class BaseScraper(object):
    Base class for all scrapers in ebdata.retrieval.scrapers.
    logname = 'basescraper'
    sleep = 0

    def __init__(self, use_cache=True):
        if not use_cache:
            self.retriever = Retriever(cache=None, sleep=self.sleep)
            self.retriever = Retriever(sleep=self.sleep)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('eb.retrieval.%s' % self.logname)
        self.start_time = datetime.datetime.now()

    def update(self):
        'Run the scraper.'
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def fetch_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.retriever.fetch_data(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_html(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """An alias for fetch_data().
        For backward compatibility.
        return self.fetch_data(*args, **kwargs)

    def parse_html(cls, html):
        from lxml import etree
        from cStringIO import StringIO
        return etree.parse(StringIO(html), etree.HTMLParser())
class BaseScraper(object):
    Base class for all scrapers in ebdata.retrieval.scrapers.
    logname = 'basescraper'
    sleep = 0

    def __init__(self, use_cache=True):
        if not use_cache:
            self.retriever = Retriever(cache=None, sleep=self.sleep)
            self.retriever = Retriever(sleep=self.sleep)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('eb.retrieval.%s' % self.logname)
        self.start_time = datetime.datetime.now()

    def update(self):
        'Run the scraper.'
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def fetch_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.retriever.fetch_data(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_html(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """An alias for fetch_data().
        For backward compatibility.
        return self.fetch_data(*args, **kwargs)

    def parse_html(cls, html):
        from lxml import etree
        from cStringIO import StringIO
        return etree.parse(StringIO(html), etree.HTMLParser())
class BaseScraper(object):
    Base class for all scrapers in ebdata.retrieval.scrapers.
    logname = 'basescraper'
    sleep = 0
    timeout = 20

    def __init__(self, use_cache=True):
        if not use_cache:
            self.retriever = Retriever(cache=None,
            self.retriever = Retriever(sleep=self.sleep, timeout=self.timeout)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('eb.retrieval.%s' % self.logname)
        self.start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.num_added = 0
        self.num_changed = 0
        self.num_skipped = 0

    def geocode(self, location_name, **kwargs):
        Tries to geocode the given location string, returning a Point object
        or None.

        Override this if you want to replace with (or fall back to) an
        external geocoding service.

        If the result is ambiguous -- multiple matches -- then tries
        to use optional args to resolve the ambiguity, and if still
        ambiguous, returns the first remaining result.
            result = full_geocode(location_name, guess=True, **kwargs)
            if result['result']:
                if result['type'] == 'block' and result.get('ambiguous'):
                        "Invalid Block but valid street for %r; results unlikely to be useful, giving up"
                        % location_name)
                    return None

                return result['result']
        except (GeocodingException, ParsingError):
            self.logger.debug("Could not geocode location: %s: %s" %
                              (location_name, traceback.format_exc()))
        return None

    def geocode_if_needed(self,
        If either ``point`` or ``location_name`` is not set, try to
        geocode / reverse-geocode as needed to derive one from the
        other.  Returns (point, location_name).

        If neither one is set, try to parse addresses out of
        ``address_text`` and derive both.

        Either value may be None if it can't be determined.

        Any other keyword args are passed to ``full_geocode()``.
        if not point:
            text = convert_entities(location_name or address_text)
            self.logger.debug("...Falling back on geocoding from '%s...'" %
            addrs = parse_addresses(text)
            for addr, unused in addrs:
                    result = self.geocode(addr, **kwargs)
                    if result is not None:
                        point = result['point']
                        self.logger.debug("internally geocoded %r" % addr)
                        # TODO: what if it's a Place?
                        if not location_name:
                            location_name = result['address']
                        'uncaught geocoder exception on %r\n' % addr)

        if point and not location_name:
            # Fall back to reverse-geocoding.
            from ebpub.geocoder import reverse
                block, distance = reverse.reverse_geocode(point)
                self.logger.debug(" Reverse-geocoded point to %r" %
                location_name = block.pretty_name
            except reverse.ReverseGeocodeError:
                location_name = None

