from e6g_connection import DataRetriever
import plotly.plotly as py
from sets import Set
import numpy as np

import pprint
import networkx as nx
from plotly.graph_objs import *
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

dr = DataRetriever()
# posts = dr.getFirstPage()
posts = dr.getFirstN(5)

py.sign_in("humun", "9aq7qo7ayd")

# [post,{tags}]
# [tag,{posts}]]

tagToPosts = {}
postToTags = {}

def scatter_nodes(pos, labels=None, color=None, size=20, opacity=1):
    # pos is the dict of node positions
    # labels is a list  of labels of len(pos), to be displayed when hovering the mouse over the nodes
    # color is the color for nodes. When it is set as None the Plotly default color is used
    # size is the size of the dots representing the nodes
    # opacity is a value between [0,1] defining the node color opacity