def test_logging():

    l = Logging("INFO")
    l.name = "test"

    for level in ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'ERROR', 'WARNING', 'CRITICAL']:
        l.level = level
        assert l.level == level
    l.level = True
    l.level = False
    for x in [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]:
        l.level = x

        l.level = "WARN"
        assert Fales
        assert True

    # FIXME is this working ??wierd syntax in loggibg_tools.
    import copy
class RPackageManager(object):
    """Implements a R package manager from Python

    So far you can install a package (from source, or CRAN, or biocLite)


        pm = PackageManager()
        [(x, pm.installed[x][2]) for x in pm.installed.keys()]

    You can access to all information within a dataframe called **packages** where
    indices are the name packages. Some aliases are provided as attributes (e.g., available, 

    cran_repos = "http://cran.univ-lyon1.fr/"

    def __init__(self, verbose=True):
        self.session = RSession()
        self.logging = Logging(verbose)
        self.logging.info('Fetching package information')

    def _update(self):
        # local import ?
        import numpy
        import pandas
        # figure out the installed packages first
        code = """rvar_packages = as.data.frame(installed.packages())"""
        s = self.session.rvar_packages
        # FIXME. these 4 lines are needed as a hack related to pyper.
            s = s.replace("\n", "")
            df = eval(s)
            df = s

        df.set_index('Package', inplace=True)
        self._packages = df.copy()

        # Now, fetch was is possible to install from the default cran repo
        code = """rvar_status=packageStatus(repos="%s/src/contrib")"""
        code = code % self.cran_repos

        s = self.session.rvar_status

        # FIXME.
            s = s.replace("\n", "")
            res = eval(s)
            res = s
        res['inst'].set_index('Package', inplace=True)
        res['avail'].set_index('Package', inplace=True)
        self._status = res

    def update(self):
        """If you install/remove packages yourself elsewhere, you may need to 
        call this function to update the package manager"""
            self.logging.warning("Could not update the packages. Call update() again")
    def _compat_version(self, version):
        return version.replace("-", "a")

    def _get_installed(self):
        # we do not buffer because packages may be removed manually or from R of
        # using remove_packages method, ....
        return self._status['inst']
    installed = property(_get_installed, "returns list of packages installed as a dataframe")

    def _get_available(self):
        # we do not buffer because packages may be removed manually or from R of
        # using remove_packages method, ....
        return self._status['avail']
    available = property(_get_available, "returns list of packages available as a dataframe")

    def  _get_packages(self):
        # do not buffer since it may change in many places
        return self._packages
    packages = property(_get_packages)

    def get_package_latest_version(self, package):
        """Get latest version available of a package"""
        return self.available['Version'].ix[package]

    def get_package_version(self, package):
        """Get version of an install package"""
        if package not in self.installed.index:
            self.logging.error("package {0} not installed".format(package))
        return self.installed['Version'].ix[package]

    def biocLite(self, package=None, suppressUpdates=True, verbose=False):
        """Installs one or more biocLite packages

        :param package: a package name (string) or list of package names (list of 
            strings) that will be installed from BioConductor. If package is set 
            to None, all packages already installed will be updated.

        if isinstance(package, str):
            if package not in self.installed.index:
                biocLite(package, suppressUpdates, verbose=verbose)
        elif isinstance(package, list):
            for pkg in package:
                self.logging.info("Installing %s" % pkg)
                if self.is_installed(pkg) is False:
                    biocLite(pkg, suppressUpdates, verbose=verbose)
        else: # trying other cases (e.g., None updates biocLite itself). 
            biocLite(package, suppressUpdates, verbose=verbose)

    def _isLocal(self, pkg):
        if os.path.exists(pkg):
            return True
            return False

    def remove(self, package):
        """Remove a package (or list) from local repository"""
        rcode ="""remove.packages("%s")"""
        if isinstance(package, str):
            package = [package]
        for pkg in package:
            if pkg in self.installed.index:
                self.session(rcode % pkg)
                self.logging.warning("Package not found. Nothing to remove")

    def require(self, pkg, version):
        "Check if a package with given version is available"

        if pkg not in self.installed.index:
            self.logging.info("Package %s not installed" % pkg)
            return False
        currentVersion = self.packageVersion(pkg)
        if self._get_version(currentVersion) >= self._get_version(version):
            return True
            return False

    def _install_package(self, packageName, dependencies=True):
        """Installs one or more CRAN packages
        .. todo:: check if it is already available to prevent renstallation ?

