def evaluate_one_epoch():
    stat_dict = {}

    ap_calculator = APCalculator(ap_iou_thresh=FLAGS.ap_iou_thresh,
    ap_calculator_l = APCalculator(ap_iou_thresh=FLAGS.ap_iou_thresh * 2,

    net.eval()  # set model to eval mode (for bn and dp)
    for batch_idx, batch_data_label in enumerate(TEST_DATALOADER):
        end_points = {}
        if batch_idx % 10 == 0:
            print('Eval batch: %d' % (batch_idx))
        for key in batch_data_label:
            batch_data_label[key] = batch_data_label[key].to(device)

        # Forward pass
        inputs = {'point_clouds': batch_data_label['point_clouds']}
        with torch.no_grad():
            end_points = net(inputs, end_points)

        # Compute loss
        for key in batch_data_label:
            end_points[key] = batch_data_label[key]
        loss, end_points = criterion(inputs, end_points, DATASET_CONFIG)

        # Accumulate statistics and print out
        for key in end_points:
            if 'loss' in key or 'acc' in key or 'ratio' in key:
                if key not in stat_dict: stat_dict[key] = 0
                stat_dict[key] += end_points[key].item()

        batch_pred_map_cls = parse_predictions(
            end_points, CONFIG_DICT, opt_ang=(FLAGS.dataset == 'sunrgbd'))
        batch_gt_map_cls = parse_groundtruths(end_points, CONFIG_DICT)
        ap_calculator.step(batch_pred_map_cls, batch_gt_map_cls)

        batch_pred_map_cls = parse_predictions(
            end_points, CONFIG_DICT_L, opt_ang=(FLAGS.dataset == 'sunrgbd'))
        batch_gt_map_cls = parse_groundtruths(end_points, CONFIG_DICT_L)
        ap_calculator_l.step(batch_pred_map_cls, batch_gt_map_cls)

        if FLAGS.dump_results:
            dump_results(end_points, DUMP_DIR + '/result/', DATASET_CONFIG,

    # Log statistics
    for key in sorted(stat_dict.keys()):
        log_string('eval mean %s: %f' % (key, stat_dict[key] /
                                         (float(batch_idx + 1))))

    metrics_dict = ap_calculator.compute_metrics()
    for key in metrics_dict:
        log_string('iou = 0.25, eval %s: %f' % (key, metrics_dict[key]))
    metrics_dict = ap_calculator_l.compute_metrics()
    for key in metrics_dict:
        log_string('iou = 0.5, eval %s: %f' % (key, metrics_dict[key]))

    mean_loss = stat_dict['loss'] / float(batch_idx + 1)
    return mean_loss
if __name__ == '__main__':
    sys.path.append(os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, 'sunrgbd'))
    from sunrgbd_detection_dataset import SunrgbdDetectionVotesDataset, DC

    # Define dataset
    TRAIN_DATASET = SunrgbdDetectionVotesDataset('train',

    # Define model
    model = BoxNet(10, 12, 10, np.random.random((10, 3))).cuda()

    # Model forward pass
    sample = TRAIN_DATASET[5]
    inputs = {
    end_points = model(inputs)
    for key in end_points:
        print(key, end_points[key])

    # Compute loss
    for key in sample:
        end_points[key] = torch.from_numpy(sample[key]).unsqueeze(0).cuda()
    loss, end_points = get_loss(end_points, DC)
    print('loss', loss)
    end_points['point_clouds'] = inputs['point_clouds']
    end_points['pred_mask'] = np.ones((1, 128))
    dump_results(end_points, 'tmp', DC)
文件: train.py 项目: cheng052/H3DNet
def evaluate_one_epoch():
    stat_dict = {} # collect statistics
    ap_calculator = APCalculator(ap_iou_thresh=FLAGS.ap_iou_thresh,
    ap_calculator_l = APCalculator(ap_iou_thresh=FLAGS.ap_iou_thresh*2,

    net.eval() # set model to eval mode (for bn and dp)

    time_file = 'time_file_%s.txt' % FLAGS.dataset
    time_file = os.path.join(DUMP_DIR, time_file)
    f = open(time_file, 'w')
    all_time = 0
    for batch_idx, batch_data_label in enumerate(TEST_DATALOADER):
        if batch_idx % 10 == 0:
            print('Eval batch: %d'%(batch_idx))
        end_points = {}
        for key in batch_data_label:
            batch_data_label[key] = batch_data_label[key].to(device)
        inputs = {'point_clouds': batch_data_label['point_clouds']}

        tic = time.time()
        with torch.no_grad():
            end_points = net(inputs, end_points)
        toc = time.time()
        t = toc - tic
        all_time += t
        f.write('batch_idx:%d, infer time:%f\n' % (batch_idx, t))
        print('Inference time: %f'%(t))

