def crearCubos():
	NormalCube = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube("base.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	RequisitoDeCube = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube("base1.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	SelectedCube = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube("base4.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	RequisitoCube = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube("base3.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

	#Aqui se comienzan a crear los cubos de base 

	CuboMorado = sg.SceneGraphNode("CuboMorado") #Se crea la base para el cubo morado
	CuboMorado.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0.8,0,0), tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	CuboMorado.childs += [NormalCube]

	CuboTurquesa = sg.SceneGraphNode("CuboTurquesa")
	CuboTurquesa.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0.27,0,0),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	CuboTurquesa.childs += [RequisitoDeCube]

	CuboCeleste = sg.SceneGraphNode("CuboCeleste")
	CuboCeleste.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(-0.27,0,0),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	CuboCeleste.childs += [RequisitoCube]

	CuboNaranjo = sg.SceneGraphNode("CuboNaranjo")
	CuboNaranjo.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(-0.8,0,0),tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
	CuboNaranjo.childs += [SelectedCube]

	return CuboMorado,CuboTurquesa,CuboCeleste,CuboNaranjo
def crearfondoDia():

	gpuGrayQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.2, 0.2, 0.2))
	gpuSkyQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.create2ColorQuad(1,1,1, 0.7373, 0.9961, 1))
	gpuGreenQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.6706,1,0.7137))
	gpuYellowCirc = es.toGPUShape(bs.create2ColorCircle([1,0.9961,0.4392],[1,1,1]))

	#Creamos el cielo con un degradado de blanco a celeste 
	cielo = sg.SceneGraphNode("cielo")
	cielo.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0.5,0),tr.scale(6,1.75,1)])
	cielo.childs += [gpuSkyQuad]

	#Creamos el camino para el auto 
	asfalto = sg.SceneGraphNode("asfalto")
	asfalto.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,-0.75,0),tr.scale(6,0.5,1)])
	asfalto.childs += [gpuGrayQuad]

	#Se crea el pasto que se vera entre los arboles 
	pasto = sg.SceneGraphNode("pasto")
	pasto.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,-0.2,0) , tr.scale(6,0.7,1)])
	pasto.childs += [gpuGreenQuad]

	#Creamos un sol en la esquina de la pantalla
	sol = sg.SceneGraphNode("sol")
	sol.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(1,1,0), tr.uniformScale(0.3)])
	sol.childs += [gpuYellowCirc]

	fondo = sg.SceneGraphNode("fondo")
	fondo.childs += [cielo, asfalto, pasto, sol]

	return fondo
def createTextureDeathStar(filename):
    gpuSphere = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureSphere(filename),
                              GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
    gpuInside = es.toGPUShape(bs.createInsideSphere("textures/dsInside.jpg"),
                              GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
    gpuCone = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCone("textures/laser.png"),
                            GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

    star_base = sg.SceneGraphNode("star_base")
    star_base.transform = tr2.scale(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
    star_base.childs += [gpuSphere]

    star_inside = sg.SceneGraphNode("star_inside")
    star_inside.transform = tr2.scale(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
    star_inside.childs += [gpuInside]

    star_aerial = sg.SceneGraphNode("star_aerial")
    star_aerial.transform = np.matmul(
        tr2.translate(0, -np.sin(3 * np.pi / 8) / 2,
                      np.cos(3 * np.pi / 8) / 2), tr2.rotationX(3 * np.pi / 8))
    star_aerial.transform = np.matmul(star_aerial.transform,
                                      tr2.scale(0.15, 0.15, 0.05))
    star_aerial.childs += [gpuCone]

    star = sg.SceneGraphNode("star")
    star.transform = tr2.rotationY(np.pi / 32)
    star.childs += [star_inside, star_base, star_aerial]

    return star
    def __init__(self, frame_width, frame_height, tiles=50):
        self.tiles = min(50, max(10, tiles))
        self.frame_dim = [frame_width, frame_height]

        # Aspect ratio
        ar = frame_height / frame_width
        #aspect_ratio_tr = tr.scale(ar, 1, 0)
        self.dimensions = [ar * 0.95 * 2 * 4 / 5, 0.95 * 2 * 4 / 5]

        gpu_tiles = [
            es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(1, 0.91, 0.84)),
            es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.99, 0.84, 0.61))

        tiles = []
        count = 0

        for x in range(self.tiles):
            for y in range(self.tiles):
                tiles[x][y].transform = tr.matmul([
                    tr.scale(self.dimensions[0] / self.tiles,
                             self.dimensions[1] / self.tiles, 0),
                    tr.translate(-self.tiles / 2 + x + 0.5,
                                 self.tiles / 2 - y - 0.5, 0)
                tiles[x][y].childs += [gpu_tiles[(x + y) % 2]]

        board_TR = sg.SceneGraphNode('board_TR')
        for i in range(len(tiles)):
            board_TR.childs += tiles[i]

        self.model = board_TR
def crearArbol():