        repos = self.cran_repos
        # if this is a source file we want to reset the repo
        if isinstance(packageName, str):
            packageName = [packageName]
        for pkg in packageName:
            if self.is_installed(pkg) is False:
                self.logging.info("Package not found. Installing %s..." % pkg)
                install_package(pkg, dependencies=dependencies, 
                self.logging.info("Package %s found. " % pkg)
                install_package(pkg, dependencies=dependencies, 

    def install(self, pkg, require=None, update=True, reinstall=False):
        """install a package automatically scanning CRAN and biocLite repos

        if require is not set and update is True, when a newest version of a package
        is available, it is installed

        from easydev import to_list
        pkgs = to_list(pkg)
        for pkg in pkgs:
            self._install(pkg, require=require, update=update, reinstall=reinstall)

    def _install(self, pkg, require=None, update=update, reinstall=False):
        # LOCAL file
        if self._isLocal(pkg):
            # if a local file, we do not want to jump to biocLite or CRAN. Let
            # us install it directly. We cannot check version yet so we will
            # overwrite what is already installed
            self.logging.warning("Installing from source")

        # From CRAN
        if self.is_installed(pkg):
            currentVersion = self.get_package_version(pkg)
            # if not provided, require should be the latest version
            if require is None and update is True:
                    require = self.get_package_latest_version(pkg)
                    # a non-cran package (bioclite maybe)

            if require is None:
                self.logging.info("%s already installed with version %s" % \
                    (pkg, currentVersion))
            # if require is not none, is it the required version ?
            if self._get_version(currentVersion) >= self._get_version(require) and reinstall is False:
                self.logging.info("%s already installed with required version %s" \
                    % (pkg, currentVersion))
                # if so, nothing to do
                # Try updating
                if require is None:
                currentVersion = self.get_package_version(pkg)
                if self._get_version(currentVersion) < self._get_version(require):
                    self.logging.warning("%s installed but current version (%s) does not fulfill your requirement" % \
                        (pkg, currentVersion))

        elif pkg in self.available.index:
            # maybe a biocLite package ?
            # require is ignored. The latest will be installed
            self.logging.info("Trying to find the package on bioconductor")
            if require is None:
            currentVersion = self.get_package_version(pkg)
            if self._get_version(currentVersion) >= self._get_version(require):
                self.logging.warning("%s installed but version is %s too small (even after update)" % \
                    (pkg, currentVersion, require))

    def _get_version(self, version):
        # some pacakge do not use the correct version convention
            return StrictVersion(version)
                return StrictVersion(version.replace("-", "a"))
                # snowfall package example was 1.86-6.1
                # This becomes 1.86a61  which is not great but not workaround
                # for now
                left, right = version.split("-")
                version = left + "a" + right.replace('.', '')
                return StrictVersion(version)

    def is_installed(self, pkg_name):
        if pkg_name in self.installed.index:
            return True
            return False
class RPackageManager(object):
    """Implements a R package manager from Python

    So far you can install a package (from source, or CRAN, or biocLite)


        pm = PackageManager()
        [(x, pm.installed[x][2]) for x in pm.installed.keys()]

    You can access to all information within a dataframe called **packages** where
    indices are the name packages. Some aliases are provided as attributes (e.g., available, 

    cran_repos = "http://cran.univ-lyon1.fr/"

    def __init__(self, verbose=True):
        self.session = RSession()
        self.logging = Logging(verbose)
        self.logging.info('Fetching package information')

    def _update(self):
        # local import ?
        import numpy
        import pandas
        # figure out the installed packages first
        code = """rvar_packages = as.data.frame(installed.packages())"""
        s = self.session.rvar_packages
        # FIXME. these 4 lines are needed as a hack related to pyper.
            s = s.replace("\n", "")
            df = eval(s)
            df = s

        df.set_index('Package', inplace=True)
        self._packages = df.copy()

