    def test_fetch_files_from_pr_cache(self):
        """Test caching for fetch_files_from_pr."""
        if self.skip_github_tests:
            print("Skipping test_fetch_files_from_pr_cache, no GitHub token available?")

            'pr_target_account': gh.GITHUB_EB_MAIN,

        # clear cache first, to make sure we start with a clean slate

        pr7159_filenames = [
        pr7159_files = gh.fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(7159, path=self.test_prefix, github_user=GITHUB_TEST_ACCOUNT)
        self.assertEqual(sorted(pr7159_filenames), sorted(os.path.basename(f) for f in pr7159_files))

        # check that cache has been populated for PR 7159
        self.assertEqual(len(gh.fetch_files_from_pr._cache.keys()), 1)

        # github_account value is None (results in using default 'easybuilders')
        cache_key = (7159, None, 'easybuild-easyconfigs', self.test_prefix)
        self.assertTrue(cache_key in gh.fetch_files_from_pr._cache.keys())

        cache_entry = gh.fetch_files_from_pr._cache[cache_key]
        self.assertEqual(sorted([os.path.basename(f) for f in cache_entry]), sorted(pr7159_filenames))

        # same query should return result from cache entry
        res = gh.fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(7159, path=self.test_prefix, github_user=GITHUB_TEST_ACCOUNT)
        self.assertEqual(res, pr7159_files)

        # inject entry in cache and check result of matching query
        pr_id = 12345
        tmpdir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'easyblocks-pr-12345')
        pr12345_files = [
            os.path.join(tmpdir, 'foo.py'),
            os.path.join(tmpdir, 'bar.py'),
        for fp in pr12345_files:
            write_file(fp, '')

        # github_account value is None (results in using default 'easybuilders')
        cache_key = (pr_id, None, 'easybuild-easyblocks', tmpdir)
        gh.fetch_files_from_pr.update_cache({cache_key: pr12345_files})

        res = gh.fetch_easyblocks_from_pr(12345, tmpdir)
        self.assertEqual(sorted(pr12345_files), sorted(res))
    def test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(self):
        """Test fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr function."""
        if self.github_token is None:
            print "Skipping test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr, no GitHub token available?"

        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        # PR for ictce/6.2.5, see https://github.com/hpcugent/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/726/files
        all_ecs = [
            'gzip-1.6-ictce-6.2.5.eb', 'icc-2013_sp1.2.144.eb',
            'ictce-6.2.5.eb', 'ifort-2013_sp1.2.144.eb', 'imkl-',
            ec_files = gh.fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(
                726, path=tmpdir, github_user=GITHUB_TEST_ACCOUNT)
                             sorted([os.path.basename(f) for f in ec_files]))
            self.assertEqual(all_ecs, sorted(os.listdir(tmpdir)))

            # PR for EasyBuild v1.13.0 release (250+ commits, 218 files changed)
            err_msg = "PR #897 contains more than .* commits, can't obtain last commit"

        except URLError, err:
            print "Ignoring URLError '%s' in test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr" % err
def det_easyconfig_paths(orig_paths):
    Determine paths to easyconfig files.
    :param orig_paths: list of original easyconfig paths
    :return: list of paths to easyconfig files
    from_pr = build_option('from_pr')
    robot_path = build_option('robot_path')

    # list of specified easyconfig files
    ec_files = orig_paths[:]

    if from_pr is not None:
        pr_files = fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(from_pr)

        if ec_files:
            # replace paths for specified easyconfigs that are touched in PR
            for i, ec_file in enumerate(ec_files):
                for pr_file in pr_files:
                    if ec_file == os.path.basename(pr_file):
                        ec_files[i] = pr_file
            # if no easyconfigs are specified, use all the ones touched in the PR
            ec_files = [path for path in pr_files if path.endswith('.eb')]

    if ec_files and robot_path:
        ignore_subdirs = build_option('ignore_dirs')
        if not build_option('consider_archived_easyconfigs'):

        ec_files = locate_files(ec_files,

    return ec_files
def det_easyconfig_paths(orig_paths):
    Determine paths to easyconfig files.
    @param orig_paths: list of original easyconfig paths
    @return: list of paths to easyconfig files
    from_pr = build_option('from_pr')
    robot_path = build_option('robot_path')

    # list of specified easyconfig files
    ec_files = orig_paths[:]

    if from_pr is not None:
        pr_files = fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(from_pr)

        if ec_files:
            # replace paths for specified easyconfigs that are touched in PR
            for i, ec_file in enumerate(ec_files):
                for pr_file in pr_files:
                    if ec_file == os.path.basename(pr_file):
                        ec_files[i] = pr_file
            # if no easyconfigs are specified, use all the ones touched in the PR
            ec_files = [path for path in pr_files if path.endswith('.eb')]

    if ec_files and robot_path:
        # look for easyconfigs with relative paths in robot search path,
        # unless they were found at the given relative paths

        # determine which easyconfigs files need to be found, if any
        ecs_to_find = []
        for idx, ec_file in enumerate(ec_files):
            if ec_file == os.path.basename(ec_file) and not os.path.exists(ec_file):
                ecs_to_find.append((idx, ec_file))
        _log.debug("List of easyconfig files to find: %s" % ecs_to_find)