    #Se crean las figuras que se utilizaran
    gpuGreenTriangle = es.toGPUShape(bs.create2ColorTriangle(0.0549, 0.4549, 0.41, 0, 0.8, 0))
    gpuBrownQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.502, 0.251, 0))

    #Aqui se crean las partes de la copa del pino 
    copa1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("copa1")
    copa1.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.5)
    copa1.childs += [gpuGreenTriangle]
    copa2 = sg.SceneGraphNode("copa2")
    copa2.transform = tr.matmul([tr.uniformScale(0.4), tr.translate(0,0.3,0)])
    copa2.childs += [gpuGreenTriangle]
    copa3 = sg.SceneGraphNode("copa3")
    copa3.transform = tr.matmul([tr.uniformScale(0.3), tr.translate(0,0.8,0)])
    copa3.childs += [gpuGreenTriangle]

    #Aqui se crea el tronco del arbol 
    tronco = sg.SceneGraphNode("tronco")
    tronco.transform = tr.matmul ([tr.scale(0.1,0.5,0), tr.translate(0, -0.4, 0)])
    tronco.childs += [gpuBrownQuad]

    #Se juntan las partes para crear el arbol 
    arbol = sg.SceneGraphNode("car")
    arbol.childs += [tronco, copa1, copa2, copa3]

    return arbol
    def __init__(self):
        self.models = []
        self.transform = []

        #crea el "manto de un cubo
        fondo1 = bs.createTextureCube('fondo.jpg')
        gpufondo1 = es.toGPUShape(fondo1, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(-1, 0, 0.4)]))

        fondo2 = bs.createTextureCube('fondo.jpg')
        gpufondo2 = es.toGPUShape(fondo2, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(0, -1, 0.4)]))

        fondo3 = bs.createTextureCube('fondo.jpg')
        gpufondo3 = es.toGPUShape(fondo3, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(0, 1, 0.4)]))

        fondo4 = bs.createTextureCube('fondo.jpg')
        gpufondo4 = es.toGPUShape(fondo4, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(1, 0, 0.4)]))
def createMotor():

    gpuGrayTrapeze = es.toGPUShape(ve.createColorTrapeze(0.6, 0.6, 0.6))

    gpuBlueTriangle = es.toGPUShape(ve.createColorTriangle(0.2, 0.5, 1))
    gpuWhiteTriangle = es.toGPUShape(ve.createColorTriangle(1, 1, 1))

    # A motor is made of a body and an animated flame
    blueFlame = sg.SceneGraphNode("blueFlame")
    blueFlame.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, 0.18, 1), tr.uniformScale(0.5)])
    blueFlame.childs += [gpuBlueTriangle]

    whiteFlame = sg.SceneGraphNode("whiteFlame")
    whiteFlame.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0, 0.05, 1), tr.uniformScale(0.3)])
    whiteFlame.childs += [gpuWhiteTriangle]

    # This flame is animated in the main script
    animatedFlame = sg.SceneGraphNode("animatedFlame")
    animatedFlame.childs += [blueFlame]
    animatedFlame.childs += [whiteFlame]

    body = sg.SceneGraphNode("body")
    body.transform = tr.scale(1, 0.25, 1)
    body.childs += [gpuGrayTrapeze]

    # Joining both parts
    motor = sg.SceneGraphNode("simpleMotor")
    motor.childs += [animatedFlame]
    motor.childs += [body]

    return motor
    def __init__(self, texture_1, texture_2, texture_3, texture_4, texture_5):
        # Creating shapes on GPU memory
        gpu_end_game_1 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube(texture_1),
                                       GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
        gpu_end_game_2 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube(texture_2),
                                       GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
        gpu_end_game_3 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube(texture_3),
                                       GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
        gpu_end_game_4 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube(texture_4),
                                       GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
        gpu_end_game_5 = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube(texture_5),
                                       GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)

        # Saving textures
        self.texture_1 = gpu_end_game_1
        self.texture_2 = gpu_end_game_2
        self.texture_3 = gpu_end_game_3
        self.texture_4 = gpu_end_game_4
        self.texture_5 = gpu_end_game_5

