    def __init__(self, testResult='', testHeader=''):
        This class describes the model of the test result document,
        and provides a xml <=> python encoder
        The following xml :
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
        self.codecX2D = PyXmlDict.Xml2Dict()
        self.codecD2X = PyDictXml.Dict2Xml(coding=None)

        self.properties = {'properties': {'comments': {'comment': []}}}
        self.testresult = testResult
        self.testheader = testHeader
    def __init__(self, userName='******', timeout="10.0", parameters=[]):
        This class describes the model of one script document,
        and provides a xml <=> python encoder
        The following xml :
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>

        # init xml encoder
        self.codecX2D = PyXmlDict.Xml2Dict()
        self.codecD2X = PyDictXml.Dict2Xml(coding=None)

        # init file properties
        self.properties = {
            'properties': {
                'parameters': {
                    'parameter': [{
                        'type': 'bool',
                        'name': 'DEBUG',
                        'description': '',
                        'value': 'False',
                        'color': '',
                        'scope': 'local'
                    }, {
                        'type': 'float',
                        'name': 'TIMEOUT',
                        'description': '',
                        'value': timeout,
                        'color': '',
                        'scope': 'local'
        if len(parameters):
                "parameter"] = parameters
	def __init__(self, parent, debug=False, coding='UTF-8', name=None, shared=False):
		XML coder-decoder to object
		@param parent: testcase 
		@type parent: testcase

		@param name: library name used with from origin/to destination (default=None)
		@type name: string/none
		@param debug: True to activate debug mode (default=False)
		@type debug: boolean
		@param coding: expected value in UTF-8, ISO, etc ...
		@type coding: string
		@param shared: shared adapter (default=False)
		@type shared:	boolean
		TestLibraryLib.Library.__init__(self, name = __NAME__, parent = parent, debug=debug, realname=name, shared=shared)
		self.codecX2D = Xml2Dict.Xml2Dict( )
		self.codecD2X = Dict2Xml.Dict2Xml( coding = coding )
		self.rootXML = None
		self.ns = {}
    def __init__(self, userName='******', testDef='', defLibrary='',
                 defAdapter='', timeout="10.0", inputs=[], outputs=[]):
        This class describes the model of one script document,
        and provides a xml <=> python encoder
        The following xml :
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
                            <key>creation date</key>

        today = datetime.datetime.today()
        self.dateToday = today.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
        self.currentUser = userName
        self.defLibrary = defLibrary
        self.defAdapter = defAdapter

        # new in v17
        self.timeout = timeout
        self.inputs = inputs
        self.outputs = outputs
        # end of new

        # init xml encoder
        self.codecX2D = PyXmlDict.Xml2Dict()
        self.codecD2X = PyDictXml.Dict2Xml(coding=None)

        # files properties
        self.properties = {'properties': {
            'descriptions': {
                'description': [
                    {'key': 'author', 'value': self.currentUser},
                    {'key': 'creation date', 'value': self.dateToday},
                    {'key': 'summary',
                     'value': 'Just a basic sample.'},
                    {'key': 'prerequisites',
                     'value': 'None.'},
                    {'key': 'comments', 'value': {'comments': {'comment': []}}},
                    {'key': 'libraries',
                     'value': self.defLibrary},
                    {'key': 'adapters',
                     'value': self.defAdapter},
                    {'key': 'state', 'value': 'Writing'},
                    {'key': 'name', 'value': 'TESTCASE'},
                    {'key': 'requirement',
                     'value': 'REQ_01'},
            'probes': {
                'probe': [{'active': 'False', 'args': '', 'name': 'probe01', 'type': 'default'}]
            'inputs-parameters': {
                'parameter': copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_INPUTS)
            'outputs-parameters': {
                'parameter': copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_OUTPUTS)
            'agents': {
                'agent': copy.deepcopy(DEFAULT_AGENTS)

        # new in v17
        for p in self.properties["properties"]["inputs-parameters"]["parameter"]:
            if p["name"] == "TIMEOUT":
                p["value"] = self.timeout
        for p in self.properties["properties"]["outputs-parameters"]["parameter"]:
            if p["name"] == "TIMEOUT":
                p["value"] = self.timeout

        if len(self.inputs):
            self.properties["properties"]["inputs-parameters"]["parameter"] = self.inputs
        if len(self.outputs):
            self.properties["properties"]["outputs-parameters"]["parameter"] = self.outputs
        # end of new

