    def test_is_readable(self):
        """Test is_readable"""
        test_file = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'test.txt')


        ft.write_file(test_file, 'test')

        os.chmod(test_file, 0)
def get_cpu_speed():
    Returns the (maximum) cpu speed in MHz, as a float value.
    In case of throttling, the highest cpu speed is returns.
    cpu_freq = None
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX:
        # Linux with cpu scaling
        if is_readable(MAX_FREQ_FP):
            _log.debug("Trying to determine CPU frequency on Linux via %s" %
            txt = read_file(MAX_FREQ_FP)
            cpu_freq = float(txt) // 1000

        # Linux without cpu scaling
        elif is_readable(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
            _log.debug("Trying to determine CPU frequency on Linux via %s" %
            proc_cpuinfo = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
            # 'cpu MHz' on Linux/x86 (& more), 'clock' on Linux/POWER
            cpu_freq_regex = re.compile(
                r"^(?:cpu MHz|clock)\s*:\s*(?P<cpu_freq>\d+(?:\.\d+)?)", re.M)
            res = cpu_freq_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo)
            if res:
                cpu_freq = float(res.group('cpu_freq'))
                _log.debug("Found CPU frequency using regex '%s': %s" %
                           (cpu_freq_regex.pattern, cpu_freq))
                _log.debug("Failed to determine CPU frequency from %s",
                "%s not found to determine max. CPU clock frequency without CPU scaling",

    elif os_type == DARWIN:
        cmd = "sysctl -n hw.cpufrequency_max"
        _log.debug("Trying to determine CPU frequency on Darwin via cmd '%s'" %
        out, ec = run_cmd(cmd,
        if ec == 0:
            # returns clock frequency in cycles/sec, but we want MHz
            cpu_freq = float(out.strip()) // (1000**2)

        raise SystemToolsException(
            "Could not determine CPU clock frequency (OS: %s)." % os_type)

    return cpu_freq
    def test_is_readable(self):
        """Test is_readable"""
        test_file = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'test.txt')


        ft.write_file(test_file, 'test')

        os.chmod(test_file, 0)
def get_cpu_family():
    Determine CPU family.
    :return: a value from the CPU_FAMILIES list
    family = None
    vendor = get_cpu_vendor()
    if vendor in CPU_FAMILIES:
        family = vendor
        _log.debug("Using vendor as CPU family: %s" % family)

        arch = get_cpu_architecture()
        if arch in [AARCH32, AARCH64]:
            # Custom ARM-based designs from other vendors
            family = ARM

        # POWER family needs to be determined indirectly via 'cpu' in /proc/cpuinfo
        elif is_readable(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
            proc_cpuinfo = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
            power_regex = re.compile(r"^cpu\s+:\s*POWER.*", re.M)
            if power_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo):
                family = POWER
                    "Determined CPU family using regex '%s' in %s: %s", power_regex.pattern, PROC_CPUINFO_FP, family

    if family is None:
        family = UNKNOWN
        _log.warning("Failed to determine CPU family, returning %s" % family)

    return family
    def install_step(self):
        """Custom install procedure for TensorFlow."""
        # find .whl file that was built, and install it using 'pip install'
        if ("-rc" in self.version):
            whl_version = self.version.replace("-rc", "rc")
            whl_version = self.version
        whl_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.builddir, 'tensorflow-%s-*.whl' % whl_version))
        if len(whl_paths) == 1:
            # --ignore-installed is required to ensure *this* wheel is installed
            cmd = "pip install --ignore-installed --prefix=%s %s" % (self.installdir, whl_paths[0])

            # if extensions are listed, assume they will provide all required dependencies,
            # so use --no-deps to prevent pip from downloading & installing them
            if self.cfg['exts_list']:
                cmd += ' --no-deps'

            run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_ok=True)
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to isolate built .whl in %s: %s", whl_paths, self.builddir)

        # Fix for https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/6341
        # If the site-packages/google/__init__.py file is missing, make
        # it an empty file.
        # This fixes the "No module named google.protobuf" error that
        # sometimes shows up during sanity_check
        google_protobuf_dir = os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir, 'google', 'protobuf')
        google_init_file = os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir, 'google', '__init__.py')
        if os.path.isdir(google_protobuf_dir) and not is_readable(google_init_file):
            self.log.debug("Creating (empty) missing %s", google_init_file)
            write_file(google_init_file, '')
def get_total_memory():
    Try to ascertain this node's total memory