        # Setting Graph
        scene = sg.SceneGraphNode('scene')
        scene.transform = tr.uniformScale(2)
        scene.childs += [gpu_end_game_1]

        total_scene = sg.SceneGraphNode('total_scene')
        total_scene.childs += [scene]

        self.model = total_scene
    def draw(self, pipeline, texture1, texture2, texture3):

        if self.jump:  #cuando esta saltando
            self.monkey = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(texture2),
                                        GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
                glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "transform"), 1,
                GL_TRUE, self.transmonkey)

        elif self.winner:
            self.monkey = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(texture3),
                                        GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
                glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "transform"), 1,
                GL_TRUE, self.transmonkey)

        else:  #cuando se encuentra en reposo
            self.monkey = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(texture1),
                                        GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
                glGetUniformLocation(pipeline.shaderProgram, "transform"), 1,
                GL_TRUE, self.transmonkey)
def crearfondoNoche():

	gpuGrayQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
	gpuSkyQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.create2ColorQuad(1,1,1, 0.1451, 0.1569, 0.3137))
	gpuGreenQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.3059,0.651,0.3294))
	gpuGrayCirc = es.toGPUShape(bs.create2ColorCircle([0.6941,0.7216,0.7218],[0.8784,0.8902,0.8902]))

	#Creamos el cielo con un degradado de blanco a azul cielo 
	cielo = sg.SceneGraphNode("cielo")
	cielo.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0.5,0),tr.scale(6,1.75,1)])
	cielo.childs += [gpuSkyQuad]

	#Creamos el camino para el auto 
	asfalto = sg.SceneGraphNode("asfalto")
	asfalto.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,-0.75,0),tr.scale(6,0.5,1)])
	asfalto.childs += [gpuGrayQuad]

	#Se crea el pasto que se vera entre los arboles 
	pasto = sg.SceneGraphNode("pasto")
	pasto.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,-0.2,0) , tr.scale(6,0.7,1)])
	pasto.childs += [gpuGreenQuad]

	#Creamos una luna en la esquina de la pantalla
	luna = sg.SceneGraphNode("luna")
	luna.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(1,1,0), tr.uniformScale(0.3)])
	luna.childs += [gpuGrayCirc]

	fondo = sg.SceneGraphNode("fondo")
	fondo.childs += [cielo, asfalto, pasto, luna]

	return fondo
def create_player():
    # Generate player model
    # Body
    gpuBody = es.toGPUShape(player_body_shape(0.8, 0, 0.07))

    # WingUp
    gpuWingUp = es.toGPUShape(player_upper_wing_shape(0.427, 0.447, 0.458))

    # WingDown
    gpuWingDown = es.toGPUShape(player_lower_wing_shape(0.427, 0.447, 0.458))

    gpuFlame = es.toGPUShape(flame_shape())

    playerBody = sg.SceneGraphNode("body")
    playerBody.childs = [gpuBody]

    playerUpWing = sg.SceneGraphNode("wing1")
    playerUpWing.childs = [gpuWingUp]

    playerDownWing = sg.SceneGraphNode("wing2")
    playerDownWing.childs = [gpuWingDown]

    playerEngine = sg.SceneGraphNode("engine")
    playerEngine.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0.0, -0.525, 0.0),
    playerEngine.childs = [gpuFlame]

    player = sg.SceneGraphNode("playerModel")
    player.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.1)
    player.childs = [playerUpWing, playerDownWing, playerBody, playerEngine]

    return player
    def __init__(self, count, fondo):

        fondoa1 = bs.createTextureCube('azul.jpg')
        gpufondoa1 = es.toGPUShape(fondoa1, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(-1, 0, 0.4 + count)]))

        fondoa2 = bs.createTextureCube('azul.jpg')
        gpufondoa2 = es.toGPUShape(fondoa2, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(0, -1, 0.4 + count)]))

        fondoa3 = bs.createTextureCube('azul.jpg')
        gpufondoa3 = es.toGPUShape(fondoa3, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(0, 1, 0.4 + count)]))

        fondoa4 = bs.createTextureCube('azul.jpg')
        gpufondoa4 = es.toGPUShape(fondoa4, GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
                       tr.translate(1, 0, 0.4 + count)]))
def create_enemy(bodyColor, wingColor):
    # Generate enemy model
    # bodyColor - tuple (r, g, b)
    # wingColor - tuple (r, g, b)
    # Body
    gpuBody = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(*bodyColor))

    # Wing
    gpuWing = es.toGPUShape(enemy_wing_shape(*wingColor))

    enemyBody = sg.SceneGraphNode("body")
    enemyBody.childs = [gpuBody]

    enemyWing1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("wing1")
    enemyWing1.transform = tr.translate(0.5, 0, 0)
    enemyWing1.childs = [gpuWing]

    enemyWing2 = sg.SceneGraphNode("wing2")
    enemyWing2.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(-0.5, 0, 0),
         tr.scale(-1, 1, 1)])
    enemyWing2.childs = [gpuWing]

    enemy = sg.SceneGraphNode("enemyModel")
    enemy.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.08)
    enemy.childs = [enemyBody, enemyWing1, enemyWing2]

    return enemy
def createCar(r,g,b):

    gpuBlackQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorCube(0,0,0))
    gpuChasisQuad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorCube(r,g,b))
    # Cheating a single wheel
    wheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("wheel")
    wheel.transform = tr.scale(0.2, 0.8, 0.2)
    wheel.childs += [gpuBlackQuad]

    wheelRotation = sg.SceneGraphNode("wheelRotation")
    wheelRotation.childs += [wheel]

