def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin x = np.linspace(0, length) modes = linearisation.ModalRepresentation( x =x, shapes =np.zeros((len(x),3,0)), rotations =np.zeros((len(x),3,0)), density =np.ones_like(x) * mass/length, mass_axis =np.zeros((len(x),2)), section_inertia=np.ones_like(x) * radius**2 / 4, freqs =np.zeros((0,)), ) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0,0,1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0,1,0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [1,0,0]) self.body = ModalElement('body', modes) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed
def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, endmass): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.endmass = endmass Jx = mass * radius**2 / 2 Jyz = mass * (3 * radius**2 + length**2) / 12 self.A = Jyz + endmass * (length / 2)**2 self.C = Jx self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0, 1, 0]) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [0, 0, -length / 2]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [0, 0, 1], rotmat_y(-np.pi / 2)) self.body = UniformBeam('body', length, mass / length, 1, 1, 1, Jx=Jx / 2) # /2 because added to both ends self.endoffset = RigidConnection('endoffset', [0, 0, length / 2]) self.endbody = RigidBody('end', endmass) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.endoffset) self.endoffset.add_leaf(self.endbody) self.system = System(self.pivot) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed self.system.prescribe(self.body, acc=0.0) # rigid beam
def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, endmass): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.endmass = endmass Jz = radius**2 / 2 Jxy = (3*radius**2 + length**2) / 12 inertia = mass * np.diag([Jxy, Jxy, Jz]) self.A = mass*Jxy + endmass*(length/2)**2 self.C = mass*Jz self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0,1,0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [0,0,1]) self.body = RigidBody('body', mass, inertia) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [0,0,length/2]) self.endbody = RigidBody('end', endmass) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.endbody) self.system = System(self.pivot) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed
def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin, endmass): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin self.endmass = endmass Jx = mass * radius**2 / 2 self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0,0,1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0,1,0]) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [-length/2,0,0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [1,0,0]) self.body = UniformBeam('body', length, mass/length, 1, 1, 1, Jx=Jx/2) # /2 because added to both ends self.endbody = RigidBody('end', endmass) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.offset.add_leaf(self.endbody) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed self.system.prescribe(self.body, acc=0.0) # rigid beam
def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, endmass): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.endmass = endmass Jz = radius**2 / 2 Jxy = (3 * radius**2 + length**2) / 12 inertia = mass * np.diag([Jxy, Jxy, Jz]) self.A = mass * Jxy + endmass * (length / 2)**2 self.C = mass * Jz self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0, 1, 0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [0, 0, 1]) self.body = RigidBody('body', mass, inertia) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [0, 0, length / 2]) self.endbody = RigidBody('end', endmass) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.endbody) self.system = System(self.pivot) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed
def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, endmass): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.endmass = endmass Jx = mass * radius**2 / 2 Jyz = mass*(3*radius**2 + length**2) / 12 self.A = Jyz + endmass*(length/2)**2 self.C = Jx self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0,1,0]) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [0,0,-length/2]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [0,0,1], rotmat_y(-np.pi/2)) self.body = UniformBeam('body', length, mass/length, 1, 1, 1, Jx=Jx/2) # /2 because added to both ends self.endoffset = RigidConnection('endoffset', [0,0,length/2]) self.endbody = RigidBody('end', endmass) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.endoffset) self.endoffset.add_leaf(self.endbody) self.system = System(self.pivot) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed self.system.prescribe(self.body, acc=0.0) # rigid beam
class Rotor(object): def __init__(self, mode_source_file, root_length=0): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % mode_source_file self.modes = ModalRepresentation.from_Bladed(mode_source_file) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0,0,1]) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [root_length, 0, 0]) self.blade = ModalElement('blade', self.modes) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.blade) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=0.0, acc=0.0) # constant spin speed def simulate(self, qm0, spin=10.0, t1=1.5, dt=0.01): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions self.system.q[self.blade.istrain] = qm0 # initial modal amplitudes self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=spin, acc=0.0) #acc=spin/t1) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos','vel')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.blade.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.blade.iprox, local=True)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.CustomOutput( lambda s: self.blade.station_positions()[-1], label="Tip pos")) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.CustomOutput( lambda s: self.blade.quad_stress, label="Quad stress")) # simulate self.t,self.y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt) return self.t, self.y def lin(self, qm0, spin=10.0): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions self.system.q[self.blade.istrain] = qm0 # initial modal amplitudes self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=spin, acc=0.0) # constant speed linsys = linearisation.LinearisedSystem(self.system, qm0) return linsys def ani(self, vs=1): l = 40 return dynvis.anim(self.system, self.t, self.y, (0,vs), (-l,l), (-l,l), velocities=False, only_free=True)
class ModalGyroscope(Gyroscope): def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin, endmass): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin self.endmass = endmass x = np.linspace(-length/2, length/2) modes = linearisation.ModalRepresentation( x =x, shapes =np.zeros((len(x),3,0)), rotations =np.zeros((len(x),3,0)), density =np.ones_like(x) * mass/length, mass_axis =np.zeros((len(x),2)), section_inertia=np.ones_like(x) * radius**2 / 4, freqs =np.zeros((0,)), ) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0,0,1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0,1,0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [0,0,1], rotmat_y(-np.pi/2)) self.body = ModalElement('body', modes) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [0,0,length/2]) self.endbody = RigidBody('end', endmass) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.endbody) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed
class ModalGyroscope(Gyroscope): def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin, endmass): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin self.endmass = endmass x = np.linspace(-length / 2, length / 2) modes = linearisation.ModalRepresentation( x=x, shapes=np.zeros((len(x), 3, 0)), rotations=np.zeros((len(x), 3, 0)), density=np.ones_like(x) * mass / length, mass_axis=np.zeros((len(x), 2)), section_inertia=np.ones_like(x) * radius**2 / 4, freqs=np.zeros((0, )), ) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0, 0, 1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0, 1, 0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [0, 0, 1], rotmat_y(-np.pi / 2)) self.body = ModalElement('body', modes) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [0, 0, length / 2]) self.endbody = RigidBody('end', endmass) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.endbody) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed
def __init__(self, mode_source_file, root_length=0): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % mode_source_file self.modes = ModalRepresentation.from_Bladed(mode_source_file) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0, 0, 1]) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [root_length, 0, 0]) self.blade = ModalElement('blade', self.modes) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.blade) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=0.0, acc=0.0) # constant spin speed
class Gyroscope(object): def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin, endmass): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin self.endmass = endmass Jz = radius**2 / 2 Jxy = (3*radius**2 + length**2) / 12 inertia = mass * np.diag([Jxy, Jxy, Jz]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0,0,1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0,1,0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [0,0,1]) self.body = RigidBody('body', mass, inertia) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [0,0,length/2]) self.endbody = RigidBody('end', endmass) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.endbody) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed def simulate(self, xpivot=0.0, vprec=0.0, t1=10, dt=0.05): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions self.system.q [self.pivot.istrain][0] = xpivot # initial elevation self.system.qd[self.bearing.istrain][0] = vprec # initial azimuth spd self.system.qd[self.axis.istrain][0] = self.spin # initial rotation speed self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos','vel')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.axis.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.pivot.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox)) #integ.add_output(dynamics.CustomOutput( # lambda s:, self.system.qdd[el.iprox+el.idist]) + \ #, self.system.qdd[el.istrain]))) # simulate if t1 > 0: self.t, self.y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt) for i,lab in enumerate(self.integ.labels()): print "%2d %s" % (i,lab) return self.t, self.y def ani(self, vs=1): l = self.length * 1.1 return dynvis.anim(self.system, self.t, self.y, (0,vs), (-l,l), (-l,l), velocities=False)