    :return: total memory as an integer, specifically a number of megabytes
    memtotal = None
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX and is_readable(PROC_MEMINFO_FP):
        _log.debug("Trying to determine total memory size on Linux via %s", PROC_MEMINFO_FP)
        meminfo = read_file(PROC_MEMINFO_FP)
        mem_mo = re.match(r'^MemTotal:\s*(\d+)\s*kB', meminfo, re.M)
        if mem_mo:
            memtotal = int(mem_mo.group(1)) // 1024

    elif os_type == DARWIN:
        cmd = "sysctl -n hw.memsize"
        _log.debug("Trying to determine total memory size on Darwin via cmd '%s'", cmd)
        out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, force_in_dry_run=True, trace=False, stream_output=False)
        if ec == 0:
            memtotal = int(out.strip()) // (1024**2)

    if memtotal is None:
        memtotal = UNKNOWN
        _log.warning("Failed to determine total memory, returning %s", memtotal)

    return memtotal
    def install_step(self):
        """Custom install procedure for TensorFlow."""
        # find .whl file that was built, and install it using 'pip install'
        if ("-rc" in self.version):
            whl_version = self.version.replace("-rc", "rc")
            whl_version = self.version
        whl_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.builddir, 'tensorflow-%s-*.whl' % whl_version))
        if len(whl_paths) == 1:
            # --ignore-installed is required to ensure *this* wheel is installed
            cmd = "pip install --ignore-installed --prefix=%s %s" % (self.installdir, whl_paths[0])

            # if extensions are listed, assume they will provide all required dependencies,
            # so use --no-deps to prevent pip from downloading & installing them
            if self.cfg['exts_list']:
                cmd += ' --no-deps'

            run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_ok=True)
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to isolate built .whl in %s: %s", whl_paths, self.builddir)

        # Fix for https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/6341
        # If the site-packages/google/__init__.py file is missing, make
        # it an empty file.
        # This fixes the "No module named google.protobuf" error that
        # sometimes shows up during sanity_check
        google_protobuf_dir = os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir, 'google', 'protobuf')
        google_init_file = os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir, 'google', '__init__.py')
        if os.path.isdir(google_protobuf_dir) and not is_readable(google_init_file):
            self.log.debug("Creating (empty) missing %s", google_init_file)
            write_file(google_init_file, '')
def get_cpu_family():
    Determine CPU family.
    :return: a value from the CPU_FAMILIES list
    family = None
    vendor = get_cpu_vendor()
    if vendor in CPU_FAMILIES:
        family = vendor
        _log.debug("Using vendor as CPU family: %s" % family)

        arch = get_cpu_architecture()
        if arch in [AARCH32, AARCH64]:
            # Custom ARM-based designs from other vendors
            family = ARM

        # POWER family needs to be determined indirectly via 'cpu' in /proc/cpuinfo
        elif is_readable(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
            proc_cpuinfo = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
            power_regex = re.compile(r"^cpu\s+:\s*POWER.*", re.M)
            if power_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo):
                family = POWER
                _log.debug("Determined CPU family using regex '%s' in %s: %s",
                           power_regex.pattern, PROC_CPUINFO_FP, family)

    if family is None:
        family = UNKNOWN
        _log.warning("Failed to determine CPU family, returning %s" % family)

    return family
def get_total_memory():
    Try to ascertain this node's total memory

    :return: total memory as an integer, specifically a number of megabytes
    memtotal = None
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX and is_readable(PROC_MEMINFO_FP):
        _log.debug("Trying to determine total memory size on Linux via %s", PROC_MEMINFO_FP)
        meminfo = read_file(PROC_MEMINFO_FP)
        mem_mo = re.match(r'^MemTotal:\s*(\d+)\s*kB', meminfo, re.M)
        if mem_mo:
            memtotal = int(mem_mo.group(1)) / 1024

    elif os_type == DARWIN:
        cmd = "sysctl -n hw.memsize"
        _log.debug("Trying to determine total memory size on Darwin via cmd '%s'", cmd)
        out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, force_in_dry_run=True, trace=False, stream_output=False)
        if ec == 0:
            memtotal = int(out.strip()) / (1024**2)

