class Thumbnail(object): def __init__(self): = EarthEngine(settings.EE_TOKEN) def thumbid(self, id): MAP_IMAGE = {'id':id}; MAP_IMAGE_BANDS = ['30','20','10']; cmd = { 'getid':1, 'image':urllib.quote_plus(json.dumps(MAP_IMAGE)), 'bands':','.join(MAP_IMAGE_BANDS), #'30,20,10' } return self._execute_cmd("/thumb", cmd) def _execute_cmd(self, url, cmd): params = "&".join(("%s=%s"% v for v in cmd.iteritems())) return, params)
class EELandsat(object): def __init__(self, resource): self.resource = resource = EarthEngine(settings.EE_TOKEN) def list(self, bounds, params={}): images ="/list?id=%s&bbox=%s&fields=ACQUISITION_DATE" % (self.resource, bounds)) if 'data' in images: return [x['id'] for x in images['data']] return [] def mapid(self, start, end): landsat_bands = ['10','20','30','40','50','70','80','61','62'] creator_bands =[{'id':id, 'data_type':'float'} for id in landsat_bands] MAP_IMAGE1 = { 'creator':'LANDSAT/LandsatTOA', 'input':'LANDSAT/L7_L1T', 'bands':creator_bands, 'start_time': start, 'end_time': end }; MAP_IMAGE = { "creator": "SimpleMosaic", "args": [MAP_IMAGE1] } PREVIEW_GAIN = 500; MAP_IMAGE_BANDS = ['30','20','10']; cmd = { 'image': json.dumps(MAP_IMAGE), #json.dumps(lanstat), 'bands': ','.join(MAP_IMAGE_BANDS), #'30,20,10', 'gain': PREVIEW_GAIN } return self._execute_cmd("/mapid", cmd) def _execute_cmd(self, url, cmd): params = "&".join(("%s=%s"% v for v in cmd.iteritems())) return, params)
class NDFI(object): """ ndfi info for a period of time """ # hardcoded data for request PRODES_IMAGE = { "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": ["PRODES_2009"] }; MODIS_BANDS = [ 'sur_refl_b01_250m', 'sur_refl_b02_250m', 'sur_refl_b03_500m', 'sur_refl_b04_500m', 'sur_refl_b06_500m', 'sur_refl_b07_500m']; THIS_POLY = None def __init__(self, ee_res, last_perdiod, work_period): self.last_perdiod = dict(start=last_perdiod[0], end=last_perdiod[1]) self.work_period = dict(start=work_period[0], end=work_period[1]) self.earth_engine_resource = ee_res = EarthEngine(settings.EE_TOKEN) self._image_cache = {} def mapid2_cmd(self, asset_id, polygon=None, rows=10, cols=10): return {"creator":CALL_SCOPE + "/","args": [ self.last_perdiod['start'], self.last_perdiod['end'], self.work_period['start'], self.work_period['end'], "MODIS/MOD09GA", "MODIS/MOD09GQ", {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id': 1868251, 'mark': str(timestamp())}, {"creator":CALL_SCOPE + "/","args":[asset_id]}, polygon, rows, cols] } def mapid2(self, asset_id): cmd = { "image": json.dumps(self.mapid2_cmd(asset_id)), "format": 'png' } return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', cmd) def freeze_map(self, asset_id, table, report_id): """ """ cmd ={ "value": json.dumps({ "creator": CALL_SCOPE + "/", "args":[{ "creator":CALL_SCOPE + "/", "args":[asset_id] }, {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id':1228540,'mark': str(timestamp())}, #{ #"type":"FeatureCollection", #"table_id": table, "filters":[ #{"metadata":"report_id", "equals": report_id} #] #}, "type" ], "type":"Image" }), } return self._execute_cmd('/create', cmd) def rgbid(self): """ return params to access NDFI rgb image """ # get map id from EE params = self._RGB_image_command(self.work_period) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', params) def smaid(self): """ return params to access NDFI rgb image """ # get map id from EE params = self._SMA_image_command(self.work_period) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', params) def ndfi0id(self): # get map id from EE params = self._NDFI_period_image_command(self.last_perdiod) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', params) def ndfi1id(self): # get map id from EE params = self._NDFI_period_image_command(self.work_period) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', params) def rgb_strech(self, polygon, bands): # this is an special call, the application needs to call /value # before call /mapid in order to google earthn engine makes his work cmd = self._RGB_streched_command(self.work_period, polygon, bands) del cmd['bands'] cmd['fields'] = 'stats_sur_refl_b01,stats_sur_refl_b02,stats_sur_refl_b03,stats_sur_refl_b04,stats_sur_refl_b05' self._execute_cmd('/value', cmd) cmd = self._RGB_streched_command(self.work_period, polygon, bands) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', cmd) def _get_polygon_bbox(self, polygon): lats = [x[0] for x in polygon] lngs = [x[1] for x in polygon] max_lat = max(lats) min_lat = min(lats) max_lng = max(lngs) min_lng = min(lngs) return ((min_lat, max_lat), (min_lng, max_lng)) def _execute_cmd(self, url, cmd): params = "&".join(("%s=%s"% v for v in cmd.iteritems())) return, params) def ndfi_change_value(self, asset_id, polygon, rows=10, cols=10): img = self.mapid2_cmd(asset_id, polygon, rows, cols) cmd = { "image": json.dumps(img), "fields": 'ndfiSum'#','.join(fields) } return self._execute_cmd('/value', cmd) def ndfi_change_value_old(self, polygons, rows=10, cols=10): """ return how much NDFI has changed in the time period ``polygons`` are a list of closed polygons defined by lat, lon:: [ [ [lat, lon], [lat, lon]...], [ [lat, lon], [lat, lon]...] ] for performance reassons bbox greater than 3 degrees are now allowed """ # some assertions for p in polygons: bbox = self._get_polygon_bbox(p) if bbox[0][1] - bbox[0][0] > 3.5 or bbox[1][1] - bbox[1][0] > 3.5: #raise Exception("polygon bbox size must be less than 3 degrees") pass cmd = self._NDFI_change_value( self.last_perdiod, self.work_period, polygons, rows, cols ) return self._execute_cmd('/value', cmd) def _images_for_period(self, period): cache_key = "%d-%d" %(period['start'], period['end']) if cache_key in self._image_cache: img = self._image_cache[cache_key] else: reference_images ="/list?id=%s&starttime=%s&endtime=%s" % ( self.earth_engine_resource, int(period['start']), int(period['end']) )) img = [x['id'] for x in reference_images['data']] self._image_cache[cache_key] = img return img def _image_composition(self, image_list): """ create commands to compose images in google earth engine ok, i really have NO idea what's going on :) """ specs = [] for image in image_list: name = image.split("_", 2)[-1] specs.append({ "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": ['MOD09GA_005_' + name, 'MOD09GQ_005_' + name] }); return specs; def _NDFI_image(self, period): """ given image list from EE, returns the operator chain to return NDFI image """ return { "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [{ "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [{ "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [ self._MakeMosaic(period) ] }] }] } def _change_detection_data(self, reference_period, work_period, polygons=[], cols=10, rows=10): ndfi_image_1 = self._NDFI_image(reference_period) ndfi_image_2 = self._NDFI_image(work_period) return { "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [ndfi_image_1, ndfi_image_2, self.PRODES_IMAGE, polygons, rows, cols] } def _NDFI_change_value(self, reference_period, work_period, polygons, cols=10, rows=10): """ calc the ndfi change value between two periods inside specified polys ``polygons`` are a list of closed polygons defined by lat, lon:: [ [ [lat, lon], [lat, lon]...], [ [lat, lon], [lat, lon]...] ] """ POLY = [] fields = [] image = self._change_detection_data(reference_period, work_period, [polygons], cols, rows) return { "image": json.dumps(image), "fields": 'ndfiSum'#','.join(fields) } def _NDFI_period_image_command(self, period): """ get NDFI command to get map of NDFI for a period of time """ ndfi_image = self._NDFI_image(period) return { "image": json.dumps(ndfi_image), "bands": 'vis-red,vis-green,vis-blue', "gain": 1, "bias": 0.0, "gamma": 1.6 } def _RGB_image_command(self, period): """ commands for RGB image """ return { "image": json.dumps({ "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [ self._MakeMosaic(period) ] }), "bands": 'sur_refl_b01,sur_refl_b04,sur_refl_b03', "gain": 0.1, "bias": 0.0, "gamma": 1.6 }; def _MakeMosaic(self, period): return { "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": ["MODIS/MOD09GA","MODIS/MOD09GQ", {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id':1868251, 'mark': str(timestamp())}, #this number is an special fusion tables id but i have no idea what it is supposed to do period['start'], period['end']] } def _SMA_image_command(self, period): return { "image": json.dumps({ "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [{ "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [self._MakeMosaic(period)] }] }), "bands": 'gv,soil,npv', "gain": 256, "bias": 0.0, "gamma": 1.6 }; def _RGB_streched_command(self, period, polygon, bands): """ bands in format (1, 2, 3) """ bands = "sur_refl_b0%d,sur_refl_b0%d,sur_refl_b0%d" % bands return { "image": json.dumps({ "creator":CALL_SCOPE + "/", "args":[{ "creator":"ClipToMultiPolygon", "args":[{ "creator":CALL_SCOPE + "/", "args":[ self._MakeMosaic(period)] }, polygon] }, ["sur_refl_b01","sur_refl_b02","sur_refl_b03","sur_refl_b04","sur_refl_b05"], 2 #EPIC ] }), "bands": bands }