        # find missing easyconfigs by walking paths in robot search path
        for path in robot_path:
            _log.debug("Looking for missing easyconfig files (%d left) in %s..." % (len(ecs_to_find), path))
            for (subpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path, topdown=True):
                for idx, orig_path in ecs_to_find[:]:
                    if orig_path in filenames:
                        full_path = os.path.join(subpath, orig_path)
                        _log.info("Found %s in %s: %s" % (orig_path, path, full_path))
                        ec_files[idx] = full_path
                        # if file was found, stop looking for it (first hit wins)
                        ecs_to_find.remove((idx, orig_path))

                # stop os.walk insanity as soon as we have all we need (os.walk loop)
                if not ecs_to_find:

                # ignore subdirs specified to be ignored by replacing items in dirnames list used by os.walk
                dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if d not in build_option('ignore_dirs')]

            # stop os.walk insanity as soon as we have all we need (outer loop)
            if not ecs_to_find:

    return ec_files
def review_pr(pr, colored=True, branch='develop'):
    Print multi-diff overview between easyconfigs in specified PR and specified branch.
    :param pr: pull request number in easybuild-easyconfigs repo to review
    :param colored: boolean indicating whether a colored multi-diff should be generated
    :param branch: easybuild-easyconfigs branch to compare with
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    download_repo_path = download_repo(branch=branch, path=tmpdir)
    repo_path = os.path.join(download_repo_path, 'easybuild', 'easyconfigs')
    pr_files = [
        path for path in fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(pr) if path.endswith('.eb')

    lines = []
    ecs, _ = parse_easyconfigs([(fp, False) for fp in pr_files],
    for ec in ecs:
        files = find_related_easyconfigs(repo_path, ec['ec'])
        _log.debug("File in PR#%s %s has these related easyconfigs: %s" %
                   (pr, ec['spec'], files))
        if files:
            lines.append(multidiff(ec['spec'], files, colored=colored))
                "(no related easyconfigs found for %s)\n" %

    return '\n'.join(lines)
    def test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(self):
        """Test fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr function."""
        if self.github_token is None:
            print "Skipping test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr, no GitHub token available?"

        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        # PR for rename of ffmpeg to FFmpeg, see https://github.com/hpcugent/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/2481/files
        all_ecs = [
            ec_files = gh.fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(2481, path=tmpdir, github_user=GITHUB_TEST_ACCOUNT)
            self.assertEqual(all_ecs, sorted([os.path.basename(f) for f in ec_files]))
            self.assertEqual(all_ecs, sorted([os.path.basename(f) for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(tmpdir, '*', '*'))]))

            # PR for EasyBuild v1.13.0 release (250+ commits, 218 files changed)
            err_msg = "PR #897 contains more than .* commits, can't obtain last commit"
            self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, err_msg, gh.fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr, 897,

        except URLError, err:
            print "Ignoring URLError '%s' in test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr" % err
def review_pr(paths=None, pr=None, colored=True, branch='develop'):
    Print multi-diff overview between specified easyconfigs or PR and specified branch.
    :param pr: pull request number in easybuild-easyconfigs repo to review
    :param paths: path tuples (path, generated) of easyconfigs to review
    :param colored: boolean indicating whether a colored multi-diff should be generated
    :param branch: easybuild-easyconfigs branch to compare with
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    download_repo_path = download_repo(branch=branch, path=tmpdir)
    repo_path = os.path.join(download_repo_path, 'easybuild', 'easyconfigs')

    if pr:
        pr_files = [path for path in fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(pr) if path.endswith('.eb')]
    elif paths:
        pr_files = paths
        raise EasyBuildError("No PR # or easyconfig path specified")

    lines = []
    ecs, _ = parse_easyconfigs([(fp, False) for fp in pr_files], validate=False)
    for ec in ecs:
        files = find_related_easyconfigs(repo_path, ec['ec'])
        if pr:
            pr_msg = "PR#%s" % pr
            pr_msg = "new PR"
        _log.debug("File in %s %s has these related easyconfigs: %s" % (pr_msg, ec['spec'], files))
        if files:
            lines.append(multidiff(ec['spec'], files, colored=colored))
            lines.extend(['', "(no related easyconfigs found for %s)\n" % os.path.basename(ec['spec'])])

    return '\n'.join(lines)
def det_easyconfig_paths(orig_paths):
    Determine paths to easyconfig files.
    @param orig_paths: list of original easyconfig paths
    @return: list of paths to easyconfig files
    from_pr = build_option('from_pr')
    robot_path = build_option('robot_path')

    # list of specified easyconfig files
    ec_files = orig_paths[:]

    if from_pr is not None:
        pr_files = fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(from_pr)

        if ec_files:
            # replace paths for specified easyconfigs that are touched in PR
            for i, ec_file in enumerate(ec_files):
                for pr_file in pr_files:
                    if ec_file == os.path.basename(pr_file):
                        ec_files[i] = pr_file
            # if no easyconfigs are specified, use all the ones touched in the PR
            ec_files = [path for path in pr_files if path.endswith('.eb')]

    if ec_files and robot_path:
        # look for easyconfigs with relative paths in robot search path,
        # unless they were found at the given relative paths

        # determine which easyconfigs files need to be found, if any
        ecs_to_find = []
        for idx, ec_file in enumerate(ec_files):
            if ec_file == os.path.basename(ec_file) and not os.path.exists(ec_file):
                ecs_to_find.append((idx, ec_file))
        _log.debug("List of easyconfig files to find: %s" % ecs_to_find)