    if memtotal is None:
        memtotal = UNKNOWN
        _log.warning("Failed to determine total memory, returning %s", memtotal)

    return memtotal
def get_cpu_features():
    Get list of CPU features
    cpu_feat = []
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX:
        if is_readable(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
            _log.debug("Trying to determine CPU features on Linux via %s",
            proc_cpuinfo = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
            # 'flags' on Linux/x86, 'Features' on Linux/ARM
            flags_regex = re.compile(
                r"^(?:flags|[fF]eatures)\s*:\s*(?P<flags>.*)", re.M)
            res = flags_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo)
            if res:
                cpu_feat = sorted(res.group('flags').lower().split())
                _log.debug("Found CPU features using regex '%s': %s",
                           flags_regex.pattern, cpu_feat)
            elif get_cpu_architecture() == POWER:
                # for Linux@POWER systems, no flags/features are listed, but we can check for Altivec
                cpu_altivec_regex = re.compile("^cpu\s*:.*altivec supported",
                if cpu_altivec_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo):
                # VSX is supported since POWER7
                cpu_power7_regex = re.compile("^cpu\s*:.*POWER(7|8|9)", re.M)
                if cpu_power7_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo):
                _log.debug("Failed to determine CPU features from %s",
            _log.debug("%s not found to determine CPU features",

    elif os_type == DARWIN:
        for feature_set in ['extfeatures', 'features', 'leaf7_features']:
            cmd = "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.%s" % feature_set
                "Trying to determine CPU features on Darwin via cmd '%s'", cmd)
            out, ec = run_cmd(cmd,
            if ec == 0:


        raise SystemToolsException(
            "Could not determine CPU features (OS: %s)" % os_type)

    return cpu_feat
def get_cpu_model():
    Determine CPU model, e.g., Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2540M CPU @ 2.60GHz
    model = None
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX and is_readable(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
        proc_cpuinfo = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)

        arch = get_cpu_architecture()
        if arch in [AARCH32, AARCH64]:
            # On ARM platforms, no model name is provided in /proc/cpuinfo.  However, for vanilla ARM cores
            # we can reverse-map the part number.
            vendor = get_cpu_vendor()
            if vendor == ARM:
                model_regex = re.compile(r"CPU part\s+:\s*(\S+)", re.M)
                # There can be big.LITTLE setups with different types of cores!
                model_ids = model_regex.findall(proc_cpuinfo)
                if model_ids:
                    id_list = []
                    for model_id in sorted(set(model_ids)):
                        id_list.append(ARM_CORTEX_IDS.get(model_id, UNKNOWN))
                    model = vendor + " " + " + ".join(id_list)
                        "Determined CPU model on Linux using regex '%s' in %s: %s",
            # we need 'model name' on Linux/x86, but 'model' is there first with different info
            # 'model name' is not there for Linux/POWER, but 'model' has the right info
            model_regex = re.compile(r"^model(?:\s+name)?\s+:\s*(?P<model>.*[A-Za-z].+)\s*$", re.M)
            res = model_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo)
            if res is not None:
                model = res.group("model").strip()
                    "Determined CPU model on Linux using regex '%s' in %s: %s",

    elif os_type == DARWIN:
        cmd = "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string"
        out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, force_in_dry_run=True)
        if ec == 0:
            model = out.strip()
            _log.debug("Determined CPU model on Darwin using cmd '%s': %s" % (cmd, model))

    if model is None:
        model = UNKNOWN
        _log.warning("Failed to determine CPU model, returning %s" % model)

    return model
    def install_step(self):
        """Custom install procedure for TensorFlow."""