class NDFI(object): """ ndfi info for a period of time """ # hardcoded data for request PRODES_IMAGE = { "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": ["PRODES_2009"] }; MODIS_BANDS = [ 'sur_refl_b01_250m', 'sur_refl_b02_250m', 'sur_refl_b03_500m', 'sur_refl_b04_500m', 'sur_refl_b06_500m', 'sur_refl_b07_500m']; THIS_POLY = None def __init__(self, ee_res, last_period, work_period): self.last_period = dict(start=last_period[0], end=last_period[1]) self.work_period = dict(start=work_period[0], end=work_period[1]) self.earth_engine_resource = ee_res = EarthEngine(settings.EE_TOKEN) self._image_cache = {} def paint_deforestation(self, asset_id, month, year): year_str = "%04d" % (year) #end = "%04d%02d" % (year, month) return { "type": "Image", "creator": "Paint", "args": [asset_id, { "table_id": int(settings.FT_TABLE_ID), "type": "FeatureCollection", "filter":[{"property":"type","equals":7}, {"property":"asset_id","contains":year_str}]}, 4] } def mapid2_cmd(self, asset_id, polygon=None, rows=5, cols=5): year_msec = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 month_msec = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 six_months_ago = self.work_period['end'] - month_msec * 6 one_month_ago = self.work_period['end'] - month_msec last_month = time.gmtime(int(six_months_ago / 1000))[1] last_year = time.gmtime(int(six_months_ago / 1000))[0] previous_month = time.gmtime(int(one_month_ago / 1000))[1] previous_year = time.gmtime(int(one_month_ago / 1000))[0] work_month = self.getMidMonth(self.work_period['start'], self.work_period['end']) work_year = self.getMidYear(self.work_period['start'], self.work_period['end']) end = "%04d%02d" % (work_year, work_month) start = "%04d%02d" % (last_year, last_month) previous = "%04d%02d" % (previous_year, previous_month) start_filter = [{'property':'compounddate','greater_than':start},{'property':'compounddate','less_than':end}] deforested_asset = self.paint_deforestation(asset_id, work_month, work_year) json_cmd = {"creator":CALL_SCOPE + "/","args": [ self.last_period['start'] - year_msec, self.last_period['end'], self.work_period['start'], self.work_period['end'], "MODIS/MOD09GA", "MODIS/MOD09GQ", {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id': 1868251, 'mark': str(timestamp()), 'filter':start_filter}, {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id': 1868251, 'mark': str(timestamp()), 'filter':[{"property":"month","equals":work_month},{"property":"year","equals":work_year}]}, {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id': 4468280, 'mark': str(timestamp()), 'filter':[{"property":"Compounddate","equals":int(previous)}]}, {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id': 4468280, 'mark': str(timestamp()), 'filter':[{"property":"Compounddate","equals":int(end)}]}, deforested_asset, polygon, rows, cols] }"GetNDFIDelta") return json_cmd def getMidMonth(self, start, end): middle_seconds = int((end + start) / 2000) this_time = time.gmtime(middle_seconds) return this_time[1] def getMidYear(self, start, end): middle_seconds = int((end + start) / 2000) this_time = time.gmtime(middle_seconds) return this_time[0] def mapid2(self, asset_id): cmd = { "image": json.dumps(self.mapid2_cmd(asset_id)), "format": 'png' } return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', cmd) def freeze_map(self, asset_id, table, report_id): """ """ base_image = {"creator": CALL_SCOPE + "/", "args":[asset_id]}; remapped = {"algorithm": "Image.remap", "image":base_image, "from":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], "to":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,2,3,9]} def_image = self.paint_call(remapped, int(report_id), table, 7) selected_def = {"algorithm": "", "input": def_image, "bandSelectors":["remapped"]} deg_image = self.paint_call(selected_def, int(report_id), table, 8) renamed_image = {"algorithm": "", "input": deg_image, "bandSelectors":["remapped"], "newNames":["classification"]} clipped_image = {"creator":CALL_SCOPE + "/", "args":[renamed_image, asset_id, "classification"]} map_image = {"algorithm": "Image.addBands", "dstImg": asset_id, "srcImg": clipped_image, "names": ["classification"], "overwrite": True} cmd = {"value": json.dumps(map_image)} return self._execute_cmd('/create', cmd) def paint_call(self, current_asset, report_id, table, value): return { "algorithm": "Image.paint", "image": current_asset, "featureCollection": { "table_id": int(table), "type": "FeatureCollection", "filter":[{"property":"report_id","equals":int(report_id)}, {"property":"type", "equals": value}]}, "color": value } def rgbid(self): """ return params to access NDFI rgb image """ # get map id from EE params = self._RGB_image_command(self.work_period) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', params) def smaid(self): """ return params to access NDFI rgb image """ # get map id from EE params = self._SMA_image_command(self.work_period) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', params) def ndfi0id(self): # get map id from EE set long_span=1 params = self._NDFI_period_image_command(self.last_period, 1) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', params) def baseline(self): params = self._baseline_image_command() return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', params) def ndfi1id(self): # get map id from EE params = self._NDFI_period_image_command(self.work_period) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', params) def rgb_strech(self, polygon, sensor, bands): # this is an special call, the application needs to call /value # before call /mapid in order to google earthn engine makes his work cmd = self._RGB_streched_command(self.work_period, polygon, sensor, bands) del cmd['bands'] if (sensor=="modis"): cmd['fields'] = 'stats_sur_refl_b01,stats_sur_refl_b02,stats_sur_refl_b03,stats_sur_refl_b04,stats_sur_refl_b05' else: cmd['fields'] = 'stats_30,stats_20,stats_10' self._execute_cmd('/value', cmd) cmd = self._RGB_streched_command(self.work_period, polygon, sensor, bands) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', cmd) def _get_polygon_bbox(self, polygon): lats = [x[0] for x in polygon] lngs = [x[1] for x in polygon] max_lat = max(lats) min_lat = min(lats) max_lng = max(lngs) min_lng = min(lngs) return ((min_lat, max_lat), (min_lng, max_lng)) def _execute_cmd(self, url, cmd): params = "&".join(("%s=%s"% v for v in cmd.iteritems())) return, params) def ndfi_change_value(self, asset_id, polygon, rows=5, cols=5): img = self.mapid2_cmd(asset_id, polygon, rows, cols) cmd = { "image": json.dumps(img), "fields": 'ndfiSum'#','.join(fields) } return self._execute_cmd('/value', cmd) def ndfi_change_value_old(self, polygons, rows=5, cols=5): """ return how much NDFI has changed in the time period ``polygons`` are a list of closed polygons defined by lat, lon:: [ [ [lat, lon], [lat, lon]...], [ [lat, lon], [lat, lon]...] ] for performance reassons bbox greater than 3 degrees are now allowed """ # some assertions for p in polygons: bbox = self._get_polygon_bbox(p) if bbox[0][1] - bbox[0][0] > 3.5 or bbox[1][1] - bbox[1][0] > 3.5: #raise Exception("polygon bbox size must be less than 3 degrees") pass cmd = self._NDFI_change_value( self.last_period, self.work_period, polygons, rows, cols ) return self._execute_cmd('/value', cmd) def _images_for_period(self, period): cache_key = "%d-%d" %(period['start'], period['end']) if cache_key in self._image_cache: img = self._image_cache[cache_key] else: reference_images ="/list?id=%s&starttime=%s&endtime=%s" % ( self.earth_engine_resource, int(period['start']), int(period['end']) )) img = [x['id'] for x in reference_images['data']] self._image_cache[cache_key] = img return img def _image_composition(self, image_list): """ create commands to compose images in google earth engine ok, i really have NO idea what's going on :) """ specs = [] for image in image_list: name = image.split("_", 2)[-1] specs.append({ "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": ['MOD09GA_005_' + name, 'MOD09GQ_005_' + name] }); return specs; def _baseline_image(self): return { 'creator': CALL_SCOPE + '/', 'args': ["Xy539pUtkRlazIO1"] } def _krig_filter(self, period): work_month = self.getMidMonth(period['start'], period['end']) work_year = self.getMidYear(period['start'], period['end']) end = "%04d%02d" % (work_year, work_month) filter = [{'property':'Compounddate','equals':int(end)}] return filter def _NDFI_image(self, period, long_span=0): """ given image list from EE, returns the operator chain to return NDFI image """ filter = self._krig_filter(period) return { "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [{ "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [{ "creator": KRIGING, "args": [ self._MakeMosaic(period, long_span), {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id':4468280, 'filter':filter,'mark':str(timestamp())} ] }] }] } def _change_detection_data(self, reference_period, work_period, polygons=[], cols=5, rows=5): ndfi_image_1 = self._NDFI_image(reference_period) ndfi_image_2 = self._NDFI_image(work_period) return { "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [ndfi_image_1, ndfi_image_2, self.PRODES_IMAGE, polygons, rows, cols] } def _NDFI_change_value(self, reference_period, work_period, polygons, cols=5, rows=5): """ calc the ndfi change value between two periods inside specified polys ``polygons`` are a list of closed polygons defined by lat, lon:: [ [ [lat, lon], [lat, lon]...], [ [lat, lon], [lat, lon]...] ] """ POLY = [] fields = [] image = self._change_detection_data(reference_period, work_period, [polygons], cols, rows) return { "image": json.dumps(image), "fields": 'ndfiSum'#','.join(fields) } def _NDFI_period_image_command(self, period, long_span=0): """ get NDFI command to get map of NDFI for a period of time """ ndfi_image = self._NDFI_image(period, long_span) return { "image": json.dumps(ndfi_image), "bands": 'vis-red,vis-green,vis-blue', "gain": 1, "bias": 0.0, "gamma": 1.6 } def _baseline_image_command(self): baseline_image = self._baseline_image() return { "image": json.dumps(baseline_image), "bands": 'classification', "min": 0, "max": 9 } def _RGB_image_command(self, period): """ commands for RGB image """ filter = self._krig_filter(period) return { "image": json.dumps({ "creator": KRIGING, "args": [ self._MakeMosaic(period),{'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id':4468280, 'filter':filter,'mark':str(timestamp())} ] }), "bands": 'sur_refl_b01,sur_refl_b04,sur_refl_b03', "gain": 0.1, "bias": 0.0, "gamma": 1.6 }; def _MakeMosaic(self, period, long_span=0): middle_seconds = int((period['end'] + period['start']) / 2000) this_time = time.gmtime(middle_seconds) month = this_time[1] year = this_time[0] yesterday = - timedelta(1) micro_yesterday = time.mktime(yesterday.timetuple()) * 1000000"month " + str(month))"year " + str(year)) if long_span == 0: filter = [{'property':'month','equals':month},{'property':'year','equals':year}] start_time = period['start'] else: start = "%04d%02d" % (year - 1, month) end = "%04d%02d" % (year, month) start_time = period['start'] - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 filter = [{'property':'compounddate','greater_than':start}, {'or': [{'property':'compounddate','less_than':end}, {'property':'compounddate','equals':end}]}] return { "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [{"id":"MODIS/MOD09GA","version":micro_yesterday,"start_time":start_time,"end_time":period['end']}, {"id":"MODIS/MOD09GQ","version":micro_yesterday,"start_time":start_time,"end_time":period['end']}, {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id':1868251, 'filter':filter}, start_time, period['end']] } def _SMA_image_command(self, period): filter = self._krig_filter(period) return { "image": json.dumps({ "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [{ "creator": KRIGING, "args": [self._MakeMosaic(period), {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id':4468280,'filter':filter}] }] }), "bands": 'gv,soil,npv', "gain": 256, "bias": 0.0, "gamma": 1.6 }; def _RGB_streched_command(self, period, polygon, sensor, bands): filter = self._krig_filter(period) if(sensor=="modis"): """ bands in format (1, 2, 3) """ bands = "sur_refl_b0%d,sur_refl_b0%d,sur_refl_b0%d" % bands return { "image": json.dumps({ "creator":CALL_SCOPE + "/", "args":[{ "creator":"ClipToMultiPolygon", "args":[ { "creator":KRIGING, "args":[ self._MakeMosaic(period), {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id':4468280, 'filter':filter}] }, polygon]}, ["sur_refl_b01","sur_refl_b02","sur_refl_b03","sur_refl_b04","sur_refl_b05"], 2 ] }), "bands": bands } else: three_months = timedelta(days=90) work_period_end = self.work_period['end'] work_period_start = self.work_period['start'] - 7776000000 #three_months yesterday = - timedelta(1) micro_yesterday = time.mktime(yesterday.timetuple()) * 1000000 landsat_bands = ['10','20','30','40','50','70','80','61','62'] creator_bands =[{'id':id, 'data_type':'float'} for id in landsat_bands] bands = "%d,%d,%d" % bands return { "image": json.dumps({ "creator":CALL_SCOPE + "/", "args":[{ "creator":"LonLatReproject", "args":[{ "creator":"SimpleMosaic", "args":[{ "creator":"LANDSAT/LandsatTOA", "input":{"id":"LANDSAT/L7_L1T","version":micro_yesterday}, "bands":creator_bands, "start_time": work_period_start, #131302801000 "end_time": work_period_end }] #1313279999000 },polygon, 30] }, landsat_bands, 2 ] }), "bands": bands }
