 sortedperfdata, perfdata = evaluate.joust( contenders, runset, folds=3 )
 Extract only optimal ROC points
 rocData_full,optimalIndices = easy.discardSuboptimal(perfdata)
 #rocData_full,optimalIndices = easy.discardSuboptimal(perfdata,"sboxes/BOW_Trainer_127_0_0_1")
 Prepare detector data of optimal ROC points
 rocData_optimal = []
 for idx in optimalIndices:
     trainer = contenders[idx].getTrainer()
     detectorData = easy.train( trainer, runset, \
                                trainerProperties=contenders[idx].trainerProps )
 ROC zip
 rocZip = easy.makeROCdata(rocData_optimal)
 Extract only optimal ROC points
 detector = easy.getDetector( strDetector )
 detectorProps = easy.getDetectorProperties(detector)
 #specify either a desired falseAlarmRate or recall, but not both:
 priority = "recall"
def crossValidate( contender, runset, folds=10, printVerbose=False ):
    '''Returns summary statistics tp, fp, tn, fn, recall, trueNegRate,
    and a detailed matrix of results with one row for
    each fold, and one column each for true positive, false
    positive, true negative, and false negative counts'''

    # sanity checks:
    # only positive and negative purposes,
    # count number of entries for each purpose
    runset_pos = asList( runset, purpose="pos" )
    runset_neg = asList( runset, purpose="neg" )
    num_items = ( len(runset_pos), len(runset_neg) )
    # check that there are no other purposes
    all_items = len( asList( runset ) )
    if sum(num_items)!=all_items:
        raise RuntimeError("crossValidate can only handle Positive and Negative purposes")
    if min(num_items)<2:
        raise RuntimeError("need more than 1 labeled item per purpose to cross validate")

    # make sure there are enough items for xval to make sense
    if folds>min(num_items):
        print("warning: cannot do "+folds+"-fold validation with only "+str(num_items)+" labeled items")
        folds = min(num_items)

    # calculate the size of the training and evaluation sets.
    # if the number of labeled items in the runset divided
    # by the number of folds isn't an even
    # division, use more items for the evaluation
    chunksize = (int(math.floor( num_items[0]/folds )), int(math.floor( num_items[1]/folds )))
    trainsize = (chunksize[0] * (folds-1), chunksize[1] * (folds-1))
    evalsize  = (num_items[0]-trainsize[0], num_items[1]-trainsize[1])
    print( "Will perform a {0}-fold cross-validation with {1} training samples and "
           "{2} evaluation samples".format( folds, trainsize, evalsize ) )

    # randomize the order of the elements in the runset, once and for all folds
    rndidx = ( range( num_items[0] ), range( num_items[1] ) )
    random.shuffle( rndidx[0] ) # shuffles items in place
    random.shuffle( rndidx[1] ) # shuffles items in place

    #confusionTables = numpy.empty( [folds, 5], dtype=int )
    confusionTables = []
    for fold in range( folds ):
        # split the runset
        trainset, evalset = splitRunSet( runset_pos, runset_neg, fold, chunksize, evalsize, rndidx )
        print( "-------- fold number {0} --------".format(fold) )

        # training
        print( "---- training:" )
        easy.printRunSetInfo( trainset, printArtifacts=printVerbose )
        trainer = contender.getTrainer()
        model = easy.train( trainer, trainset,

        # detection
        print( "---- evaluation:" )
        easy.printRunSetInfo( evalset, printArtifacts=printVerbose )
        detector = contender.getDetector()
        detections = easy.detect( detector, model, evalset,
                                  detectorProperties=contender.detectorProps )
        confusionTables.append( \
            getConfusionTable( detections, origSet=evalset, foundMap=contender.foundMap ))

    # calculate statistics of our tuple TestResult,nores
    sumTestResult = TestResult()
    sumNoRes = 0;
    for entry in confusionTables:
        sumTestResult.tp += entry[0].tp
        sumTestResult.tn += entry[0].tn
        sumTestResult.fp += entry[0].fp
        sumTestResult.fn += entry[0].fn
        sumNoRes += entry[1]
    r = EvaluationResult(folds, sumTestResult, sumNoRes, detail=None, name=contender.name)
    return r
# it is the client's responsibility to upload them if not.
# The putResult contains information about which files were actually transferred.
fileserver = easy.getFileServer( "FileService:default -p 10110 " + host )
putResult = easy.putAllFiles( fileserver, rs1 )
modelfile = "detectors/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml"
if not fileserver.exists( easy.getCvacPath(modelfile) ):
    easy.putFile( fileserver, easy.getCvacPath(modelfile) )