def __init__(self, mode_source_file, root_length=0): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % mode_source_file self.modes = ModalRepresentation.from_Bladed(mode_source_file) Ry = rotmat_y(-pi / 2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2 * pi / 3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2 * pi / 3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2 * pi / 3) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1, 0, 0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb1, Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb2, Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb3, Ry)) self.blade1 = ModalElement('blade1', self.modes) self.blade2 = ModalElement('blade2', self.modes) self.blade3 = ModalElement('blade3', self.modes) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.blade1) root2.add_leaf(self.blade2) root3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=0.0, acc=0.0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos', 'vel')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(b.iprox, local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output( dynamics.CustomOutput(lambda s: b.station_positions()[-1], label="{} tip defl".format(b))) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output( dynamics.CustomOutput(lambda s: dot(b.Rp, b.station_positions()[-1]), label="{} tip pos".format(b)))
def __init__(self, bladed_file, root_length=0, rigid=False): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % bladed_file self.blade = Blade(bladed_file) self.tower = Tower(bladed_file) self.modes = self.blade.modal_rep() #self.tmodes = self.tower.modal_rep() Ry = rotmat_y(-pi/2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2*pi/3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2*pi/3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2*pi/3) self.base = FreeJoint('base') self.towerlink = RigidConnection('tower', [0,0,self.tower.hubheight]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1,0,0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb1,Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb2,Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb3,Ry)) self.blade1 = ModalElement('blade1', self.modes) self.blade2 = ModalElement('blade2', self.modes) self.blade3 = ModalElement('blade3', self.modes) self.base.add_leaf(self.towerlink) self.towerlink.add_leaf(self.bearing) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.blade1) root2.add_leaf(self.blade2) root3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.base) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.base_motion = None self.base_motion_amp = 0 self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=0) self.system.prescribe(self.base, vel=0) if rigid: for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.system.prescribe(b, vel=0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos','vel','acc')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.base.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.towerlink.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(b.iprox, local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(b.output_deflections()) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(b.output_positions()) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.NodeOutput(b.iprox, local=True, deriv=2))
def __init__(self, mode_source_file, root_length=0, wind_table=None): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % mode_source_file self.blade = Blade(mode_source_file) self.modes = self.blade.modal_rep() if wind_table is not None: loading = BladeLoading(self.blade, wind_table, None) else: loading = None Ry = rotmat_y(-pi/2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2*pi/3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2*pi/3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2*pi/3) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1,0,0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb1,Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb2,Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb3,Ry)) self.blade1 = ModalElement('blade1', self.modes, loading) self.blade2 = ModalElement('blade2', self.modes) self.blade3 = ModalElement('blade3', self.modes) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.blade1) root2.add_leaf(self.blade2) root3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=0.0, acc=0.0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos','vel')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.blade1.iprox, local=True)) self.integ.add_output(self.blade1.output_deflections()) self.integ.add_output(self.blade1.output_positions())
def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin Jx = mass * radius**2 / 2 self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0,0,1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0,1,0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [1,0,0]) self.body = UniformBeam('body', length, mass/length, 1, 1, 1, Jx=Jx/2) # /2 because added to both ends self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis.istrain, 0.0) # constant rotational speed self.system.prescribe(self.body.istrain, 0.0) # rigid beam
def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin Jx = mass * radius**2 / 2 self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0, 0, 1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0, 1, 0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [1, 0, 0]) self.body = UniformBeam('body', length, mass / length, 1, 1, 1, Jx=Jx / 2) # /2 because added to both ends self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis.istrain, 0.0) # constant rotational speed self.system.prescribe(self.body.istrain, 0.0) # rigid beam
def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin x = np.linspace(0, length) modes = linearisation.ModalRepresentation( x=x, shapes=np.zeros((len(x), 3, 0)), rotations=np.zeros((len(x), 3, 0)), density=np.ones_like(x) * mass / length, mass_axis=np.zeros((len(x), 2)), section_inertia=np.ones_like(x) * radius**2 / 4, freqs=np.zeros((0, )), ) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0, 0, 1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0, 1, 0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [1, 0, 0]) self.body = ModalElement('body', modes) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis.istrain, 0.0) # constant rotational speed
def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin, endmass): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin self.endmass = endmass Jx = mass * radius**2 / 2 self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0, 0, 1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0, 1, 0]) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [-length / 2, 0, 0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [1, 0, 0]) self.body = UniformBeam('body', length, mass / length, 1, 1, 1, Jx=Jx / 2) # /2 because added to both ends self.endbody = RigidBody('end', endmass) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.offset.add_leaf(self.endbody) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed self.system.prescribe(self.body, acc=0.0) # rigid beam
def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, endmass): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.endmass = endmass # corrected radius for lumped masses mr = radius / np.sqrt(2) root3 = np.sqrt(3) self.A = 3 * (mass/3) * mr**2 / 2 + endmass*(length/2)**2 self.C = 3 * (mass/3) * mr**2 self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0,1,0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [0,0,1]) self.arm1 = RigidConnection('arm1', [mr,0,0]) self.arm2 = RigidConnection('arm2', [-mr/2, mr*root3/2,0]) self.arm3 = RigidConnection('arm3', [-mr/2,-mr*root3/2,0]) self.body = RigidBody('body', mass/3) self.body2 = RigidBody('body2', mass/3) self.body3 = RigidBody('body3', mass/3) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [0,0,length/2]) self.endbody = RigidBody('end', endmass) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.arm1) self.axis.add_leaf(self.arm2) self.axis.add_leaf(self.arm3) self.arm1.add_leaf(self.body) self.arm2.add_leaf(self.body2) self.arm3.add_leaf(self.body3) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.endbody) self.system = System(self.pivot) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed
def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, endmass): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.endmass = endmass # corrected radius for lumped masses mr = radius / np.sqrt(2) root3 = np.sqrt(3) self.A = 3 * (mass / 3) * mr**2 / 2 + endmass * (length / 2)**2 self.C = 3 * (mass / 3) * mr**2 self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0, 1, 0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [0, 0, 1]) self.arm1 = RigidConnection('arm1', [mr, 0, 0]) self.arm2 = RigidConnection('arm2', [-mr / 2, mr * root3 / 2, 0]) self.arm3 = RigidConnection('arm3', [-mr / 2, -mr * root3 / 2, 0]) self.body = RigidBody('body', mass / 3) self.body2 = RigidBody('body2', mass / 3) self.body3 = RigidBody('body3', mass / 3) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [0, 0, length / 2]) self.endbody = RigidBody('end', endmass) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.arm1) self.axis.add_leaf(self.arm2) self.axis.add_leaf(self.arm3) self.arm1.add_leaf(self.body) self.arm2.add_leaf(self.body2) self.arm3.add_leaf(self.body3) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.endbody) self.system = System(self.pivot) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed
def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin Jx = radius**2 / 2 Jyz = (3*radius**2 + length**2) / 12 Jyz_0 = Jyz + (length/2)**2 # parallel axis theorem inertia = mass * np.diag([Jx, Jyz_0, Jyz_0]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0,0,1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0,1,0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [1,0,0]) self.body = RigidBody('body', mass, inertia, [length/2, 0, 0]) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed
def __init__(self, mode_source_file, root_length=0): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % mode_source_file self.modes = ModalRepresentation.from_Bladed(mode_source_file) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0,0,1]) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [root_length, 0, 0]) self.blade = ModalElement('blade', self.modes) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.blade) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=0.0, acc=0.0) # constant spin speed
class Gyroscope(object): def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin Jx = radius**2 / 2 Jyz = (3 * radius**2 + length**2) / 12 Jyz_0 = Jyz + (length / 2)**2 # parallel axis theorem inertia = mass * np.diag([Jx, Jyz_0, Jyz_0]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0, 0, 1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0, 1, 0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [1, 0, 0]) self.body = RigidBody('body', mass, inertia, [length / 2, 0, 0]) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed def simulate(self, xpivot=0.0, vprec=0.0, t1=10, dt=0.05): # reset self.system.q[:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions self.system.q[self.pivot.istrain][0] = xpivot # initial elevation self.system.qd[ self.bearing.istrain][0] = vprec # initial elevation spd self.system.qd[ self.axis.istrain][0] = self.spin # initial rotation speed self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos', 'vel')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.axis.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.pivot.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox)) # simulate if t1 > 0: self.t, self.y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt) for i, lab in enumerate(self.integ.labels()): print "%2d %s" % (i, lab) return self.t, self.y def ani(self, vs=1): l = self.length * 1.1 return dynvis.anim(self.system, self.t, self.y, (0, vs), (-l, l), (-l, l), velocities=False)
class Gyroscope(object): def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin Jx = radius**2 / 2 Jyz = (3*radius**2 + length**2) / 12 Jyz_0 = Jyz + (length/2)**2 # parallel axis theorem inertia = mass * np.diag([Jx, Jyz_0, Jyz_0]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0,0,1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0,1,0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [1,0,0]) self.body = RigidBody('body', mass, inertia, [length/2, 0, 0]) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed def simulate(self, xpivot=0.0, vprec=0.0, t1=10, dt=0.05): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions self.system.q [self.pivot.istrain][0] = xpivot # initial elevation self.system.qd[self.bearing.istrain][0] = vprec # initial elevation spd self.system.qd[self.axis .istrain][0] = self.spin # initial rotation speed self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos','vel')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.axis.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.pivot.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox)) # simulate if t1 > 0: self.t, self.y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt) for i,lab in enumerate(self.integ.labels()): print "%2d %s" % (i,lab) return self.t, self.y def ani(self, vs=1): l = self.length * 1.1 return dynvis.anim(self.system, self.t, self.y, (0,vs), (-l,l), (-l,l), velocities=False)
def __init__(self, mode_source_file, root_length=0): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % mode_source_file self.modes = ModalRepresentation.from_Bladed(mode_source_file) Ry = rotmat_y(-pi/2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2*pi/3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2*pi/3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2*pi/3) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1,0,0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb1,Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb2,Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb3,Ry)) self.blade1 = ModalElement('blade1', self.modes) self.blade2 = ModalElement('blade2', self.modes) self.blade3 = ModalElement('blade3', self.modes) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.blade1) root2.add_leaf(self.blade2) root3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=0.0, acc=0.0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos','vel')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(b.iprox, local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.CustomOutput( lambda s: b.station_positions()[-1], label="{} tip defl".format(b))) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.CustomOutput( lambda s: dot(b.Rp, b.station_positions()[-1]), label="{} tip pos".format(b)))
class Gyroscope(object): def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin Jx = radius**2 / 2 Jyz = (3 * radius**2 + length**2) / 12 Jyz_0 = Jyz + (length / 2)**2 # parallel axis theorem inertia = mass * np.diag([Jx, Jyz_0, Jyz_0]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0, 0, 1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0, 1, 0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [1, 0, 0]) self.body = RigidBody('body', mass, inertia, [length / 2, 0, 0]) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis.istrain, 0.0) # constant rotational speed def simulate(self, xpivot=0.0, vpivot=0.0, t1=1.5, dt=0.01): # reset self.system.q[:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions self.system.q[self.pivot.istrain[0]] = xpivot # initial elevation self.system.qd[self.pivot.istrain[0]] = vpivot # initial elevation spd self.system.qd[ self.axis.istrain[0]] = self.spin # initial rotation speed # simulate self.t = np.arange(0, t1, dt) self.y = solve_system(self.system, self.t, outputs='vels') def ani(self, vs=1): l = self.length * 1.1 return dynvis.anim(self.system, self.t, self.y, (0, vs), (-l, l), (-l, l), velocities=False)
class Gyroscope(object): def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin Jx = radius**2 / 2 Jyz = (3*radius**2 + length**2) / 12 Jyz_0 = Jyz + (length/2)**2 # parallel axis theorem inertia = mass * np.diag([Jx, Jyz_0, Jyz_0]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0,0,1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0,1,0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [1,0,0]) self.body = RigidBody('body', mass, inertia, [length/2, 0, 0]) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis.istrain, 0.0) # constant rotational speed def simulate(self, xpivot=0.0, vpivot=0.0, t1=1.5, dt=0.01): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions self.system.q [self.pivot.istrain[0]] = xpivot # initial elevation self.system.qd[self.pivot.istrain[0]] = vpivot # initial elevation spd self.system.qd[self.axis .istrain[0]] = self.spin # initial rotation speed # simulate self.t = np.arange(0, t1, dt) self.y = solve_system(self.system, self.t, outputs='vels') def ani(self, vs=1): l = self.length * 1.1 return dynvis.anim(self.system, self.t, self.y, (0,vs), (-l,l), (-l,l), velocities=False)
def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin Jx = radius**2 / 2 Jyz = (3 * radius**2 + length**2) / 12 Jyz_0 = Jyz + (length / 2)**2 # parallel axis theorem inertia = mass * np.diag([Jx, Jyz_0, Jyz_0]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0, 0, 1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0, 1, 0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [1, 0, 0]) self.body = RigidBody('body', mass, inertia, [length / 2, 0, 0]) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed
class Rotor(object): def __init__(self, mode_source_file, root_length=0): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % mode_source_file self.blade = Blade(mode_source_file) self.modes = self.blade.modal_rep() Ry = rotmat_y(-pi/2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2*pi/3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2*pi/3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2*pi/3) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1,0,0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb1,Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb2,Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb3,Ry)) self.blade1 = ModalElement('blade1', self.modes) self.blade2 = ModalElement('blade2', self.modes) self.blade3 = ModalElement('blade3', self.modes) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.blade1) root2.add_leaf(self.blade2) root3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, acc=0.0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos','vel')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.blade1.iprox, local=True)) self.integ.add_output(self.blade1.output_deflections()) self.integ.add_output(self.blade1.output_positions()) def simulate(self, qm0=None, spin=10.0, t1=1.5, dt=0.01): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions if qm0 is not None: # initial modal amplitudes self.system.q[self.blade1.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade2.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade3.istrain] = qm0 self.system.qd[self.bearing.istrain][0] = spin # simulate self.t,self.y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt) for i,lab in enumerate(self.integ.labels()): print "%2d %s" % (i,lab) return self.t, self.y def lin(self, qm0=None, spin=10.0): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions if qm0 is not None: # initial modal amplitudes self.system.q[self.blade1.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade2.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade3.istrain] = qm0 else: qm0 = np.zeros(self.blade1._nstrain * 3) self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=spin, acc=0.0) self.system.qd[self.bearing.istrain][0] = spin linsys = linearisation.LinearisedSystem(self.system, qm0) return linsys def ani(self, t=None, y=None, planview=True): if t is None: t = self.t if y is None: y = self.y l = 40 if planview: return dynvis.anim(self.system, t, y, (1,2), (-l,l), (-l,l)) else: return dynvis.anim(self.system, t, y, (0,1), (-l,l), (-5,5))