class NDFI(object): """ ndfi info for a period of time """ # hardcoded data for request PRODES_IMAGE = { "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": ["PRODES_2009"] }; MODIS_BANDS = [ 'sur_refl_b01_250m', 'sur_refl_b02_250m', 'sur_refl_b03_500m', 'sur_refl_b04_500m', 'sur_refl_b06_500m', 'sur_refl_b07_500m']; THIS_POLY = None def __init__(self, ee_res, last_period, work_period): self.last_period = dict(start=last_period[0], end=last_period[1]) self.work_period = dict(start=work_period[0], end=work_period[1]) self.earth_engine_resource = ee_res = EarthEngine(settings.EE_TOKEN) self._image_cache = {} def paint_deforestation(self, asset_id, month, year): year_str = "%04d" % (year) #end = "%04d%02d" % (year, month) return { "type": "Image", "creator": "Paint", "args": [asset_id, { "table_id": int(settings.FT_TABLE_ID), "type": "FeatureCollection", "filter":[{"property":"type","equals":7}, {"property":"asset_id","contains":year_str}]}, 4] } def mapid2_cmd(self, asset_id, polygon=None, rows=5, cols=5): year_msec = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 month_msec = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 six_months_ago = self.work_period['end'] - month_msec * 6 one_month_ago = self.work_period['end'] - month_msec last_month = time.gmtime(int(six_months_ago / 1000))[1] last_year = time.gmtime(int(six_months_ago / 1000))[0] previous_month = time.gmtime(int(one_month_ago / 1000))[1] previous_year = time.gmtime(int(one_month_ago / 1000))[0] work_month = self.getMidMonth(self.work_period['start'], self.work_period['end']) work_year = self.getMidYear(self.work_period['start'], self.work_period['end']) end = "%04d%02d" % (work_year, work_month) start = "%04d%02d" % (last_year, last_month) previous = "%04d%02d" % (previous_year, previous_month) start_filter = [{'property':'compounddate','greater_than':start},{'property':'compounddate','less_than':end}] deforested_asset = self.paint_deforestation(asset_id, work_month, work_year) json_cmd = {"creator":CALL_SCOPE + "/","args": [ self.last_period['start'] - year_msec, self.last_period['end'], self.work_period['start'], self.work_period['end'], "MODIS/MOD09GA", "MODIS/MOD09GQ", {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id': 1868251, 'mark': str(timestamp()), 'filter':start_filter}, {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id': 1868251, 'mark': str(timestamp()), 'filter':[{"property":"month","equals":work_month},{"property":"year","equals":work_year}]}, {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id': 4468280, 'mark': str(timestamp()), 'filter':[{"property":"Compounddate","equals":int(previous)}]}, {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id': 4468280, 'mark': str(timestamp()), 'filter':[{"property":"Compounddate","equals":int(end)}]}, deforested_asset, polygon, rows, cols] }"GetNDFIDelta") return json_cmd def getMidMonth(self, start, end): middle_seconds = int((end + start) / 2000) this_time = time.gmtime(middle_seconds) return this_time[1] def getMidYear(self, start, end): middle_seconds = int((end + start) / 2000) this_time = time.gmtime(middle_seconds) return this_time[0] def mapid2(self, asset_id): cmd = { "image": json.dumps(self.mapid2_cmd(asset_id)), "format": 'png' } return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', cmd) def freeze_map(self, asset_id, table, report_id): """ """ base_image = {"creator": CALL_SCOPE + "/", "args":[asset_id]}; remapped = {"algorithm": "Image.remap", "image":base_image, "from":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9], "to":[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,2,3,9]} def_image = self.paint_call(remapped, int(report_id), table, 7) selected_def = {"algorithm": "", "input": def_image, "bandSelectors":["remapped"]} deg_image = self.paint_call(selected_def, int(report_id), table, 8) renamed_image = {"algorithm": "", "input": deg_image, "bandSelectors":["remapped"], "newNames":["classification"]} clipped_image = {"creator":CALL_SCOPE + "/", "args":[renamed_image, asset_id, "classification"]} map_image = {"algorithm": "Image.addBands", "dstImg": asset_id, "srcImg": clipped_image, "names": ["classification"], "overwrite": True} cmd = {"value": json.dumps(map_image)} return self._execute_cmd('/create', cmd) def paint_call(self, current_asset, report_id, table, value): return { "algorithm": "Image.paint", "image": current_asset, "featureCollection": { "table_id": int(table), "type": "FeatureCollection", "filter":[{"property":"report_id","equals":int(report_id)}, {"property":"type", "equals": value}]}, "color": value } def rgbid(self): """ return params to access NDFI rgb image """ # get map id from EE params = self._RGB_image_command(self.work_period) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', params) def smaid(self): """ return params to