        # Now, fetch was is possible to install from the default cran repo
        code = """rvar_status=packageStatus(repos="%s/src/contrib")"""
        code = code % self.cran_repos

        s = self.session.rvar_status

        # FIXME.
            s = s.replace("\n", "")
            res = eval(s)
            res = s
        res['inst'].set_index('Package', inplace=True)
        res['avail'].set_index('Package', inplace=True)
        self._status = res

    def update(self):
        """If you install/remove packages yourself elsewhere, you may need to 
        call this function to update the package manager"""
            self.logging.warning("Could not update the packages. Call update() again")

    def _compat_version(self, version):
        return version.replace("-", "a")

    def _get_installed(self):
        # we do not buffer because packages may be removed manually or from R of
        # using remove_packages method, ....
        return self._status['inst']
    installed = property(_get_installed, "returns list of packages installed as a dataframe")

    def _get_available(self):
        # we do not buffer because packages may be removed manually or from R of
        # using remove_packages method, ....
        return self._status['avail']
    available = property(_get_available, "returns list of packages available as a dataframe")

    def  _get_packages(self):
        # do not buffer since it may change in many places
        return self._packages
    packages = property(_get_packages)

    def get_package_latest_version(self, package):
        """Get latest version available of a package"""
        return self.available['Version'].ix[package]

    def get_package_version(self, package):
        """Get version of an install package"""
        if package not in self.installed.index:
            self.logging.error("package {0} not installed".format(package))
        return self.installed['Version'].ix[package]

    def biocLite(self, package=None, suppressUpdates=True, verbose=False):
        """Installs one or more biocLite packages

        :param package: a package name (string) or list of package names (list of 
            strings) that will be installed from BioConductor. If package is set 
            to None, all packages already installed will be updated.

        if isinstance(package, str):
            if package not in self.installed.index:
                biocLite(package, suppressUpdates, verbose=verbose)
        elif isinstance(package, list):
            for pkg in package:
                self.logging.info("Installing %s" % pkg)
                if self.is_installed(pkg) is False:
                    biocLite(pkg, suppressUpdates, verbose=verbose)
        else: # trying other cases (e.g., None updates biocLite itself). 
            biocLite(package, suppressUpdates, verbose=verbose)

    def _isLocal(self, pkg):
        if os.path.exists(pkg):
            return True
            return False

    def remove(self, package):
        """Remove a package (or list) from local repository"""
        rcode ="""remove.packages("%s")"""
        if isinstance(package, str):
            package = [package]
        for pkg in package:
            if pkg in self.installed.index:
                self.session(rcode % pkg)
                self.logging.warning("Package not found. Nothing to remove")

    def require(self, pkg, version):
        "Check if a package with given version is available"

        if pkg not in self.installed.index:
            self.logging.info("Package %s not installed" % pkg)
            return False
        currentVersion = self.packageVersion(pkg)
        if self._get_version(currentVersion) >= self._get_version(version):
            return True
            return False

    def _install_package(self, packageName, dependencies=True):
        """Installs one or more CRAN packages
        .. todo:: check if it is already available to prevent renstallation ?

        repos = self.cran_repos
        # if this is a source file we want to reset the repo
        if isinstance(packageName, str):
            packageName = [packageName]
        for pkg in packageName:
            if self.is_installed(pkg) is False:
                self.logging.info("Package not found. Installing %s..." % pkg)
                install_package(pkg, dependencies=dependencies, 
                self.logging.info("Package %s found. " % pkg)
                install_package(pkg, dependencies=dependencies, 

    def install(self, pkg, require=None, update=True, reinstall=False):
        """install a package automatically scanning CRAN and biocLite repos

        if require is not set and update is True, when a newest version of a package
        is available, it is installed

        from easydev import to_list
        pkgs = to_list(pkg)
        for pkg in pkgs:
            self._install(pkg, require=require, update=update, reinstall=reinstall)

    def _install(self, pkg, require=None, update=update, reinstall=False):
        # LOCAL file
        if self._isLocal(pkg):
            # if a local file, we do not want to jump to biocLite or CRAN. Let
            # us install it directly. We cannot check version yet so we will
            # overwrite what is already installed
            self.logging.warning("Installing from source")