from linearisation import ModalRepresentation import dynvis dynamics.gravity = 0 bladedpath = '/bladed/gyro_effects/simpleblade_10rpm_10degs' # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % bladedpath modes = ModalRepresentation.from_Bladed(bladedpath+'.$pj') rotorspeed = 10 * np.pi/30 # 10 rpm overhang = 1 # 1m # Modal element yaw = Hinge('yaw', [0,0,1]) overhang = RigidConnection('overhang', [-overhang,0,0]) bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1,0,0],, rotmat_x(-np.pi/2))) el = ModalElement('el', modes) yaw.add_leaf(overhang) overhang.add_leaf(bearing) bearing.add_leaf(el) system = System(yaw) # Prescribe rotation speed system.prescribe(bearing.istrain, 0.0) system.qd[bearing.istrain] = rotorspeed # Prescribed yaw angle acc_period = 0.1 yaw_time1 = 3.0
class Gyroscope(object): def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, spin, endmass): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.spin = spin self.endmass = endmass Jz = radius**2 / 2 Jxy = (3 * radius**2 + length**2) / 12 inertia = mass * np.diag([Jxy, Jxy, Jz]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0, 0, 1]) self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0, 1, 0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [0, 0, 1]) self.body = RigidBody('body', mass, inertia) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [0, 0, length / 2]) self.endbody = RigidBody('end', endmass) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.pivot) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.endbody) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed def simulate(self, xpivot=0.0, vprec=0.0, t1=10, dt=0.05): # reset self.system.q[:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions self.system.q[self.pivot.istrain][0] = xpivot # initial elevation self.system.qd[self.bearing.istrain][0] = vprec # initial azimuth spd self.system.qd[ self.axis.istrain][0] = self.spin # initial rotation speed self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos', 'vel')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.axis.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.pivot.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox)) #integ.add_output(dynamics.CustomOutput( # lambda s:, self.system.qdd[el.iprox+el.idist]) + \ #, self.system.qdd[el.istrain]))) # simulate if t1 > 0: self.t, self.y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt) for i, lab in enumerate(self.integ.labels()): print "%2d %s" % (i, lab) return self.t, self.y def ani(self, vs=1): l = self.length * 1.1 return dynvis.anim(self.system, self.t, self.y, (0, vs), (-l, l), (-l, l), velocities=False)
class Rotor(object): def __init__(self, mode_source_file, root_length=0): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % mode_source_file self.modes = ModalRepresentation.from_Bladed(mode_source_file) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0, 0, 1]) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [root_length, 0, 0]) self.blade = ModalElement('blade', self.modes) self.bearing.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.blade) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=0.0, acc=0.0) # constant spin speed def simulate(self, qm0, spin=10.0, t1=1.5, dt=0.01): # reset self.system.q[:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions self.system.q[self.blade.istrain] = qm0 # initial modal amplitudes self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=spin, acc=0.0) #acc=spin/t1) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos', 'vel')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.blade.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.blade.iprox, local=True)) self.integ.add_output( dynamics.CustomOutput(lambda s: self.blade.station_positions()[-1], label="Tip pos")) self.integ.add_output( dynamics.CustomOutput(lambda s: self.blade.quad_stress, label="Quad stress")) # simulate self.t, self.y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt) return self.t, self.y def lin(self, qm0, spin=10.0): # reset self.system.q[:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions self.system.q[self.blade.istrain] = qm0 # initial modal amplitudes self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=spin, acc=0.0) # constant speed linsys = linearisation.LinearisedSystem(self.system, qm0) return linsys def ani(self, vs=1): l = 40 return dynvis.anim(self.system, self.t, self.y, (0, vs), (-l, l), (-l, l), velocities=False, only_free=True)
class FlappedBladeTurbine(object): def __init__(self, bladed_file, root_length=0): # Load modes but use a simple flapped blade print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % bladed_file self.blade = Blade(bladed_file) self.tower = Tower(bladed_file) self.modes = self.blade.modal_rep() # Calculate equivalent blade properties I1 = self.modes.I0[0] I2 = self.modes.J0[0, 0] print I1, I2 wflap = self.modes.freqs[0] bmass = self.modes.mass inertia = self.modes.inertia_tensor(np.zeros(len(self.modes.freqs))) Xc = [I1 / bmass, 0, 0] kflap = I2 * wflap**2 Ry = rotmat_y(-pi / 2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2 * pi / 3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2 * pi / 3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2 * pi / 3) self.base = FreeJoint('base') self.towerlink = RigidConnection('tower', [0, 0, self.tower.hubheight]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1, 0, 0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb1, Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb2, Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb3, Ry)) self.flap1 = Hinge('flap1', [0, 1, 0]) self.flap2 = Hinge('flap2', [0, 1, 0]) self.flap3 = Hinge('flap3', [0, 1, 0]) self.blade1 = RigidBody('blade1', bmass, inertia, Xc) self.blade2 = RigidBody('blade2', bmass, inertia, Xc) self.blade3 = RigidBody('blade3', bmass, inertia, Xc) self.flap1.stiffness = self.flap2.stiffness = self.flap3.stiffness = kflap self.base.add_leaf(self.towerlink) self.towerlink.add_leaf(self.bearing) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.flap1) root2.add_leaf(self.flap2) root3.add_leaf(self.flap3) self.flap1.add_leaf(self.blade1) self.flap2.add_leaf(self.blade2) self.flap3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.base) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.base_motion = None self.base_motion_amp = 0 self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=0) self.system.prescribe(self.base, vel=0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos', 'vel', 'acc')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.base.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.towerlink.iprox)) self.integ.add_output( dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox, local=True)) self.integ.add_output( dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.idist[0], local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(b.iprox, local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output( dynamics.NodeOutput(b.iprox, local=True, deriv=2)) def set_base_motion(self, dof, w, amp): self.base_motion = dof self.base_motion_amp = amp self.system.prescribe(self.base, part=dof, vel=lambda t: -w * amp * np.sin(w * t), acc=lambda t: -w**2 * amp * np.cos(w * t)) def set_initial_conditions(self, qm0=None, az0=None, rotor_speed=None): # initial conditions if qm0 is not None: # initial hinge angle self.system.q[self.flap1.istrain][0] = qm0 self.system.q[self.flap2.istrain][0] = qm0 self.system.q[self.flap3.istrain][0] = qm0 if az0 is not None: self.system.q[self.bearing.istrain][0] = az0 if self.base_motion is not None: self.system.q[self.base.istrain][ self.base_motion] = self.base_motion_amp if rotor_speed is not None: self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=rotor_speed) def simulate(self, qm0=None, az0=0.0, rotor_speed=10.0, t1=None, dt=0.01, t0=0.0, init=False): # reset self.system.q[:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 self.set_initial_conditions(qm0, az0, rotor_speed) if t1 is None: t1 = 4 * pi / rotor_speed if (rotor_speed != 0.0) else 2 if init: self.system.find_equilibrium() # simulate t, y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt, t0) #for i,lab in enumerate(self.integ.labels): # print "%2d %s" % (i,lab) #return self.t, self.y # Build results structure results = FlappedTurbineResults(t, y) return results def lin(self, qm0=None, az0=None, rotor_speed=None, init=False): # reset self.system.q[:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 self.set_initial_conditions(qm0, az0, rotor_speed) if init: self.system.find_equilibrium() # need initial amplitudes for linearisation point if qm0 is None: qm0 = self.system.q[self.blade1.istrain] linsys = linearisation.LinearisedSystem(self.system, np.tile(qm0, 3)) return linsys def ani(self, results, x=0, y=1): H = self.tower.hubheight + self.blade.radii[-1] limits = [(-H, H), (-H, H), (-5, H + 5)] return dynvis.anim(self.system, results.t, results.strains.as_matrix(), (x, y), limits[x], limits[y])
