set for each test separately under the sections ``[wrapper.outputtreecompare.<name>]``.
if __name__ == "__main__":

    import sys

    from dune.testtools.wrapper.argumentparser import get_args
    from dune.testtools.wrapper.call_executable import call
    from dune.testtools.wrapper.compareini import compare_ini, fuzzy_compare_ini
    from dune.testtools.parser import parse_ini_file

    # Parse the given arguments
    args = get_args()

    # Execute the actual test!
    ret = call(args["exec"], args["ini"])

    # do the outputtree comparison if execution was succesful
    if ret is 0:
        # Parse the inifile to learn about where the output file and its reference are located.
        ini = parse_ini_file(args["ini"])
            # get reference solutions
            names = ini["wrapper.outputtreecompare.name"].split(' ')
            exts = ini.get("wrapper.outputtreecompare.extension",
                           "out " * len(names)).split(' ')
            references = ini["wrapper.outputtreecompare.reference"].split(' ')
        except KeyError:
                "The test wrapper outputtreecompare assumes keys wrapper.outputtreecompare.name \
                              and wrapper.outputtreecompare.reference to be existent in the inifile"
#!/usr/bin/env python
This wrapper script does simply call the executable and forwards the return code.
This is used as the default wrapper script in the dune-testtools project.

If you want to explitly specify the wrapper for clarity use

.. code-block:: cmake

                         SCRIPT dune_execute.py
if __name__ == "__main__":

    import sys

    from dune.testtools.wrapper.argumentparser import get_args
    from dune.testtools.wrapper.call_executable import call

    # Parse the given arguments
    args = get_args()
    sys.exit(call(args["exec"], args["ini"]))