def testdeleteallscheduled(self): transactions.deleteallscheduled(alternate_token='AN OAUTH TOKEN', dwollaparse='dwolla') transactions.r._delete.assert_any_call( '/transactions/scheduled', {'pin': 1234}, { 'alternate_token': 'AN OAUTH TOKEN', 'dwollaparse': 'dwolla' })
def testdeleteallscheduled(self): transactions.deleteallscheduled(alternate_token='AN OAUTH TOKEN', dwollaparse='dwolla') transactions.r._delete.assert_any_call('/transactions/scheduled', {'pin': 1234}, {'alternate_token':'AN OAUTH TOKEN', 'dwollaparse':'dwolla'})
print transactions.editscheduledbyid('asr3r34t', {'amount': 10.50}) # Return: # "Id": "asr3r34t", # "ScheduledDate": "2018-01-01", # "ExpectedClearingDate": "2018-01-06", # "TransactionId": null, # "Amount": 10.50, # "FundingSource": "5da016f7769bcc1de9998a30d194d5a7", # "AssumeCosts": false, # "Destination": { # "Id": "812-111-1111", # "Name": "Jane Doe", # "Type": "Dwolla", # "Image": "" # }, # "Status": "scheduled", # "CreatedDate": "2014-09-12T20:37:37Z", # "Metadata": { # "foo": "bar" # } # Example 10: Delete scheduled transaction with ID # 'id to delete' print transactions.deletescheduledbyid('id to delete') # Return: "id to delete" # Example 11: Delete all scheduled transactions print transactions.deleteallscheduled() # Return # ['deleted id 1', 'deleted id 2', 'deleted id 3']
def testdeleteallscheduled(self): transactions.deleteallscheduled() transactions.r._delete.assert_any_call('/transactions/scheduled', {'oauth_token': 'AN OAUTH TOKEN', 'pin': 1234}, dwollaparse='dwolla')