        # find missing easyconfigs by walking paths in robot search path
        for path in robot_path:
            _log.debug("Looking for missing easyconfig files (%d left) in %s..." % (len(ecs_to_find), path))
            for (subpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path, topdown=True):
                for idx, orig_path in ecs_to_find[:]:
                    if orig_path in filenames:
                        full_path = os.path.join(subpath, orig_path)
                        _log.info("Found %s in %s: %s" % (orig_path, path, full_path))
                        ec_files[idx] = full_path
                        # if file was found, stop looking for it (first hit wins)
                        ecs_to_find.remove((idx, orig_path))

                # stop os.walk insanity as soon as we have all we need (os.walk loop)
                if not ecs_to_find:

                # ignore subdirs specified to be ignored by replacing items in dirnames list used by os.walk
                dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if d not in build_option('ignore_dirs')]

            # stop os.walk insanity as soon as we have all we need (outer loop)
            if not ecs_to_find:

    return ec_files
    def test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(self):
        """Test fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr function."""
        if self.github_token is None:
            print "Skipping test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr, no GitHub token available?"

        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        # PR for rename of ffmpeg to FFmpeg, see https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/2481/files
        all_ecs = [
            ec_files = gh.fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(2481, path=tmpdir, github_user=GITHUB_TEST_ACCOUNT)
            self.assertEqual(all_ecs, sorted([os.path.basename(f) for f in ec_files]))

            # PR for EasyBuild v1.13.0 release (250+ commits, 218 files changed)
            err_msg = "PR #897 contains more than .* commits, can't obtain last commit"
            self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, err_msg, gh.fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr, 897,

        except URLError, err:
            print "Ignoring URLError '%s' in test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr" % err
    def test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(self):
        """Test fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr function."""
        if self.skip_github_tests:
                "Skipping test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr, no GitHub token available?"

            'pr_target_account': gh.GITHUB_EB_MAIN,

        # PR for rename of arrow to Arrow,
        # see https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/8007/files
        all_ecs_pr8007 = [
        # PR where also files are patched in test/
        # see https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/6587/files
        all_ecs_pr6587 = [
        # PR where files are renamed
        # see https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/7159/files
        all_ecs_pr7159 = [
            'OpenFOAM-5.0-20180108-intel-2018a.eb', 'OpenFOAM-6-foss-2018b.eb',
            'OpenFOAM-6-intel-2018a.eb', 'OpenFOAM-v1806-foss-2018b.eb',
            'PETSc-3.9.3-foss-2018a.eb', 'SCOTCH-6.0.6-foss-2018a.eb',
            'SCOTCH-6.0.6-foss-2018b.eb', 'SCOTCH-6.0.6-intel-2018a.eb',

        for pr, all_ecs in [(8007, all_ecs_pr8007), (6587, all_ecs_pr6587),
                            (7159, all_ecs_pr7159)]:
                tmpdir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'pr%s' % pr)
                ec_files = gh.fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(
                    pr, path=tmpdir, github_user=GITHUB_TEST_ACCOUNT)
                    sorted([os.path.basename(f) for f in ec_files]))
            except URLError as err:
                    "Ignoring URLError '%s' in test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr"
                    % err)
    def test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(self):
        """Test fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr function."""
        if self.skip_github_tests:
            print "Skipping test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr, no GitHub token available?"

            'pr_target_account': gh.GITHUB_EB_MAIN,

        # PR for rename of ffmpeg to FFmpeg,
        # see https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/2481/files
        all_ecs_pr2481 = [
        # PR where also files are patched in test/
        # see https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/6587/files
        all_ecs_pr6587 = [
        # PR where files are renamed
        # see https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/7159/files
        all_ecs_pr7159 = [

        for pr, all_ecs in [(2481, all_ecs_pr2481), (6587, all_ecs_pr6587), (7159, all_ecs_pr7159)]:
                tmpdir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'pr%s' % pr)
                ec_files = gh.fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(pr, path=tmpdir, github_user=GITHUB_TEST_ACCOUNT)
                self.assertEqual(sorted(all_ecs), sorted([os.path.basename(f) for f in ec_files]))
            except URLError, err:
                print "Ignoring URLError '%s' in test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr" % err
def det_easyconfig_paths(orig_paths, from_pr=None, easyconfigs_pkg_paths=None):
    Determine paths to easyconfig files.
    @param orig_paths: list of original easyconfig paths
    @param from_pr: pull request number to fetch easyconfigs from
    @param easyconfigs_pkg_paths: paths to installed easyconfigs package
    if easyconfigs_pkg_paths is None:
        easyconfigs_pkg_paths = []

    ec_files = orig_paths[:]

    if not ec_files and from_pr:
        pr_files = fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(from_pr)
        ec_files = [path for path in pr_files if path.endswith('.eb')]

    elif ec_files and easyconfigs_pkg_paths:
        # look for easyconfigs with relative paths in easybuild-easyconfigs package,
        # unless they were found at the given relative paths

        # determine which easyconfigs files need to be found, if any
        ecs_to_find = []
        for idx, ec_file in enumerate(ec_files):
            if ec_file == os.path.basename(ec_file) and not os.path.exists(ec_file):
                ecs_to_find.append((idx, ec_file))
        _log.debug("List of easyconfig files to find: %s" % ecs_to_find)

