class Talos(AbstractHumanoidRobot): """ This class defines a Talos robot """ forceSensorInLeftAnkle = ((1., 0., 0., 0.), (0., 1., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 1., -0.107), (0., 0., 0., 1.)) forceSensorInRightAnkle = ((1., 0., 0., 0.), (0., 1., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 1., -0.107), (0., 0., 0., 1.)) defaultFilename = "package://talos_data/urdf/talos_reduced_v2.urdf" """ TODO: Confirm the position and existence of these sensors accelerometerPosition = np.matrix (( (1., 0., 0., -.13,), (0., 1., 0., 0.,), (0., 0., 1., .118,), (0., 0., 0., 1.,), )) gyrometerPosition = np.matrix (( (1., 0., 0., -.13,), (0., 1., 0., 0.,), (0., 0., 1., .118,), (0., 0., 0., 1.,), )) """ def smallToFull(self, config): # Gripper position in full configuration: 27:34, and 41:48 # Small configuration: 36 DOF # Full configuration: 50 DOF res = config[0:27] + 7 * (0., ) + config[27:34] \ + 7 * (0., ) + config[34:] return res def __init__(self, name, device=None, tracer=None, fromRosParam=False): self.OperationalPointsMap = { 'left-wrist': 'arm_left_7_joint', 'right-wrist': 'arm_right_7_joint', 'left-ankle': 'leg_left_6_joint', 'right-ankle': 'leg_right_6_joint', 'gaze': 'head_2_joint', 'waist': 'root_joint', 'chest': 'torso_2_joint' } if fromRosParam: ltimeStep = 0.005 if device is not None: ltimeStep = device.getTimeStep() print("Using SoT parameter \"/robot_description\"") paramName = "/robot_description" self.param_server = ParameterServer("param_server") self.param_server.init_simple(ltimeStep) self.param_server.setParameter("/pg/remap/l_ankle", "leg_left_6_link") self.param_server.setParameter("/pg/remap/r_ankle", "leg_right_6_link") self.param_server.setParameter("/pg/remap/l_wrist", "arm_left_7_link") self.param_server.setParameter("/pg/remap/r_wrist", "arm_right_7_link") self.param_server.setParameter("/pg/remap/body", "base_link") self.param_server.setParameter("/pg/remap/torso", "torso_2_link") lpn_pre = "/robot/specificities/feet/" feet = ['right', 'left'] for afoot in feet: self.param_server.setParameterDbl( lpn_pre + afoot + "/size/height", 0.122) self.param_server.setParameterDbl( lpn_pre + afoot + "/size/width", 0.205) self.param_server.setParameterDbl( lpn_pre + afoot + "/size/depth", 0.107) self.param_server.setParameterDbl( lpn_pre + afoot + "/anklePosition/x", 0.0) self.param_server.setParameterDbl( lpn_pre + afoot + "/anklePosition/y", 0.0) self.param_server.setParameterDbl( lpn_pre + afoot + "/anklePosition/z", 0.107) self.param_server.displayRobotUtil() model2_string = self.param_server.getParameter(paramName) self.loadModelFromString( model2_string, rootJointType=pinocchio.JointModelFreeFlyer, removeMimicJoints=True) else: self.loadModelFromUrdf(self.defaultFilename, rootJointType=pinocchio.JointModelFreeFlyer, removeMimicJoints=True) assert hasattr(self, "pinocchioModel") assert hasattr(self, "pinocchioData") if device is not None: self.device = device AbstractHumanoidRobot.__init__(self, name, tracer) self.OperationalPoints.append('waist') self.OperationalPoints.append('chest') # Create rigid body dynamics model and data (pinocchio) self.dynamic = DynamicPinocchio( + "_dynamic") self.dynamic.setModel(self.pinocchioModel) self.dynamic.setData(self.pinocchioData) self.dynamic.displayModel() self.dimension = self.dynamic.getDimension() self.initializeRobot() self.AdditionalFrames.append( ("leftFootForceSensor", self.forceSensorInLeftAnkle, self.OperationalPointsMap["left-ankle"])) self.AdditionalFrames.append( ("rightFootForceSensor", self.forceSensorInRightAnkle, self.OperationalPointsMap["right-ankle"])) # Create operational points based on operational points map # (if provided) if self.OperationalPointsMap is not None: self.initializeOpPoints()
class Tiago(AbstractRobot): """ This class defines a Tiago robot """ defaultFilename = "package://tiago_data/robots/tiago_steel.urdf" def defineHalfSitting(self, q): """ q is the configuration to fill. When this function is called, the attribute pinocchioModel has been filled. """ model = self.pinocchioModel # set arm position self.setJointValueInConfig(q, [ "arm_{}_joint".format(i+1) for i in range(7) ], (0., -1.569796, -1.569796, 2.355194, 0., 0., 0.,)) def __init__(self, robotName, device=None, tracer=None, with_wheels=True, fromRosParam=False): self.OperationalPointsMap = { 'wrist': 'arm_7_joint', 'right-wheel': 'wheel_right_joint', 'left-wheel': 'wheel_left_joint', 'mobilebase': 'root_joint', 'footprint': 'base_footprint_joint', 'gaze': 'head_2_joint', } if fromRosParam: print("Using ROS parameter \"/robot_description\"") rosParamName = "/robot_description" import rospy if