        # file contents
        self.testdef = testDef

        # dev duration
        self.testdev = time.time()
	def __init__(self, parent, name=None, bindIp='', bindPort=0, destinationIp='', destinationPort=80, 
									debug=False, logEventSent=True, logEventReceived=True,
									xmlns0='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/', xmlns1='', xmlns2='', xmlns3='', xmlns4='',
									xmlns5='',  xmlns6='',  xmlns7='',  xmlns8='', 
									httpAgent='ExtensiveTesting', httpVersion='HTTP/1.1', httpConnection='close',
									agentSupport=False, agent=None, shared=False, httpAuthentication=False,
									proxyIp='', proxyPort=3128, proxyHost='', proxyEnabled=False, proxyType=AdapterTCP.PROXY_HTTP, verbose=True,
									sslSupport=False, sslVersion=AdapterSSL.SSLv23, checkCert=AdapterSSL.CHECK_CERT_NO, caCerts=None, checkHost=False,
									hostCn=None, certfile=None, keyfile=None ):
		This class enables to send and receive SOAP data

		@param bindIp: bind ip (default='')
		@type bindIp: string
		@param bindPort: bind port (default=0)
		@type bindPort: integer
		@param destinationIp: destination ip (default=
		@type destinationIp: string
		@param destinationPort: destination port (default=80)
		@type destinationPort: integer
		@param xmlns0: xml namespace
		@type xmlns0: string
		@param xmlns1: xml namespace 
		@type xmlns1: string
		@param xmlns2: xml namespace
		@type xmlns2: string
		@param xmlns3: xml namespace
		@type xmlns3: string
		@param xmlns4: xml namespace
		@type xmlns4: string
		@param xmlns5: xml namespace
		@type xmlns5: string
		@param xmlns6: xml namespace
		@type xmlns6: string
		@param xmlns7: xml namespace
		@type xmlns7: string
		@param xmlns8: xml namespace
		@type xmlns8: string

		@param supportAuthentication: support digest authentication (default=False)
		@type supportAuthentication: boolean

		@param httpAgent: http agent (default value=ExtensiveTesting)
		@type httpAgent: string
		@param httpConnection: SutAdapters.HTTP.CONN_CLOSE (default) | SutAdapters.HTTP.CONN_KEEPALIVE | None
		@type httpConnection: strconstant
		@param httpVersion: SutAdapters.HTTP.VERSION_10 | SutAdapters.HTTP.VERSION_11 (default)
		@type httpVersion: strconstant
		@param sslSupport: ssl support (default=False)
		@type sslSupport: boolean

		@param sslVersion: SutAdapters.SSL.SSLv2 | SutAdapters.SSL.SSLv23 (default) | SutAdapters.SSL.SSLv3 | SutAdapters.SSL.TLSv1 | SutAdapters.SSL.TLSv11  | SutAdapters.SSL.TLSv12 
		@type sslVersion: strconstant

		@param checkCert: SutAdapters.SSL.CHECK_CERT_NO (default) | SutAdapters.SSL.CHECK_CERT_OPTIONAL | SutAdapters.SSL.CHECK_CERT_REQUIRED
		@type checkCert: strconstant
		@param caCerts: path to the certificate authority (default=None)
		@type caCerts: string/none
		@param checkHost: validate the common name field (default=False)
		@type checkHost: boolean
		@param hostCn: common name to check (default=None)
		@type hostCn: string/none
		@param parent: parent testcase
		@type parent: testcase

		@param name: adapter name used with from origin/to destination (default=None)
		@type name: string/none
		@param debug: active debug mode (default=False)
		@type debug:	boolean

		@param agentSupport: agent support to use a remote socket (default=False)
		@type agentSupport: boolean

		@param agent: agent to use when this mode is activated
		@type agent: string/None