        # From CRAN
        if self.is_installed(pkg):
            currentVersion = self.get_package_version(pkg)
            # if not provided, require should be the latest version
            if require is None and update is True:
                    require = self.get_package_latest_version(pkg)
                    # a non-cran package (bioclite maybe)

            if require is None:
                self.logging.info("%s already installed with version %s" % \
                    (pkg, currentVersion))
            # if require is not none, is it the required version ?
            if self._get_version(currentVersion) >= self._get_version(require) and reinstall is False:
                self.logging.info("%s already installed with required version %s" \
                    % (pkg, currentVersion))
                # if so, nothing to do
                # Try updating
                if require is None:
                currentVersion = self.get_package_version(pkg)
                if self._get_version(currentVersion) < self._get_version(require):
                    self.logging.warning("%s installed but current version (%s) does not fulfill your requirement" % \
                        (pkg, currentVersion))

        elif pkg in self.available.index:
            # maybe a biocLite package ?
            # require is ignored. The latest will be installed
            self.logging.info("Trying to find the package on bioconductor")
            if require is None:
            currentVersion = self.get_package_version(pkg)
            if self._get_version(currentVersion) >= self._get_version(require):
                self.logging.warning("%s installed but version is %s too small (even after update)" % \
                    (pkg, currentVersion, require))

    def _get_version(self, version):
        # some pacakge do not use the correct version convention
            return StrictVersion(version)
                return StrictVersion(version.replace("-", "a"))
                # snowfall package example was 1.86-6.1
                # This becomes 1.86a61  which is not great but not workaround
                # for now
                left, right = version.split("-")
                version = left + "a" + right.replace('.', '')
                return StrictVersion(version)

    def is_installed(self, pkg_name):
        if pkg_name in self.installed.index:
            return True
            return False
class Service(object):
    """Base class for WSDL and REST classes

    .. seealso:: :class:`REST`, :class:`WSDLService`

    #: some useful response codes
    response_codes = {
        200: 'OK',
        201: 'Created',
        400: 'Bad Request. There is a problem with your input',
        404: 'Not found. The resource you requests does not exist',
        405: 'Method not allowed',
        406: "Not Acceptable. Usually headers issue",
        410: 'Gone. The resource you requested was removed.',
        415: "Unsupported Media Type",
        500: 'Internal server error. Most likely a temporary problem',
        'Service not available. The server is being updated, try again later'

    def __init__(self, name, url=None, verbose=True, requests_per_sec=10):
        """.. rubric:: Constructor

        :param str name: a name for this service
        :param str url: its URL
        :param bool verbose: prints informative messages if True (default is
        :param requests_per_sec: maximum number of requests per seconds
            are restricted to 3. You can change that value. If you reach the
            limit, an error is raise. The reason for this limitation is
            that some services (e.g.., NCBI) may black list you IP.
            If you need or can do more (e.g., ChEMBL does not seem to have
            restrictions), change the value. You can also have several instance
            but again, if you send too many requests at the same, your future
            requests may be retricted. Currently implemented for REST only

        All instances have an attribute called :attr:`~Service.logging` that
        is an instanceof the :mod:`logging` module. It can be used to print
        information, warning, error messages::

            self.logging.info("informative message")
            self.logging.warning("warning message")
            self.logging.error("error message")

        The attribute :attr:`~Service.debugLevel`  can be used to set the behaviour
        of the logging messages. If the argument verbose is True, the debugLebel
        is set to INFO. If verbose if False, the debugLevel is set to WARNING.
        However, you can use the :attr:`debugLevel` attribute to change it to
        one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. debugLevel=WARNING means
        that only WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL messages are shown.