    # Instanciating 2 wheels, for the front and back parts
    frontWheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("frontWheel")
    frontWheel.transform = tr.translate(0.3,0,-0.3)
    frontWheel.childs += [wheelRotation]

    backWheel = sg.SceneGraphNode("backWheel")
    backWheel.transform = tr.translate(-0.3,0,-0.3)
    backWheel.childs += [wheelRotation]
    # Creating the chasis of the car
    chasis = sg.SceneGraphNode("chasis")
    chasis.transform = tr.scale(1,0.7,0.5)
    chasis.childs += [gpuChasisQuad]

    # All pieces together
    car = sg.SceneGraphNode("car")
    car.childs += [chasis]
    car.childs += [frontWheel]
    car.childs += [backWheel]

    return car
def Fondo(fondoE): 
	color = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube("fondo2.jpg"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	obama = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube("marco.png"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
	ricardo = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube("ricardo.jpg"),GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

	fondo1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("fondo1")
	fondo1.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,1) ,tr.uniformScale (15)])
	fondo1.childs = [color]

	fondo2 = sg.SceneGraphNode("fondo2")
	fondo2.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,1) ,tr.uniformScale (15)])
	fondo2.childs = [ricardo]

	fondo3 = sg.SceneGraphNode("fondo3")
	fondo3.transform = tr.matmul([tr.translate(0,0,1) ,tr.uniformScale (15)])
	fondo3.childs = [obama]

	fondo = sg.SceneGraphNode("fondo")

	if fondoE == "C" :
		fondo.childs = [fondo1]
	if fondoE == "O" :
		fondo.childs = [fondo3]
	if fondoE == "R" : 
		fondo.childs = [fondo2]

	return fondo
    def __init__(self):
        # Figuras básicas
        gpu_body_quad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(1, 0.8,
                                                         0.8))  # rosado
        gpu_leg_quad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(1, 0.5,
                                                        1))  # rosado fuerte
        gpu_eye_quad = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(1, 1, 1))  # blanco
        # ... triangulos

        body = sg.SceneGraphNode('body')
        body.transform = tr.uniformScale(1)
        body.childs += [gpu_body_quad]

        # Creamos las piernas
        leg = sg.SceneGraphNode('leg')  # pierna generica
        leg.transform = tr.scale(0.25, 0.25, 1)
        leg.childs += [gpu_leg_quad]

        # Izquierda
        leg_izq = sg.SceneGraphNode('legLeft')
        leg_izq.transform = tr.translate(-0.5, -0.5, 0)  # tr.matmul([])..
        leg_izq.childs += [leg]

        leg_der = sg.SceneGraphNode('legRight')
        leg_der.transform = tr.translate(0.5, -.5, 0)
        leg_der.childs += [leg]

        # Ojitos
        eye = sg.SceneGraphNode('eye')
        eye.transform = tr.scale(0.25, 0.25, 1)
        eye.childs += [gpu_eye_quad]

        eye_izq = sg.SceneGraphNode('eyeLeft')
        eye_izq.transform = tr.translate(-0.3, 0.5, 0)
        eye_izq.childs += [eye]

        eye_der = sg.SceneGraphNode('eyeRight')
        eye_der.transform = tr.translate(0.3, 0.5, 0)
        eye_der.childs += [eye]

        # Ensamblamos el mono
        mono = sg.SceneGraphNode('chansey')
        mono.transform = tr.matmul(
            [tr.scale(0.4, 0.4, 0),
             tr.translate(0, -1.25, 0)])
        mono.childs += [body, leg_izq, leg_der, eye_izq, eye_der]

        transform_mono = sg.SceneGraphNode('chanseyTR')
        transform_mono.childs += [mono]

        self.model = transform_mono
        self.pos = 0
        self.lives = 3
        self.killer_eggs = []
    def __init__(self, tamaño):
        self.tamaño = tamaño

        #centra la cabeza de la serpiente al comienzo
        if self.tamaño % 2 == 0:
            self.pos = [[d / self.tamaño, d / self.tamaño],
                        [d * 3 / self.tamaño, d / self.tamaño],
                        [d * 5 / tamaño, d / self.tamaño],
                        [d * 7 / tamaño, d / self.tamaño]]
            #self.pos = [[1/self.tamaño,1/self.tamaño],[3/self.tamaño,1/self.tamaño],[5/tamaño,1/self.tamaño]]
            self.pos = [[0, 0], [d * 2 / self.tamaño, 0],
                        [d * 4 / self.tamaño, 0], [d * 6 / self.tamaño, 0]]
            #self.pos = [[0,0],[2/self.tamaño,0],[4/self.tamaño,0]]
        #self.dir = [['left','left'],['left','left'],['left','left']]
        self.dir = [['left', 'left'], ['left', 'left'], ['left', 'left'],
                    ['left', 'left']]

        self.die = False
        self.comio = False
        self.comio_cola = False
        self.comiendo = False