        # avoid that pip (ab)uses $HOME/.cache/pip
        # cfr. https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/#caching
        env.setvar('XDG_CACHE_HOME', tempfile.gettempdir())
        self.log.info("Using %s as pip cache directory", os.environ['XDG_CACHE_HOME'])

        # find .whl file that was built, and install it using 'pip install'
        if ("-rc" in self.version):
            whl_version = self.version.replace("-rc", "rc")
            whl_version = self.version

        whl_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.builddir, 'tensorflow-%s-*.whl' % whl_version))
        if not whl_paths:
            whl_paths = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.builddir, 'tensorflow-*.whl'))
        if len(whl_paths) == 1:
            # --ignore-installed is required to ensure *this* wheel is installed
            cmd = "pip install --ignore-installed --prefix=%s %s" % (self.installdir, whl_paths[0])

            # if extensions are listed, assume they will provide all required dependencies,
            # so use --no-deps to prevent pip from downloading & installing them
            if self.cfg['exts_list']:
                cmd += ' --no-deps'

            run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_ok=True)
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to isolate built .whl in %s: %s", whl_paths, self.builddir)

        # Fix for https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/6341 on Python < 3.3
        # If the site-packages/google/__init__.py file is missing, make it an empty file.
        # This fixes the "No module named google.protobuf" error that sometimes shows up during sanity_check
        # For Python >= 3.3 the logic is reversed: The __init__.py must not exist.
        # See e.g. http://python-notes.curiousefficiency.org/en/latest/python_concepts/import_traps.html
        google_protobuf_dir = os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir, 'google', 'protobuf')
        google_init_file = os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir, 'google', '__init__.py')
        if LooseVersion(det_python_version(self.python_cmd)) < LooseVersion('3.3'):
            if os.path.isdir(google_protobuf_dir) and not is_readable(google_init_file):
                self.log.debug("Creating (empty) missing %s", google_init_file)
                write_file(google_init_file, '')
            if os.path.exists(google_init_file):
                self.log.debug("Removing %s for Python >= 3.3", google_init_file)

        # Fix cuda header paths
        # This is needed for building custom TensorFlow ops
        if LooseVersion(self.version) < LooseVersion('1.14'):
            pyshortver = '.'.join(get_software_version('Python').split('.')[:2])
            regex_subs = [(r'#include "cuda/include/', r'#include "')]
            base_path = os.path.join(self.installdir, 'lib', 'python%s' % pyshortver, 'site-packages', 'tensorflow',
                                     'include', 'tensorflow')
            for header in glob.glob(os.path.join(base_path, 'stream_executor', 'cuda', 'cuda*.h')) + glob.glob(
                    os.path.join(base_path, 'core', 'util', 'cuda*.h')):
                apply_regex_substitutions(header, regex_subs)
def get_cpu_model():
    Determine CPU model, e.g., Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2540M CPU @ 2.60GHz
    model = None
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX and is_readable(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
        proc_cpuinfo = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)

        arch = get_cpu_architecture()
        if arch in [AARCH32, AARCH64]:
            # On ARM platforms, no model name is provided in /proc/cpuinfo.  However, for vanilla ARM cores
            # we can reverse-map the part number.
            vendor = get_cpu_vendor()
            if vendor == ARM:
                model_regex = re.compile(r"CPU part\s+:\s*(\S+)", re.M)
                # There can be big.LITTLE setups with different types of cores!
                model_ids = model_regex.findall(proc_cpuinfo)
                if model_ids:
                    id_list = []
                    for model_id in sorted(set(model_ids)):
                        id_list.append(ARM_CORTEX_IDS.get(model_id, UNKNOWN))
                    model = vendor + ' ' + ' + '.join(id_list)
                        "Determined CPU model on Linux using regex '%s' in %s: %s",
                        model_regex.pattern, PROC_CPUINFO_FP, model)
            # we need 'model name' on Linux/x86, but 'model' is there first with different info
            # 'model name' is not there for Linux/POWER, but 'model' has the right info
            model_regex = re.compile(
                r"^model(?:\s+name)?\s+:\s*(?P<model>.*[A-Za-z].+)\s*$", re.M)
            res = model_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo)
            if res is not None:
                model = res.group('model').strip()
                    "Determined CPU model on Linux using regex '%s' in %s: %s",
                    model_regex.pattern, PROC_CPUINFO_FP, model)

    elif os_type == DARWIN:
        cmd = "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.brand_string"
        out, ec = run_cmd(cmd,
        if ec == 0:
            model = out.strip()
            _log.debug("Determined CPU model on Darwin using cmd '%s': %s" %
                       (cmd, model))

    if model is None:
        model = UNKNOWN
        _log.warning("Failed to determine CPU model, returning %s" % model)

    return model
def get_cpu_speed():
    Returns the (maximum) cpu speed in MHz, as a float value.
    In case of throttling, the highest cpu speed is returns.
    cpu_freq = None
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX:
        # Linux with cpu scaling
        if is_readable(MAX_FREQ_FP):
            _log.debug("Trying to determine CPU frequency on Linux via %s" % MAX_FREQ_FP)
            txt = read_file(MAX_FREQ_FP)
            cpu_freq = float(txt) / 1000