        # find missing easyconfigs by walking paths with installed easyconfig files
        for path in easyconfigs_pkg_paths:
            _log.debug("Looking for missing easyconfig files (%d left) in %s..." % (len(ecs_to_find), path))
            for (subpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path, topdown=True):
                for idx, orig_path in ecs_to_find[:]:
                    if orig_path in filenames:
                        full_path = os.path.join(subpath, orig_path)
                        _log.info("Found %s in %s: %s" % (orig_path, path, full_path))
                        ec_files[idx] = full_path
                        # if file was found, stop looking for it (first hit wins)
                        ecs_to_find.remove((idx, orig_path))

                # stop os.walk insanity as soon as we have all we need (os.walk loop)
                if not ecs_to_find:

                # ignore subdirs specified to be ignored by replacing items in dirnames list used by os.walk
                dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if not d in build_option('ignore_dirs')]

            # stop os.walk insanity as soon as we have all we need (outer loop)
            if not ecs_to_find:

    # indicate that specified paths do not contain generated easyconfig files
    return [(ec_file, False) for ec_file in ec_files]
def det_easyconfig_paths(orig_paths):
    Determine paths to easyconfig files.
    :param orig_paths: list of original easyconfig paths
    :return: list of paths to easyconfig files
        from_prs = [int(x) for x in build_option('from_pr')]
    except ValueError:
        raise EasyBuildError(
            "Argument to --from-pr must be a comma separated list of PR #s.")

    robot_path = build_option('robot_path')

    # list of specified easyconfig files
    ec_files = orig_paths[:]

    if from_prs:
        pr_files = []
        for pr in from_prs:
            # path to where easyconfig files should be downloaded is determined via 'pr_paths' build option,
            # which corresponds to the list of PR paths returned by alt_easyconfig_paths

        if ec_files:
            # replace paths for specified easyconfigs that are touched in PR
            for i, ec_file in enumerate(ec_files):
                for pr_file in pr_files:
                    if ec_file == os.path.basename(pr_file):
                        ec_files[i] = pr_file
            # if no easyconfigs are specified, use all the ones touched in the PR
            ec_files = [path for path in pr_files if path.endswith('.eb')]

    filter_ecs = build_option('filter_ecs')
    if filter_ecs:
        ec_files = [
            ec for ec in ec_files if not any(
                fnmatch.fnmatch(ec, filter_spec) for filter_spec in filter_ecs)
    if ec_files and robot_path:
        ignore_subdirs = build_option('ignore_dirs')
        if not build_option('consider_archived_easyconfigs'):

        ec_files = locate_files(ec_files,

    return ec_files
    def test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(self):
        """Test fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr function."""
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        # PR for ictce/6.2.5, see https://github.com/hpcugent/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/726/files
        all_ecs = ['gzip-1.6-ictce-6.2.5.eb', 'icc-2013_sp1.2.144.eb', 'ictce-6.2.5.eb', 'ifort-2013_sp1.2.144.eb',
                   'imkl-', 'impi-']
        ec_files = fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(726, path=tmpdir, github_user=GITHUB_TEST_ACCOUNT)
        self.assertEqual(all_ecs, sorted([os.path.basename(f) for f in ec_files]))
        self.assertEqual(all_ecs, sorted(os.listdir(tmpdir)))

        # PR for EasyBuild v1.13.0 release (250+ commits, 218 files changed)
        err_msg = "PR #897 contains more than .* commits, can't obtain last commit"
        self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, err_msg, fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr, 897, github_user=GITHUB_TEST_ACCOUNT)
    def test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(self):
        """Test fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr function."""
        if self.github_token is None:
            print "Skipping test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr, no GitHub token available?"

        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        # PR for ictce/6.2.5, see https://github.com/hpcugent/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/726/files
        all_ecs = ['gzip-1.6-ictce-6.2.5.eb', 'icc-2013_sp1.2.144.eb', 'ictce-6.2.5.eb', 'ifort-2013_sp1.2.144.eb',
                   'imkl-', 'impi-']
            ec_files = fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(726, path=tmpdir, github_user=GITHUB_TEST_ACCOUNT)
            self.assertEqual(all_ecs, sorted([os.path.basename(f) for f in ec_files]))
            self.assertEqual(all_ecs, sorted(os.listdir(tmpdir)))

            # PR for EasyBuild v1.13.0 release (250+ commits, 218 files changed)
            err_msg = "PR #897 contains more than .* commits, can't obtain last commit"
            self.assertErrorRegex(EasyBuildError, err_msg, fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr, 897, github_user=GITHUB_TEST_ACCOUNT)

        except URLError, err:
            print "Ignoring URLError '%s' in test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr" % err
    def test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(self):
        """Test fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr function."""
        if self.github_token is None:
            print "Skipping test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr, no GitHub token available?"

        # PR for rename of ffmpeg to FFmpeg,
        # see https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/2481/files
        all_ecs_pr2481 = [
        # PR where also files are patched in test/
        # see https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/6587/files
        all_ecs_pr6587 = [

        for pr, all_ecs in [(2481, all_ecs_pr2481), (6587, all_ecs_pr6587)]:
                tmpdir = os.path.join(self.test_prefix, 'pr%s' % pr)
                ec_files = gh.fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(
                    pr, path=tmpdir, github_user=GITHUB_TEST_ACCOUNT)
                    sorted([os.path.basename(f) for f in ec_files]))
            except URLError, err:
                print "Ignoring URLError '%s' in test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr" % err
    def test_fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(self):
        """Test fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr function."""
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        # PR for ictce/6.2.5, see https://github.com/hpcugent/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/726/files
        all_ecs = [
            'gzip-1.6-ictce-6.2.5.eb', 'icc-2013_sp1.2.144.eb',
            'ictce-6.2.5.eb', 'ifort-2013_sp1.2.144.eb', 'imkl-',
        ec_files = fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(726,
                         sorted([os.path.basename(f) for f in ec_files]))
        self.assertEqual(all_ecs, sorted(os.listdir(tmpdir)))