from linearisation import ModalRepresentation import dynvis dynamics.gravity = 0 bladedpath = '/bladed/gyro_effects/simpleblade_10rpm_10degs' # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % bladedpath modes = ModalRepresentation.from_Bladed(bladedpath + '.$pj') rotorspeed = 10 * np.pi / 30 # 10 rpm overhang = 1 # 1m # Modal element yaw = Hinge('yaw', [0, 0, 1]) overhang = RigidConnection('overhang', [-overhang, 0, 0]) bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1, 0, 0], / 2), rotmat_x(-np.pi / 2))) el = ModalElement('el', modes) yaw.add_leaf(overhang) overhang.add_leaf(bearing) bearing.add_leaf(el) system = System(yaw) # Prescribe rotation speed system.prescribe(bearing.istrain, 0.0) system.qd[bearing.istrain] = rotorspeed # Prescribed yaw angle acc_period = 0.1
class Gyroscope(object): def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, endmass): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.endmass = endmass Jz = radius**2 / 2 Jxy = (3*radius**2 + length**2) / 12 inertia = mass * np.diag([Jxy, Jxy, Jz]) self.A = mass*Jxy + endmass*(length/2)**2 self.C = mass*Jz self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0,1,0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [0,0,1]) self.body = RigidBody('body', mass, inertia) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [0,0,length/2]) self.endbody = RigidBody('end', endmass) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.endbody) self.system = System(self.pivot) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed def applied_torque(self, s): # applied torque about y axis, Q2 elevation = s.q[self.pivot.istrain][0] return self.endmass * dynamics.gravity * self.length/2 * np.sin(elevation) def thetadotdot(self, s): # acceleration about y axis, thetadotdot Q2 = self.applied_torque(s) return Q2 / self.A def gyro_torque(self, s): # gyroscopic sideways torque, Q1 spin = s.qd[self.axis.istrain][0] # spin speed thetadot = s.qd[self.pivot.istrain][0] return self.C * spin * thetadot def simulate(self, xpivot=0.0, spin=10.0, t1=1.5, dt=0.01): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions self.system.q [self.pivot.istrain][0] = xpivot # initial elevation self.system.qd[self.axis .istrain][0] = spin # initial rotation speed # setup integrator #self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos','vel','acc')) self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ()) for istrain in (self.pivot.istrain, self.axis.istrain): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.StrainOutput(istrain, deriv=0)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.StrainOutput(istrain, deriv=1)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.StrainOutput(istrain, deriv=2)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.pivot.idist[0])) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.pivot.idist[0], local=True)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.body.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.endbody.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.CustomOutput(self.applied_torque, "Q2")) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.CustomOutput(self.thetadotdot, "thetadotdot")) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.CustomOutput(self.gyro_torque, "Q1")) # simulate if t1 > 0: self.t,self.y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt) def ani(self, vs=1): l = self.length * 1.1 return dynvis.anim(self.system, self.t, self.y, (0,vs), (-l,l), (-l,l), velocities=False, only_free=True)
print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % bladedpath modes = ModalRepresentation.from_Bladed(bladedpath+'.$pj') # Blade loading wind_table = np.array([ [0, 1, 2, 10], # time [0, 0, 0, 0 ], # x [0, 0, 20, 20], # y [0, 0, 0, 0 ], # z ]) loading = BladeLoading(modes.x, wind_table, None) rotorspeed = 10 * np.pi/30 # 10 rpm # Modal element bearing = Hinge('bearing', [0,1,0]) el = ModalElement('el', modes, loading) bearing.add_leaf(el) system = System(bearing) # Prescribe rotation speed system.prescribe(bearing.istrain, 0.0) system.qd[bearing.istrain] = rotorspeed system.find_equilibrium() integ = Integrator(system, ()) integ.add_position_output(bearing.istrain) integ.add_custom_output(lambda s: el.modes.X(el.xstrain)[(16,32),1:3].flatten(), 'defl') integ.add_custom_output(lambda s: el._get_loading()[16,:], 'loading') integ.add_custom_output(lambda s: el.quad_forces, 'quad_forces')
r_root = 0.5 blade_length = 60.0 EIy = 1000e6 EIz = 1000e6 Ry = rotmat_y(-pi/2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2*pi/3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2*pi/3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2*pi/3) fstiff = 1e6 * diag([1, 1, 5, 1000, 1000, 100]) foundation = FreeJoint('foundation', fstiff, post_transform=rotmat_y(-pi/2)) tower = EulerBeam('tower', tower_height, 3000, 100e6, 300e6, 300e6, 200e6) nacelle = RigidConnection('nacelle', [0,0,overhang], rotmat_y(100*pi/180)) bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1,0,0]) hb1 = RigidConnection('hb1',,[0,0,1]),,Ry)) hb2 = RigidConnection('hb2',,[0,0,1]),,Ry)) hb3 = RigidConnection('hb3',,[0,0,1]),,Ry)) b1 = EulerBeam('b1',blade_length, 250, 1000e6, EIy, EIz, 200e6) b2 = EulerBeam('b2',blade_length, 250, 1000e6, EIy, EIz, 200e6) b3 = EulerBeam('b3',blade_length, 250, 1000e6, EIy, EIz, 200e6) tower.damping = 0.05 foundation.add_leaf(tower) tower.add_leaf(nacelle) nacelle.add_leaf(bearing) bearing.add_leaf(hb1) bearing.add_leaf(hb2) bearing.add_leaf(hb3)
class Turbine(object): def __init__(self, bladed_file, root_length=0, rigid=False): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % bladed_file self.blade = Blade(bladed_file) self.tower = Tower(bladed_file) self.modes = self.blade.modal_rep() #self.tmodes = self.tower.modal_rep() Ry = rotmat_y(-pi/2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2*pi/3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2*pi/3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2*pi/3) self.base = FreeJoint('base') self.towerlink = RigidConnection('tower', [0,0,self.tower.hubheight]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1,0,0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb1,Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb2,Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb3,Ry)) self.blade1 = ModalElement('blade1', self.modes) self.blade2 = ModalElement('blade2', self.modes) self.blade3 = ModalElement('blade3', self.modes) self.base.add_leaf(self.towerlink) self.towerlink.add_leaf(self.bearing) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.blade1) root2.add_leaf(self.blade2) root3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.base) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.base_motion = None self.base_motion_amp = 0 self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=0) self.system.prescribe(self.base, vel=0) if rigid: for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.system.prescribe(b, vel=0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos','vel','acc')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.base.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.towerlink.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(b.iprox, local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(b.output_deflections()) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(b.output_positions()) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.NodeOutput(b.iprox, local=True, deriv=2)) @property def mass(self): """Total mass of turbine""" return self.tower.total_mass + self.modes.mass * 3 @property def inertia(self): """Total rotational inertia of turbine about base""" inertia = self.tower.total_inertia inertia[(0,1),(0,1)] = self.modes.mass * 3 * self.tower.hubheight return inertia # XXX neglecting rotor rotational inertia def set_base_motion(self, dof, w, amp): self.base_motion = dof self.base_motion_amp = amp self.system.prescribe(self.base, part=dof, vel=lambda t: -w *amp*np.sin(w*t), acc=lambda t: -w**2*amp*np.cos(w*t)) def set_initial_conditions(self, qm0=None, az0=None, rotor_speed=None): # initial conditions if qm0 is not None: # initial modal amplitudes self.system.q[self.blade1.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade2.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade3.istrain] = qm0 if az0 is not None: self.system.q[self.bearing.istrain][0] = az0 if self.base_motion is not None: self.system.q[self.base.istrain][self.base_motion] = self.base_motion_amp if rotor_speed is not None: self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=rotor_speed) def simulate(self, qm0=None, az0=0.0, rotor_speed=10.0, t1=None, dt=0.01, t0=0.0, init=False): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 self.set_initial_conditions(qm0, az0, rotor_speed) if t1 is None: t1 = 4*pi/rotor_speed if (rotor_speed != 0.0) else 2 if init: self.system.find_equilibrium() # simulate self.t,self.y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt, t0) for i,lab in enumerate(self.integ.labels()): print "%2d %s" % (i,lab) return self.t, self.y def lin(self, qm0=None, az0=None, rotor_speed=None, init=False): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 self.set_initial_conditions(qm0, az0, rotor_speed) if init: self.system.find_equilibrium() linsys = linearisation.LinearisedSystem(self.system) return linsys def ani(self, vs=(0,1), t=None, y=None): if t is None: t = self.t if y is None: y = self.y limits = [(-10,10), (-42,42), (-5,110)] return dynvis.anim(self.system, t, y, vs, limits[vs[0]], limits[vs[1]])