        return (point, location_name)

    def update(self):
        'Run the scraper.'
        raise NotImplementedError()  # pragma: no cover

    def fetch_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.retriever.fetch_data(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_html(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """An alias for fetch_data().
        For backward compatibility.
        return self.fetch_data(*args, **kwargs)

    def parse_html(cls, html):
        from lxml import etree
        from cStringIO import StringIO
        return etree.parse(StringIO(html), etree.HTMLParser())

    def create_newsitem(self, attributes, **kwargs):
        Creates and saves a NewsItem with the given kwargs. Returns the new

        kwargs MUST have the following keys:
        *   title
        *   item_date
        *   location_name AND/OR location

        For any other kwargs whose values aren't provided, this will use
        sensible defaults.

        ``attributes`` is a dictionary to use to populate this
        NewsItem's Attribute objects.

        kwargs MAY have the following keys:

            zipcode, city, and/or state

              used to disambiguate geocoded locations.


              convert the given kwargs['location_name']
              to a block level but will try to use the real
              (non-block-level) address for geocoding.
              Default False.


        convert_to_block = kwargs.pop('convert_to_block', False)
        location, location_name = self.geocode_if_needed(
            kwargs.get('location', None),
            kwargs.get('location_name', None),
            zipcode=kwargs.pop('zipcode', None),
            city=kwargs.pop('city', None),
            state=kwargs.pop('state', None),

        assert location or location_name, "At least one of location or location_name must be provided"

        if convert_to_block:
            location_name = address_to_block(location_name)

        kwargs['location_name'] = location_name
        kwargs['location'] = location

        # Normally we'd just use "schema = kwargs.get('schema', self.schema)",
        # but self.schema will be evaluated even if the key is found in
        # kwargs, which raises an error when using multiple schemas.
        schema = kwargs.get('schema', None) or self.schema

        ni = NewsItem.objects.create(
            description=kwargs.get('description', ''),
            url=kwargs.get('url', ''),
            pub_date=kwargs.get('pub_date', self.start_time),
            location_object=kwargs.get('location_object', None),
        if attributes is not None:
            ni.attributes = attributes
        self.num_added += 1
            u'Created NewsItem %s: %s (total created in this scrape: %s)',
            schema.slug, ni.id, self.num_added)
        return ni

    def update_existing(self, newsitem, new_values, new_attributes):
        Given an existing NewsItem and dictionaries new_values and
        new_attributes, determines which values and attributes have changed
        and saves the object and/or its attributes if necessary.

        Returns the NewsItem.
        newsitem_updated = False
        # First, check the NewsItem's values.
        for k, v in new_values.items():
            if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime) and v.tzinfo is not None:
                # Django datetime fields are not timezone-aware, so we
                # can't compare them without stripping the zone.
                v = v.astimezone(local_tz).replace(tzinfo=None)
            if getattr(newsitem, k) != v:
                self.logger.debug('ID %s %s changed from %r to %r' %
                                  (newsitem.id, k, getattr(newsitem, k), v))
                setattr(newsitem, k, v)
                newsitem_updated = True
        if newsitem_updated:
            self.logger.debug("No change to %s <%s>" % (newsitem.id, newsitem))
        # Next, check the NewsItem's attributes.
        for k, v in new_attributes.items():
            if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime) and v.tzinfo is not None:
                # Django datetime fields are not timezone-aware, so we
                # can't compare them without stripping the zone.
                v = v.astimezone(local_tz).replace(tzinfo=None)
            if newsitem.attributes.get(k) == v:
            elif k not in newsitem.attributes:
                self.logger.debug('ID %s %s was missing, setting to %r' %
                                  (newsitem.id, k, v))
            elif newsitem.attributes.get(k) != v:
                self.logger.debug('ID %s %s changed from %r to %r' %
                                  (newsitem.id, k, newsitem.attributes[k], v))
            newsitem.attributes[k] = v
            newsitem_updated = True
        if newsitem_updated:
            self.num_changed += 1
            self.logger.debug('Total changed in this scrape: %s',
            self.logger.debug('No changes to NewsItem %s detected',
            self.num_skipped += 1
        return newsitem