        # Compute loss
        for key in batch_data_label:
            end_points[key] = batch_data_label[key]
        loss, end_points = criterion(inputs, end_points, DATASET_CONFIG)

        # Accumulate statistics and print out
        for key in end_points:
            if 'loss' in key or 'acc' in key or 'ratio' in key:
                if key not in stat_dict: stat_dict[key] = 0
                stat_dict[key] += end_points[key].item()

        batch_pred_map_cls = parse_predictions(end_points, CONFIG_DICT, opt_ang=(FLAGS.dataset == 'sunrgbd'))
        batch_gt_map_cls = parse_groundtruths(end_points, CONFIG_DICT) 
        ap_calculator.step(batch_pred_map_cls, batch_gt_map_cls)

        batch_pred_map_cls = parse_predictions(end_points, CONFIG_DICT_L, opt_ang=(FLAGS.dataset == 'sunrgbd'))
        batch_gt_map_cls = parse_groundtruths(end_points, CONFIG_DICT_L) 
        ap_calculator_l.step(batch_pred_map_cls, batch_gt_map_cls)

        if FLAGS.dump_results:
            dump_results(end_points, DUMP_DIR+'/result/', DATASET_CONFIG, TEST_DATASET)

    mean_time = all_time/float(batch_idx+1)
    f.write('Batch number:%d\n' % (batch_idx+1))
    f.write('mean infer time: %f\n' % (mean_time))
    print('Mean inference time: %f'%(mean_time))
    # Log statistics
    TEST_VISUALIZER.log_scalars({key:stat_dict[key]/float(batch_idx+1) for key in stat_dict},
    for key in sorted(stat_dict.keys()):
        log_string('eval mean %s: %f'%(key, stat_dict[key]/(float(batch_idx+1))))

    metrics_dict = ap_calculator.compute_metrics()
    for key in metrics_dict:
        log_string('eval %s: %f'%(key, metrics_dict[key]))
    metrics_dict = ap_calculator_l.compute_metrics()
    for key in metrics_dict:
        log_string('eval %s: %f'%(key, metrics_dict[key]))

    mean_loss = stat_dict['loss']/float(batch_idx+1)
    return mean_loss
        print("type of point cloud", type(sample['point_clouds']))
        print("sample shape", sample['point_clouds'].shape)

        inputs = {
        print('Dataset has not been prepared. Use a random sample.')
        inputs = {'point_clouds': torch.rand((20000, 3)).unsqueeze(0).cuda()}

    end_points = model(inputs)
    # for key in end_points:
    #     print(key, end_points[key])

        # Compute loss
        # for key in sample:
        #     end_points[key] = torch.from_numpy(sample[key]).unsqueeze(0).cuda()
        # loss, end_points = get_loss(end_points, DC)
        # print('loss', loss)
        end_points['point_clouds'] = inputs['point_clouds']
        end_points['pred_mask'] = np.ones((1, 128))
        pred_map_cls = parse_predictions(end_points, eval_config_dict)
        end_points['batch_pred_map_cls'] = pred_map_cls
        print('Finished detection. %d object detected.' %
        dump_results(end_points, 'tmp', DC, True)
    except Exception:
        print('Dataset has not been prepared. Skip loss and dump.')
文件: demo.py 项目: fabalex7/votenet
    # Load checkpoint
    optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=0.001)
    checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path)
    epoch = checkpoint['epoch']
    print("Loaded checkpoint %s (epoch: %d)"%(checkpoint_path, epoch))
    # Load and preprocess input point cloud 
    net.eval() # set model to eval mode (for bn and dp)
    point_cloud = read_ply(pc_path)
    pc = preprocess_point_cloud(point_cloud)
    print('Loaded point cloud data: %s'%(pc_path))
    # Model inference
    inputs = {'point_clouds': torch.from_numpy(pc).to(device)}
    tic = time.time()
    with torch.no_grad():
        end_points = net(inputs)
    toc = time.time()
    print('Inference time: %f'%(toc-tic))
    end_points['point_clouds'] = inputs['point_clouds']
    pred_map_cls = parse_predictions(end_points, eval_config_dict)
    end_points['batch_pred_map_cls'] = pred_map_cls
    print('Finished detection. %d object detected.'%(len(pred_map_cls[0])))
    dump_dir = os.path.join(demo_dir, '%s_results'%(FLAGS.dataset))
    if not os.path.exists(dump_dir): os.mkdir(dump_dir) 
    dump_results(end_points, dump_dir, DC, True)
    print('Dumped detection results to folder %s'%(dump_dir))