access NDFI rgb image """ # get map id from EE params = self._SMA_image_command(self.work_period) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', params) def ndfi0id(self): # get map id from EE set long_span=1 params = self._NDFI_period_image_command(self.last_period, 1) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', params) def baseline(self, asset_id): params = self._baseline_image_command(asset_id) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', params) def rgb0id(self): quarter_msec = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 90 last_start = self.last_period['start'] last_period = dict(start=last_start - quarter_msec, end=self.last_period['end']) params = self._RGB_image_command(last_period) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', params) def ndfi1id(self): # get map id from EE params = self._NDFI_period_image_command(self.work_period) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', params) def rgb_strech(self, polygon, sensor, bands): # this is an special call, the application needs to call /value # before call /mapid in order to google earthn engine makes his work cmd = self._RGB_streched_command(self.work_period, polygon, sensor, bands) del cmd['bands'] if (sensor=="modis"): cmd['fields'] = 'stats_sur_refl_b01,stats_sur_refl_b02,stats_sur_refl_b03,stats_sur_refl_b04,stats_sur_refl_b05' else: cmd['fields'] = 'stats_30,stats_20,stats_10' self._execute_cmd('/value', cmd) cmd = self._RGB_streched_command(self.work_period, polygon, sensor, bands) return self._execute_cmd('/mapid', cmd) def _get_polygon_bbox(self, polygon): lats = [x[0] for x in polygon] lngs = [x[1] for x in polygon] max_lat = max(lats) min_lat = min(lats) max_lng = max(lngs) min_lng = min(lngs) return ((min_lat, max_lat), (min_lng, max_lng)) def _execute_cmd(self, url, cmd): params = "&".join(("%s=%s"% v for v in cmd.iteritems())) return, params) def ndfi_change_value(self, asset_id, polygon, rows=5, cols=5): img = self.mapid2_cmd(asset_id, polygon, rows, cols) cmd = { "image": json.dumps(img), "fields": 'ndfiSum'#','.join(fields) } return self._execute_cmd('/value', cmd) def ndfi_change_value_old(self, polygons, rows=5, cols=5): """ return how much NDFI has changed in the time period ``polygons`` are a list of closed polygons defined by lat, lon:: [ [ [lat, lon], [lat, lon]...], [ [lat, lon], [lat, lon]...] ] for performance reassons bbox greater than 3 degrees are now allowed """ # some assertions for p in polygons: bbox = self._get_polygon_bbox(p) if bbox[0][1] - bbox[0][0] > 3.5 or bbox[1][1] - bbox[1][0] > 3.5: #raise Exception("polygon bbox size must be less than 3 degrees") pass cmd = self._NDFI_change_value( self.last_period, self.work_period, polygons, rows, cols ) return self._execute_cmd('/value', cmd) def _images_for_period(self, period): cache_key = "%d-%d" %(period['start'], period['end']) if cache_key in self._image_cache: img = self._image_cache[cache_key] else: reference_images ="/list?id=%s&starttime=%s&endtime=%s" % ( self.earth_engine_resource, int(period['start']), int(period['end']) )) img = [x['id'] for x in reference_images['data']] self._image_cache[cache_key] = img return img def _image_composition(self, image_list): """ create commands to compose images in google earth engine ok, i really have NO idea what's going on :) """ specs = [] for image in image_list: name = image.split("_", 2)[-1] specs.append({ "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": ['MOD09GA_005_' + name, 'MOD09GQ_005_' + name] }); return specs; def _baseline_image(self, asset_id): classification = {"algorithm":"", "input":{"type":"Image", "id":asset_id}, "bandSelectors":["classification"]} mask = {"algorithm":"Image.eq", "image1":classification, "image2":{"algorithm":"Constant","value":4}} image = {"algorithm":"Image.mask", "image":classification, "mask":mask} return image def _krig_filter(self, period): work_month = self.getMidMonth(period['start'], period['end']) work_year = self.getMidYear(period['start'], period['end']) end = "%04d%02d" % (work_year, work_month) filter = [{'property':'Compounddate','equals':int(end)}] return filter def _NDFI_image(self, period, long_span=0): """ given image list from EE, returns the operator chain to return NDFI image """ filter = self._krig_filter(period) return { "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [{ "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [{ "creator": KRIGING, "args": [ self._MakeMosaic(period, long_span), {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id':4468280, 