        # Figuras básicas
        #gpu_trozo = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0, 0.3, 0))  # verde
        gpu_trozo = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad('cuerpo.png'),
                                  GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
        gpu_trozo_cabeza = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad('cabeza.png'),
                                         GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

        trozo = sg.SceneGraphNode('trozo')
        trozo.transform = tr.uniformScale(d * 2 / self.tamaño)
        trozo.childs += [gpu_trozo]

        trozo_cabeza = sg.SceneGraphNode('trozo')
        trozo_cabeza.transform = tr.uniformScale(d * 2 / self.tamaño)
        trozo_cabeza.childs += [gpu_trozo_cabeza]

        cuerpo = sg.SceneGraphNode('cuerpo')
        cuerpo.childs += [trozo]

        cuerpo2 = sg.SceneGraphNode('cuerpo2')
        cuerpo2.childs += [trozo]

        cola = sg.SceneGraphNode('cola')
        cola.childs += [trozo]

        cabeza = sg.SceneGraphNode('cabeza')
        cabeza.childs += [trozo_cabeza]

        self.serpiente = [cabeza, cuerpo, cuerpo2, cola]
        #self.serpiente =[cabeza,cuerpo,cola]

        self.tiempo = 0
 def draw(self, pipeline):
     if self.last_direction == "D":
         self.face_orientation = "D"
         new_gpu_snake = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("boo_r.png"),
                                       GL_CLAMP, GL_NEAREST)
         sg.findNode(self.model, "snake_head").childs = [new_gpu_snake]
     elif self.last_direction == "A":
         self.face_orientation = "A"
         new_gpu_snake = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("boo_l.png"),
                                       GL_CLAMP, GL_NEAREST)
         sg.findNode(self.model, "snake_head").childs = [new_gpu_snake]
     sg.drawSceneGraphNode(self.model, pipeline, "transform")
def createCilindro():
    h = 1
    r = 0.03
    lat = 20
    lon = 20
    dang = 2 * np.pi / lat
    color = {
        'r': 0.6,  # Red
        'g': 0.6,  # Green
        'b': 0.6,  # Blue
    cylinder_shape = []
    for i in range(lon):  # Vertical component
        for j in range(lat):  # Horizontal component

            # Angle on step j
            ang = dang * j

            # Here we create a quad from 4 vertices
            #    a/---- b/
            #    |      |
            #    d ---- c
            a = [r * np.cos(ang), r * np.sin(ang), h / lon * (i + 1)]
            b = [r * np.cos(ang + dang), r * np.sin(ang + dang), h / lon * (i + 1)]
            c = [r * np.cos(ang + dang), r * np.sin(ang + dang), h / lon * i]
            d = [r * np.cos(ang), r * np.sin(ang), h / lon * i]

            # Create quad
            shape = bs_ext.create4VertexColor(a, b, c, d, color['r'], color['g'], color['b'])

    # Add the two covers
    for j in range(lat):
        ang = dang * j

        # Bottom
        a = [0, 0, 0]
        b = [r * np.cos(ang), r * np.sin(ang), 0]
        c = [r * np.cos(ang + dang), r * np.sin(ang + dang), 0]
        shape = bs_ext.createTriangleColor(c, b, a, color['r'], color['g'], color['b'])

        # Top
        a = [0, 0, h]
        b = [r * np.cos(ang), r * np.sin(ang), h]
        c = [r * np.cos(ang + dang), r * np.sin(ang + dang), h]
        shape = bs_ext.createTriangleColor(c, b, a, color['r'], color['g'], color['b'])
    return cylinder_shape
    def __init__(self):
        # Figuras básicas
        gpu_black_back = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0, 0, 0))
        gpu_blue_mid = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0, 1, 0.9))
        gpu_white_sq = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(1, 1, 1))
        #creamos un medidor de revoluciones
        back = sg.SceneGraphNode('back')  # cuarto de circulo generico
        back.transform = tr.scale(0.25, 1, 1)
        back.childs += [gpu_black_back]

        blue = sg.SceneGraphNode('blue')
        blue.transform = tr.scale(0.23, 0.98, 0)
        blue.childs += [gpu_blue_mid]

        white = sg.SceneGraphNode('white')
        white.transform = tr.scale(0.23, 0.18, 1)
        white.childs += [gpu_white_sq]

        white1 = sg.SceneGraphNode('white1')
        white1.transform = tr.translate(0, 0.4, 0)
        white1.childs += [white]