    def create_or_update(self, old_record, attributes, **kwargs):
        """unified API for updating or creating a NewsItem.
        if old_record:
            return self.update_existing(old_record, kwargs, attributes or {})
            return self.create_newsitem(attributes=attributes, **kwargs)
class BaseScraper(object):
    Base class for all scrapers in ebdata.retrieval.scrapers.
    logname = 'basescraper'
    sleep = 0
    timeout = 20

    def __init__(self, use_cache=True):
        if not use_cache:
            self.retriever = Retriever(cache=None, sleep=self.sleep, timeout=self.timeout)
            self.retriever = Retriever(sleep=self.sleep, timeout=self.timeout)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('eb.retrieval.%s' % self.logname)
        self.start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        self._geocoder = SmartGeocoder()
        self.num_added = 0
        self.num_changed = 0

    def geocode(self, location_name, zipcode=None):
        Tries to geocode the given location string, returning a Point object
        or None.

        # Try to lookup the adress, if it is ambiguous, attempt to use
        # any provided zipcode information to resolve the ambiguity.
        # The zipcode is not included in the initial pass because it
        # is often too picky yeilding no results when there is a
        # legitimate nearby zipcode identified in either the address
        # or street number data.
            return self._geocoder.geocode(location_name)
        except AmbiguousResult as result: 
            # try to resolve based on zipcode...
            if zipcode is None: 
                    "Ambiguous results for address %s. (no zipcode to resolve dispute)" % 
                    (location_name, ))
                return None
            in_zip = [r for r in result.choices if r['zip'] == zipcode]
            if len(in_zip) == 0:
                    "Ambiguous results for address %s, but none in specified zipcode %s" % 
                    (location_name, zipcode))
                return None
            elif len(in_zip) > 1:
                    "Ambiguous results for address %s in zipcode %s, guessing first." % 
                    (location_name, zipcode))
                return in_zip[0]
                return in_zip[0]
        except (GeocodingException, ParsingError):
                "Could not geocode location: %s: %s" %
                (location_name, traceback.format_exc()))
            return None

    def update(self):
        'Run the scraper.'
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def fetch_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.retriever.fetch_data(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_html(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """An alias for fetch_data().
        For backward compatibility.
        return self.fetch_data(*args, **kwargs)

    def parse_html(cls, html):
        from lxml import etree
        from cStringIO import StringIO
        return etree.parse(StringIO(html), etree.HTMLParser())

    def create_newsitem(self, attributes, **kwargs):
        Creates and saves a NewsItem with the given kwargs. Returns the new

        kwargs MUST have the following keys:
        For any other kwargs whose values aren't provided, this will use
        sensible defaults.
        kwargs MAY have the following keys: 
            zipcode - used to disambiguate geocoded locations

        kwargs may optionally contain a 'convert_to_block' boolean. If True,
        this will convert the given kwargs['location_name'] to a block level
        but will use the real (non-block-level) address for geocoding and Block

        attributes is a dictionary to use to populate this NewsItem's Attribute

        location = kwargs.get('location')
        location_name = kwargs.get('location_name')
        assert location or location_name, "At least one of location or location_name must be provided"
        if location is None:
            location = self.geocode(kwargs['location_name'], zipcode=kwargs.get('zipcode'))
            if location:
                location = location['point']
        if kwargs.pop('convert_to_block', False):
            kwargs['location_name'] = address_to_block(kwargs['location_name'])
            # If the exact address couldn't be geocoded, try using the
            # normalized location name.
            if location is None:
                location = self.geocode(kwargs['location_name'], zipcode=kwargs.get('zipcode'))
                if location:
                    location = location['point']

