def remove_local_image(self, images): for i in images: try: os.remove(images[i]) except Exception as e: logger.error('remove image failed: %s' % e) continue
def get_product_info(self, uploadtaskid, auth_info, db_conn): sql = "select * from t_templet_ebay_wait_upload where id='%s'" % uploadtaskid product_info = self.get_db_info(sql, db_conn) if not product_info: logger.error('Can not get template ebay upload info for uploadtaskid: %s, sql: %s' % (uploadtaskid, sql)) sql = "select * from t_config_ebay_ext where attrName='thresholdOfPaypalChoice';" ebay_conf = self.get_db_info(sql, db_conn) if not ebay_conf: logger.error('Can not get config ebay ext info, sql: %s' % sql) if product_info and ebay_conf: price = product_info[0]['BuyItNowPrice'] currency = auth_info['siteCurrency'] attrValue = eval(ebay_conf[0]['attrValue']) if attrValue[currency] > price: useemail = 'large' else: useemail = 'half' product_info[0]['useemail'] = useemail else: return None description = product_info[0]['Description'] description = description.replace('https', 'http') description = description.replace('http', 'https') product_info[0]['Description'] = description return product_info[0]
def execute_db(self, sql, db_conn): try: cursor = db_conn.cursor() cursor.execute(sql) cursor.execute('commit;') cursor.close() except Exception as e: logger.error('Update product info faild, Execute sql: %s, Error info: %s' % (sql, e))
def retry_server(): try: c = Server() c.listen_client() except Exception as e: logger.error('Define server error: %s' % repr(e)) logger.error('traceback.format_exc():\n%s' % traceback.format_exc()) time.sleep(5) retry_server()
def get_images(self, images_url): image_dict = dict() for img in images_url: try: i = img.replace('\\', '') r = requests.get(i, allow_redirects=True) filename = i.split('/') filename = filename[-2] + filename[-1].split('?')[0] local_file = LOCALPATH + filename open(local_file, 'wb').write(r.content) image_dict[img] = local_file except Exception as e: logger.error('Get image from ebay error: %s' % e) continue return image_dict
def get_auth_info(self, shopname, Site, db_conn): ''' Select store ebay info; Select developer ebay info; Select config site ebay; ''' sql = "select storeName, appID, token, paypalAccountLarge, paypalAccountHalf, description_prefix_file, description_postfox_file, siteID, storeOwner from t_config_store_ebay where storeName='%s';" % shopname store_info = self.get_db_info(sql, db_conn) if not store_info: logger.error('Can not get config store ebay info for shopname: %s, sql: %s' % (shopname, sql)) return None store_dict = dict() appids = [] for i in store_info: if i.get('siteID'): i['siteID'] = Site store_dict[i['storeName']] = i if i['appID'] not in appids: appids.append(json.dumps(i['appID'])) appids = ', '.join(appids) sql = "select appID, deviceID, certID, runame, runIP from t_developer_info_ebay where appID in (%s)" % appids auth_info = self.get_db_info(sql, db_conn) if not auth_info: logger.error('Can not get developer ebay info for shopname: %s, appids: %s, sql: %s' % (shopname, appids, sql)) return None auth_dict = dict() for i in auth_info: auth_dict[i['appID']] = i logger.debug('auth_dict: %s' % auth_dict) for i in store_dict: store_dict[i]['deviceID'] = auth_dict[store_dict[i]['appID']]['deviceID'] store_dict[i]['certID'] = auth_dict[store_dict[i]['appID']]['certID'] store_dict[i]['runame'] = auth_dict[store_dict[i]['appID']]['runame'] store_dict[i]['runip'] = auth_dict[store_dict[i]['appID']]['runIP'] sql = 'select siteID, dispatchTimeMax, siteCurrency from t_config_site_ebay' site_info = self.get_db_info(sql, db_conn) if not site_info: logger.error('Can not get config site ebay info, sql: %s' % sql) return None site_dict = dict() for i in site_info: site_dict[i['siteID']] = i['dispatchTimeMax'] for i in store_dict: store_dict[i]['dispatchTimeMax'] = site_dict[store_dict[i]['siteID']] c_dict = dict() for i in site_info: c_dict[i['siteID']] = i['siteCurrency'] for i in store_dict: store_dict[i]['siteCurrency'] = c_dict[store_dict[i]['siteID']] return store_dict