class Turbine(object): def __init__(self, bladed_file, root_length=0, rigid=False): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % bladed_file self.blade = Blade(bladed_file) self.tower = Tower(bladed_file) self.modes = self.blade.modal_rep() Ry = rotmat_y(-pi/2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2*pi/3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2*pi/3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2*pi/3) self.base = FreeJoint('base') self.towerlink = RigidConnection('tower', [0,0,self.tower.hubheight]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1,0,0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb1,Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb2,Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb3,Ry)) self.blade1 = ModalElement('blade1', self.modes) self.blade2 = ModalElement('blade2', self.modes) self.blade3 = ModalElement('blade3', self.modes) self.base.add_leaf(self.towerlink) self.towerlink.add_leaf(self.bearing) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.blade1) root2.add_leaf(self.blade2) root3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.base) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.base_motion = None self.base_motion_amp = 0 self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=0) self.system.prescribe(self.base, vel=0) if rigid: for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.system.prescribe(b, vel=0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos','vel','acc')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.base.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.towerlink.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox, local=True)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.idist[0], local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(b.iprox, local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(b.output_deflections()) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(b.output_positions()) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.NodeOutput(b.iprox, local=True, deriv=2)) def set_base_motion(self, dof, w, amp): self.base_motion = dof self.base_motion_amp = amp self.system.prescribe(self.base, part=dof, vel=lambda t: -w *amp*np.sin(w*t), acc=lambda t: -w**2*amp*np.cos(w*t)) def set_initial_conditions(self, qm0=None, az0=None, rotor_speed=None): # initial conditions if qm0 is not None: # initial modal amplitudes self.system.q[self.blade1.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade2.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade3.istrain] = qm0 if az0 is not None: self.system.q[self.bearing.istrain][0] = az0 if self.base_motion is not None: self.system.q[self.base.istrain][self.base_motion] = self.base_motion_amp if rotor_speed is not None: self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=rotor_speed) def simulate(self, qm0=None, az0=0.0, rotor_speed=10.0, t1=None, dt=0.01, t0=0.0, init=False): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 self.set_initial_conditions(qm0, az0, rotor_speed) if t1 is None: t1 = 4*pi/rotor_speed if (rotor_speed != 0.0) else 2 if init: self.system.find_equilibrium() # simulate t,y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt, t0) #for i,lab in enumerate(self.integ.labels): # print "%2d %s" % (i,lab) #return self.t, self.y # Build results structure results = TurbineResults(t, y, self.modes.mode_names) return results def lin(self, qm0=None, az0=None, rotor_speed=None, init=False): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 self.set_initial_conditions(qm0, az0, rotor_speed) if init: self.system.find_equilibrium() # need initial amplitudes for linearisation point if qm0 is None: qm0 = self.system.q[self.blade1.istrain] linsys = linearisation.LinearisedSystem(self.system, np.tile(qm0, 3)) return linsys def ani(self, results, x=0, y=1): H = self.tower.hubheight + self.blade.radii[-1] limits = [(-H,H), (-H,H), (-5,H+5)] return dynvis.anim(self.system, results.t, results.strains.as_matrix(), (x, y), limits[x], limits[y])
def __init__(self, bladed_file, root_length=0): # Load modes but use a simple flapped blade print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % bladed_file self.blade = Blade(bladed_file) self.tower = Tower(bladed_file) self.modes = self.blade.modal_rep() # Calculate equivalent blade properties I1 = self.modes.I0[0] I2 = self.modes.J0[0,0] print I1, I2 wflap = self.modes.freqs[0] bmass = self.modes.mass inertia = self.modes.inertia_tensor(np.zeros(len(self.modes.freqs))) Xc = [I1 / bmass, 0, 0] kflap = I2 * wflap**2 Ry = rotmat_y(-pi/2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2*pi/3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2*pi/3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2*pi/3) self.base = FreeJoint('base') self.towerlink = RigidConnection('tower', [0,0,self.tower.hubheight]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1,0,0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb1,Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb2,Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb3,Ry)) self.flap1 = Hinge('flap1', [0,1,0]) self.flap2 = Hinge('flap2', [0,1,0]) self.flap3 = Hinge('flap3', [0,1,0]) self.blade1 = RigidBody('blade1', bmass, inertia, Xc) self.blade2 = RigidBody('blade2', bmass, inertia, Xc) self.blade3 = RigidBody('blade3', bmass, inertia, Xc) self.flap1.stiffness = self.flap2.stiffness = self.flap3.stiffness = kflap self.base.add_leaf(self.towerlink) self.towerlink.add_leaf(self.bearing) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.flap1) root2.add_leaf(self.flap2) root3.add_leaf(self.flap3) self.flap1.add_leaf(self.blade1) self.flap2.add_leaf(self.blade2) self.flap3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.base) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.base_motion = None self.base_motion_amp = 0 self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=0) self.system.prescribe(self.base, vel=0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos','vel','acc')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.base.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.towerlink.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox, local=True)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.idist[0], local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(b.iprox, local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.NodeOutput(b.iprox, local=True, deriv=2))
class FlappedBladeTurbine(object): def __init__(self, bladed_file, root_length=0): # Load modes but use a simple flapped blade print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % bladed_file self.blade = Blade(bladed_file) self.tower = Tower(bladed_file) self.modes = self.blade.modal_rep() # Calculate equivalent blade properties I1 = self.modes.I0[0] I2 = self.modes.J0[0,0] print I1, I2 wflap = self.modes.freqs[0] bmass = self.modes.mass inertia = self.modes.inertia_tensor(np.zeros(len(self.modes.freqs))) Xc = [I1 / bmass, 0, 0] kflap = I2 * wflap**2 Ry = rotmat_y(-pi/2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2*pi/3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2*pi/3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2*pi/3) self.base = FreeJoint('base') self.towerlink = RigidConnection('tower', [0,0,self.tower.hubheight]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1,0,0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb1,Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb2,Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb3,Ry)) self.flap1 = Hinge('flap1', [0,1,0]) self.flap2 = Hinge('flap2', [0,1,0]) self.flap3 = Hinge('flap3', [0,1,0]) self.blade1 = RigidBody('blade1', bmass, inertia, Xc) self.blade2 = RigidBody('blade2', bmass, inertia, Xc) self.blade3 = RigidBody('blade3', bmass, inertia, Xc) self.flap1.stiffness = self.flap2.stiffness = self.flap3.stiffness = kflap self.base.add_leaf(self.towerlink) self.towerlink.add_leaf(self.bearing) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.flap1) root2.add_leaf(self.flap2) root3.add_leaf(self.flap3) self.flap1.add_leaf(self.blade1) self.flap2.add_leaf(self.blade2) self.flap3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.base) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.base_motion = None self.base_motion_amp = 0 self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=0) self.system.prescribe(self.base, vel=0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos','vel','acc')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.base.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.towerlink.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox, local=True)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.idist[0], local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(b.iprox, local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.NodeOutput(b.iprox, local=True, deriv=2)) def set_base_motion(self, dof, w, amp): self.base_motion = dof self.base_motion_amp = amp self.system.prescribe(self.base, part=dof, vel=lambda t: -w *amp*np.sin(w*t), acc=lambda t: -w**2*amp*np.cos(w*t)) def set_initial_conditions(self, qm0=None, az0=None, rotor_speed=None): # initial conditions if qm0 is not None: # initial hinge angle self.system.q[self.flap1.istrain][0] = qm0 self.system.q[self.flap2.istrain][0] = qm0 self.system.q[self.flap3.istrain][0] = qm0 if az0 is not None: self.system.q[self.bearing.istrain][0] = az0 if self.base_motion is not None: self.system.q[self.base.istrain][self.base_motion] = self.base_motion_amp if rotor_speed is not None: self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=rotor_speed) def simulate(self, qm0=None, az0=0.0, rotor_speed=10.0, t1=None, dt=0.01, t0=0.0, init=False): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 self.set_initial_conditions(qm0, az0, rotor_speed) if t1 is None: t1 = 4*pi/rotor_speed if (rotor_speed != 0.0) else 2 if init: self.system.find_equilibrium() # simulate t,y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt, t0) #for i,lab in enumerate(self.integ.labels): # print "%2d %s" % (i,lab) #return self.t, self.y # Build results structure results = FlappedTurbineResults(t, y) return results def lin(self, qm0=None, az0=None, rotor_speed=None, init=False): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 self.set_initial_conditions(qm0, az0, rotor_speed) if init: self.system.find_equilibrium() # need initial amplitudes for linearisation point if qm0 is None: qm0 = self.system.q[self.blade1.istrain] linsys = linearisation.LinearisedSystem(self.system, np.tile(qm0, 3)) return linsys def ani(self, results, x=0, y=1): H = self.tower.hubheight + self.blade.radii[-1] limits = [(-H,H), (-H,H), (-5,H+5)] return dynvis.anim(self.system, results.t, results.strains.as_matrix(), (x, y), limits[x], limits[y])