        # PR for EasyBuild v1.13.0 release (250+ commits, 218 files changed)
        err_msg = "PR #897 contains more than .* commits, can't obtain last commit"
def review_pr(pr, colored=True, branch="develop"):
    Print multi-diff overview between easyconfigs in specified PR and specified branch.
    @param pr: pull request number in easybuild-easyconfigs repo to review
    @param colored: boolean indicating whether a colored multi-diff should be generated
    @param branch: easybuild-easyconfigs branch to compare with
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    download_repo_path = download_repo(branch=branch, path=tmpdir)
    repo_path = os.path.join(download_repo_path, "easybuild", "easyconfigs")
    pr_files = [path for path in fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(pr) if path.endswith(".eb")]

    lines = []
    ecs, _ = parse_easyconfigs([(fp, False) for fp in pr_files], validate=False)
    for ec in ecs:
        files = find_related_easyconfigs(repo_path, ec["ec"])
        _log.debug("File in PR#%s %s has these related easyconfigs: %s" % (pr, ec["spec"], files))
        if files:
            lines.append(multidiff(ec["spec"], files, colored=colored))
            lines.extend(["", "(no related easyconfigs found for %s)\n" % os.path.basename(ec["spec"])])

    return "\n".join(lines)
def main(testing_data=(None, None, None)):
    Main function:
    @arg options: a tuple: (options, paths, logger, logfile, hn) as defined in parse_options
    This function will:
    - read easyconfig
    - build software

    # purposely session state very early, to avoid modules loaded by EasyBuild meddling in
    init_session_state = session_state()

    # disallow running EasyBuild as root
    if os.getuid() == 0:
        sys.stderr.write("ERROR: You seem to be running EasyBuild with root privileges.\n"
                         "That's not wise, so let's end this here.\n"

    # steer behavior when testing main
    testing = testing_data[0] is not None
    args, logfile, do_build = testing_data

    # initialise options
    eb_go = eboptions.parse_options(args=args)
    options = eb_go.options
    orig_paths = eb_go.args
    eb_config = eb_go.generate_cmd_line(add_default=True)
    init_session_state.update({'easybuild_configuration': eb_config})

    # set umask (as early as possible)
    if options.umask is not None:
        new_umask = int(options.umask, 8)
        old_umask = os.umask(new_umask)

    # set temporary directory to use
    eb_tmpdir = set_tmpdir(options.tmpdir)

    # initialise logging for main
    if options.logtostdout:
        fancylogger.logToScreen(enable=True, stdout=True)
        if logfile is None:
            # mkstemp returns (fd,filename), fd is from os.open, not regular open!
            fd, logfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.log', prefix='easybuild-')

        print_msg('temporary log file in case of crash %s' % (logfile), log=None, silent=testing)

    global _log
    _log = fancylogger.getLogger(fname=False)

    if options.umask is not None:
        _log.info("umask set to '%s' (used to be '%s')" % (oct(new_umask), oct(old_umask)))

    # hello world!

    # how was EB called?
    eb_command_line = eb_go.generate_cmd_line() + eb_go.args
    _log.info("Command line: %s" % (" ".join(eb_command_line)))

    _log.info("Using %s as temporary directory" % eb_tmpdir)

    if not options.robot is None:
        if options.robot:
            _log.info("Using robot path(s): %s" % options.robot)
            _log.error("No robot paths specified, and unable to determine easybuild-easyconfigs install path.")

    # do not pass options.robot, it's not a list instance (and it shouldn't be modified)
    robot_path = []
    if options.robot:
        robot_path = list(options.robot)

    # determine easybuild-easyconfigs package install path
    easyconfigs_paths = get_paths_for("easyconfigs", robot_path=robot_path)
    # keep track of paths for install easyconfigs, so we can obtain find specified easyconfigs
    easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths = easyconfigs_paths[:]
    if not easyconfigs_paths:
        _log.warning("Failed to determine install path for easybuild-easyconfigs package.")

    # process software build specifications (if any), i.e.
    # software name/version, toolchain name/version, extra patches, ...
    (try_to_generate, build_specs) = process_software_build_specs(options)

    # specified robot paths are preferred over installed easyconfig files
    # --try-X and --dep-graph both require --robot, so enable it with path of installed easyconfigs
    if robot_path or try_to_generate or options.dep_graph:
        easyconfigs_paths = robot_path[:]
        _log.info("Extended list of robot paths with paths for installed easyconfigs: %s" % robot_path)

    # prepend robot path with location where tweaked easyconfigs will be placed
    tweaked_ecs_path = None
    if try_to_generate and build_specs:
        tweaked_ecs_path = os.path.join(eb_tmpdir, 'tweaked_easyconfigs')
        robot_path.insert(0, tweaked_ecs_path)

