def prepare_tx(self, key, receiver, blockstamp, amount, amount_base, message, currency): """ Prepare a simple Transaction document :param SigningKey key: the issuer of the transaction :param str receiver: the target of the transaction :param duniterpy.documents.BlockUID blockstamp: the blockstamp :param int amount: the amount sent to the receiver :param int amount_base: the amount base of the currency :param str message: the comment of the tx :param str currency: the target community :return: the transaction document :rtype: List[] """ forged_tx = [] sources = [None]*41 while len(sources) > 40: result = self.tx_sources(int(amount), amount_base, currency, key.pubkey) sources = result[0] computed_outputs = result[1] overheads = result[2] # Fix issue #594 if len(sources) > 40: sources_value = 0 for s in sources[:39]: sources_value += s.amount * (10**s.base) sources_value, sources_base = reduce_base(sources_value, 0) chained_tx = self.prepare_tx(key, key.pubkey, blockstamp, sources_value, sources_base, "[CHAINED]", currency) forged_tx += chained_tx self._sources_processor.consume(sources) logging.debug("Inputs : {0}".format(sources)) inputs = self.tx_inputs(sources) unlocks = self.tx_unlocks(sources) outputs = self.tx_outputs(key.pubkey, receiver, computed_outputs, overheads) logging.debug("Outputs : {0}".format(outputs)) txdoc = TransactionDoc(10, currency, blockstamp, 0, [key.pubkey], inputs, unlocks, outputs, message, None) txdoc.sign([key]) self.commit_outputs_to_self(currency, key.pubkey, txdoc) time = self._blockchain_processor.time(currency) tx = Transaction(currency=currency, pubkey=key.pubkey, sha_hash=txdoc.sha_hash, written_block=0, blockstamp=blockstamp, timestamp=time, signatures=txdoc.signatures, issuers=[key.pubkey], receivers=[receiver], amount=amount, amount_base=amount_base, comment=txdoc.comment, txid=0, state=Transaction.TO_SEND, local=True, raw=txdoc.signed_raw()) forged_tx.append(tx) return forged_tx
def send_money(self, amount, sources, receiver, blockstamp, message): result = self.outputs_from_sources(amount, sources) inputs = result[0] computed_outputs = result[1] overheads = result[2] unlocks = [] for i, s in enumerate(sources): unlocks.append(Unlock(i, [SIGParameter(0)])) outputs = self.tx_outputs(receiver, computed_outputs, overheads) tx = Transaction(3, self.currency, blockstamp, 0, [self.key.pubkey], inputs, unlocks, outputs, message, None) tx.sign([self.key]) return tx