def set_event_params(self, min_event_len=2, time_pre_event="1.5s", time_post_event="2s"): # type: (...) -> None """ Sets motion event parameters. """ assert self._video_fps is not None self._min_event_len = FrameTimecode(min_event_len, self._video_fps) self._pre_event_len = FrameTimecode(time_pre_event, self._video_fps) self._post_event_len = FrameTimecode(time_post_event, self._video_fps)
def set_video_time(self, start_time=None, end_time=None, duration=None): # type: (str, str, str) -> None """ Used to select a sub-set of the video in time for processing. """ assert self._video_fps is not None if start_time is not None: self._start_time = FrameTimecode(start_time, self._video_fps) if duration is not None: duration = FrameTimecode(duration, self._video_fps) if self._start_time is not None: self._end_time = FrameTimecode( self._start_time.frame_num + duration.frame_num, self._video_fps) else: self._end_time = duration elif end_time is not None: self._end_time = FrameTimecode(end_time, self._video_fps)
def __init__(self, args): """ Initializes the ScanContext with the supplied arguments. """ if not args.quiet_mode: print("[DVR-Scan] Initializing scan context...") self.initialized = False self.event_list = [] self.suppress_output = args.quiet_mode self.frames_read = -1 self.frames_processed = -1 self.frames_total = -1 self._cap = None self._cap_path = None self.video_resolution = None self.video_fps = None self.video_paths = [ for input_file in args.input] # We close the open file handles, as only the paths are required. for input_file in args.input: input_file.close() if not len(args.fourcc_str) == 4: print( "[DVR-Scan] Error: Specified codec (-c/--codec) must be exactly 4 characters." ) return if args.kernel_size == -1: self.kernel = None elif (args.kernel_size % 2) == 0: print( "[DVR-Scan] Error: Kernel size must be an odd, positive integer (e.g. 3, 5, 7." ) return else: self.kernel = np.ones((args.kernel_size, args.kernel_size), np.uint8) self.fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*args.fourcc_str.upper()) self.comp_file = None self.scan_only_mode = args.scan_only_mode if args.output: self.comp_file = args.output.close() # Check the input video(s) and obtain the framerate/resolution. if self._load_input_videos(): # Motion detection and output related arguments self.threshold = args.threshold if self.kernel is None: if self.video_resolution[0] >= 1920: self.kernel = np.ones((7, 7), np.uint8) elif self.video_resolution[0] >= 1280: self.kernel = np.ones((5, 5), np.uint8) else: self.kernel = np.ones((3, 3), np.uint8) # Event detection window properties self.min_event_len = FrameTimecode(self.video_fps, args.min_event_len) self.pre_event_len = FrameTimecode(self.video_fps, args.time_pre_event) self.post_event_len = FrameTimecode(self.video_fps, args.time_post_event) # Start time, end time, and duration self.start_time, self.end_time = None, None if args.start_time is not None: self.start_time = FrameTimecode(self.video_fps, args.start_time) if args.duration is not None: duration = FrameTimecode(self.video_fps, args.duration) if isinstance(self.start_time, FrameTimecode): self.end_time = FrameTimecode( self.video_fps, self.start_time.frame_num + duration.frame_num) else: self.end_time = duration elif args.end_time is not None: self.end_time = FrameTimecode(self.video_fps, args.end_time) # Video processing related arguments self.frame_skip = args.frame_skip #self.downscale_factor = args.downscale_factor self.initialized = True
def scan_motion(self): """ Performs motion analysis on the ScanContext's input video(s). """ if self.initialized is not True: print( "[DVR-Scan] Error: Scan context uninitialized, no analysis performed." ) return print("[DVR-Scan] Scanning %s for motion events..." % ("%d input videos" % len(self.video_paths) if len(self.video_paths) > 1 else "input video")) bg_subtractor = cv2.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2(detectShadows=False) buffered_frames = [] event_window = [] self.event_list = [] num_frames_post_event = 0 event_start = None video_writer = None output_prefix = '' if self.comp_file: video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter(self.comp_file, self.fourcc, self.video_fps, self.video_resolution) elif len(self.video_paths[0]) > 0: output_prefix = os.path.basename(self.video_paths[0]) dot_index = output_prefix.rfind('.') if dot_index > 0: output_prefix = output_prefix[:dot_index] curr_pos = FrameTimecode(self.video_fps, 0) #curr_state = 'no_event' # 'no_event', 'in_event', or 'post_even in_motion_event = False num_frames_read = 0 num_frames_processed = 0 processing_start = time.time() tqdm = dvr_scan.platform.get_tqdm() progress_bar = None self.frames_total = int(self.frames_total) if tqdm is not None and self.frames_total > 0 and not self.suppress_output: if self.end_time and self.end_time.frame_num < self.frames_total: self.frames_total = self.end_time.frame_num if self.start_time: self.frames_total -= self.start_time.frame_num if self.frames_total < 0: self.frames_total = 0 progress_bar = tqdm.tqdm(total=self.frames_total, unit=' frames', desc="[DVR-Scan] Processed") # Seek to starting position if required. if self.start_time is not None: while curr_pos.frame_num < self.start_time.frame_num: if self._get_next_frame(False) is None: break num_frames_read += 1 curr_pos.frame_num += 1 # Motion event scanning/detection loop. while True: if self.end_time is not None and curr_pos.frame_num >= self.end_time.frame_num: break if self.frame_skip > 0: for _ in range(self.frame_skip): if self._get_next_frame(False) is None: break curr_pos.frame_num += 1 num_frames_read += 1 if progress_bar: progress_bar.update(1) frame_rgb = self._get_next_frame() if frame_rgb is None: break frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame_rgb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) frame_mask = bg_subtractor.apply(frame_gray) frame_filt = cv2.morphologyEx(frame_mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, self.kernel) frame_score = np.sum(frame_filt) / float( frame_filt.shape[0] * frame_filt.shape[1]) event_window.append(frame_score) event_window = event_window[-self.min_event_len.frame_num:] if in_motion_event: # in event or post event, write all queued frames to file, # and write current frame to file. # if the current frame doesn't meet the threshold, increment # the current scene's post-event counter. if not self.scan_only_mode: video_writer.write(frame_rgb) if frame_score >= self.threshold: num_frames_post_event = 0 else: num_frames_post_event += 1 if num_frames_post_event >= self.post_event_len.frame_num: in_motion_event = False event_end = FrameTimecode(self.video_fps, curr_pos.frame_num) event_duration = FrameTimecode( self.video_fps, curr_pos.frame_num - event_start.frame_num) self.event_list.append( (event_start, event_end, event_duration)) if not self.comp_file and not self.scan_only_mode: video_writer.release() else: if not self.scan_only_mode: buffered_frames.append(frame_rgb) buffered_frames = buffered_frames[-self.pre_event_len. frame_num:] if len(event_window) >= self.min_event_len.frame_num and all( score >= self.threshold for score in event_window): in_motion_event = True event_window = [] num_frames_post_event = 0 event_start = FrameTimecode(self.video_fps, curr_pos.frame_num) # Open new VideoWriter if needed, write buffered_frames to file. if not self.scan_only_mode: if not self.comp_file: output_path = '%s.DSME_%04d.avi' % ( output_prefix, len(self.event_list)) video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter( output_path, self.fourcc, self.video_fps, self.video_resolution) for frame in buffered_frames: video_writer.write(frame) buffered_frames = [] curr_pos.frame_num += 1 num_frames_read += 1 num_frames_processed += 1 if progress_bar: progress_bar.update(1) # If we're still in a motion event, we still need to compute the duration # and ending timecode and add it to the event list. if in_motion_event: curr_pos.frame_num -= 1 # Correct for the increment at the end of the loop event_end = FrameTimecode(self.video_fps, curr_pos.frame_num) event_duration = FrameTimecode( self.video_fps, curr_pos.frame_num - event_start.frame_num) self.event_list.append((event_start, event_end, event_duration)) if video_writer is not None: video_writer.release() if progress_bar is not None: progress_bar.close() elif not self.suppress_output: processing_time = time.time() - processing_start processing_rate = float(num_frames_read) / processing_time print( "[DVR-Scan] Processed %d / %d frames read in %3.1f secs (avg %3.1f FPS)." % (num_frames_processed, num_frames_read, processing_time, processing_rate)) if not len(self.event_list) > 0: print("[DVR-Scan] No motion events detected in input.") return print("[DVR-Scan] Detected %d motion events in input." % len(self.event_list)) print("[DVR-Scan] Scan-only mode specified, list of motion events:") print("-------------------------------------------------------------") print("| Event # | Start Time | Duration | End Time |") print("-------------------------------------------------------------") for event_num, (event_start, event_end, event_duration) in enumerate(self.event_list): print("| Event %4d | %s | %s | %s |" % (event_num + 1, event_start.get_timecode(precision=1), event_duration.get_timecode(precision=1), event_end.get_timecode(precision=1))) print("-------------------------------------------------------------") if self.scan_only_mode: print("[DVR-Scan] Comma-separated timecode values:") timecode_list = [] for event_start, event_end, event_duration in self.event_list: timecode_list.append(event_start.get_timecode()) timecode_list.append(event_end.get_timecode()) print(','.join(timecode_list)) else: print("[DVR-Scan] Motion events written to disk.")