        super(Service, self).__init__()
        self.requests_per_sec = requests_per_sec
        self.name = name
        self.logging = Logging("bioservices:%s" % self.name, verbose)

        self._url = url
            if self.url is not None:
        except Exception as err:
            self.logging.warning("The URL (%s) provided cannot be reached." %
        self._easyXMLConversion = True

        # used by HGNC where some XML contains non-utf-8 characters !!
        # should be able to fix it with requests once HGNC works again
        #self._fixing_unicode = False
        #self._fixing_encoding = "utf-8"

        self.devtools = DevTools()
        self.settings = BioServicesConfig()

        self._last_call = 0

    def _calls(self):
        time_lapse = 1. / self.requests_per_sec
        current_time = time.time()
        dt = current_time - self._last_call

        if self._last_call == 0:
            self._last_call = current_time
            self._last_call = current_time
            if dt > time_lapse:
                time.sleep(time_lapse - dt)

    def _get_caching(self):
        return self.settings.params['cache.on'][0]

    def _set_caching(self, caching):
        self.devtools.check_param_in_list(caching, [True, False])
        self.settings.params['cache.on'][0] = caching
        # reset the session, which will be automatically created if we
        # access to the session attribute
        self._session = None

    CACHING = property(_get_caching, _set_caching)

    def _get_url(self):
        return self._url

    def _set_url(self, url):
        # something more clever here to check the URL e.g. starts with http
        if url is not None:
            url = url.rstrip("/")
            self._url = url

    url = property(_get_url, _set_url, doc="URL of this service")

    def _get_easyXMLConversion(self):
        return self._easyXMLConversion

    def _set_easyXMLConversion(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, bool) is False:
            raise TypeError("value must be a boolean value (True/False)")
        self._easyXMLConversion = value

    easyXMLConversion = property(
        """If True, xml output from a request are converted to easyXML object (Default behaviour)."""

    def easyXML(self, res):
        """Use this method to convert a XML document into an
            :class:`~bioservices.xmltools.easyXML` object

        The easyXML object provides utilities to ease access to the XML

        Here is a simple example starting from the following XML

        .. doctest::

            >>> from bioservices import *
            >>> doc = "<xml> <id>1</id> <id>2</id> </xml>"
            >>> s = Service("name")
            >>> res = s.easyXML(doc)
            >>> res.findAll("id")
            [<id>1</id>, <id>2</id>]

        from bioservices import xmltools
        return xmltools.easyXML(res)

    def __str__(self):
        txt = "This is an instance of %s service" % self.name
        return txt

    def pubmed(self, Id):
        """Open a pubmed Id into a browser tab

        :param Id: a valid pubmed Id in string or integer format.

        The URL is a concatenation of the pubmed URL
        http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ and the provided Id.

        url = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/"
        import webbrowser
        webbrowser.open(url + str(Id))

    def on_web(self, url):
        """Open a URL into a browser"""
        import webbrowser

    def save_str_to_image(self, data, filename):
        """Save string object into a file converting into binary"""
        with open(filename, 'wb') as f:
            import binascii
                newres = binascii.a2b_base64(bytes(data, "utf-8"))
                newres = binascii.a2b_base64(data)
class Service(object):
    """Base class for WSDL and REST classes

    .. seealso:: :class:`REST`, :class:`WSDLService`

    #: some useful response codes
    response_codes = {
        200: 'OK',
        201: 'Created',
        400: 'Bad Request. There is a problem with your input',
        404: 'Not found. The resource you requests does not exist',
        405: 'Method not allowed',
        406: "Not Acceptable. Usually headers issue",
        410:  'Gone. The resource you requested was removed.',
        415: "Unsupported Media Type",
        500: 'Internal server error. Most likely a temporary problem',
        503: 'Service not available. The server is being updated, try again later'

    def __init__(self, name, url=None, verbose=True, requests_per_sec=3):
        """.. rubric:: Constructor