        # Normally we'd just use "schema = kwargs.get('schema', self.schema)",
        # but self.schema will be evaluated even if the key is found in
        # kwargs, which raises an error when using multiple schemas.
        schema = kwargs.get('schema', None) or self.schema

        ni = NewsItem.objects.create(
            description=kwargs.get('description', ''),
            url=kwargs.get('url', ''),
            pub_date=kwargs.get('pub_date', self.start_time),
            location_object=kwargs.get('location_object', None),
        if attributes is not None:
            ni.attributes = attributes
        self.num_added += 1
        self.logger.info(u'Created NewsItem %s: %s (total created in this scrape: %s)', schema.slug, ni.id, self.num_added)
        return ni

    def update_existing(self, newsitem, new_values, new_attributes):
        Given an existing NewsItem and dictionaries new_values and
        new_attributes, determines which values and attributes have changed
        and saves the object and/or its attributes if necessary.
        newsitem_updated = False
        # First, check the NewsItem's values.
        for k, v in new_values.items():
            if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime) and v.tzinfo is not None:
                # Django datetime fields are not timezone-aware, so we
                # can't compare them without stripping the zone.
                v = v.astimezone(local_tz).replace(tzinfo=None)
            if getattr(newsitem, k) != v:
                self.logger.info('ID %s %s changed from %r to %r' % (newsitem.id, k, getattr(newsitem, k), v))
                setattr(newsitem, k, v)
                newsitem_updated = True
        if newsitem_updated:
            self.logger.debug("No change to %s <%s>" % (newsitem.id, newsitem))
        # Next, check the NewsItem's attributes.
        for k, v in new_attributes.items():
            if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime) and v.tzinfo is not None:
                # Django datetime fields are not timezone-aware, so we
                # can't compare them without stripping the zone.
                v = v.astimezone(local_tz).replace(tzinfo=None)
            if newsitem.attributes.get(k) == v:
            elif k not in newsitem.attributes:
                self.logger.info('ID %s %s was missing, setting to %r' %
                                 (newsitem.id, k, v))
            elif newsitem.attributes.get(k) != v:
                self.logger.info('ID %s %s changed from %r to %r' %
                                 (newsitem.id, k, newsitem.attributes[k], v))
            newsitem.attributes[k] = v
            newsitem_updated = True
        if newsitem_updated:
            self.num_changed += 1
            self.logger.debug('Total changed in this scrape: %s', self.num_changed)
            self.logger.debug('No changes to NewsItem %s detected', newsitem.id)

    def create_or_update(self, old_record, attributes, **kwargs):
        """unified API for updating or creating a NewsItem.
        if old_record:
            self.update_existing(old_record, kwargs, attributes or {})
            self.create_newsitem(attributes=attributes, **kwargs)
class BaseScraper(object):
    Base class for all scrapers in ebdata.retrieval.scrapers.
    logname = 'basescraper'
    sleep = 0
    timeout = 20

    def __init__(self, use_cache=True):
        if not use_cache:
            self.retriever = Retriever(cache=None, sleep=self.sleep, timeout=self.timeout)
            self.retriever = Retriever(sleep=self.sleep, timeout=self.timeout)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('eb.retrieval.%s' % self.logname)
        self.start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        self.num_added = 0
        self.num_changed = 0
        self.num_skipped = 0

    def geocode(self, location_name, **kwargs):
        Tries to geocode the given location string, returning a Point object
        or None.

        Override this if you want to replace with (or fall back to) an
        external geocoding service.

        If the result is ambiguous -- multiple matches -- then tries
        to use optional args to resolve the ambiguity, and if still
        ambiguous, returns the first remaining result.
            result = full_geocode(location_name, guess=True, **kwargs)
            if result['result']:
                if result['type'] == 'block' and result.get('ambiguous'):
                    self.logger.debug("Invalid Block but valid street for %r; results unlikely to be useful, giving up" % location_name)
                    return None

                return result['result']
        except (GeocodingException, ParsingError):
                "Could not geocode location: %s: %s" %
                (location_name, traceback.format_exc()))
        return None

    def geocode_if_needed(self, point, location_name, address_text='',
        If either ``point`` or ``location_name`` is not set, try to
        geocode / reverse-geocode as needed to derive one from the
        other.  Returns (point, location_name).