# detect remotely: note the host specification
print("------- Remote detection, local result display: -------")
detector = easy.getDetector( "OpenCVCascadeDetector:default -p 10102 "+host )
results = easy.detect( detector, modelfile, rs1 )
easy.printResults( results )

# Example 2:
# Train on a remote machine, obtain the model file, and test locally.
# Assume the files are on the remote machine, or transfer with putAllFiles.
trainer = easy.getTrainer( "bowTrain:default -p 10103 "+ host) # remote
trainset = easy.createRunSet( "trainImg" );
trainedModel = easy.train( trainer, trainset )
easy.getFile( fileserver, trainedModel.file )  # downloads the model from remote
detector = easy.getDetector( "bowTest:default -p 10104" ) # local service
testset = easy.createRunSet("testImg","UNPURPOSED"  )
results = easy.detect( detector, trainedModel, testset )
# pick a subset: all license plates
license_plates = categories['license plate']
print("There are {0} license plate labels.".format( len(license_plates) ))

# another subset: all labels starting with "car"
cars = []
for key in categories.keys():
    if key.startswith("car"):
        cars.append( categories[key] )
print("There are {0} car-related labels.".format( len(cars) ))

# Note that Labels are cached in the CorpusServer, but the corpus currently
# needs to re-mirror if the CorpusServer is restarted because Labels are
# not stored to disk.  Images are stored to disk.

quit()  # done for now

# Train a detector on license plates
trainer = easy.getTrainer( "BOW_Trainer:default -p 10103 ")
trainset = easy.createRunSet( license_plates, "pos" )
easy.printRunSetInfo( trainset )
licenseplateModel = easy.train( trainer, trainset )

# test the license plate detector on the known locations of cars;
# this will only try to detect within the boundaries of cars.
testset = easy.createRunSet( cars, "unpurposed" )
detector = easy.getDetector( "BOW_Detector:default -p 10104" )
results = easy.detect( detector, licenseplateModel, testset )

printResults( results )
trainset = cvac.RunSet()
caset = easy.createRunSet("trainImg/ca")
krset = easy.createRunSet("trainImg/kr")
usset = easy.createRunSet("trainImg/us")
easy.addToRunSet(trainset, caset, cvac.Purpose(cvac.PurposeType.MULTICLASS, 0))
easy.addToRunSet(trainset, krset, cvac.Purpose(cvac.PurposeType.MULTICLASS, 1))
easy.addToRunSet(trainset, usset, cvac.Purpose(cvac.PurposeType.MULTICLASS, 2))
easy.printRunSetInfo(trainset, printLabels=True)

# Connect to the trainer for a Bag of Words algorithm, then
# train with the given runset
print("starting training, this might take a few minutes...")
trainer = easy.getTrainer("BOW_Trainer")
trainedModel = easy.train(trainer, trainset)

# Display information about the file in which the model is stored;
# this is generally no concern to algorithm users and only of
# interest to algorithm developers since it is algorithm-specific
zipfname = easy.getFSPath(trainedModel)
zipf = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfname)
print("Training model stored in file {0}".format(zipfname))
# print("file contents:\n{0}".format(zipf.namelist()))

# test the trained model on a separate set of images
Easy!  mini tutorial
Repeatedly train and evaluate for efficient label use; bootstrap.
matz 6/21/2013

import os
import easy

# Create a training set from one sample each of 9 corporate logos
trainset1 = easy.createRunSet( "corporate_logos" )

# train, round 1
trainer = easy.getTrainer( "BOW_Trainer")
model1 = easy.train( trainer, trainset1 )

# evaluate the model on a separate test set, images and videos
# in DataDir/testdata1
testset1 = easy.createRunSet( "testImg", "UNPURPOSED" )
easy.printRunSetInfo( testset1 )
detector = easy.getDetector( "BOW_Detector" )
result1 = easy.detect( detector, model1, testset1 )