        :param str name: a name for this service
        :param str url: its URL
        :param bool verbose: prints informative messages if True (default is
        :param requests_per_sec: maximum number of requests per seconds
            are restricted to 3. You can change that value. If you reach the
            limit, an error is raise. The reason for this limitation is
            that some services (e.g.., NCBI) may black list you IP. 
            If you need or can do more (e.g., ChEMBL does not seem to have
            restrictions), change the value. You can also have several instance
            but again, if you send too many requests at the same, your future
            requests may be retricted. Currently implemented for REST only

        All instances have an attribute called :attr:`~Service.logging` that
        is an instanceof the :mod:`logging` module. It can be used to print
        information, warning, error messages::

            self.logging.info("informative message")
            self.logging.warning("warning message")
            self.logging.error("error message")

        The attribute :attr:`~Service.debugLevel`  can be used to set the behaviour
        of the logging messages. If the argument verbose is True, the debugLebel
        is set to INFO. If verbose if False, the debugLevel is set to WARNING.
        However, you can use the :attr:`debugLevel` attribute to change it to
        one of DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL. debugLevel=WARNING means
        that only WARNING, ERROR and CRITICAL messages are shown.

        super(Service, self).__init__()
        self.requests_per_sec = requests_per_sec

        self.name = name
        self.logging = Logging("bioservices:%s" % self.name, verbose)

        self._url = url
            if self.url is not None:
        except Exception as err:
            self.logging.warning("The URL (%s) provided cannot be reached." % self.url)
        self._easyXMLConversion = True

        # used by HGNC where some XML contains non-utf-8 characters !!
        # should be able to fix it with requests once HGNC works again
        #self._fixing_unicode = False
        #self._fixing_encoding = "utf-8"

        self.devtools = DevTools()
        self.settings = BioServicesConfig()

    def _get_caching(self):
        return self.settings.params['cache.on'][0]
    def _set_caching(self, caching):
        self.devtools.check_param_in_list(caching, [True, False])
        self.settings.params['cache.on'][0] = caching
        # reset the session, which will be automatically created if we
        # access to the session attribute
        self._session = None
    CACHING = property(_get_caching, _set_caching)

    def _get_url(self):
        return self._url

    def _set_url(self, url):
        # something more clever here to check the URL e.g. starts with http
        if url is not None:
            url = url.rstrip("/")
            self._url = url
    url = property(_get_url, _set_url, doc="URL of this service")

    def _get_easyXMLConversion(self):
        return self._easyXMLConversion

    def _set_easyXMLConversion(self, value):
        if isinstance(value, bool) is False:
            raise TypeError("value must be a boolean value (True/False)")
        self._easyXMLConversion = value
    easyXMLConversion = property(_get_easyXMLConversion,
            doc="""If True, xml output from a request are converted to easyXML object (Default behaviour).""")

    def easyXML(self, res):
        """Use this method to convert a XML document into an
            :class:`~bioservices.xmltools.easyXML` object

        The easyXML object provides utilities to ease access to the XML

        Here is a simple example starting from the following XML

        .. doctest::

            >>> from bioservices import *
            >>> doc = "<xml> <id>1</id> <id>2</id> </xml>"
            >>> s = Service("name")
            >>> res = s.easyXML(doc)
            >>> res.findAll("id")
            [<id>1</id>, <id>2</id>]

        from bioservices import xmltools
        return xmltools.easyXML(res)

    def __str__(self):
        txt = "This is an instance of %s service" % self.name
        return txt

    def pubmed(self, Id):
        """Open a pubmed Id into a browser tab

        :param Id: a valid pubmed Id in string or integer format.

        The URL is a concatenation of the pubmed URL
        http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ and the provided Id.

        url = "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/"
        import webbrowser
        webbrowser.open(url + str(Id))

    def on_web(self, url):
        """Open a URL into a browser"""
        import webbrowser

    def save_str_to_image(self, data, filename):
        """Save string object into a file converting into binary"""
        with open(filename,'wb') as f:
            import binascii
                newres = binascii.a2b_base64(bytes(data, "utf-8"))
                newres = binascii.a2b_base64(data)