		@param shared: shared adapter (default=False)
		@type shared:	boolean

		@param proxyType: SutAdapters.TCP.PROXY_HTTP (default) | SutAdapters.TCP.PROXY_SOCKS4 | SutAdapters.TCP.PROXY_SOCKS5 
		@type proxyType: strconstant
		@param proxyIp: proxy ip
		@type proxyIp: string

		@param proxyPort: proxy port
		@type proxyPort: integer

		@param proxyHost: proxy host (automatic dns resolution)
		@type proxyHost: string
		@param proxyEnabled: True to support proxy (default=False)
		@type proxyEnabled: boolean	

		@param certfile: path to the cert file (default=None)
		@type certfile: string/none

		@param keyfile: path to the key file (default=None)
		@type keyfile: string/none
		# init adapter
		TestAdapterLib.Adapter.__init__(self, name = __NAME__, parent = parent, debug=debug, shared=shared, 
																									realname=name, agentSupport=agentSupport, agent=agent, 
																									showEvts=verbose, showSentEvts=verbose, showRecvEvts=verbose,
		self.logEventSent = logEventSent
		self.logEventReceived = logEventReceived
		self.ADP_HTTP = AdapterHTTP.Client(
																	parent=parent, bindIp=bindIp, bindPort=bindPort, destinationIp=destinationIp, destinationPort=destinationPort,
																	proxyIp=proxyIp, proxyPort=proxyPort, proxyHost=proxyHost, proxyEnabled=proxyEnabled, proxyType=proxyType,
																	destinationHost='', socketTimeout=300.0, socketFamily=4, saveContent=False,
																	httpVersion=httpVersion, httpAgent=httpAgent, httpConnection=httpConnection,
																	httpChunckedData=False, sslSupport=sslSupport, sslVersion=sslVersion, checkCert=checkCert, debug=debug,
																	caCerts=caCerts, checkHost=checkHost, hostCn=hostCn,
																	logEventSent=False, logEventReceived=False, agentSupport=agentSupport,
																	agent=agent, shared=shared, name=name, verbose=verbose, keyfile=keyfile, certfile=certfile
		self.ADP_HTTP.handleIncomingResponse = self.handleIncomingResponse	
		self.codecX2D = Xml2Dict.Xml2Dict(coding='utf8')
		self.codecD2X = Dict2Xml.Dict2Xml(coding = 'utf8')
		self.cfg = {}
		self.cfg['xmlns0'] = xmlns0
		self.cfg['xmlns1'] = xmlns1
		self.cfg['xmlns2'] = xmlns2
		self.cfg['xmlns3'] = xmlns3
		self.cfg['xmlns4'] = xmlns4
		self.cfg['xmlns5'] = xmlns5
		self.cfg['xmlns6'] = xmlns6
		self.cfg['xmlns7'] = xmlns7
		self.cfg['xmlns8'] = xmlns8
		self.cfg['http-agent'] = httpAgent
		self.cfg['agent-support'] = agentSupport
		self.cfg['http_support_authentication'] = httpAuthentication
		self.cfg['http_digest_timeout'] = 10.0
		if agentSupport:
			self.cfg['agent'] = agent
			self.cfg['agent-name'] = agent['name']
		# digest library
		self.rfc2617 = LibraryAuth.Digest(parent=parent, debug=debug)
    def __init__(self, userName='******', testData=''):
        This class describes the model of one script document,
        and provides a xml <=> python encoder
        The following xml :
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
                            <key>creation date</key>

        today = datetime.datetime.today()
        self.dateToday = today.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
        self.currentUser = userName

        # init xml codec
        self.codecX2D = PyXmlDict.Xml2Dict()
        self.codecD2X = PyDictXml.Dict2Xml(coding=None)

        # files properties
        self.properties = {
            'properties': {
                'descriptions': {
                    'description': [{
                        'key': 'author',
                        'value': self.currentUser
                    }, {
                        'key': 'creation date',
                        'value': self.dateToday
                    }, {
                        'key': 'summary',
                        'value': 'Just a basic sample.'
                    }, {
                        'key': 'data mode',
                        'value': DEFAULT_MODE
                'inputs-parameters': {
                    'parameter': [{
                        'type': 'str',
                        'name': 'PARAM1',
                        'description': '',
                        'value': 'Sample',
                        'color': '',
                        'scope': 'local'

        self.testdata = testData