 def test_gaussian(self):
     """Check the Gaussian likelihood."""
     sigma = 1
     dim = 5
     theta = np.random.random(dim)
     logl_expected = -(np.sum(theta ** 2) / (2 * sigma ** 2))
     logl_expected -= np.log(2 * np.pi * sigma ** 2) * (dim / 2.0)
     logl, phi = likelihoods.Gaussian(sigma=sigma)(theta)
     self.assertAlmostEqual(logl, logl_expected, places=12)
     self.assertIsInstance(phi, list)
     self.assertEqual(len(phi), 0)
     # Check matches sum of individal logls
     sep_logls = [likelihoods.log_gaussian_pdf(th, sigma=sigma)
                  for th in theta]
     self.assertAlmostEqual(sum(sep_logls), logl)
 def test_python_run_func(self):
     """Check functions for running PolyChord via the pypolychord wrapper
     (as opposed to with a compiled likelihood) in the form needed for
     dynamic nested sampling."""
     except FileExistsError:
     func = dyPolyChord.pypolychord_utils.RunPyPolyChord(
         likelihoods.Gaussian(), priors.Uniform(), 2)
                      {'nderived', 'ndim', 'likelihood', 'prior'})
     func({'base_dir': TEST_CACHE_DIR, 'file_root': 'temp', 'nlive': 5,
           'max_ndead': 5, 'feedback': -1})
 def setUp(self):
     """Make a directory for saving test results."""
     except FileExistsError:
     self.ninit = 40
     ndim = 4
     self.run_func = dyPolyChord.pypolychord_utils.RunPyPolyChord(
         likelihoods.Gaussian(sigma=1), priors.Uniform(-10, 10), ndim=ndim)
     self.random_seed_msg = (
         'First dead point logl {0} != {1}. '
         'This indicates that your PolyChord install\'s random number '
         'generator is different to the one used to calculate the expected '
         'results, so I will skip tests of exact numerical values. If all '
         'the other tests pass then everything should work ok.')
     self.settings = {
         'do_clustering': True,
         'posteriors': False,
         'equals': False,
         'write_dead': True,
         'read_resume': False,
         'write_resume': False,
         'write_stats': True,
         'write_prior': False,
         'write_live': False,
         'num_repeats': 10,
         'feedback': -1,
         'cluster_posteriors': False,
         # Set precision_criterion to a relatively high value (i.e.
         # precision) to PolyChord "non-deterministic likelihood" problems.
         # These occur due in the low dimension and low and nlive
         # cases we use for fast testing as runs sometimes get very close
         # to the peak where the likelihood becomes approximately constant,
         # and at this point PolyChord gets stuck.
         'precision_criterion': 0.1,
         'seed': 1,
         'max_ndead': -1,
         'base_dir': TEST_CACHE_DIR,
         'file_root': 'test_run',
         'nlive': 100,  # used for nlive_const
         'nlives': {}
def main():
    """Generate PolyChord runs. Also processes the results into a DataFrame and
    caches it.

    Nested sampling runs are generating for different settings by looping over:

        * likelihood_list: different likelihoods;
        * nd_nl_nr_list: list of tuples, each containing (number of dimensions,
          nlive, nrepeats);
        * inds: labels for repeated runs to generate with each setting.
    # Settings
    # --------
    # If true, many runs are made at the same time via concurrent.futures
    parallel = True
    # Run settings
    inds = list(range(1, 101))
    # dimensions, nlive, nrepeat settings
    # -----------------------------------
    nd_nl_nr_list = diagnostic.settings.get_nd_nl_nr_list()
    # Likelihood and prior settings
    # -----------------------------
    likelihood_list = [likelihoods.LogGammaMix(),
    # PolyChord settings
    settings_dict = {
        'do_clustering': True,
        'posteriors': False,
        'equals': False,
        'base_dir': 'chains',
        'feedback': -1,
        'precision_criterion': 0.001,
        'nlives': {},
        'write_dead': True,
        'write_stats': True,
        'write_paramnames': False,
        'write_prior': False,
        'write_live': False,
        'write_resume': False,
        'read_resume': False,
        'max_ndead': -1,
        'cluster_posteriors': False,
        'boost_posterior': 0.0}
    if 'ed' in os.getcwd().split('/'):
        # running on laptop - don't use all the processors so I can do other
        # stuff without everything getting slow
        max_workers = 6
        max_workers = None  # running on cluster
    print('Running with max_workers={}'.format(max_workers))
    prior_scale = 30
    prior = priors.Uniform(-prior_scale, prior_scale)
    # Before running in parallel make sure base_dir exists, as if multiple
    # threads try to make one at the same time mkdir throws an error.
    if not os.path.exists(settings_dict['base_dir']):
    if not os.path.exists(settings_dict['base_dir'] + '/clusters'):
        os.makedirs(settings_dict['base_dir'] + '/clusters')
    for likelihood in likelihood_list:
        for ndim, nlive, num_repeats in nd_nl_nr_list:
            run_func = dyPolyChord.pypolychord_utils.RunPyPolyChord(
                likelihood, prior, ndim)
            # make list of settings dictionaries for the different repeats
            file_root = dyPolyChord.output_processing.settings_root(
                type(prior).__name__, ndim,
                prior_scale=prior_scale, nrepeats=num_repeats,
                nlive_const=nlive, dynamic_goal=None)
            settings_dict['nlive'] = nlive
            settings_dict['num_repeats'] = num_repeats
            settings_list = []
            for extra_root in inds:
                settings = copy.deepcopy(settings_dict)
                settings['seed'] = extra_root
                settings['file_root'] = file_root
                settings['file_root'] += '_' + str(extra_root).zfill(3)
            # Do the nested sampling
            # ----------------------
            # For standard nested sampling just run PolyChord
            desc = '{} ndim={} nlive={} nrep={}'.format(
                type(likelihood).__name__, ndim, nlive, num_repeats)
                run_func, settings_list,
                max_workers=max_workers, parallel=parallel,
                tqdm_kwargs={'desc': desc, 'leave': True})
            # Cache results DataFrame
            # -----------------------
                [type(likelihood).__name__.replace('Mix', ' mix')],
                [(ndim, nlive, num_repeats)], n_simulate=100,
                nrun=inds[-1], summary=True, save=True, load=True,
                thread_pvalue=False, bs_stat_dist=False,
                include_rmse=True, include_true_values=True, parallel=True)
            if ((ndim, nlive, num_repeats) ==
                # Cache bs stat and thread values df too
                # Use summary=True as caching is done to raw values and this
                # protects against unexpected kwarg errors as summary pops some
                # kwargs before getting values
                    [type(likelihood).__name__.replace('Mix', ' mix')],
                    [(ndim, nlive, num_repeats)], n_simulate=100,
                    nrun=inds[-1], summary=True, save=True, load=True,
                    thread_pvalue=True, bs_stat_dist=True,
                    include_rmse=True, include_true_values=True, parallel=True)