def processModifiers(modFile):
    with open(modFile) as f:
        startData = False
        reader = csv.reader(f)

        # Read first row, which contains date range information
        dateString = next(reader)
        tmp1 = dateString[0][6:]
        piece1 = tmp1.partition(" To: ")
        piece2 = piece1[2].partition("\nGenerated On: ")
        reportBegin = piece1[0]
        reportEnd = piece2[0]
        reportCreated = piece2[2]

        dtBegin = dutil.str2datetime(reportBegin)
        dtEnd = dutil.str2datetime(reportEnd)
        dtCreate = dutil.str2datetime(reportCreated)

        # Continue reading rows until the header row for the data is found
        headerRow = False
        while not headerRow:
            line = next(reader)
            if len(line):
                if line[0] == "Name":
                    headerRow = True

        for row in reader:

            if len(row):

                if row[0] not in modDict and len(row) > 2:
                    # Row index 0 is the Modifier Name
                    # Row index 1 is the Modifier Count
                    # Row index 2 is the Total Sales
                    saleString = row[2]
                    # Convert the string, which can include '$' sign and commas
                    # to a float value
                    sales = locale.atof(saleString[1:])
                    count = int(row[1])
                    # Create a tuple for the Count and Sales
                    x = (count, sales)
                    modDict[row[0]] = x


                    # This item is already in the dictionary, so it's
                    # a duplicate.  Increment the count of items sold and
                    # increase the total sales by the additional amount
                    print("<------>Duplicate modifier: ", row[0])
                    currentCount = modDict[row[0]][0]
                    newCount = currentCount + int(row[1])
                    currentSales = modDict[row[0]][1]
                    saleString = row[2]
                    newSales = locale.atof(saleString[1:])
                    totalSales = currentSales + newSales
                    modDict[row[0]] = (newCount, totalSales)

    for m in modDict:
        if modDict[m][1] == 0:
            avgp = 0
            avgp = "${:.2f}".format(modDict[m][1] / modDict[m][0])
        print(modDict[m][0], " instances of", m, ", at average price of", avgp)

    return 0
def processModifiers(modFile):
    with open(modFile) as f:
        startData = False
        reader = csv.reader(f)

        # Read first row, which contains date range information
        dateString = next(reader)
        tmp1 = dateString[0][6:]
        piece1 = tmp1.partition(' To: ')
        piece2 = piece1[2].partition('\nGenerated On: ')
        reportBegin = piece1[0]
        reportEnd = piece2[0]
        reportCreated = piece2[2]

        dtBegin  = dutil.str2datetime(reportBegin)
        dtEnd    = dutil.str2datetime(reportEnd)
        dtCreate = dutil.str2datetime(reportCreated)

        # Continue reading rows until the header row for the data is found
        headerRow = False
        while not headerRow:
            line = next(reader)
            if len(line):
                if line[0] == 'Name':
                    headerRow = True

        for row in reader:

            if len(row):

                if row[0] not in modDict and len(row) > 2:
                    # Row index 0 is the Modifier Name
                    # Row index 1 is the Modifier Count
                    # Row index 2 is the Total Sales
                    saleString = row[2]
                    # Convert the string, which can include '$' sign and commas
                    # to a float value
                    sales = locale.atof(saleString.lstrip('-$'))
                    count = int(row[1])
                    # Create a tuple for the Count and Sales
                    x = (count,sales)
                    modDict[row[0]] = x


                    # This item is already in the dictionary, so it's
                    # a duplicate.  Increment the count of items sold and
                    # increase the total sales by the additional amount
                    print('<------>Duplicate modifier: ',row[0])
                    currentCount = modDict[row[0]][0]
                    newCount = currentCount + int(row[1])
                    currentSales = modDict[row[0]][1]
                    saleString = row[2]
                    newSales = locale.atof(saleString.lstrip('-$'))
                    totalSales = currentSales + newSales
                    modDict[row[0]] = (newCount, totalSales)

    print ('MODIFIERS REPORT')
    for m in modDict:
        if modDict[m][1] == 0:
            avgp = 0
            avgp = '${:.2f}'.format(modDict[m][1]/modDict[m][0])
        print ( modDict[m][0], ' instances of', m, ', at average price of', avgp)

    return 0
def processMenu(csvFile):
    with open(csvFile) as f:
        startData = False
        reader = csv.reader(f)