        If neither one is set, try to parse addresses out of
        ``address_text`` and derive both.

        Either value may be None if it can't be determined.

        Any other keyword args are passed to ``full_geocode()``.
        if not point:
            text = convert_entities(location_name or address_text)
            self.logger.debug("...Falling back on geocoding from '%s...'" % text[:50])
            addrs = parse_addresses(text)
            for addr, unused in addrs:
                    result = self.geocode(addr, **kwargs)
                    if result is not None:
                        point = result['point']
                        self.logger.debug("internally geocoded %r" % addr)
                        # TODO: what if it's a Place?
                        if not location_name:
                            location_name = result['address']
                    self.logger.exception('uncaught geocoder exception on %r\n' % addr)

        if point and not location_name:
            # Fall back to reverse-geocoding.
            from ebpub.geocoder import reverse
                block, distance = reverse.reverse_geocode(point)
                self.logger.debug(" Reverse-geocoded point to %r" % block.pretty_name)
                location_name = block.pretty_name
            except reverse.ReverseGeocodeError:
                location_name = None

        return (point, location_name)

    def update(self):
        'Run the scraper.'
        raise NotImplementedError()  # pragma: no cover

    def fetch_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.retriever.fetch_data(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_html(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """An alias for fetch_data().
        For backward compatibility.
        return self.fetch_data(*args, **kwargs)

    def parse_html(cls, html):
        from lxml import etree
        from cStringIO import StringIO
        return etree.parse(StringIO(html), etree.HTMLParser())

    def create_newsitem(self, attributes, **kwargs):
        Creates and saves a NewsItem with the given kwargs. Returns the new

        kwargs MUST have the following keys:
        *   title
        *   item_date
        *   location_name AND/OR location

        For any other kwargs whose values aren't provided, this will use
        sensible defaults.

        ``attributes`` is a dictionary to use to populate this
        NewsItem's Attribute objects.

        kwargs MAY have the following keys:

            zipcode, city, and/or state

              used to disambiguate geocoded locations.


              convert the given kwargs['location_name']
              to a block level but will try to use the real
              (non-block-level) address for geocoding.
              Default False.


        convert_to_block = kwargs.pop('convert_to_block', False)
        location, location_name = self.geocode_if_needed(
            kwargs.get('location', None),
            kwargs.get('location_name', None),
            zipcode=kwargs.pop('zipcode', None),
            city=kwargs.pop('city', None),
            state=kwargs.pop('state', None),

        assert location or location_name, "At least one of location or location_name must be provided"

        if convert_to_block:
            location_name = address_to_block(location_name)

        kwargs['location_name'] = location_name
        kwargs['location'] = location

        # Normally we'd just use "schema = kwargs.get('schema', self.schema)",
        # but self.schema will be evaluated even if the key is found in
        # kwargs, which raises an error when using multiple schemas.
        schema = kwargs.get('schema', None) or self.schema

        ni = NewsItem.objects.create(
            description=kwargs.get('description', ''),
            url=kwargs.get('url', ''),
            pub_date=kwargs.get('pub_date', self.start_time),
            location_object=kwargs.get('location_object', None),
        if attributes is not None:
            ni.attributes = attributes
        self.num_added += 1
        self.logger.info(u'Created NewsItem %s: %s (total created in this scrape: %s)', schema.slug, ni.id, self.num_added)
        return ni

    def update_existing(self, newsitem, new_values, new_attributes):
        Given an existing NewsItem and dictionaries new_values and
        new_attributes, determines which values and attributes have changed
        and saves the object and/or its attributes if necessary.