'filter':filter,'mark':str(timestamp())} ] }] }] } def _change_detection_data(self, reference_period, work_period, polygons=[], cols=5, rows=5): ndfi_image_1 = self._NDFI_image(reference_period) ndfi_image_2 = self._NDFI_image(work_period) return { "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [ndfi_image_1, ndfi_image_2, self.PRODES_IMAGE, polygons, rows, cols] } def _NDFI_change_value(self, reference_period, work_period, polygons, cols=5, rows=5): """ calc the ndfi change value between two periods inside specified polys ``polygons`` are a list of closed polygons defined by lat, lon:: [ [ [lat, lon], [lat, lon]...], [ [lat, lon], [lat, lon]...] ] """ POLY = [] fields = [] image = self._change_detection_data(reference_period, work_period, [polygons], cols, rows) return { "image": json.dumps(image), "fields": 'ndfiSum'#','.join(fields) } def _NDFI_period_image_command(self, period, long_span=0): """ get NDFI command to get map of NDFI for a period of time """ ndfi_image = self._NDFI_image(period, long_span) return { "image": json.dumps(ndfi_image), "bands": 'vis-red,vis-green,vis-blue', "gain": 1, "bias": 0.0, "gamma": 1.6 } def _baseline_image_command(self, asset_id): baseline_image = self._baseline_image(asset_id) return { "image": json.dumps(baseline_image) } def _RGB_image_command(self, period): """ commands for RGB image """ filter = self._krig_filter(period) return { "image": json.dumps({ "creator": KRIGING, "args": [ self._MakeMosaic(period),{'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id':4468280, 'filter':filter,'mark':str(timestamp())} ] }), "bands": 'sur_refl_b01,sur_refl_b04,sur_refl_b03', "gain": 0.1, "bias": 0.0, "gamma": 1.6 }; def _MakeMosaic(self, period, long_span=0): middle_seconds = int((period['end'] + period['start']) / 2000) this_time = time.gmtime(middle_seconds) month = this_time[1] year = this_time[0] yesterday = - timedelta(1) micro_yesterday = time.mktime(yesterday.timetuple()) * 1000000"month " + str(month))"year " + str(year)) if long_span == 0: filter = [{'property':'month','equals':month},{'property':'year','equals':year}] start_time = period['start'] else: start = "%04d%02d" % (year - 1, month) end = "%04d%02d" % (year, month) start_time = period['start'] - 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365 filter = [{'property':'compounddate','greater_than':start}, {'or': [{'property':'compounddate','less_than':end}, {'property':'compounddate','equals':end}]}] return { "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [{"id":"MODIS/MOD09GA","version":micro_yesterday,"start_time":start_time,"end_time":period['end']}, {"id":"MODIS/MOD09GQ","version":micro_yesterday,"start_time":start_time,"end_time":period['end']}, {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id':1868251, 'filter':filter}, start_time, period['end']] } def _SMA_image_command(self, period): filter = self._krig_filter(period) return { "image": json.dumps({ "creator": CALL_SCOPE + '/', "args": [{ "creator": KRIGING, "args": [self._MakeMosaic(period), {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id':4468280,'filter':filter}] }] }), "bands": 'gv,soil,npv', "gain": 256, "bias": 0.0, "gamma": 1.6 }; def _RGB_streched_command(self, period, polygon, sensor, bands): filter = self._krig_filter(period) if(sensor=="modis"): """ bands in format (1, 2, 3) """ bands = "sur_refl_b0%d,sur_refl_b0%d,sur_refl_b0%d" % bands return { "image": json.dumps({ "creator":CALL_SCOPE + "/", "args":[{ "creator":"ClipToMultiPolygon", "args":[ { "creator":KRIGING, "args":[ self._MakeMosaic(period), {'type':'FeatureCollection','table_id':4468280, 'filter':filter}] }, polygon]}, ["sur_refl_b01","sur_refl_b02","sur_refl_b03","sur_refl_b04","sur_refl_b05"], 2 ] }), "bands": bands } else: three_months = timedelta(days=90) work_period_end = self.work_period['end'] work_period_start = self.work_period['start'] - 7776000000 #three_months yesterday = - timedelta(1) micro_yesterday = time.mktime(yesterday.timetuple()) * 1000000 landsat_bands = ['10','20','30','40','50','70','80','61','62'] creator_bands =[{'id':id, 'data_type':'float'} for id in landsat_bands] bands = "%d,%d,%d" % bands return { "image": json.dumps({ "creator":CALL_SCOPE + "/", "args":[{ "creator":"LonLatReproject", "args":[{ "creator":"SimpleMosaic", "args":[{ "creator":"LANDSAT/LandsatTOA", "input":{"id":"LANDSAT/L7_L1T","version":micro_yesterday}, "bands":creator_bands, "start_time": work_period_start, #131302801000 "end_time": work_period_end }] #1313279999000 },polygon, 30] }, landsat_bands, 2 ] }), "bands": bands }