# sort the images from the testdata1 folder into subfolders of
# "testresults1" corresponding to the found labels;
# if multiple labels were found per original, consider only
# the label with the highest confidence
easy.sortIntoFolders( result1, outfolder="testresults1", multi="highest")
Easy!  mini tutorial
Repeatedly train and evaluate for efficient label use; bootstrap.
matz 6/21/2013

import os
import easy

# Create a training set from one sample each of 9 corporate logos
trainset1 = easy.createRunSet("corporate_logos")

# train, round 1
trainer = easy.getTrainer("BOW_Trainer")
model1 = easy.train(trainer, trainset1)

# evaluate the model on a separate test set, images and videos
# in DataDir/testImg
testset1 = easy.createRunSet("testImg", "UNPURPOSED")
detector = easy.getDetector("BOW_Detector")
result1 = easy.detect(detector, model1, testset1)

# sort the images from the testdata1 folder into subfolders of
# "testresults1" corresponding to the found labels;
# if multiple labels were found per original, consider only
# the label with the highest confidence
easy.sortIntoFolders(result1, outfolder="testresults1", multi="highest")
# pick a subset: all license plates
license_plates = categories['license plate']
print("There are {0} license plate labels.".format(len(license_plates)))

# another subset: all labels starting with "car"
cars = []
for key in categories.keys():
    if key.startswith("car"):
print("There are {0} car-related labels.".format(len(cars)))

# Note that Labels are cached in the CorpusServer, but the corpus currently
# needs to re-mirror if the CorpusServer is restarted because Labels are
# not stored to disk.  Images are stored to disk.

quit()  # done for now

# Train a detector on license plates
trainer = easy.getTrainer("BOW_Trainer:default -p 10103 ")
trainset = easy.createRunSet(license_plates, "pos")
licenseplateModel = easy.train(trainer, trainset)

# test the license plate detector on the known locations of cars;
# this will only try to detect within the boundaries of cars.
testset = easy.createRunSet(cars, "unpurposed")
detector = easy.getDetector("BOW_Detector:default -p 10104")
results = easy.detect(detector, licenseplateModel, testset)

文件: demo.py 项目: dexter1691/CVAC
classmap = res['classmap']

# Make sure all files in the RunSet are available on the remote site;
# it is the client's responsibility to upload them if not.
host = "-h localhost"
#host = "-h vision.nps.edu"
fileserver = easy.getFileServer( "FileService:default -p 10110 " + host )
putResult = easy.putAllFiles( fileserver, runset )

# Connect to a trainer service, train on the RunSet
trainer = easy.getTrainer( "bowTrain:default -p 10103 " + host )
trainedModel = easy.train( trainer, runset )
print("Training model stored in file: " + easy.getFSPath( trainedModel.file ))

# Connect to a detector service,
# test on the training RunSet for validation purposes;
# The detect call takes the detector, the trained model, the
# runset, and a mapping from purpose to label name
detector = easy.getDetector( "bowTest:default -p 10104 " + host )
results = easy.detect( detector, trainedModel, runset )
easy.printResults( results, foundMap=classmap )

easy.deleteAllFiles( fileserver, putResult['uploaded'] )


    sortedperfdata, perfdata = evaluate.joust(contenders, runset, folds=3)
    Extract only optimal ROC points
    rocData_full, optimalIndices = easy.discardSuboptimal(perfdata)
    #rocData_full,optimalIndices = easy.discardSuboptimal(perfdata,"sboxes/BOW_Trainer_127_0_0_1")
    Prepare detector data of optimal ROC points
    rocData_optimal = []
    for idx in optimalIndices:
        trainer = contenders[idx].getTrainer()
        detectorData = easy.train( trainer, runset, \
                                   trainerProperties=contenders[idx].trainerProps )
    ROC zip
    rocZip = easy.makeROCdata(rocData_optimal)
    Extract only optimal ROC points
    detector = easy.getDetector(strDetector)
    detectorProps = easy.getDetectorProperties(detector)
    #specify either a desired falseAlarmRate or recall, but not both:
    priority = "recall"
    if priority == "falseAlarmRate":