        white2 = sg.SceneGraphNode('white2')
        white2.transform = tr.translate(0, 0.2, 0)
        white2.childs += [white]

        white3 = sg.SceneGraphNode('white3')
        white3.transform = tr.translate(0, 0, 0)
        white3.childs += [white]

        white4 = sg.SceneGraphNode('white4')
        white4.transform = tr.translate(0, -0.2, 0)
        white4.childs += [white]

        white5 = sg.SceneGraphNode('white5')
        white5.transform = tr.translate(0, -0.4, 0)
        white5.childs += [white]
        # Ensamblamos el mono
        alt = sg.SceneGraphNode('alt')
        alt.transform = tr.matmul(
            [tr.translate(-0.53, -0.7, 0),
             tr.scale(0.35, 0.5, 1)])
        alt.childs += [back, blue, white1, white2, white3, white4, white5]

        translate_alt = sg.SceneGraphNode('altTR')
        translate_alt.childs += [alt]

        self.model = alt
        self.pos = 0
    def __init__(self, frame_width, frame_height, tiles=50):
        self.tiles = min(50, max(10, tiles))
        self.frame_dim = [frame_width, frame_height]
        self.locationX = random.randint(0, self.tiles - 1)
        self.locationY = random.randint(1, self.tiles)

        # Aspect ratio
        ar = frame_height / frame_width
        #aspect_ratio_tr = tr.scale(ar, 1, 0)
        self.dimensions = [ar * 0.95 * 2 * 4 / 5, 0.95 * 2 * 4 / 5]

        gpu_apple = es.toGPUShape(

        apple = sg.SceneGraphNode('apple')
        apple.transform = tr.matmul([
            tr.scale(self.dimensions[0] / self.tiles,
                     self.dimensions[1] / self.tiles, 0),
            tr.translate(-self.tiles / 2 + self.locationX + 0.5,
                         -self.tiles / 2 + self.locationY - 0.5, 0)
        apple.childs += [gpu_apple]

        apple_tr = sg.SceneGraphNode('apple_TR')
        apple_tr.childs += [apple]

        self.model = apple_tr
 def __init__(self, texture):
     self.notice = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad(texture), GL_REPEAT,
     self.transnotice = np.matmul(tr2.translate(0, 0.4, 0),
                                  tr2.scale(-1, 1, 1))
     self.winner = False
     self.loser = False
    def shoot(self, bullet_collection, counter, speed):
        # se crea el controlador de animaciones y se inicializa con la textura
        bullet_anim = anim.Anim_Controller(self.bullet_animations, [BULLET_SIZE, BULLET_SIZE * WIDTH / HEIGHT, 1], 0)
        bullet_anim.Play("shooted") # se pone la textura de la bala
        #se crea un nodo que contiene la animacion
        scaled_bullet = sg.SceneGraphNode("scaled_bullet")
        scaled_bullet.transform = tr.rotationZ(np.pi)
        scaled_bullet.childs += [bullet_anim]

        # se crea un nodo con una gpuShape que servira para detectar las colisiones y verlas si se quiere
        collision_node = sg.SceneGraphNode("collision_enemyBullet")
        # se escala la hitbox para que tenga el mismo tamaño que la textura
        collision_node.transform = tr.scale(1, 1 * WIDTH / HEIGHT, 1)
        collision_node.childs +=  [es.toGPUShape(cl.createCircleHitbox(BULLET_HITBOX_RADIO, 10, 0, 1, 0))]

        # se crea uno nodo/objeto CollisionShape que tiene informacion y metodos para detectar colisiones con respecto de una gpuShape
        scaled_collision = cl.CollisionShape("scaled_collision", BULLET_HITBOX_RADIO, True)
        scaled_collision.transform = tr.rotationZ(np.pi) #se voltea
        scaled_collision.childs += [collision_node]

        #posicion donde aparece la bala
        tempPos = self.position + self.bullet_pos
        # se crea el objeto bullet que contendra como nodos hijos a la animacion y la hitbox
        bullet_object = go.bulletObject("bullet" + str(counter))
        bullet_object.fromEnemy = True #es bala enemiga
        # se traslada la bala en la pantalla a su posicion inicial
        bullet_object.transform = tr.translate(tempPos[0], tempPos[1], tempPos[2])
        bullet_object.position = tempPos
        bullet_object.velocity[1] = -speed #se indica su velocidad
        bullet_object.childs += [scaled_bullet] #se agrega la animacion
        bullet_object.childs += [scaled_collision] #se agrega la hitbox
        bullet_object.childs[1].parent = bullet_object # se agrega la referencia de padre al objeto CollisionShape