        Returns the NewsItem.
        newsitem_updated = False
        # First, check the NewsItem's values.
        for k, v in new_values.items():
            if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime) and v.tzinfo is not None:
                # Django datetime fields are not timezone-aware, so we
                # can't compare them without stripping the zone.
                v = v.astimezone(local_tz).replace(tzinfo=None)
            if getattr(newsitem, k) != v:
                self.logger.debug('ID %s %s changed from %r to %r' % (newsitem.id, k, getattr(newsitem, k), v))
                setattr(newsitem, k, v)
                newsitem_updated = True
        if newsitem_updated:
            self.logger.debug("No change to %s <%s>" % (newsitem.id, newsitem))
        # Next, check the NewsItem's attributes.
        for k, v in new_attributes.items():
            if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime) and v.tzinfo is not None:
                # Django datetime fields are not timezone-aware, so we
                # can't compare them without stripping the zone.
                v = v.astimezone(local_tz).replace(tzinfo=None)
            if newsitem.attributes.get(k) == v:
            elif k not in newsitem.attributes:
                self.logger.debug('ID %s %s was missing, setting to %r' %
                                 (newsitem.id, k, v))
            elif newsitem.attributes.get(k) != v:
                self.logger.debug('ID %s %s changed from %r to %r' %
                                 (newsitem.id, k, newsitem.attributes[k], v))
            newsitem.attributes[k] = v
            newsitem_updated = True
        if newsitem_updated:
            self.num_changed += 1
            self.logger.debug('Total changed in this scrape: %s', self.num_changed)
            self.logger.debug('No changes to NewsItem %s detected', newsitem.id)
            self.num_skipped += 1
        return newsitem

    def create_or_update(self, old_record, attributes, **kwargs):
        """unified API for updating or creating a NewsItem.
        if old_record:
            return self.update_existing(old_record, kwargs, attributes or {})
            return self.create_newsitem(attributes=attributes, **kwargs)
class BaseScraper(object):
    Base class for all scrapers in ebdata.retrieval.scrapers.
    logname = 'basescraper'
    sleep = 0
    timeout = 20

    def __init__(self, use_cache=True):
        if not use_cache:
            self.retriever = Retriever(cache=None, sleep=self.sleep, timeout=self.timeout)
            self.retriever = Retriever(sleep=self.sleep, timeout=self.timeout)
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('eb.retrieval.%s' % self.logname)
        self.start_time = datetime.datetime.now()
        self._geocoder = SmartGeocoder()

    def geocode(self, location_name, zipcode=None):
        Tries to geocode the given location string, returning a Point object
        or None.

        # Try to lookup the adress, if it is ambiguous, attempt to use
        # any provided zipcode information to resolve the ambiguity.
        # The zipcode is not included in the initial pass because it
        # is often too picky yeilding no results when there is a
        # legitimate nearby zipcode identified in either the address
        # or street number data.
            return self._geocoder.geocode(location_name)
        except AmbiguousResult as result: 
            # try to resolve based on zipcode...
            if zipcode is None: 
                    "Ambiguous results for address %s. (no zipcode to resolve dispute)" % 
                    (location_name, ))
                return None
            in_zip = [r for r in result.choices if r['zip'] == zipcode]
            if len(in_zip) == 0:
                    "Ambiguous results for address %s, but none in specified zipcode %s" % 
                    (location_name, zipcode))
                return None
            elif len(in_zip) > 1:
                    "Ambiguous results for address %s in zipcode %s, guessing first." % 
                    (location_name, zipcode))
                return in_zip[0]
                return in_zip[0]
        except (GeocodingException, ParsingError):
                "Could not geocode location: %s: %s" %
                (location_name, traceback.format_exc()))
            return None

    def update(self):
        'Run the scraper.'
        raise NotImplementedError()

    def fetch_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return self.retriever.fetch_data(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_html(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """An alias for fetch_data().
        For backward compatibility.
        return self.fetch_data(*args, **kwargs)

    def parse_html(cls, html):
        from lxml import etree
        from cStringIO import StringIO
        return etree.parse(StringIO(html), etree.HTMLParser())

