    def _create_layered(self, dson_material, sg_node):
        Create and return the material.
        If this is a blended metallic/plastic material, create both materials and combine them
        with a layeredShader.
        # These flags apply to all textures on this material.
                self.channels.get('Horizontal Tiles', 1),
                self.channels.get('Vertical Tiles', 1),
                self.channels.get('Horizontal Offset', 0),
                self.channels.get('Vertical Offset', 0))

        # If we're not in Metallicity mode, just create a regular single-layer shader.
        base_mixing = self.channels['Base Mixing']
        if base_mixing != 0:
            material = self._create_glossy_or_weighted(dson_material, sg_node)
            pm.rename(material, 'Mat_Arnold_%s' % mh.cleanup_node_name(self.name))
            return material

        # We're in Metallicity mode.  If the metallicity value is a constant 0 or 1, then also create a
        # regular single-layer shader.  This is the most common case for this mode.
        metallic_weight = self.get_texture_with_color(self.images.get('Metallic Weight'), self.channels['Metallic Weight'], mode='alpha')
        if metallic_weight in (0, 1):
            material = self._create_metallic(dson_material, sg_node, metallic_weight == 1)
            pm.rename(material, 'Mat_Arnold_%s' % mh.cleanup_node_name(self.name))
            return material

        # We're in metallicity mode, and we have a mix of metallicity and platic.  These two use
        # very different mixing modes (the mixing order is different between the layers).  Do this
        # by creating a material for 0 metallicity and 1 metallicity, then combining them with
        # a layeredShader.  This is slower, but most materials don't use this.
        # Multiply the transparency of this layer by metallic_weight.
        metallic_material = self._create_metallic(dson_material, sg_node, metallic=True, top_weight=metallic_weight)
        pm.rename(metallic_material, 'Mat_Arnold_Metal_%s' % mh.cleanup_node_name(self.name))

        # This layer is underneath metallic, so set its weight to 1.
        plastic_material = self._create_metallic(dson_material, sg_node, metallic=False, top_weight=1)
        pm.rename(plastic_material, 'Mat_Arnold_Plastic_%s' % mh.cleanup_node_name(self.name))

        material = pm.shadingNode('layeredShader', asShader=True)
        pm.rename(material, 'Mat_Arnold_%s' % mh.cleanup_node_name(self.name))



        return material
    def create(self, dson_material, sg_node):
        self.material = pm.shadingNode('lambert', asShader=True)
                  'Mat_Viewport_%s' % mh.cleanup_node_name(self.name))

        material_type = self._get_dson_material_type(dson_material)


        if material_type == 'studio/material/uber_iray':
            # Refraction isn't really opacity, but we'll approximate it that way in the viewport.
            refraction_opacity = self.get_texture_with_alpha(
                self.images.get('Refraction Weight'),
                self.channels['Refraction Weight'],

            transparency = self.get_texture_with_alpha(
                self.images.get('Cutout Opacity'),
                self.channels['Cutout Opacity'])

            # "Transparency" is a terrible way to represent opacity, because instead of just multiplying
            # values to combine them, you have to do 1-((1-t1)*(1-t2)).  That gives an ugly shader.
            # Cutout opacity and refraction are used for very different types of materials and I've never
            # seen them used together, so we cheat here and just add them.
            transparency = mh.math_op('add', transparency, refraction_opacity)
            transparency = self.get_texture_with_alpha(
                self.images.get('transparency'), self.channels['transparency'])

        # If transparency is constant, don't let it be 0.  Clamp it to 0.5, so it's not completely
        # invisible in the viewport.  In the real materials there are usually other things causing
        # it to be visible, like reflections or refraction.  Hack: don't do this for certain eye
        # materials, or it'll wash out eyes.
        allow_completely_transparent_shaders = [
        allow_completely_transparent = any(
            s in str(dson_material)
            for s in allow_completely_transparent_shaders)
        if not isinstance(transparency,
                          pm.PyNode) and not allow_completely_transparent:
            transparency = min(transparency, 0.5)

        mh.set_or_connect(self.material.attr('transparency'), transparency)

        # Connect the material.  Force this connection, so if it's already connected to lambert1
        # we'll override it.
    def create(self, dson_material, sg_node):
        super(MaterialPlastic, self).create(dson_material, sg_node)

        material = pm.shadingNode('aiStandard', asShader=True)
        pm.rename(material, 'Mat_Arnold_%s' % mh.cleanup_node_name(self.name))