        #se agrega el objeto bullet a la collecion de balas enemigas
        bullet_collection.childs += [bullet_object]
    def __init__(self, width, height):
        # Frame dimensions
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.alive = True

        self.g_over = None

        # Outer board dimensions
        self.dimensions = [
            0.5 * self.width * 9 / 16 * 16 / 9 * 2,
            0.5 * self.height * 2 * 4 / 5
        aspect_ratio_tr = tr.scale(self.height / self.width, 1, 0)

        gpu_bground = es.toGPUShape(bs.createColorQuad(0.05, 0.55, 0.23))

        bground = sg.SceneGraphNode('background')
        bground.transform = tr.matmul([
            tr.scale(2 * self.width / self.height, 2 * 4 / 5, 0)
        bground.childs += [gpu_bground]

        bground_tr = sg.SceneGraphNode('background_TR')
        bground_tr.childs += [bground]

        self.model = bground_tr
 def __init__(self, pos, orientation):
     fondo = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad("liana.jpg", 1, 1), GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
     fondoTransform= tr.uniformScale(2)
     self.model = fondo
     self.tra = fondoTransform
     self.pos = pos
     self.orientation = orientation
    def shoot(self, bullet_collection, counter):
        #se crea un nodo que contiene la gpushape de la bala(con textura) y se escala
        bullet = sg.SceneGraphNode("bullet")
        bullet.transform = tr.scale(self.bullet_size, self.bullet_size * WIDTH/HEIGHT, 1)
        bullet.childs += [self.bullet]

        #se crea un nodo con una gpuShape que servira para detectar las colisiones(hitbox)
        collision_node = sg.SceneGraphNode("collision_bullet")
        collision_node.childs += [es.toGPUShape(cl.createCircleHitbox(BULLET_HITBOX_RADIO, 10, 0, 1, 0))]

        #posicion de donde sale la bala
        tempPos = self.position + self.bullet_pos

        #se crea uno nodo/objeto CollisionShape que tiene informacion y metodos para detectar colisiones con respecto de una gpuShape
        scaled_collision = cl.CollisionShape("scaled_collision", BULLET_HITBOX_RADIO, True)
        #se escala la hitbox para que tenga el mismo tamaño que la textura
        scaled_collision.transform = tr.scale(1, 1 * WIDTH / HEIGHT, 1)
        scaled_collision.childs += [collision_node]

        #se crea el objeto bala que contendra en como nods hijos a la textura y la hitbox
        bullet_object = go.bulletObject("playerBullet" + str(counter))
        bullet_object.fromEnemy = False #bool para saber si es una bala enemiga
        bullet_object.transform = tr.translate(tempPos[0], tempPos[1], tempPos[2]) # se ubica en la posicion inicial
        bullet_object.position = tempPos
        bullet_object.velocity[1] = BULLET_SPEED # se le asigna la velocidad vertical
        bullet_object.childs += [bullet] #se le agrega la textura
        bullet_object.childs += [scaled_collision] # se le agrega la hitbox
        bullet_object.childs[1].parent = bullet_object # se le agrega la referencia del padre al objeto CollisoinShape

        #se agrega la bala a la coleccion de balas
        bullet_collection.childs += [bullet_object]
    def crece(self):
        tamaño_snake = len(self.dir)
        direccion_cola = self.dir[-1][1]
        #self.pos += [self.pos[-1]]
        if direccion_cola == 'left':
            self.pos += [[self.pos[-1][0], self.pos[-1][1]]]
        elif direccion_cola == 'right':
            self.pos += [[self.pos[-1][0], self.pos[-1][1]]]
        elif direccion_cola == 'up':
            self.pos += [[self.pos[-1][0], self.pos[-1][1]]]
            self.pos += [[self.pos[-1][0], self.pos[-1][1]]]
        self.dir += [['stop', 'stop']]

        gpu_trozo = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureQuad('cuerpo.png'),
                                  GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

        trozo = sg.SceneGraphNode('trozo')
        trozo.transform = tr.uniformScale(d * 2 / self.tamaño)
        trozo.childs += [gpu_trozo]

        aum = sg.SceneGraphNode(str(tamaño_snake))
        aum.childs += [trozo]

        self.serpiente += [aum]
def createExplosion():

    gpuWhiteTriangle = es.toGPUShape(createColorTriangle(1, 1, 1))
    gpuOrangeTriangle = es.toGPUShape(createColorTriangle(1, 0.5, 0))

    whitePart = sg.SceneGraphNode("whitePart")
    whitePart.transform = tr.uniformScale(0.7)

    orangePart = sg.SceneGraphNode("orangePart")

    theta = math.pi

    # Creating the white part
    tri0 = sg.SceneGraphNode("tri0")
    tri0.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, -0.15, 0),
    tri0.childs += [gpuWhiteTriangle]

    tri1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("tri1")
    tri1.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0.15, 0),
         tr.rotationZ(theta * 2)])
    tri1.childs += [gpuWhiteTriangle]

    whitePart.childs += [tri0, tri1]

