def test_if_move_is_legal_raises_exception_when_row_is_equal_or_bigger_than_dungeon_map_length(self):
        dungeon_map = [['.']]
        row = len(dungeon_map)
        column = 0
        res = None
        exp = "\nYou cannot go out of the map."
            move_is_legal(dungeon_map, row, column)
        except Exception as e:
            res = str(e)

        self.assertEqual(res, exp)
    def test_if_move_is_legal_exception_raises_when_column_is_negative(self):
        dungeon_map = [['.']]

        row = 0
        column = -1
        res = None
        exp = "\nYou cannot go out of the map."
            move_is_legal(dungeon_map, row, column)
        except Exception as e:
            res = str(e)

        self.assertEqual(res, exp)
    def test_if_move_is_legal_raises_exception_when_position_is_a_wall(self):
        dungeon_map = [['#']]

        row = 0
        column = 0
        res = None
        exp = "\nThere is a wall. You cannot go there."
            move_is_legal(dungeon_map, row, column)
        except Exception as e:
            res = str(e)

        self.assertEqual(res, exp)
    def test_if_move_is_legal_raises_exception_when_position_is_a_spawn_zone(self):
        dungeon_map = [['S']]

        row = 0
        column = 0
        res = None
        exp = "\nYou cannot enter the Spawn Zone"
            move_is_legal(dungeon_map, row, column)
        except Exception as e:
            res = str(e)

        self.assertEqual(res, exp)