def test_embedding_function_exact_weighted(): """ Creates embedding function and makes sure that for known X it produces exact Y. :return: """ data = load_iris() X = labels = # Embedding function requires unique arrays. # Well, embedding fuction can protect from it, but still we can get some confusion in mean square error, if it # "chooses" different sample un_array, un_idx = np.unique(X, axis=0, return_index=True) X = X[un_idx, :] dTSNE = dynamic_tsne.DynamicTSNE(perplexity=20) # Small dataset. Iterations are very fast, we can afford more y =, verbose=2, optimizer_kwargs={ 'momentum': 0.8, 'n_iter': 3000 }, random_seed=1) for power in [1, 0.5, 2]: embedder = dTSNE.generate_embedding_function( embedding_function_type='weighted-inverse-distance', function_kwargs={'power': power}) y2 = embedder(X, verbose=2) assert np.mean(np.sum((y - y2)**2, axis=1)) == 0, "Embedding was not exact"
def test_random_seed(): """ Sets random seed and tests that results are the same. :return: """ data = load_iris() X = dTSNE = dynamic_tsne.DynamicTSNE(perplexity=20) # Small dataset. Iterations are very fast, we can afford more y =, optimizer_kwargs={ 'momentum': 0.8, 'n_iter': 3000 }, random_seed=1) y2 =, optimizer_kwargs={ 'momentum': 0.8, 'n_iter': 3000 }, random_seed=1) assert (y == y2).all(), "Same random seed - different results"
def test_init(): """ Test - initialize and do not crash. :return: """ dynamic_tsne.DynamicTSNE(perplexity=20)
if __name__ == "__main__": data = load_digits() X = data.images.reshape((-1, 64)) # 8x8 image to 64-length vector labels = # Embedding function requires unique arrays. # Well, embedding fuction can protect from it, but still we can get some confusion in mean square error, if it # "chooses" different sample temp = np.ascontiguousarray(X).view( np.dtype((np.void, X.dtype.itemsize * X.shape[1]))) _, un_idx = np.unique(temp, return_index=True) X = X[un_idx, :] labels = labels[un_idx] dTSNE = dynamic_tsne.DynamicTSNE(perplexity=20) # Small dataset. Iterations are very fast, we can afford more y =, verbose=2, optimizer_kwargs={ 'momentum': 0.8, 'n_iter': 1000 }, random_seed=1) embedder2 = dTSNE.generate_embedding_function( embedding_function_type='weighted-inverse-distance') embedder3 = dTSNE.generate_embedding_function( embedding_function_type='weighted-inverse-distance', function_kwargs={'power': 20}) embedder4 = dTSNE.generate_embedding_function( embedding_function_type='linear')