rosParamName not in rospy.get_param_names(): raise RuntimeError('"' + rosParamName + '" is not a ROS parameter.') s = rospy.get_param(rosParamName) self.loadModelFromString(s, rootJointType=pinocchio.JointModelFreeFlyer, removeMimicJoints=True) else: self.loadModelFromUrdf(self.defaultFilename, rootJointType=pinocchio.JointModelFreeFlyer, removeMimicJoints=True) # Clean the robot model. Remove: # - caster joints # - suspension joints # - for hey5 hands, remove every hand_* joints except hand_thumb_joint, # hand_index_joint and hand_mrl_joint (mrl = middle, ring, little) jointsToRemove = [] for name in self.pinocchioModel.names: if not with_wheels and name.startswith("wheel_"): jointsToRemove.append(name) elif name.startswith('caster'): jointsToRemove.append(name) elif name.startswith('suspension'): jointsToRemove.append(name) elif name.startswith('hand_') and \ name not in ("hand_thumb_joint", "hand_index_joint", "hand_mrl_joint"): jointsToRemove.append(name) print("Removing joints " + ", ".join(jointsToRemove)) self.removeJoints(jointsToRemove) assert hasattr(self, "pinocchioModel") assert hasattr(self, "pinocchioData") AbstractRobot.__init__(self, robotName, tracer) # Create rigid body dynamics model and data (pinocchio) self.dynamic = DynamicPinocchio( + "_dynamic") self.dynamic.setModel(self.pinocchioModel) self.dynamic.setData(self.pinocchioData) self.dynamic.displayModel() self.dimension = self.dynamic.getDimension() self.device = device self.initializeRobot() # Create operational points based on operational points map (if provided) if self.OperationalPointsMap is not None: self.initializeOpPoints() def setClosedLoop(self, closedLoop): if closedLoop: plug(self.device.robotState, self.dynamic.position) self.device.setClosedLoop(True) else: plug(self.device.state, self.dynamic.position) self.device.setClosedLoop(False) def _initialize(self): AbstractRobot._initialize(self) self.OperationalPoints.extend(['wrist', 'left-wheel', 'right-wheel', 'footprint', 'mobilebase', 'gaze'])
class Talos(AbstractHumanoidRobot): """ This class defines a Talos robot """ forceSensorInLeftAnkle = ((1., 0., 0., 0.), (0., 1., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 1., -0.107), (0., 0., 0., 1.)) forceSensorInRightAnkle = ((1., 0., 0., 0.), (0., 1., 0., 0.), (0., 0., 1., -0.107), (0., 0., 0., 1.)) defaultFilename = "package://talos_data/urdf/talos_reduced_v2.urdf" """ TODO: Confirm the position and existence of these sensors accelerometerPosition = np.matrix (( (1., 0., 0., -.13,), (0., 1., 0., 0.,), (0., 0., 1., .118,), (0., 0., 0., 1.,), )) gyrometerPosition = np.matrix (( (1., 0., 0., -.13,), (0., 1., 0., 0.,), (0., 0., 1., .118,), (0., 0., 0., 1.,), )) """ def smallToFull(self, config): # Gripper position in full configuration: 27:34, and 41:48 # Small configuration: 36 DOF # Full configuration: 50 DOF res = config[0:27] + 7 * (0., ) + config[27:34] + 7 * ( 0., ) + config[34:] return res def __init__(self, name, initialConfig, device=None, tracer=None, fromRosParam=False): self.OperationalPointsMap = { 'left-wrist': 'arm_left_7_joint', 'right-wrist': 'arm_right_7_joint', 'left-ankle': 'leg_left_6_joint', 'right-ankle': 'leg_right_6_joint', 'gaze': 'head_2_joint', 'waist': 'root_joint', 'chest': 'torso_2_joint' } if fromRosParam: print("Using ROS parameter \"/robot_description\"") rosParamName = "/robot_description" import rospy if rosParamName not in rospy.get_param_names(): raise RuntimeError('"' + rosParamName + '" is not a ROS parameter.') s = rospy.get_param(rosParamName) self.loadModelFromString( s, rootJointType=pinocchio.JointModelFreeFlyer, removeMimicJoints=True) else: self.loadModelFromUrdf(self.defaultFilename, rootJointType=pinocchio.JointModelFreeFlyer, removeMimicJoints=True) assert hasattr(self, "pinocchioModel") assert hasattr(self, "pinocchioData") AbstractHumanoidRobot.__init__(self, name, tracer) self.OperationalPoints.append('waist') self.OperationalPoints.append('chest') # Create rigid body dynamics model and data (pinocchio) self.dynamic = DynamicPinocchio( + "_dynamic") self.dynamic.setModel(self.pinocchioModel) self.dynamic.setData(self.pinocchioData) self.dynamic.displayModel() self.dimension = self.dynamic.getDimension() self.device = device self.initializeRobot() self.AdditionalFrames.append( ("leftFootForceSensor", self.forceSensorInLeftAnkle, self.OperationalPointsMap["left-ankle"])) self.AdditionalFrames.append( ("rightFootForceSensor", self.forceSensorInRightAnkle, self.OperationalPointsMap["right-ankle"])) # Create operational points based on operational points map (if provided) if self.OperationalPointsMap is not None: self.initializeOpPoints()