class Rotor(object): def __init__(self, mode_source_file, root_length=0): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % mode_source_file self.blade = Blade(mode_source_file) self.modes = self.blade.modal_rep() Ry = rotmat_y(-pi / 2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2 * pi / 3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2 * pi / 3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2 * pi / 3) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1, 0, 0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb1, Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb2, Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb3, Ry)) self.blade1 = ModalElement('blade1', self.modes) self.blade2 = ModalElement('blade2', self.modes) self.blade3 = ModalElement('blade3', self.modes) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.blade1) root2.add_leaf(self.blade2) root3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, acc=0.0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos', 'vel')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox)) self.integ.add_output( dynamics.LoadOutput(self.blade1.iprox, local=True)) self.integ.add_output(self.blade1.output_deflections()) self.integ.add_output(self.blade1.output_positions()) def simulate(self, qm0=None, spin=10.0, t1=1.5, dt=0.01): # reset self.system.q[:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions if qm0 is not None: # initial modal amplitudes self.system.q[self.blade1.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade2.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade3.istrain] = qm0 self.system.qd[self.bearing.istrain][0] = spin # simulate self.t, self.y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt) for i, lab in enumerate(self.integ.labels()): print "%2d %s" % (i, lab) return self.t, self.y def lin(self, qm0=None, spin=10.0): # reset self.system.q[:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions if qm0 is not None: # initial modal amplitudes self.system.q[self.blade1.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade2.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade3.istrain] = qm0 else: qm0 = np.zeros(self.blade1._nstrain * 3) self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=spin, acc=0.0) self.system.qd[self.bearing.istrain][0] = spin linsys = linearisation.LinearisedSystem(self.system, qm0) return linsys def ani(self, t=None, y=None, planview=True): if t is None: t = self.t if y is None: y = self.y l = 40 if planview: return dynvis.anim(self.system, t, y, (1, 2), (-l, l), (-l, l)) else: return dynvis.anim(self.system, t, y, (0, 1), (-l, l), (-5, 5))
def __init__(self, bladed_file, root_length=0): # Load modes but use a simple flapped blade print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % bladed_file self.blade = Blade(bladed_file) self.tower = Tower(bladed_file) self.modes = self.blade.modal_rep() # Calculate equivalent blade properties I1 = self.modes.I0[0] I2 = self.modes.J0[0, 0] print I1, I2 wflap = self.modes.freqs[0] bmass = self.modes.mass inertia = self.modes.inertia_tensor(np.zeros(len(self.modes.freqs))) Xc = [I1 / bmass, 0, 0] kflap = I2 * wflap**2 Ry = rotmat_y(-pi / 2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2 * pi / 3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2 * pi / 3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2 * pi / 3) self.base = FreeJoint('base') self.towerlink = RigidConnection('tower', [0, 0, self.tower.hubheight]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1, 0, 0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb1, Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb2, Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb3, Ry)) self.flap1 = Hinge('flap1', [0, 1, 0]) self.flap2 = Hinge('flap2', [0, 1, 0]) self.flap3 = Hinge('flap3', [0, 1, 0]) self.blade1 = RigidBody('blade1', bmass, inertia, Xc) self.blade2 = RigidBody('blade2', bmass, inertia, Xc) self.blade3 = RigidBody('blade3', bmass, inertia, Xc) self.flap1.stiffness = self.flap2.stiffness = self.flap3.stiffness = kflap self.base.add_leaf(self.towerlink) self.towerlink.add_leaf(self.bearing) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.flap1) root2.add_leaf(self.flap2) root3.add_leaf(self.flap3) self.flap1.add_leaf(self.blade1) self.flap2.add_leaf(self.blade2) self.flap3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.base) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.base_motion = None self.base_motion_amp = 0 self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=0) self.system.prescribe(self.base, vel=0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos', 'vel', 'acc')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.base.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.towerlink.iprox)) self.integ.add_output( dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox, local=True)) self.integ.add_output( dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.idist[0], local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(b.iprox, local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output( dynamics.NodeOutput(b.iprox, local=True, deriv=2))
class Gyroscope(object): def __init__(self, length, radius, mass, endmass): self.length = length self.radius = radius self.mass = mass self.endmass = endmass Jz = radius**2 / 2 Jxy = (3 * radius**2 + length**2) / 12 inertia = mass * np.diag([Jxy, Jxy, Jz]) self.A = mass * Jxy + endmass * (length / 2)**2 self.C = mass * Jz self.pivot = Hinge('pivot', [0, 1, 0]) self.axis = Hinge('axis', [0, 0, 1]) self.body = RigidBody('body', mass, inertia) self.offset = RigidConnection('offset', [0, 0, length / 2]) self.endbody = RigidBody('end', endmass) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.axis) self.axis.add_leaf(self.body) self.pivot.add_leaf(self.offset) self.offset.add_leaf(self.endbody) self.system = System(self.pivot) # Prescribed DOF accelerations self.system.prescribe(self.axis, acc=0.0) # constant rotational speed def applied_torque(self, s): # applied torque about y axis, Q2 elevation = s.q[self.pivot.istrain][0] return self.endmass * dynamics.gravity * self.length / 2 * np.sin( elevation) def thetadotdot(self, s): # acceleration about y axis, thetadotdot Q2 = self.applied_torque(s) return Q2 / self.A def gyro_torque(self, s): # gyroscopic sideways torque, Q1 spin = s.qd[self.axis.istrain][0] # spin speed thetadot = s.qd[self.pivot.istrain][0] return self.C * spin * thetadot def simulate(self, xpivot=0.0, spin=10.0, t1=1.5, dt=0.01): # reset self.system.q[:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions self.system.q[self.pivot.istrain][0] = xpivot # initial elevation self.system.qd[self.axis.istrain][0] = spin # initial rotation speed # setup integrator #self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos','vel','acc')) self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ()) for istrain in (self.pivot.istrain, self.axis.istrain): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.StrainOutput(istrain, deriv=0)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.StrainOutput(istrain, deriv=1)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.StrainOutput(istrain, deriv=2)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.pivot.idist[0])) self.integ.add_output( dynamics.LoadOutput(self.pivot.idist[0], local=True)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.body.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.endbody.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.CustomOutput(self.applied_torque, "Q2")) self.integ.add_output( dynamics.CustomOutput(self.thetadotdot, "thetadotdot")) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.CustomOutput(self.gyro_torque, "Q1")) # simulate if t1 > 0: self.t, self.y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt) def ani(self, vs=1): l = self.length * 1.1 return dynvis.anim(self.system, self.t, self.y, (0, vs), (-l, l), (-l, l), velocities=False, only_free=True)
def __init__(self, bladed_file, root_length=0, rigid=False): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % bladed_file self.blade = Blade(bladed_file) self.tower = Tower(bladed_file) self.modes = self.blade.modal_rep() Ry = rotmat_y(-pi / 2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2 * pi / 3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2 * pi / 3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2 * pi / 3) self.base = FreeJoint('base') self.towerlink = RigidConnection('tower', [0, 0, self.tower.hubheight]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1, 0, 0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb1, Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb2, Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb3, Ry)) self.blade1 = ModalElement('blade1', self.modes) self.blade2 = ModalElement('blade2', self.modes) self.blade3 = ModalElement('blade3', self.modes) self.base.add_leaf(self.towerlink) self.towerlink.add_leaf(self.bearing) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.blade1) root2.add_leaf(self.blade2) root3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.base) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.base_motion = None self.base_motion_amp = 0 self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=0) self.system.prescribe(self.base, vel=0) if rigid: for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.system.prescribe(b, vel=0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos', 'vel', 'acc')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.base.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.towerlink.iprox)) self.integ.add_output( dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox, local=True)) self.integ.add_output( dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.idist[0], local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(b.iprox, local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(b.output_deflections()) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(b.output_positions()) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output( dynamics.NodeOutput(b.iprox, local=True, deriv=2))
