def solve_qsage_example():

    # use a local solver
    solver = local_connection.get_solver("c4-sw_sample")

    num_vars = 12

    # the first parameter is an objective function, the second parameter is
    # the number of variables, the third parameter is the solver, the fourth
    # parameter is the parameters for solver, the fifth parameter is the
    # parameters for qsage
    answer = solve_qsage(ObjClass(), num_vars, solver, {}, {"verbose": 2})
    print "solve_qsage ObjClass() answer: ", answer

    answer = solve_qsage(obj_function, num_vars, solver, {}, {"verbose": 2})
    print "solve_qsage obj_function answer: ", answer
def embedding_example():

    # formulate k_6 structured graph
    h = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    J = {(i, j): 1 for i in range(6) for j in range(i)}

    solver = local_connection.get_solver("c4-sw_optimize")
    A = get_hardware_adjacency(solver)

    # find and print embeddings for problem graph
    embeddings = find_embedding(J, A, verbose=1)
    print "embeddings are: ", embeddings

    # embed the problem into solver graph
    (h0, j0, jc, new_emb) = embed_problem(h, J, embeddings, A)
    print "embedded problem result:\nj0: ", j0
    print "jc: ", jc

    # find unembedded results for chain strengths -0.5, -1.0, -2.0
    for chain_strength in (-0.5, -1.0, -2.0):
        # set chain strength values
        jc = dict.fromkeys(jc, chain_strength)

        # create new J array concatenating j0 with jc
        emb_j = j0.copy()

        # solve embedded problem
        answer = solve_ising(solver, h0, emb_j, num_reads=10)

        # unembed and print result of the form:
        # solution [solution #]
        # var [var #] : [var value] ([qubit index] : [original qubit value] ...)
        result = unembed_answer(answer['solutions'],
        print "result for chain strength = ", chain_strength
        for i, (embsol, sol) in enumerate(zip(answer['solutions'], result)):
            print "solution", i
            for j, emb in enumerate(embeddings):
                print "var %d: %d (" % (j, sol[j]),
                for k in emb:
                    print "%d:%d" % (k, embsol[k]),
                print ")"
def embedding_example():

    # formulate k_6 structured graph
    h = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
    J = {(i, j): 1 for i in range(6) for j in range(i)}

    solver = local_connection.get_solver("c4-sw_optimize")
    A = get_hardware_adjacency(solver)

    # find and print embeddings for problem graph
    embeddings = find_embedding(J, A, verbose=1)
    print "embeddings are: ", embeddings

    # embed the problem into solver graph
    (h0, j0, jc, new_emb) = embed_problem(h, J, embeddings, A)
    print "embedded problem result:\nj0: ", j0
    print "jc: ", jc

    # find unembedded results for chain strengths -0.5, -1.0, -2.0
    for chain_strength in (-0.5, -1.0, -2.0):
        # set chain strength values
        jc = dict.fromkeys(jc, chain_strength)

        # create new J array concatenating j0 with jc
        emb_j = j0.copy()

        # solve embedded problem
        answer = solve_ising(solver, h0, emb_j, num_reads=10)

        # unembed and print result of the form:
        # solution [solution #]
        # var [var #] : [var value] ([qubit index] : [original qubit value] ...)
        result = unembed_answer(answer['solutions'], new_emb, broken_chains="minimize_energy", h=h, j=J)
        print "result for chain strength = ", chain_strength
        for i, (embsol, sol) in enumerate(zip(answer['solutions'], result)):
            print "solution", i
            for j, emb in enumerate(embeddings):
                print "var %d: %d (" % (j, sol[j]),
                for k in emb:
                    print "%d:%d" % (k, embsol[k]),
                print ")"
from dwave_sapi2.util import get_hardware_adjacency
from dwave_sapi2.embedding import embed_problem, unembed_answer
from dwave_sapi2.core import solve_ising
from dwave_sapi2.local import local_connection

#~ Connecting to the solver
#~ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#~ Here, we're going to use a local solver because various users will have
#~ access to different systems.  When you extend this code, you'll want to
#~ modify it to use a remote connection with your API key, and connect to
#~ the appropriate solver.

solver_name = "c4-sw_sample"
solver = local_connection.get_solver(solver_name)

# or, if you're using a remote solver, uncomment this block and put your
# authentication information here
# from dwave_sapi2.core import remote
# sapi_url = 'https://cloud.dwavesys.com/sapi'
# sapi_token = 'ENTER SAPI TOKEN'
# solver_name = 'DW_2000Q_5'
# connection = remote.RemoteConnection(sapi_url, sapi_token)
# solver = connection.get_solver(solver_name)

#~ Now that we're connected, let's pull down the adjacency information from
#~ the solver.  This is just a set of tuples ``(p, q)`` of qubit labels.  Using
#~ the ``c4-sw_optimize`` solver, this is simply a :math:`C_{4,4,4}` Chimera
#~ graph.  If you're using a hardware solver, this will be something more
 def __init__(self, solver_name):
     self.solver = solver = local_connection.get_solver(solver_name)
     edges = get_hardware_adjacency(solver)
     self.structure = (set().union(*edges), edges)
from dwave_sapi2.embedding import embed_problem, unembed_answer
from dwave_sapi2.core import solve_ising
from dwave_sapi2.local import local_connection
from random import uniform, randint

#~ Connecting to the solver
#~ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#~ Here, we're going to use a local solver because various users will have
#~ access to different systems.  When you extend this code, you'll want to
#~ modify it to use a remote connection with your API key, and connect to
#~ the appropriate solver.

solver_name = "c4-sw_sample"
solver = local_connection.get_solver(solver_name)

# or, if you're using a remote solver, uncomment this block and put your
# authentication information here
# from dwave_sapi2.core import remote
# sapi_url = 'https://dw2x.dwavesys.com/sapi'
# sapi_token = 'ENTER SAPI TOKEN'
# solver_name = 'DW2X'
# connection = remote.RemoteConnection(sapi_url, sapi_token)
# solver = connection.get_solver(solver_name)

#~ Now that we're connected, let's pull down the adjacency information from
#~ the solver.  This is just a set of tuples ``(p, q)`` of qubit labels.  Using
#~ the ``c4-sw_optimize`` solver, this is simply a :math:`C_{4,4,4}` Chimera
#~ graph.  If you're using a hardware solver, this will be something more
文件: time_02.py 项目: USP/D-Wave
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# https://docs.dwavesys.com/docs/latest/c_timing_6.html

from dwave_sapi2.local import local_connection
from dwave_sapi2.core import async_solve_ising, await_completion
import datetime

h, J = build_hamiltonian()
solver = local_connection.get_solver('example_solver')
submitted_qmi = async_solve_ising(solver, h, J, num_reads=100)
await_completion([submitted_qmi], min_done=2, timeout=1.0)

# QPU and PP times
result = submitted_qmi.result()
timing = result['timing']

# Service time
time_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"
status = submitted_qmi.status()
start_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(status['time_received'], time_format)
finish_time = datetime.datetime.strptime(status['time_solved'], time_format)
service_time = finish_time - start_time
def connect_to_local():
    solver = local_connection.get_solver(sys.argv[1])
    return solver