    # initialise the easybuild configuration
    config.init(options, eb_go.get_options_by_section('config'))

    # building a dependency graph implies force, so that all dependencies are retained
    # and also skips validation of easyconfigs (e.g. checking os dependencies)
    retain_all_deps = False
    if options.dep_graph:
        _log.info("Enabling force to generate dependency graph.")
        options.force = True
        retain_all_deps = True

    if options.dep_graph or options.dry_run or options.dry_run_short:
        options.ignore_osdeps = True

    pr_path = None
    if options.from_pr:
        # extend robot search path with location where files touch in PR will be downloaded to
        pr_path = os.path.join(eb_tmpdir, "files_pr%s" % options.from_pr)
        robot_path.insert(0, pr_path)
        _log.info("Prepended list of robot search paths with %s: %s" % (pr_path, robot_path))

        'aggregate_regtest': options.aggregate_regtest,
        'allow_modules_tool_mismatch': options.allow_modules_tool_mismatch,
        'check_osdeps': not options.ignore_osdeps,
        'filter_deps': options.filter_deps,
        'cleanup_builddir': options.cleanup_builddir,
        'command_line': eb_command_line,
        'debug': options.debug,
        'dry_run': options.dry_run or options.dry_run_short,
        'easyblock': options.easyblock,
        'experimental': options.experimental,
        'force': options.force,
        'github_user': options.github_user,
        'group': options.group,
        'hidden': options.hidden,
        'ignore_dirs': options.ignore_dirs,
        'modules_footer': options.modules_footer,
        'only_blocks': options.only_blocks,
        'optarch': options.optarch,
        'recursive_mod_unload': options.recursive_module_unload,
        'regtest_output_dir': options.regtest_output_dir,
        'retain_all_deps': retain_all_deps,
        'robot_path': robot_path,
        'sequential': options.sequential,
        'silent': testing,
        'set_gid_bit': options.set_gid_bit,
        'skip': options.skip,
        'skip_test_cases': options.skip_test_cases,
        'sticky_bit': options.sticky_bit,
        'stop': options.stop,
        'suffix_modules_path': options.suffix_modules_path,
        'test_report_env_filter': options.test_report_env_filter,
        'umask': options.umask,
        'valid_module_classes': module_classes(),
        'valid_stops': [x[0] for x in EasyBlock.get_steps()],
        'validate': not options.force,

    # obtain list of loaded modules, build options must be initialized first
    modlist = session_module_list(testing=testing)
    init_session_state.update({'module_list': modlist})
    _log.debug("Initial session state: %s" % init_session_state)

    # search for easyconfigs
    if options.search or options.search_short:
        search_path = [os.getcwd()]
        if easyconfigs_paths:
            search_path = easyconfigs_paths
        query = options.search or options.search_short
        ignore_dirs = config.build_option('ignore_dirs')
        silent = config.build_option('silent')
        search_file(search_path, query, short=not options.search, ignore_dirs=ignore_dirs, silent=silent)

    paths = []
    if len(orig_paths) == 0:
        if options.from_pr:
            pr_files = fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(options.from_pr, path=pr_path, github_user=options.github_user)
            paths = [(path, False) for path in pr_files if path.endswith('.eb')]
        elif 'name' in build_specs:
            paths = [obtain_path(build_specs, easyconfigs_paths, try_to_generate=try_to_generate,
                                 exit_on_error=not testing)]
        elif not any([options.aggregate_regtest, options.search, options.search_short, options.regtest]):
            print_error(("Please provide one or multiple easyconfig files, or use software build "
                         "options to make EasyBuild search for easyconfigs"),
                        log=_log, opt_parser=eb_go.parser, exit_on_error=not testing)
        # look for easyconfigs with relative paths in easybuild-easyconfigs package,
        # unless they were found at the given relative paths
        if easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths:
            # determine which easyconfigs files need to be found, if any
            ecs_to_find = []
            for idx, orig_path in enumerate(orig_paths):
                if orig_path == os.path.basename(orig_path) and not os.path.exists(orig_path):
                    ecs_to_find.append((idx, orig_path))
            _log.debug("List of easyconfig files to find: %s" % ecs_to_find)

            # find missing easyconfigs by walking paths with installed easyconfig files
            for path in easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths:
                _log.debug("Looking for missing easyconfig files (%d left) in %s..." % (len(ecs_to_find), path))
                for (subpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path, topdown=True):
                    for idx, orig_path in ecs_to_find[:]:
                        if orig_path in filenames:
                            full_path = os.path.join(subpath, orig_path)
                            _log.info("Found %s in %s: %s" % (orig_path, path, full_path))
                            orig_paths[idx] = full_path
                            # if file was found, stop looking for it (first hit wins)
                            ecs_to_find.remove((idx, orig_path))

                    # stop os.walk insanity as soon as we have all we need (os.walk loop)
                    if len(ecs_to_find) == 0:

                    # ignore subdirs specified to be ignored by replacing items in dirnames list used by os.walk
                    dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if not d in options.ignore_dirs]

                # stop os.walk insanity as soon as we have all we need (paths loop)
                if len(ecs_to_find) == 0:

        # indicate that specified paths do not contain generated easyconfig files
        paths = [(path, False) for path in orig_paths]

    _log.debug("Paths: %s" % paths)

    # run regtest
    if options.regtest or options.aggregate_regtest:
        _log.info("Running regression test")
        if paths:
            ec_paths = [path[0] for path in paths]
        else:  # fallback: easybuild-easyconfigs install path
            ec_paths = easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths
        regtest_ok = regtest(ec_paths)

        if not regtest_ok:
            _log.info("Regression test failed (partially)!")
            sys.exit(31)  # exit -> 3x1t -> 31