class Rotor(object): def __init__(self, mode_source_file, root_length=0): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % mode_source_file self.modes = ModalRepresentation.from_Bladed(mode_source_file) Ry = rotmat_y(-pi/2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2*pi/3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2*pi/3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2*pi/3) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1,0,0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb1,Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb2,Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length*,[0,0,1]), dot(Rhb3,Ry)) self.blade1 = ModalElement('blade1', self.modes) self.blade2 = ModalElement('blade2', self.modes) self.blade3 = ModalElement('blade3', self.modes) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.blade1) root2.add_leaf(self.blade2) root3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=0.0, acc=0.0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos','vel')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(b.iprox, local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.CustomOutput( lambda s: b.station_positions()[-1], label="{} tip defl".format(b))) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.CustomOutput( lambda s: dot(b.Rp, b.station_positions()[-1]), label="{} tip pos".format(b))) def simulate(self, qm0=None, spin=10.0, t1=1.5, dt=0.01): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions if qm0 is not None: # initial modal amplitudes self.system.q[self.blade1.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade2.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade3.istrain] = qm0 self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=spin, acc=0.0) # simulate self.t,self.y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt) return self.t, self.y def lin(self, qm0=None, spin=10.0): # reset self.system.q [:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions if qm0 is not None: # initial modal amplitudes self.system.q[self.blade1.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade2.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade3.istrain] = qm0 else: qm0 = np.zeros(self.blade1._nstrain * 3) self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=spin, acc=0.0) linsys = linearisation.LinearisedSystem(self.system, qm0) return linsys def ani(self, vs=1): l = 40 return dynvis.anim(self.system, self.t, self.y, (0,vs), (-l,l), (-l,l))
class Turbine(object): def __init__(self, bladed_file, root_length=0, rigid=False): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % bladed_file self.blade = Blade(bladed_file) self.tower = Tower(bladed_file) self.modes = self.blade.modal_rep() Ry = rotmat_y(-pi / 2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2 * pi / 3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2 * pi / 3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2 * pi / 3) self.base = FreeJoint('base') self.towerlink = RigidConnection('tower', [0, 0, self.tower.hubheight]) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1, 0, 0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb1, Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb2, Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb3, Ry)) self.blade1 = ModalElement('blade1', self.modes) self.blade2 = ModalElement('blade2', self.modes) self.blade3 = ModalElement('blade3', self.modes) self.base.add_leaf(self.towerlink) self.towerlink.add_leaf(self.bearing) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.blade1) root2.add_leaf(self.blade2) root3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.base) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.base_motion = None self.base_motion_amp = 0 self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=0) self.system.prescribe(self.base, vel=0) if rigid: for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.system.prescribe(b, vel=0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos', 'vel', 'acc')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.base.iprox)) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.towerlink.iprox)) self.integ.add_output( dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox, local=True)) self.integ.add_output( dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.idist[0], local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(b.iprox, local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(b.output_deflections()) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(b.output_positions()) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output( dynamics.NodeOutput(b.iprox, local=True, deriv=2)) def set_base_motion(self, dof, w, amp): self.base_motion = dof self.base_motion_amp = amp self.system.prescribe(self.base, part=dof, vel=lambda t: -w * amp * np.sin(w * t), acc=lambda t: -w**2 * amp * np.cos(w * t)) def set_initial_conditions(self, qm0=None, az0=None, rotor_speed=None): # initial conditions if qm0 is not None: # initial modal amplitudes self.system.q[self.blade1.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade2.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade3.istrain] = qm0 if az0 is not None: self.system.q[self.bearing.istrain][0] = az0 if self.base_motion is not None: self.system.q[self.base.istrain][ self.base_motion] = self.base_motion_amp if rotor_speed is not None: self.system.prescribe(self.bearing, vel=rotor_speed) def simulate(self, qm0=None, az0=0.0, rotor_speed=10.0, t1=None, dt=0.01, t0=0.0, init=False): # reset self.system.q[:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 self.set_initial_conditions(qm0, az0, rotor_speed) if t1 is None: t1 = 4 * pi / rotor_speed if (rotor_speed != 0.0) else 2 if init: self.system.find_equilibrium() # simulate t, y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt, t0) #for i,lab in enumerate(self.integ.labels): # print "%2d %s" % (i,lab) #return self.t, self.y # Build results structure results = TurbineResults(t, y, self.modes.mode_names) return results def lin(self, qm0=None, az0=None, rotor_speed=None, init=False): # reset self.system.q[:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 self.set_initial_conditions(qm0, az0, rotor_speed) if init: self.system.find_equilibrium() # need initial amplitudes for linearisation point if qm0 is None: qm0 = self.system.q[self.blade1.istrain] linsys = linearisation.LinearisedSystem(self.system, np.tile(qm0, 3)) return linsys def ani(self, results, x=0, y=1): H = self.tower.hubheight + self.blade.radii[-1] limits = [(-H, H), (-H, H), (-5, H + 5)] return dynvis.anim(self.system, results.t, results.strains.as_matrix(), (x, y), limits[x], limits[y])
class Rotor(object): def __init__(self, mode_source_file, root_length=0): # Modal element using data from Bladed model print "Loading modes from '%s'..." % mode_source_file self.modes = ModalRepresentation.from_Bladed(mode_source_file) Ry = rotmat_y(-pi / 2) Rhb1 = rotmat_x(0 * 2 * pi / 3) Rhb2 = rotmat_x(1 * 2 * pi / 3) Rhb3 = rotmat_x(2 * 2 * pi / 3) self.bearing = Hinge('bearing', [1, 0, 0]) root1 = RigidConnection('root1', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb1, Ry)) root2 = RigidConnection('root2', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb2, Ry)) root3 = RigidConnection('root3', root_length *, [0, 0, 1]), dot(Rhb3, Ry)) self.blade1 = ModalElement('blade1', self.modes) self.blade2 = ModalElement('blade2', self.modes) self.blade3 = ModalElement('blade3', self.modes) self.bearing.add_leaf(root1) self.bearing.add_leaf(root2) self.bearing.add_leaf(root3) root1.add_leaf(self.blade1) root2.add_leaf(self.blade2) root3.add_leaf(self.blade3) self.system = System(self.bearing) # Prescribed DOF accelerations - constant rotor speed self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=0.0, acc=0.0) # setup integrator self.integ = Integrator(self.system, ('pos', 'vel')) self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(self.bearing.iprox)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output(dynamics.LoadOutput(b.iprox, local=True)) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output( dynamics.CustomOutput(lambda s: b.station_positions()[-1], label="{} tip defl".format(b))) for b in (self.blade1, self.blade2, self.blade3): self.integ.add_output( dynamics.CustomOutput(lambda s: dot(b.Rp, b.station_positions()[-1]), label="{} tip pos".format(b))) def simulate(self, qm0=None, spin=10.0, t1=1.5, dt=0.01): # reset self.system.q[:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions if qm0 is not None: # initial modal amplitudes self.system.q[self.blade1.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade2.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade3.istrain] = qm0 self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=spin, acc=0.0) # simulate self.t, self.y = self.integ.integrate(t1, dt) return self.t, self.y def lin(self, qm0=None, spin=10.0): # reset self.system.q[:] = 0.0 self.system.qd[:] = 0.0 # initial conditions if qm0 is not None: # initial modal amplitudes self.system.q[self.blade1.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade2.istrain] = qm0 self.system.q[self.blade3.istrain] = qm0 else: qm0 = np.zeros(self.blade1._nstrain * 3) self.system.prescribe(self.bearing.istrain, vel=spin, acc=0.0) linsys = linearisation.LinearisedSystem(self.system, qm0) return linsys def ani(self, vs=1): l = 40 return dynvis.anim(self.system, self.t, self.y, (0, vs), (-l, l), (-l, l))