planned_at=new_instance.read_at_end + timezone.timedelta(minutes=MINUTE_INTERVAL))
def run(scheduled_process: ScheduledProcess) -> None: """ Analyzes daily consumption and statistics to determine whether new analysis is required. """ if not is_data_available(): logger.debug('Stats: No data available') scheduled_process.delay(hours=1) return now = timezone.localtime( target_day = get_next_day_to_generate() next_day = target_day + timezone.timedelta(days=1) # Skip current day, wait until midnight. if target_day >= logger.debug('Stats: Waiting for day to pass: %s', target_day) scheduled_process.reschedule( timezone.make_aware(timezone.datetime.combine(next_day, time.min))) return # All readings of the day must be processed. unprocessed_readings = DsmrReading.objects.unprocessed().filter( timestamp__date=target_day).exists() if unprocessed_readings: logger.debug('Stats: Found unprocessed readings for: %s', target_day) scheduled_process.delay(minutes=5) return # Ensure we have any consumption. consumption_found = ElectricityConsumption.objects.filter( read_at__date=target_day).exists() if not consumption_found: logger.debug('Stats: Missing consumption data for: %s', target_day) scheduled_process.delay(hours=1) return # If we recently supported gas, make sure we've received a gas reading on the next day (or later). recently_gas_read = GasConsumption.objects.filter( read_at__date__gte=target_day - timezone.timedelta(days=1)).exists() # Unless it was disabled. gas_capability = Capability.GAS) if gas_capability and recently_gas_read and not GasConsumption.objects.filter( read_at__date__gte=next_day).exists(): logger.debug('Stats: Waiting for first gas reading on the next day...') scheduled_process.delay(minutes=5) return create_statistics(target_day=target_day) # We keep trying until we've caught on to the current day (which will then delay it for a day above). scheduled_process.delay(seconds=1) return