    # read easyconfig files
    easyconfigs = []
    generated_ecs = False
    for (path, generated) in paths:
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        # keep track of whether any files were generated
        generated_ecs |= generated
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            print_error("Can't find path %s" % path)

            ec_files = find_easyconfigs(path, ignore_dirs=options.ignore_dirs)
            for ec_file in ec_files:
                # only pass build specs when not generating easyconfig files
                if try_to_generate:
                    ecs = process_easyconfig(ec_file)
                    ecs = process_easyconfig(ec_file, build_specs=build_specs)
        except IOError, err:
            _log.error("Processing easyconfigs in path %s failed: %s" % (path, err))
def review_pr(paths=None,
    Print multi-diff overview between specified easyconfigs or PR and specified branch.
    :param pr: pull request number in easybuild-easyconfigs repo to review
    :param paths: path tuples (path, generated) of easyconfigs to review
    :param colored: boolean indicating whether a colored multi-diff should be generated
    :param branch: easybuild-easyconfigs branch to compare with
    :param testing: whether to ignore PR labels (used in test_review_pr)
    pr_target_repo = build_option('pr_target_repo') or GITHUB_EASYCONFIGS_REPO
    if pr_target_repo != GITHUB_EASYCONFIGS_REPO:
        raise EasyBuildError(
            "Reviewing PRs for repositories other than easyconfigs hasn't been implemented yet"

    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

    download_repo_path = download_repo(branch=branch, path=tmpdir)
    repo_path = os.path.join(download_repo_path, 'easybuild', 'easyconfigs')

    if pr:
        pr_files = [
            path for path in fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(pr)
            if path.endswith('.eb')
    elif paths:
        pr_files = paths
        raise EasyBuildError("No PR # or easyconfig path specified")

    lines = []
    ecs, _ = parse_easyconfigs([(fp, False) for fp in pr_files],
    for ec in ecs:
        files = find_related_easyconfigs(repo_path, ec['ec'])
        if pr:
            pr_msg = "PR#%s" % pr
            pr_msg = "new PR"
        _log.debug("File in %s %s has these related easyconfigs: %s" %
                   (pr_msg, ec['spec'], files))
        if files:
            lines.append(multidiff(ec['spec'], files, colored=colored))
                "(no related easyconfigs found for %s)\n" %

    if pr:
        file_info = det_file_info(pr_files, download_repo_path)

        pr_target_account = build_option('pr_target_account')
        github_user = build_option('github_user')
        pr_data, _ = fetch_pr_data(pr, pr_target_account, pr_target_repo,
        pr_labels = [label['name']
                     for label in pr_data['labels']] if not testing else []

        expected_labels = det_pr_labels(file_info, pr_target_repo)
        missing_labels = [
            label for label in expected_labels if label not in pr_labels

        if missing_labels:
                "This PR should be labelled with %s" %
                ', '.join(["'%s'" % ml for ml in missing_labels])

        if not pr_data['milestone']:
            lines.extend(['', "This PR should be associated with a milestone"])
        elif '.x' in pr_data['milestone']['title']:
                '', "This PR is associated with a generic '.x' milestone, "
                "it should be associated to the next release milestone once merged"

    return '\n'.join(lines)
def main(testing_data=(None, None, None)):
    Main function:
    @arg options: a tuple: (options, paths, logger, logfile, hn) as defined in parse_options
    This function will:
    - read easyconfig
    - build software

    # purposely session state very early, to avoid modules loaded by EasyBuild meddling in
    init_session_state = session_state()

    # disallow running EasyBuild as root
    if os.getuid() == 0:
            "ERROR: You seem to be running EasyBuild with root privileges.\n"
            "That's not wise, so let's end this here.\n"

    # steer behavior when testing main
    testing = testing_data[0] is not None
    args, logfile, do_build = testing_data

    # initialise options
    eb_go = eboptions.parse_options(args=args)
    options = eb_go.options
    orig_paths = eb_go.args
    eb_config = eb_go.generate_cmd_line(add_default=True)
    init_session_state.update({'easybuild_configuration': eb_config})

    # set umask (as early as possible)
    if options.umask is not None:
        new_umask = int(options.umask, 8)
        old_umask = os.umask(new_umask)

    # set temporary directory to use
    eb_tmpdir = set_tmpdir(options.tmpdir)

    # initialise logging for main
    if options.logtostdout:
        fancylogger.logToScreen(enable=True, stdout=True)
        if logfile is None:
            # mkstemp returns (fd,filename), fd is from os.open, not regular open!
            fd, logfile = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.log', prefix='easybuild-')

        print_msg('temporary log file in case of crash %s' % (logfile),

    global _log
    _log = fancylogger.getLogger(fname=False)

    if options.umask is not None:
        _log.info("umask set to '%s' (used to be '%s')" %
                  (oct(new_umask), oct(old_umask)))

    # hello world!

    # how was EB called?
    eb_command_line = eb_go.generate_cmd_line() + eb_go.args
    _log.info("Command line: %s" % (" ".join(eb_command_line)))

    _log.info("Using %s as temporary directory" % eb_tmpdir)

    if not options.robot is None:
        if options.robot:
            _log.info("Using robot path(s): %s" % options.robot)
                "No robot paths specified, and unable to determine easybuild-easyconfigs install path."

