        def __call__(self, query, options, gold, lengths, query_no):
            if len(options) == 1:
                return None, 0

            final = []
            if args.word_vectors:
                qvecs = [dy.lookup(self.pEmbedding, w) for w in query]
                qvec_max = dy.emax(qvecs)
                qvec_mean = dy.average(qvecs)
            for otext, features in options:
                if not args.no_features:
                    inputs = dy.inputTensor(features)
                if args.word_vectors:
                    ovecs = [dy.lookup(self.pEmbedding, w) for w in otext]
                    ovec_max = dy.emax(ovecs)
                    ovec_mean = dy.average(ovecs)
                    if args.no_features:
                        inputs = dy.concatenate(
                            [qvec_max, qvec_mean, ovec_max, ovec_mean])
                        inputs = dy.concatenate(
                            [inputs, qvec_max, qvec_mean, ovec_max, ovec_mean])
                if args.drop > 0:
                    inputs = dy.dropout(inputs, args.drop)
                h = inputs
                for pH, pB in zip(self.hidden, self.bias):
                    h = dy.affine_transform([pB, pH, h])
                    if args.nonlin == "linear":
                    elif args.nonlin == "tanh":
                        h = dy.tanh(h)
                    elif args.nonlin == "cube":
                        h = dy.cube(h)
                    elif args.nonlin == "logistic":
                        h = dy.logistic(h)
                    elif args.nonlin == "relu":
                        h = dy.rectify(h)
                    elif args.nonlin == "elu":
                        h = dy.elu(h)
                    elif args.nonlin == "selu":
                        h = dy.selu(h)
                    elif args.nonlin == "softsign":
                        h = dy.softsign(h)
                    elif args.nonlin == "swish":
                        h = dy.cmult(h, dy.logistic(h))
                final.append(dy.sum_dim(h, [0]))

            final = dy.concatenate(final)
            nll = -dy.log_softmax(final)
            dense_gold = []
            for i in range(len(options)):
                dense_gold.append(1.0 / len(gold) if i in gold else 0.0)
            answer = dy.inputTensor(dense_gold)
            loss = dy.transpose(answer) * nll
            predicted_link = np.argmax(final.npvalue())

            return loss, predicted_link
    def parse(self, t, oracle_actions=None):
        self.NULL_REP = self.WORDS_LOOKUP[self.nwords - 1]
        if oracle_actions:
            oracle_actions = list(oracle_actions)
        toks = list(t)
        stack = []
        buffer = []
        W1 = dy.parameter(self.pW1)
        b1 = dy.parameter(self.pb1)
        W_act = dy.parameter(self.pW_act)
        b_act = dy.parameter(self.pb_act)
        losses = []
        for tok in toks:
            tok_embedding = self.WORDS_LOOKUP[tok]
            buffer.append(Head(self.vocab.i2w[tok], tok_embedding))

        while not (len(stack) == 1 and len(buffer) == 0):
            # based on parser state, get valid actions
            valid_actions = []
            if len(buffer) > 0:  # can only reduce if elements in buffer
                valid_actions += [SHIFT]
            if len(stack) >= 2:  # can only shift if 2 elements on stack
                valid_actions += [REDUCE_L, REDUCE_R]

            # compute probability of each of the actions and choose an action
            # either from the oracle or if there is no oracle, based on the model
            action = valid_actions[0]
            log_probs = None
            if len(valid_actions) > 1:
                representations = self.extract_features(stack, buffer)
                h = dy.cube(W1 * dy.concatenate(representations) + b1)
                logits = W_act * h + b_act
                log_probs = dy.log_softmax(logits, valid_actions)
                if oracle_actions is None:
                    action = max(enumerate(log_probs.vec_value()),
            if oracle_actions is not None:
                action = oracle_actions.pop()
                if log_probs is not None:
                    # append the action-specific loss
                    losses.append(dy.pick(log_probs, action))

            # execute the action to update the parser state
            if action == SHIFT:
                token = buffer.pop()
            else:  # one of the reduce actions
                right = stack.pop()
                left = stack.pop()
                head, modifier = (left,
                                  right) if action == REDUCE_R else (right,
                #add the tokens and their embeddings into the children list
                if action == REDUCE_R:
                    head.add_child(modifier, 'right')
                    head.add_child(modifier, 'left')
                if oracle_actions is None:
                    print('{0} --> {1}'.format(head.word, modifier.word))

        # the head of the tree that remains at the top of the stack is now the root
        if oracle_actions is None:
            head = stack.pop().word
            print('ROOT --> {0}'.format(head))
        return -dy.esum(losses) if losses else None
  def parse(self, t, oracle_actions=None):
    self.NULL_REP = self.WORDS_LOOKUP[self.nwords-1]
    if oracle_actions:
      oracle_actions = list(oracle_actions)
    toks = list(t)
    stack = []
    buffer = []
    W1 = dy.parameter(self.pW1)
    b1 = dy.parameter(self.pb1)
    W_act = dy.parameter(self.pW_act)
    b_act = dy.parameter(self.pb_act)
    losses = []
    for tok in toks:
      tok_embedding = self.WORDS_LOOKUP[tok]
      buffer.append(Head(self.vocab.i2w[tok], tok_embedding))

    while not (len(stack) == 1 and len(buffer) == 0):
      # based on parser state, get valid actions
      valid_actions = []
      if len(buffer) > 0:  # can only reduce if elements in buffer
        valid_actions += [SHIFT]
      if len(stack) >= 2:  # can only shift if 2 elements on stack
        valid_actions += [REDUCE_L, REDUCE_R]

      # compute probability of each of the actions and choose an action
      # either from the oracle or if there is no oracle, based on the model
      action = valid_actions[0]
      log_probs = None
      if len(valid_actions) > 1:
        representations = self.extract_features(stack, buffer)
        h = dy.cube(W1*dy.concatenate(representations) + b1)
        logits = W_act * h + b_act
        log_probs = dy.log_softmax(logits, valid_actions)
        if oracle_actions is None:
          action = max(enumerate(log_probs.vec_value()), key=itemgetter(1))[0]
      if oracle_actions is not None:
        action = oracle_actions.pop()
        if log_probs is not None:
          # append the action-specific loss
          losses.append(dy.pick(log_probs, action))

      # execute the action to update the parser state
      if action == SHIFT:
        token = buffer.pop()
      else: # one of the reduce actions
        right = stack.pop()
        left = stack.pop()
        head, modifier = (left, right) if action == REDUCE_R else (right, left)
        #add the tokens and their embeddings into the children list
        if action == REDUCE_R:
          head.add_child(modifier, 'right')
          head.add_child(modifier, 'left')
        if oracle_actions is None:
          print('{0} --> {1}'.format(head.word, modifier.word))

    # the head of the tree that remains at the top of the stack is now the root
    if oracle_actions is None:
      head = stack.pop().word
      print('ROOT --> {0}'.format(head))
    return -dy.esum(losses) if losses else None
def cube(x):
    return dy.cube(x)