def upload_image(self, images, api): pic_url = dict() for i in images: logger.debug('start time: %s' % logger.debug('send image info: %s' % images[i]) try: pics = api.uploadImgBin(images[i]) except Exception as e: logger.error('api UploadImgBin error: %s' % e) pics = None logger.debug('end time: %s' % logger.debug('send image result: %s' % pics) if not pics: logger.error('Upload image error, image url: %s, image local file: %s' % (i, images[i])) continue pic_size = i.split('$_')[-1].split('.')[0] for pic in pics: logger.debug('pic url ------- %s' % pic.url) pic_res_img = pic.url.split('$_')[-1].split('.')[0] if pic_res_img == pic_size: pic_url[i] = pic.url continue logger.debug('UploadImgBin pics: %s' % pic_url) return pic_url
def callback(self, ch, method, properties, body): logger.debug("[x] Received %r" % (body,)) ''' body = [ { 'uploadtaskid': '$id', 'shopname': '$shopname', 'title': '', 'product_sku': '$product_sku', 'shopsku': '$shopsku', 'time': '120', 'Site' : '$Site' }, ] ''' datas = json.loads(body) main_images = dict() var_images = dict() count_tag = 0 try: db_conn = MySQLdb.connect(DATABASES['HOST'], DATABASES['USER'], DATABASES['PASSWORD'], DATABASES['NAME'], charset="utf8") except Exception as e: error = 'Connect mysql db error %s' % e logger.error(error) return None for data in datas: # product_sku = data.get('product_sku') # shopsku = data.get('shopsku') shopname = data.get('shopname') uploadtaskid = data.get('uploadtaskid') result_id = data.get('result_id') wait_time = int(data.get('time')) title = data.get('title') Site = data.get('Site') if not count_tag == 0: time.sleep(wait_time) else: count_tag = 1 sku_dict = data.get('sku_dict', {}) ''' sku_dict = dict() num = 0 for i in product_sku: sku_dict[i] = str(shopsku[num]) num += 1 ''' auth_info = self.get_auth_info(shopname, Site, db_conn) if not auth_info: error = 'Can not get auth info for shopname: %s' % shopname logger.error(error) self.execute_error_mess(result_id, shopname, error, db_conn) return logger.debug('auth_info: ', auth_info) appinfos = dict() appinfos['appid'] = auth_info[shopname]['appID'] appinfos['devid'] = auth_info[shopname]['deviceID'] appinfos['certid'] = auth_info[shopname]['certID'] appinfos['runame'] = auth_info[shopname]['runame'] appinfos['runip'] = auth_info[shopname]['runip'] token = auth_info[shopname]['token'] auth_info[shopname]['title'] = title # seller = auth_info[shopname]['storeOwner'] # ExcelFile = product_info['ExcelFile'] # TO DEFINE EBAY API try: # api = EBayStoreAPI(appinfos, token, siteID=auth_info[shopname]['siteID']) api = EBayStoreAPI(appinfos, token, siteID=Site) except Exception as e: error = 'Define ebay store api error: %s' % e error = self.clear_string(error) logger.error(error) self.execute_error_mess(result_id, shopname, error, db_conn) return # api = EBayStoreAPI(appinfos_1, sandbox_stoken) # TO GET PRODUCT INFO product_info = self.get_product_info(uploadtaskid, auth_info[shopname], db_conn) if not product_info: error = 'Can not get product info, uploadtaskid: %s, shopname: %s' % (uploadtaskid, shopname) logger.error(error) self.execute_error_mess(result_id, shopname, error, db_conn) return # GET IMAGES URL images_url = [] images_url = product_info['Images'] if not main_images: images_url = images_url.split(',') main_images = self.get_images(images_url) if not main_images: error = 'Can not get main images' return logger.debug('main_images: %s' % main_images) # UPLOAD ALL IMAGES main_pic_url = self.upload_image(main_images, api).values() if not main_pic_url or len(main_images) != len(main_pic_url): retry_result = 0 for i in range(3): time.sleep(5) main_pic_url_retry = self.upload_image(main_images, api).values() if not main_pic_url_retry or not len(main_images) == len(main_pic_url_retry): if i == 2: error = 'Upload image all failed' print(error) logger.error(error) self.execute_error_mess(result_id, shopname, error, db_conn) break else: continue elif len(main_images) == len(main_pic_url_retry): main_pic_url = main_pic_url_retry retry_result = 1 break if not retry_result: return # UPDATE PRODUCT VARIATION INFO if product_info['Variation']: product_info, var_images = self.update_product_info(product_info, sku_dict, api, var_images=var_images) if product_info.get('error'): error = 'product info update error: %s' % product_info.get('error') logger.error(error) self.execute_error_mess(result_id, shopname, error, db_conn) return product_info['shop_site'] = Site logger.debug('product_info: %s' % product_info) logger.debug('var_images: %s' % var_images) # GET EBAY ITEM OBJECT auth_info['shopsku'] = sku_dict ebay_item = self.get_ebay_item(product_info, main_pic_url, auth_info, shopname) logger.debug('ebay_item: %s' % ebay_item) # PUBLISH EBAY PRODUCT AND RETURN RESULT TO DB if isinstance(ebay_item, dict) and ebay_item.get('error'): error = ebay_item.get('error') logger.error(error) self.execute_error_mess(result_id, shopname, error, db_conn) result = None else: try: result = api.publishItem(ebay_item) except Exception as e: error = 'Api Publish Item Error: %s' % e error = self.clear_string(error) logger.error(error) self.execute_error_mess(result_id, shopname, error, db_conn) result = None logger.debug(result) if hasattr(result, 'itemid') and result.itemid: msg = 'publish item success, itme id : %s' % result.itemid logger.debug(msg) sql = "update t_templet_ebay_upload_result set Status='SUCCESS', ErrorMessage='%s' where id='%s' and ShopName='%s';" % (msg, result_id, shopname) self.execute_db(sql, db_conn) ''' for k, v in sku_dict.items(): insert_sql = "insert into t_shopsku_information_binding " \ "(SKU,ShopSKU,Memo,PersonCode,Filename,SubmitTime,BindingStatus) " \ "values ('%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','%s','wait')" % (k, v, shopname, seller, ExcelFile, logger.debug('Insert into t_shopsku_information_binding: \n%s' % insert_sql) self.execute_db(insert_sql, db_conn) ''' elif hasattr(result, 'errors') and result.errors: logger.debug('publish item failed') LongMessage = result.LongMessage LongMessage = self.clear_string(LongMessage) ShortMessage = result.ShortMessage ShortMessage = self.clear_string(ShortMessage) error = 'Publish ebay item failed, Error ShortMessage: %s, Error LongMessage: %s, ErrorClassification: %s' % (ShortMessage, LongMessage, result.ErrorClassification) self.execute_error_mess(result_id, shopname, error, db_conn) # else: # logger.debug('publish item failed') # error = 'Publish ebay item failed, Return result does not have itemid and error messages' # self.execute_error_mess(result_id, shopname, error, db_conn) # TO REMOVE LOCAL IMAGES logger.debug('Start to remove local images') self.remove_local_image(main_images) self.remove_local_image(var_images) logger.debug('End to remove local images') db_conn.close()