def scan_motion(self): # type: () -> None """ Performs motion analysis on the ScanContext's input video(s). """ "Scanning %s for motion events...", "%d input videos" % len(self._video_paths) if len(self._video_paths) > 1 else "input video") bg_subtractor = cv2.createBackgroundSubtractorMOG2(detectShadows=False) buffered_frames = [] event_window = [] self.event_list = [] num_frames_post_event = 0 event_start = None video_writer = None output_prefix = '' if not self._comp_file and len(self._video_paths[0]) > 0: output_prefix = os.path.basename(self._video_paths[0]) dot_index = output_prefix.rfind('.') if dot_index > 0: output_prefix = output_prefix[:dot_index] curr_pos = FrameTimecode(0, self._video_fps) in_motion_event = False self._frames_processed = 0 processing_start = time.time() # Seek to starting position if required. if self._start_time is not None: while curr_pos.frame_num < self._start_time.frame_num: if self._get_next_frame(False) is None: break self._frames_processed += 1 curr_pos.frame_num += 1 # Show ROI selection window if required. if not self._select_roi(curr_time=curr_pos, add_timecode=self._draw_timecode): return # TQDM-based progress bar, or a stub if in quiet mode (or no TQDM). progress_bar = self._create_progress_bar( show_progress=self._show_progress, num_frames=self._frames_total) # Motion event scanning/detection loop. while self.running: if self._end_time is not None and curr_pos.frame_num >= self._end_time.frame_num: break if self._frame_skip > 0: for _ in range(self._frame_skip): if self._get_next_frame(False) is None: break curr_pos.frame_num += 1 self._frames_processed += 1 progress_bar.update(1) frame_rgb = self._get_next_frame() if frame_rgb is None: break frame_rgb_origin = frame_rgb # Cut frame to selected sub-set if ROI area provided. if self._roi: frame_rgb = frame_rgb[int(self._roi[1]):int(self._roi[1] + self._roi[3]), int(self._roi[0]):int(self._roi[0] + self._roi[2])] # Apply downscaling factor if provided. if self._downscale_factor > 1: frame_rgb = frame_rgb[::self._downscale_factor, ::self. _downscale_factor, :] frame_gray = cv2.cvtColor(frame_rgb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) frame_mask = bg_subtractor.apply(frame_gray) if self._kernel is not None: frame_filt = cv2.morphologyEx(frame_mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, self._kernel) else: frame_filt = frame_mask frame_score = np.sum(frame_filt) / float( frame_filt.shape[0] * frame_filt.shape[1]) event_window.append(frame_score) event_window = event_window[-self._min_event_len.frame_num:] if in_motion_event: # in event or post event, write all queued frames to file, # and write current frame to file. # if the current frame doesn't meet the threshold, increment # the current scene's post-event counter. if not self._scan_only: if self._draw_timecode: self._stamp_text(frame_rgb_origin, curr_pos.get_timecode()) video_writer.write(frame_rgb_origin) if frame_score >= self._threshold: num_frames_post_event = 0 else: num_frames_post_event += 1 if num_frames_post_event >= self._post_event_len.frame_num: in_motion_event = False event_end = FrameTimecode(curr_pos.frame_num, self._video_fps) event_duration = FrameTimecode( curr_pos.frame_num - event_start.frame_num, self._video_fps) self.event_list.append( (event_start, event_end, event_duration)) if not self._comp_file and not self._scan_only: video_writer.release() else: if not self._scan_only: buffered_frames.append(frame_rgb_origin) buffered_frames = buffered_frames[-self._pre_event_len. frame_num:] if len(event_window) >= self._min_event_len.frame_num and all( score >= self._threshold for score in event_window): in_motion_event = True event_window = [] num_frames_post_event = 0 event_start = FrameTimecode(curr_pos.frame_num, self._video_fps) # Open new VideoWriter if needed, write buffered_frames to file. if not self._scan_only: if not self._comp_file or video_writer is None: output_path = ( self._comp_file if self._comp_file else '%s.DSME_%04d.avi' % (output_prefix, len(self.event_list))) video_writer = cv2.VideoWriter( output_path, self._fourcc, self._video_fps, self._video_resolution) for frame in buffered_frames: if self._draw_timecode: self._stamp_text(frame, curr_pos.get_timecode()) video_writer.write(frame) buffered_frames = [] curr_pos.frame_num += 1 self._frames_processed += 1 progress_bar.update(1) # If we're still in a motion event, we still need to compute the duration # and ending timecode and add it to the event list. if in_motion_event: curr_pos.frame_num -= 1 # Correct for the increment at the end of the loop event_end = FrameTimecode(curr_pos.frame_num, self._video_fps) event_duration = FrameTimecode( curr_pos.frame_num - event_start.frame_num, self._video_fps) self.event_list.append((event_start, event_end, event_duration)) if video_writer is not None: video_writer.release() if progress_bar is not None: progress_bar.close() self._post_scan_motion(processing_start=processing_start) return self.event_list