        # Read first row, which contains date range information
        dateString = next(reader)
        tmp1 = dateString[0][6:]
        piece1 = tmp1.partition(" To: ")
        piece2 = piece1[2].partition("\nGenerated On: ")
        reportBegin = piece1[0]
        reportEnd = piece2[0]
        reportCreated = piece2[2]

        dtBegin = dutil.str2datetime(reportBegin)
        dtEnd = dutil.str2datetime(reportEnd)
        dtCreate = dutil.str2datetime(reportCreated)

        # Continue reading rows until the header row for the data is found
        headerRow = False
        while not headerRow:
            line = next(reader)
            if len(line):
                if line[0] == "Item Name":
                    headerRow = True

        for row in reader:

            if len(row):

                if row[0] not in countDict and len(row) > 2:
                    # Row index 0 is the ItemCategory:ItemName
                    # Row index 1 is the number of items sold or voided
                    # Sold or voided depends on the number of data items if
                    # the row.  If there are 6 items, it's a sale.
                    # If there are 4 items, it's a voide
                    countDict[row[0]] = int(row[1])
                    # Row index 2 is the sales total in dollars.
                    saleString = row[2]
                    # Convert the string, which can include '$' sign and commas
                    # to a float value
                    sales = locale.atof(saleString[1:])
                    # Use the same key, i.e. row index 0 to add the sale
                    # float value to the sales dictionary.
                    salesDict[row[0]] = sales

                elif len(row) == 6:  # This item is a Sale

                    # This item is already in the count dictionary, so it's
                    # a duplicate.  Increment the count of items sold and
                    # increase the total sales by the additional amount
                    currentCount = countDict[row[0]]
                    newCount = currentCount + int(row[1])
                    countDict[row[0]] = newCount

                    currentSales = salesDict[row[0]]
                    saleString = row[2]
                    newSales = locale.atof(saleString[1:])
                    totalSales = currentSales + newSales
                    avgSale = totalSales / newCount
                    salesDict[row[0]] = totalSales

                elif len(row) == 4:  # This item is a Void

                    # This item is a void in the report.  The item count
                    # needs to be decremented by the number of voids
                    currentCount = countDict[row[0]]
                    newCount = currentCount - int(row[1])
                    countDict[row[0]] = newCount

                    # The sales amount also needs to be deducted from the
                    # sales total
                    currentSales = salesDict[row[0]]
                    voidString = row[2]
                    voidAmt = locale.atof(voidString[1:])
                    newSales = currentSales - voidAmt
                    salesDict[row[0]] = newSales

        # Sort items into their top-level category dictionaries
        for item in countDict:
            category = item.partition(": ")
            if category[0] == "Alcohol":
                alcoholDict[category[2]] = (countDict[item], salesDict[item])
            elif category[0] == "Food":
                foodDict[category[2]] = (countDict[item], salesDict[item])
            elif category[0] == "Wine":
                wineDict[category[2]] = (countDict[item], salesDict[item])
            elif category[0] == "Beer":
                beerDict[category[2]] = (countDict[item], salesDict[item])

        for bev in alcoholDict:
            if alcoholDict[bev][0] == 0:
                avgp = 0
                avgp = "${:.2f}".format(alcoholDict[bev][1] / alcoholDict[bev][0])
            print(bev, ": sold", alcoholDict[bev][0], ", at average price of", avgp)

        print("SALES FOR WINE")
        for glass in wineDict:
            if wineDict[glass][0] == 0:
                avgp = 0
                avgp = "${:.2f}".format(wineDict[glass][1] / wineDict[glass][0])
            print(glass, ": sold", wineDict[glass][0], ", at average price of", avgp)

        print("SALES FOR BEER")
        for bottle in beerDict:
            if beerDict[bottle][0] == 0:
                avgp = 0
                avgp = "${:.2f}".format(beerDict[bottle][1] / beerDict[bottle][0])
            print(bottle, ": sold", beerDict[bottle][0], ", at average price of", avgp)

        print("SALES FOR FOOD")
        for plate in foodDict:
            if foodDict[plate][0] == 0:
                avgp = 0
                avgp = "${:.2f}".format(foodDict[plate][1] / foodDict[plate][0])
            print(plate, ": sold", foodDict[plate][0], ", at average price of", avgp)

        return 0