    # do not pass options.robot, it's not a list instance (and it shouldn't be modified)
    robot_path = None
    if options.robot:
        robot_path = list(options.robot)

    # determine easybuild-easyconfigs package install path
    easyconfigs_paths = get_paths_for("easyconfigs", robot_path=robot_path)
    # keep track of paths for install easyconfigs, so we can obtain find specified easyconfigs
    easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths = easyconfigs_paths[:]
    if not easyconfigs_paths:
            "Failed to determine install path for easybuild-easyconfigs package."

    # process software build specifications (if any), i.e.
    # software name/version, toolchain name/version, extra patches, ...
    (try_to_generate, build_specs) = process_software_build_specs(options)

    # specified robot paths are preferred over installed easyconfig files
    # --try-X and --dep-graph both require --robot, so enable it with path of installed easyconfigs
    if robot_path or try_to_generate or options.dep_graph:
        if robot_path is None:
            robot_path = []
        easyconfigs_paths = robot_path[:]
            "Extended list of robot paths with paths for installed easyconfigs: %s"
            % robot_path)

    # initialise the easybuild configuration
    config.init(options, eb_go.get_options_by_section('config'))

    # building a dependency graph implies force, so that all dependencies are retained
    # and also skips validation of easyconfigs (e.g. checking os dependencies)
    retain_all_deps = False
    if options.dep_graph:
        _log.info("Enabling force to generate dependency graph.")
        options.force = True
        retain_all_deps = True

        not options.ignore_osdeps,
        'valid_stops': [x[0] for x in EasyBlock.get_steps()],
        not options.force,

    # obtain list of loaded modules, build options must be initialized first
    modlist = session_module_list()
    init_session_state.update({'module_list': modlist})
    _log.debug("Initial session state: %s" % init_session_state)

    # search for easyconfigs
    if options.search or options.search_short:
        search_path = [os.getcwd()]
        if easyconfigs_paths:
            search_path = easyconfigs_paths
        query = options.search or options.search_short
        ignore_dirs = config.build_option('ignore_dirs')
        silent = config.build_option('silent')
                    short=not options.search,

    paths = []
    if len(orig_paths) == 0:
        if options.from_pr:
            pr_path = os.path.join(eb_tmpdir, "files_pr%s" % options.from_pr)
            pr_files = fetch_easyconfigs_from_pr(
                options.from_pr, path=pr_path, github_user=options.github_user)
            paths = [(path, False) for path in pr_files
                     if path.endswith('.eb')]
        elif 'name' in build_specs:
            paths = [
                            exit_on_error=not testing)
        elif not any([
                options.aggregate_regtest, options.search,
                options.search_short, options.regtest
                "Please provide one or multiple easyconfig files, or use software build "
                "options to make EasyBuild search for easyconfigs"),
                        exit_on_error=not testing)
        # look for easyconfigs with relative paths in easybuild-easyconfigs package,
        # unless they were found at the given relative paths
        if easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths:
            # determine which easyconfigs files need to be found, if any
            ecs_to_find = []
            for idx, orig_path in enumerate(orig_paths):
                if orig_path == os.path.basename(
                        orig_path) and not os.path.exists(orig_path):
                    ecs_to_find.append((idx, orig_path))
            _log.debug("List of easyconfig files to find: %s" % ecs_to_find)

            # find missing easyconfigs by walking paths with installed easyconfig files
            for path in easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths:
                    "Looking for missing easyconfig files (%d left) in %s..." %
                    (len(ecs_to_find), path))
                for (subpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(path,
                    for idx, orig_path in ecs_to_find[:]:
                        if orig_path in filenames:
                            full_path = os.path.join(subpath, orig_path)
                            _log.info("Found %s in %s: %s" %
                                      (orig_path, path, full_path))
                            orig_paths[idx] = full_path
                            # if file was found, stop looking for it (first hit wins)
                            ecs_to_find.remove((idx, orig_path))

                    # stop os.walk insanity as soon as we have all we need (os.walk loop)
                    if len(ecs_to_find) == 0:

                    # ignore subdirs specified to be ignored by replacing items in dirnames list used by os.walk
                    dirnames[:] = [
                        d for d in dirnames if not d in options.ignore_dirs

                # stop os.walk insanity as soon as we have all we need (paths loop)
                if len(ecs_to_find) == 0:

        # indicate that specified paths do not contain generated easyconfig files
        paths = [(path, False) for path in orig_paths]

    _log.debug("Paths: %s" % paths)

    # run regtest
    if options.regtest or options.aggregate_regtest:
        _log.info("Running regression test")
        if paths:
            ec_paths = [path[0] for path in paths]
        else:  # fallback: easybuild-easyconfigs install path
            ec_paths = easyconfigs_pkg_full_paths
        regtest_ok = regtest(ec_paths)

        if not regtest_ok:
            _log.info("Regression test failed (partially)!")
            sys.exit(31)  # exit -> 3x1t -> 31

    # read easyconfig files
    easyconfigs = []
    for (path, generated) in paths:
        path = os.path.abspath(path)
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            print_error("Can't find path %s" % path)

            ec_files = find_easyconfigs(path, ignore_dirs=options.ignore_dirs)
            for ec_file in ec_files:
                # only pass build specs when not generating easyconfig files
                if try_to_generate:
                    ecs = process_easyconfig(ec_file)
                    ecs = process_easyconfig(ec_file, build_specs=build_specs)
        except IOError, err:
            _log.error("Processing easyconfigs in path %s failed: %s" %
                       (path, err))