    # Creating the orange part
    angle0 = sg.SceneGraphNode("angle0")
    angle0.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, -0.15, 0),
    angle0.childs += [gpuOrangeTriangle]

    angle1 = sg.SceneGraphNode("angle1")
    angle1.transform = tr.matmul(
        [tr.translate(0, 0.15, 0),
         tr.rotationZ(theta * 2)])
    angle1.childs += [gpuOrangeTriangle]

    orangePart.childs += [angle0, angle1]

    # Joining both parts
    explosion = sg.SceneGraphNode("explosion")
    explosion.childs = [orangePart, whitePart]

    return explosion
    def __init__(self, texture_monkey, texture_monkey_jumping,
                 texture_monkey_left, texture_monkey_right):
        # Creating shapes on GPU memory
        gpu_monkey_texture = es.toGPUShape(
            bs.createTextureCube(texture_monkey), GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
        gpu_monkey_texture_jumping = es.toGPUShape(
            bs.createTextureCube(texture_monkey_jumping), GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
        gpu_monkey_texture_left = es.toGPUShape(
            bs.createTextureCube(texture_monkey_left), GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)
        gpu_monkey_texture_right = es.toGPUShape(
            bs.createTextureCube(texture_monkey_right), GL_REPEAT, GL_LINEAR)

        # Saving textures
        self.gpu_texture_monkey = gpu_monkey_texture
        self.gpu_texture_jumping = gpu_monkey_texture_jumping
        self.gpu_texture_left = gpu_monkey_texture_left
        self.gpu_texture_right = gpu_monkey_texture_right

        # Setting positions
        self.position_x = 0
        self.position_y = -1 + 0.1 + 0.2
        self.position_y_original = self.position_y
        self.position_x_original = self.position_x

        # Setting Graph
        body = sg.SceneGraphNode('body')
        body.transform = tr.uniformScale(1)
        body.childs += [gpu_monkey_texture]

        monkey = sg.SceneGraphNode('monkey')
        monkey.transform = tr.matmul([
            tr.translate(self.position_x, self.position_y, 0),
            tr.scale(0.4, 0.4, 0)
        monkey.childs += [body]

        transform_monkey = sg.SceneGraphNode('monkeyTR')
        transform_monkey.childs += [monkey]

        # Setting other useful variables
        self.model = transform_monkey
        self.aiming_x = self.position_x
        self.aiming_y = self.position_y
        self.is_falling = False
        self.is_jumping = False
def createSpaceShip():
    gpuCenterShip = es.toGPUShape(
        bs.createTextureSphere("textures/ssCenter.jpg"), GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT,
    gpuBlock = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureCube("textures/ssBlock.jpg"),
                             GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)
    gpuPlane = es.toGPUShape(bs.createTextureHex("textures/ssWings.jpg"),
                             GL_REPEAT, GL_NEAREST)

    spaceShipCenter = sg.SceneGraphNode("spaceShipCenter")
    spaceShipCenter.transform = tr2.scale(0.1, 0.1, 0.1)
    spaceShipCenter.childs += [gpuCenterShip]

    spaceShipBlock = sg.SceneGraphNode("spaceShipBlock")
    spaceShipBlock.transform = tr2.scale(0.02, 0.4, 0.02)
    spaceShipBlock.childs += [gpuBlock]

    spaceShipWingL = sg.SceneGraphNode("spaceShipLeftWing")
    spaceShipWingL.transform = np.matmul(
        tr2.translate(0.02, -0.2, 0.02),
        np.matmul(tr2.rotationX(np.pi / 2), tr2.scale(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)))
    spaceShipWingL.childs += [gpuPlane]

    spaceShipWingR = sg.SceneGraphNode("spaceShipRightWing")
    spaceShipWingR.transform = np.matmul(
        tr2.translate(0.02, 0.2, 0.02),
        np.matmul(tr2.rotationX(np.pi / 2), tr2.scale(0.3, 0.3, 0.3)))
    spaceShipWingR.childs += [gpuPlane]

    spaceShip_rotated = sg.SceneGraphNode("spaceShip_rotated")
    spaceShip_rotated.transform = np.matmul(tr2.rotationZ(0),
                                            tr2.rotationY(np.pi / 2))
    spaceShip_rotated.childs += [
        spaceShipCenter, spaceShipBlock, spaceShipWingR, spaceShipWingL

    spaceShip_scaled = sg.SceneGraphNode("spaceShip_scaled")
    spaceShip_scaled.transform = tr2.scale(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
    spaceShip_scaled.childs += [spaceShip_rotated]

    spaceShip = sg.SceneGraphNode("spaceShip")
    spaceShip.transform = tr2.translate(0, 0, 0)
    spaceShip.childs += [spaceShip_scaled]

    return spaceShip