def main(): optParser = initOptions() (options, args) = optParser.parse_args() if not or not options.routes or not options.detvals: optParser.error("--net-file, --routes and --detector-values have to be given!") if options.mesosim: sumoBinary = os.environ.get("SUMO_BINARY", os.path.join(options.path, "meso")) print 'mesosim in action!' else: sumoBinary = os.environ.get("SUMO_BINARY", os.path.join(options.path, "sumo")) calibrator = ["java", "-cp", options.classpath, "cadyts.interfaces.sumo.SumoController"] log = open("cadySumo-log.txt", "w+") # calibration init starttime = evalprefix = None if options.evalprefix: evalprefix = options.evalprefix # begin the calibration if options.fmaprefix: call(calibrator + ["INIT", "-varscale", options.varscale, "-freezeit", options.freezeit, "-measfile", options.detvals, "-binsize", options.aggregation, "-PREPITS", options.PREPITS, "-bruteforce", options.bruteforce, "-demandscale", options.demandscale, "-mincountstddev", options.mincountstddev, "-overridett", options.overridett,"-clonepostfix", options.clonepostfix, "-fmaprefix", options.fmaprefix, "-cntfirstlink", options.cntfirstlink, "-cntlastlink",options.cntlastlink], log) else: call(calibrator + ["INIT", "-varscale", options.varscale, "-freezeit", options.freezeit, "-measfile", options.detvals, "-binsize", options.aggregation, "-PREPITS", options.PREPITS, "-bruteforce", options.bruteforce, "-mincountstddev", options.mincountstddev,"-overridett", options.overridett, "-clonepostfix", options.clonepostfix,"-cntfirstlink", options.cntfirstlink, "-cntlastlink",options.cntlastlink], log) for step in range(options.calibStep): print 'calibration step:', step files = [] # calibration choice firstRoute = options.routes.split(",")[0] routname = os.path.basename(firstRoute) if '_' in routname: output = "" % (routname[:routname.rfind('_')], step) else: output = "" % (routname[:routname.find('.')], step) call(calibrator + ["CHOICE", "-choicesetfile", options.routes, "-choicefile", "%s" % output], log) files.append(output) # simulation print ">> Running simulation" btime = print ">>> Begin time: %s" % btime writeSUMOConf(sumoBinary, step, options, [], ",".join(files)) retCode = call([sumoBinary, "-c", "iteration_%03i.sumocfg" % step], log) etime = print ">>> End time: %s" % etime print ">>> Duration: %s" % (etime-btime) print "<<" # calibration update if evalprefix: call(calibrator + ["UPDATE", "-netfile", "dump_%03i_%s.xml" % (step, options.aggregation), "-flowfile", "%s_%03i.txt" % (evalprefix, step)], log) else: call(calibrator + ["UPDATE", "-netfile", "dump_%03i_%s.xml" % (step, options.aggregation)], log) print "< Step %s ended (duration: %s)" % (step, - btime) print "------------------\n" log.flush() print "calibration ended (duration: %s)" % ( - starttime) log.close()
def main(): argParser = initOptions() options = argParser.parse_args() if not or not options.routes or not options.detvals: argParser.error( "--net-file, --routes and --detector-values have to be given!") sumoBinary = sumolib.checkBinary("sumo", options.path) calibrator = [ "java", "-cp", options.classpath, "-Xmx1G", "floetteroed.cadyts.interfaces.sumo.SumoController" ] log = open("cadySumo-log.txt", "w+") # calibration init starttime = evalprefix = None if options.evalprefix: evalprefix = options.evalprefix # begin the calibration if options.fmaprefix: call( calibrator + [ "INIT", "-varscale", options.varscale, "-freezeit", options.freezeit, "-measfile", options.detvals, "-binsize", options.aggregation, "-PREPITS", options.PREPITS, "-bruteforce", options.bruteforce, "-demandscale", options.demandscale, "-mincountstddev", options.mincountstddev, "-overridett", options.overridett, "-clonepostfix", options.clonepostfix, "-fmaprefix", options.fmaprefix, "-cntfirstlink", options.cntfirstlink, "-cntlastlink", options.cntlastlink ], log) else: call( calibrator + [ "INIT", "-varscale", options.varscale, "-freezeit", options.freezeit, "-measfile", options.detvals, "-binsize", options.aggregation, "-PREPITS", options.PREPITS, "-bruteforce", options.bruteforce, "-demandscale", options.demandscale, "-mincountstddev", options.mincountstddev, "-overridett", options.overridett, "-clonepostfix", options.clonepostfix, "-cntfirstlink", options.cntfirstlink, "-cntlastlink", options.cntlastlink ], log) for step in range(options.calibStep): print('calibration step:', step) files = [] current_directory = os.getcwd() final_directory = os.path.join(current_directory, str(step)) if not os.path.exists(final_directory): os.makedirs(final_directory) # calibration choice firstRoute = options.routes.split(",")[0] routname = os.path.basename(firstRoute) if '_' in routname: output = "" % (routname[:routname.rfind('_')], step) else: output = "" % (routname[:routname.find('.')], step) call( calibrator + [ "CHOICE", "-choicesetfile", options.routes, "-choicefile", "%s/%s" % (step, output) ], log) files.append(output) # simulation print(">> Running simulation") btime = print(">>> Begin time: %s" % btime) writeSUMOConf(sumoBinary, step, options, [], ",".join(files)) call([sumoBinary, "-c", "%s/iteration_%03i.sumocfg" % (step, step)], log) etime = print(">>> End time: %s" % etime) print(">>> Duration: %s" % (etime - btime)) print("<<") # calibration update if evalprefix: call( calibrator + [ "UPDATE", "-netfile", "%s/dump_%03i_%s.xml" % (step, step, options.aggregation), "-flowfile", "%s_%03i.txt" % (evalprefix, step) ], log) else: call( calibrator + [ "UPDATE", "-netfile", "%s/dump_%03i_%s.xml" % (step, step, options.aggregation) ], log) print("< Step %s ended (duration: %s)" % (step, - btime)) print("------------------\n") log.flush() print("calibration ended (duration: %s)" % ( - starttime)) log.close()