        # Don't apply transparency if there's no texture and transparency is 1 (transparency is really alpha).
        if self.channels['transparency'] < 1 or self.images.get('transparency'):
            self.set_attr_to_transparency(material.attr('opacity'), self.images.get('transparency'), self.channels['transparency'], zero_is_invisible=True)
            self.uses_transparency = True

        # Bump
        # Daz has a positive and negative bump value.  That's odd and I'm not sure if anyone actually uses this.
        # This isn't used for now.
        bump_negative = self.channels['bump_min']
        bump_positive = self.channels['bump_max']
        bump_scale = abs(bump_positive - bump_negative)
        if bump_scale > 0:
            self._set_normal_map(material, bump_texture=self.images.get('bump'), bump_scale=bump_scale * 0.5)

#        # reflectionStrength = self.channels['Reflection Strength']
#        # if reflectionStrength > 0:
#        #     pass
        # Specular (XXX untested)
        specular_strength = self.channels.get('specular_strength', 0)
        if specular_strength > 0:
            mh.set_or_connect(material.attr('Ks'), specular_strength)

            # We currently ignore any glossiness map.  You can set one, but Iray seems to ignore it.
            # self.set_attr_to_roughness_from_glossiness(self.images.get('glossiness'), self.channels['glossiness'], spec_layer.node.attr('roughness'))
            self.set_attr_to_roughness_from_glossiness(None, self.channels['glossiness'], material.attr('specularRoughness'))

            self.set_attr_to_texture_with_color(material.attr('KsColor'), self.images.get('specular'), self.channels['specular'])

        # Diffuse color.  We don't currently implement textures for diffuse strength.
        self.set_attr_to_texture_with_color(material.attr('color'), self.images.get('diffuse'), self.channels['diffuse'])
        self.set_attr_to_texture_with_color(material.attr('Kd'), self.images.get('diffuse_strength'), self.channels['diffuse_strength'], mode='r')

        # Unimplemented: ambient/ambient_strength, reflection/reflection_strength, refraction/refraction_strength/ior,
        # displacement/displacement_min/displacement_max, normal, u_offset/u_scale/v_offset/v_scale

        self._post_create(sg_node, material)
    def create(self, dson_material, sg_node):
        super(MaterialDazShader, self).create(dson_material, sg_node)

        material = pm.shadingNode('aiStandard', asShader=True)
        pm.rename(material, 'Mat_Arnold_%s' % mh.cleanup_node_name(self.name))

        diffuse_weight = 1

        # Bump:
        if self.channels['Bump Active']:
            # XXX: Normal maps?
            self._set_normal_map(material, bump_texture=self.images.get('Bump Strength'), bump_scale=self.channels.get('Bump Strength', 0) * 0.025)

        if self.channels['Opacity Active'] and (self.channels['transparency'] < 1 or self.images.get('transparency')):
            self.set_attr_to_transparency(material.attr('opacity'), self.images.get('transparency'), self.channels['transparency'], zero_is_invisible=True)
            self.uses_transparency = True

        # Specular (Primary)
        if self.channels['Specular Active']:
            self.set_attr_to_texture_with_color(material.attr('KsColor'), self.images.get('Specular Color'), self.channels['Specular Color'])
            self.set_attr_to_roughness_from_glossiness(self.images.get('Glossiness'), self.channels['Glossiness'], material.attr('specularRoughness'))

            specular_strength = self.channels['Specular Strength']
#            diffuse_weight = mh.math_op('sub', diffuse_weight, specular_strength)
            mh.set_or_connect(material.attr('Ks'), specular_strength)

        # Diffuse
        if self.channels['Diffuse Active'] and self.channels['Diffuse Strength'] > 0:
            self.set_attr_to_texture_with_color(material.attr('color'), self.images.get('diffuse'), self.channels['diffuse'])

            diffuse_weight = mh.math_op('mult', diffuse_weight, self.channels['Diffuse Strength'])
            mh.set_or_connect(material.attr('Kd'), diffuse_weight)

        self.set_attr_to_texture_with_color(material.attr('diffuseRoughness'), self.images.get('Diffuse Roughness'), self.channels['Diffuse Roughness'], mode='alpha')

        self._post_create(sg_node, material)
    def create(self, dson_material, sg_node):
        super(MaterialDazBrick, self).create(dson_material, sg_node)

        material = pm.shadingNode('aiStandard', asShader=True)
        pm.rename(material, 'Mat_Arnold_%s' % mh.cleanup_node_name(self.name))