        # Linux without cpu scaling
        elif is_readable(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
            _log.debug("Trying to determine CPU frequency on Linux via %s" % PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
            proc_cpuinfo = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
            # 'cpu MHz' on Linux/x86 (& more), 'clock' on Linux/POWER
            cpu_freq_regex = re.compile(r"^(?:cpu MHz|clock)\s*:\s*(?P<cpu_freq>\d+(?:\.\d+)?)", re.M)
            res = cpu_freq_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo)
            if res:
                cpu_freq = float(res.group('cpu_freq'))
                _log.debug("Found CPU frequency using regex '%s': %s" % (cpu_freq_regex.pattern, cpu_freq))
                _log.debug("Failed to determine CPU frequency from %s", PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
            _log.debug("%s not found to determine max. CPU clock frequency without CPU scaling", PROC_CPUINFO_FP)

    elif os_type == DARWIN:
        cmd = "sysctl -n hw.cpufrequency_max"
        _log.debug("Trying to determine CPU frequency on Darwin via cmd '%s'" % cmd)
        out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, force_in_dry_run=True, trace=False, stream_output=False)
        if ec == 0:
            # returns clock frequency in cycles/sec, but we want MHz
            cpu_freq = float(out.strip()) / (1000 ** 2)

        raise SystemToolsException("Could not determine CPU clock frequency (OS: %s)." % os_type)

    return cpu_freq
def get_cpu_vendor():
    Try to detect the CPU vendor

    :return: a value from the CPU_VENDORS list
    vendor = None
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX:
        vendor_regex = None

        arch = get_cpu_architecture()
        if arch == X86_64:
            vendor_regex = re.compile(r"vendor_id\s+:\s*(\S+)")
        elif arch == POWER:
            vendor_regex = re.compile(r"model\s+:\s*((\w|-)+)")
        elif arch in [AARCH32, AARCH64]:
            vendor_regex = re.compile(r"CPU implementer\s+:\s*(\S+)")

        if vendor_regex and is_readable(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
            vendor_id = None

            proc_cpuinfo = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
            res = vendor_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo)
            if res:
                vendor_id = res.group(1)

            if vendor_id in VENDOR_IDS:
                vendor = VENDOR_IDS[vendor_id]
                    "Determined CPU vendor on Linux as being '%s' via regex '%s' in %s",
                    vendor, vendor_regex.pattern, PROC_CPUINFO_FP)

    elif os_type == DARWIN:
        cmd = "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.vendor"
        out, ec = run_cmd(cmd,
        out = out.strip()
        if ec == 0 and out in VENDOR_IDS:
            vendor = VENDOR_IDS[out]
                "Determined CPU vendor on DARWIN as being '%s' via cmd '%s" %
                (vendor, cmd))

    if vendor is None:
        vendor = UNKNOWN
        _log.warning("Could not determine CPU vendor on %s, returning %s" %
                     (os_type, vendor))

    return vendor
def get_cpu_vendor():
    Try to detect the CPU vendor

    :return: a value from the CPU_VENDORS list
    vendor = None
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX:
        vendor_regex = None

        arch = get_cpu_architecture()
        if arch == X86_64:
            vendor_regex = re.compile(r"vendor_id\s+:\s*(\S+)")
        elif arch == POWER:
            vendor_regex = re.compile(r"model\s+:\s*(\w+)")
        elif arch in [AARCH32, AARCH64]:
            vendor_regex = re.compile(r"CPU implementer\s+:\s*(\S+)")

        if vendor_regex and is_readable(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
            vendor_id = None

            proc_cpuinfo = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
            res = vendor_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo)
            if res:
                vendor_id = res.group(1)

            if vendor_id in VENDOR_IDS:
                vendor = VENDOR_IDS[vendor_id]
                    "Determined CPU vendor on Linux as being '%s' via regex '%s' in %s",