def main(): optParser = initOptions() optParser.add_option("-r", "--route-alternatives", dest="routes", help="route alternatives from sumo (comma separated list, mandatory)", metavar="FILE") optParser.add_option("-d", "--detector-values", dest="detvals", help="adapt to the flow on the given edges", metavar="FILE") optParser.add_option("-c", "--classpath", dest="classpath", default=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]), "..", "contributed", "calibration", "cadytsSumoController.jar"), help="classpath for the calibrator [default: %default]") optParser.add_option("-s", "--last-calibration-step", dest="calibStep", type="int", default=100, help="last step of the calibration [default: %default]") optParser.add_option("-S", "--demandscale", dest="demandscale", type="float", default=2., help="scaled demand [default: %default]") optParser.add_option("-F", "--freezeit", dest="freezeit", type="int", default=85, help="define the number of iterations for stablizing the results in the DTA-calibration") optParser.add_option("-V", "--varscale", dest="varscale", type="float", default=1., help="define variance of the measured traffic flows for the DTA-calibration") optParser.add_option("-P", "--PREPITS", type="int", dest="PREPITS", default = 5, help="number of preparatory iterations") optParser.add_option("-W", "--evaluation-prefix", dest="evalprefix",type='string', help="prefix of flow evaluation files; only for the calibration with use of detector data") optParser.add_option("-Y", "--bruteforce", action="store_true", dest="bruteforce", default = False, help="fit the traffic counts as accurate as possible") optParser.add_option("-Z", "--mincountstddev", type="float", dest="mincountstddev", default = 25., help="minimal traffic count standard deviation") optParser.add_option("-O", "--overridett", action="store_true", dest="overridett", default= False, help="override depart times according to updated link travel times") optParser.add_option("-E", "--disable-emissions", action="store_true", dest="noEmissions", default=False, help="No emissions are written by the simulation") optParser.add_option("-T", "--disable-tripinfos", action="store_true", dest="noTripinfo", default=False, help="No tripinfos are written by the simulation") optParser.add_option("-M", "--matrix-prefix", dest="fmaprefix", type='string', help="prefix of OD matrix files in visum format") optParser.add_option("-N", "--clone-postfix", dest="clonepostfix", type='string', default='-CLONE', help="postfix attached to clone ids") (options, args) = optParser.parse_args() if not or not options.routes or not options.detvals: optParser.error("--net-file, --routes and --detector-values have to be given!") if options.mesosim: sumoBinary = os.environ.get("SUMO_BINARY", os.path.join(options.path, "meso")) print 'mesosim in action!' else: sumoBinary = os.environ.get("SUMO_BINARY", os.path.join(options.path, "sumo")) calibrator = ["java", "-cp", options.classpath, "cadyts.interfaces.sumo.SumoController"] log = open("cadySumo-log.txt", "w+") # calibration init starttime = evalprefix = None if options.evalprefix: evalprefix = options.evalprefix # begin the calibration if options.fmaprefix: call(calibrator + ["INIT", "-varscale", options.varscale, "-freezeit", options.freezeit, "-measfile", options.detvals, "-binsize", options.aggregation, "-PREPITS", options.PREPITS, "-bruteforce", options.bruteforce, "-demandscale", options.demandscale, "-mincountstddev", options.mincountstddev, "-overridett", options.overridett, "-clonepostfix", options.clonepostfix, "-fmaprefix", options.fmaprefix], log) else: call(calibrator + ["INIT", "-varscale", options.varscale, "-freezeit", options.freezeit, "-measfile", options.detvals, "-binsize", options.aggregation, "-PREPITS", options.PREPITS, "-bruteforce", options.bruteforce, "-mincountstddev", options.mincountstddev, "-overridett", options.overridett, "-clonepostfix", options.clonepostfix], log) for step in range(options.calibStep): print 'calibration step:', step files = [] # calibration choice firstRoute = options.routes.split(",")[0] routname = os.path.basename(firstRoute) if '_' in routname: output = "" % (routname[:routname.rfind('_')], step) else: output = "" % (routname[:routname.find('.')], step) call(calibrator + ["CHOICE", "-choicesetfile", options.routes, "-choicefile", "%s" % output], log) files.append(output) # simulation print ">> Running simulation" btime = print ">>> Begin time: %s" % btime writeSUMOConf(step, options, ",".join(files)) retCode = call([sumoBinary, "-c", "iteration_%s.sumo.cfg" % step], log) etime = print ">>> End time: %s" % etime print ">>> Duration: %s" % (etime-btime) print "<<" # calibration update if evalprefix: call(calibrator + ["UPDATE", "-netfile", "dump_%s_%s.xml" % (step, options.aggregation), "-flowfile", "%s_%s.txt" % (evalprefix, step)], log) else: call(calibrator + ["UPDATE", "-netfile", "dump_%s_%s.xml" % (step, options.aggregation)], log) print "< Step %s ended (duration: %s)" % (step, - btime) print "------------------\n" log.flush() print "calibration ended (duration: %s)" % ( - starttime) log.close()