    def create_newsitem(self, attributes, **kwargs):
        Creates and saves a NewsItem with the given kwargs. Returns the new

        kwargs MUST have the following keys:
        For any other kwargs whose values aren't provided, this will use
        sensible defaults.
        kwargs MAY have the following keys: 
            zipcode - used to disambiguate geocoded locations

        kwargs may optionally contain a 'convert_to_block' boolean. If True,
        this will convert the given kwargs['location_name'] to a block level
        but will use the real (non-block-level) address for geocoding and Block

        attributes is a dictionary to use to populate this NewsItem's Attribute

        location = kwargs.get('location')
        location_name = kwargs.get('location_name')
        assert location or location_name, "At least one of location or location_name must be provided"
        if location is None:
            location = self.geocode(kwargs['location_name'], zipcode=kwargs.get('zipcode'))
            if location:
                location = location['point']
        if kwargs.pop('convert_to_block', False):
            kwargs['location_name'] = address_to_block(kwargs['location_name'])
            # If the exact address couldn't be geocoded, try using the
            # normalized location name.
            if location is None:
                location = self.geocode(kwargs['location_name'], zipcode=kwargs.get('zipcode'))
                if location:
                    location = location['point']

        # Normally we'd just use "schema = kwargs.get('schema', self.schema)",
        # but self.schema will be evaluated even if the key is found in
        # kwargs, which raises an error when using multiple schemas.
        schema = kwargs.get('schema', None) or self.schema

        ni = NewsItem.objects.create(
            description=kwargs.get('description', ''),
            url=kwargs.get('url', ''),
            pub_date=kwargs.get('pub_date', self.start_time),
            location_object=kwargs.get('location_object', None),
        if attributes is not None:
            ni.attributes = attributes
        self.num_added += 1
        self.logger.info(u'Created NewsItem %s: %s (total created in this scrape: %s)', schema.slug, ni.id, self.num_added)
        return ni

    def update_existing(self, newsitem, new_values, new_attributes):
        Given an existing NewsItem and dictionaries new_values and
        new_attributes, determines which values and attributes have changed
        and saves the object and/or its attributes if necessary.
        newsitem_updated = False
        # First, check the NewsItem's values.
        for k, v in new_values.items():
            if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime) and v.tzinfo is not None:
                # Django datetime fields are not timezone-aware, so we
                # can't compare them without stripping the zone.
                v = v.astimezone(local_tz).replace(tzinfo=None)
            if getattr(newsitem, k) != v:
                self.logger.info('ID %s %s changed from %r to %r' % (newsitem.id, k, getattr(newsitem, k), v))
                setattr(newsitem, k, v)
                newsitem_updated = True
        if newsitem_updated:
            self.logger.debug("No change to %s <%s>" % (newsitem.id, newsitem))
        # Next, check the NewsItem's attributes.
        for k, v in new_attributes.items():
            if isinstance(v, datetime.datetime) and v.tzinfo is not None:
                # Django datetime fields are not timezone-aware, so we
                # can't compare them without stripping the zone.
                v = v.astimezone(local_tz).replace(tzinfo=None)
            if newsitem.attributes.get(k) == v:
            elif k not in newsitem.attributes:
                self.logger.info('ID %s %s was missing, setting to %r' %
                                 (newsitem.id, k, v))
            elif newsitem.attributes.get(k) != v:
                self.logger.info('ID %s %s changed from %r to %r' %
                                 (newsitem.id, k, newsitem.attributes[k], v))
            newsitem.attributes[k] = v
            newsitem_updated = True
        if newsitem_updated:
            self.num_changed += 1
            self.logger.debug('Total changed in this scrape: %s', self.num_changed)
            self.logger.debug('No changes to NewsItem %s detected', newsitem.id)

    def create_or_update(self, old_record, attributes, **kwargs):
        """unified API for updating or creating a NewsItem.
        if old_record:
            self.update_existing(old_record, kwargs, attributes or {})
            self.create_newsitem(attributes=attributes, **kwargs)