    elif os_type == DARWIN:
        cmd = "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.vendor"
        out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, force_in_dry_run=True)
        out = out.strip()
        if ec == 0 and out in VENDOR_IDS:
            vendor = VENDOR_IDS[out]
            _log.debug("Determined CPU vendor on DARWIN as being '%s' via cmd '%s" % (vendor, cmd))

    if vendor is None:
        vendor = UNKNOWN
        _log.warning("Could not determine CPU vendor on %s, returning %s" % (os_type, vendor))

    return vendor
    def install_step(self):
        """Custom install procedure for TensorFlow."""
        # find .whl file that was built, and install it using 'pip install'
        if ("-rc" in self.version):
            whl_version = self.version.replace("-rc", "rc")
            whl_version = self.version
        whl_paths = glob.glob(
            os.path.join(self.builddir, 'tensorflow-%s-*.whl' % whl_version))
        if len(whl_paths) == 1:
            # --upgrade is required to ensure *this* wheel is installed
            # cfr. https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/7449
            cmd = "pip install --ignore-installed --prefix=%s %s" % (
                self.installdir, whl_paths[0])
            run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_ok=True)
            raise EasyBuildError("Failed to isolate built .whl in %s: %s",
                                 whl_paths, self.builddir)

        # Fix for https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/6341
        # If the site-packages/google/__init__.py file is missing, make
        # it an empty file.
        # This fixes the "No module named google.protobuf" error that
        # sometimes shows up during sanity_check
        google_init_file = os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir,
                                        'google', '__init__.py')
        if not is_readable(google_init_file):
            write_file(google_init_file, '')

        # test installation using MNIST tutorial examples
        # (can't be done in sanity check because mnist_deep.py is not part of installation)
        if self.cfg['runtest']:
            pythonpath = os.getenv('PYTHONPATH', '')
                'PYTHONPATH', '%s:%s' %
                (os.path.join(self.installdir, self.pylibdir), pythonpath))

            for mnist_py in ['mnist_softmax.py', 'mnist_with_summaries.py']:
                tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(suffix='-tf-%s-test' %
                mnist_py = os.path.join(self.start_dir, 'tensorflow',
                                        'examples', 'tutorials', 'mnist',
                cmd = "%s %s --data_dir %s" % (self.python_cmd, mnist_py,
                run_cmd(cmd, log_all=True, simple=True, log_ok=True)
def get_cpu_features():
    Get list of CPU features
    cpu_feat = []
    os_type = get_os_type()

    if os_type == LINUX:
        if is_readable(PROC_CPUINFO_FP):
            _log.debug("Trying to determine CPU features on Linux via %s", PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
            proc_cpuinfo = read_file(PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
            # 'flags' on Linux/x86, 'Features' on Linux/ARM
            flags_regex = re.compile(r"^(?:flags|[fF]eatures)\s*:\s*(?P<flags>.*)", re.M)
            res = flags_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo)
            if res:
                cpu_feat = sorted(res.group('flags').lower().split())
                _log.debug("Found CPU features using regex '%s': %s", flags_regex.pattern, cpu_feat)
            elif get_cpu_architecture() == POWER:
                # for Linux@POWER systems, no flags/features are listed, but we can check for Altivec
                cpu_altivec_regex = re.compile("^cpu\s*:.*altivec supported", re.M)
                if cpu_altivec_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo):
                # VSX is supported since POWER7
                cpu_power7_regex = re.compile("^cpu\s*:.*POWER(7|8|9)", re.M)
                if cpu_power7_regex.search(proc_cpuinfo):
                _log.debug("Failed to determine CPU features from %s", PROC_CPUINFO_FP)
            _log.debug("%s not found to determine CPU features", PROC_CPUINFO_FP)

    elif os_type == DARWIN:
        for feature_set in ['extfeatures', 'features', 'leaf7_features']:
            cmd = "sysctl -n machdep.cpu.%s" % feature_set
            _log.debug("Trying to determine CPU features on Darwin via cmd '%s'", cmd)
            out, ec = run_cmd(cmd, force_in_dry_run=True, trace=False, stream_output=False)
            if ec == 0:


        raise SystemToolsException("Could not determine CPU features (OS: %s)" % os_type)

    return cpu_feat