        # Don't apply transparency if there's no texture and transparency is 1 (transparency is really alpha).
        if self.channels['transparency'] < 1 or self.images.get('transparency'):
            self.set_attr_to_transparency(material.attr('opacity'), self.images.get('transparency'), self.channels['transparency'], zero_is_invisible=True)
            self.uses_transparency = True

        # Normals:
        # This material has a positive and negative bump value.  That's odd and I'm not sure if anyone actually uses this.
        bump_negative = self.channels.get('Negative Bump', 0)
        bump_positive = self.channels.get('Positive Bump', 0)
        bump_scale = abs(bump_positive - bump_negative)
        bump_scale = mh.math_op('mult', bump_scale, self.channels['Bump Strength'])
        self._set_normal_map(material, normal_texture=self.images.get('Normal Map'), bump_texture=self.images.get('Bump Strength'), bump_scale=bump_scale*0.5)

#        # reflectionStrength = self.channels['Reflection Strength']
#        # if reflectionStrength > 0:
#        #     pass

        # Specular 1.
        specularStrength = self.channels.get('Specular Strength', 0)
        if specularStrength > 0:
            # XXX: calibrate
            material.attr('Ks').set(specularStrength * 0.075)

            # We currently ignore any glossiness map.  You can set one, but Iray seems to ignore it.
            # self.set_attr_to_roughness_from_glossiness(self.images.get('Glossiness'), self.channels['Glossiness'], material.attr('specularRoughness'))
            self.set_attr_to_roughness_from_glossiness(None, self.channels['Glossiness'], material.attr('specularRoughness'))

            self.set_attr_to_texture_with_color(material.attr('KsColor'), self.images.get('Specular Color'), self.channels['Specular Color'])
#        # Specular 2.  This is a phong specular.  This isn't very well tested.
#        specular2Strength = self.channels['value222']
#        if specular2Strength > 0:
#	    pass

        # This material allows Diffuse Strength to be greater than 1, but aiStandard doesn't,
        # so apply diffuse strength as part of the diffuse color instead.
        #diffuse_color = util.srgb_vector_to_linear(self.channels['diffuse'])
        #diffuse_color = mh.math_op('mult', diffuse_color, self.channels['Diffuse Strength'])
        #diffuse_texture_node = self.find_or_create_texture(path=self.images.get('diffuse'))
        #if diffuse_texture_node is not None:
        #    diffuse_color = mh.math_op('mult', diffuse_color, diffuse_texture_node.attr('outColor'))
        #mh.set_or_connect(material.attr('color'), diffuse_color)
        #mh.set_or_connect(material.attr('Kd'), 1)

        diffuse_color = self.get_texture_with_color(self.images.get('diffuse'), self.channels['diffuse'])
        mh.set_or_connect(material.attr('color'), diffuse_color)
        # Note that the diffuse strength isn't quite the same as a multiplier to the diffuse color,
        # since it's a layering weight and affected by other material layers.
        diffuse_strength = self.get_texture_with_color(self.images.get('Diffuse Strength'), self.channels['Diffuse Strength'], mode='alpha')
        if not isinstance(diffuse_strength, pm.PyNode):
            diffuse_strength = min(diffuse_strength, 1)
        mh.set_or_connect(material.attr('Kd'), diffuse_strength)

        # Subsurface
        # "value23" is "Subsurface Off - On".
        # "Ambient Strength" is "Subsurface Strength" (huh?).
        # "Ambient Color" is "Subsurface Color"
        # Multiply these together to get the SSS weight, and to see if we need to set up SSS at
        # all.  "Subsurface Off - On" is probably 0 or 1 most of the time.
        # This material's scatter is very different from ours, so we don't really try to emulate
        # it.  We just set up basic texture maps if available, so it's easier to turn it on manually.
        scatter_weight = self._scatter_weight()

        # If we have an ambient color (which is actually Subsurface Color), connect it to SSS color.
        # Otherwise, connect the diffuse color, since it's the usually what you want if you're turning
        # on simple SSS.
        self.set_attr_to_texture_with_color(material.attr('KsssColor'), self.images.get('Ambient Color'), [1,1,1])

        # Set a reasonable default for skin SSS.  This won't be used unless SSS is actually weighted on.
        material.attr('sssRadius').set((1, 0.5, 0.25))

        # XXX: Not implemented: ambient, displacement, opacity, reflection, shadows, tiling, velvet

        self._post_create(sg_node, material)