class Manager: """ 데이터 수집 및 갱신하는 클래스 설명: - xing api를 이용해 시장정보 및 거래정보를 수집 - 종목정보 수집 -> 검증 -> DB에 저장 - 일간 데이터, 분 데이터 수집 - 액티브 월물 채택 기준: 근월물과 차월물 중 3 거래일 연속 거래량이 더 큰 월물 채택 """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.session = Session(self, demo=True) #채널에 응답하는 매소드 def reply(self, method, data, nextwork=None, name="web"): Channel(name).send({ "worker": "manager", "method": method, "data": data, "auto": }) def backup(self): src = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'market.hdf5') dst_file = 'market_' + '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + '.hdf5' dst = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, dst_file) copyfile(src, dst)"file has backed up to %s", dst_file) def task(self, todo, **args): """ task manager todo : 'marketinfo' or 'rawdata' args:{ key: 로그인키, timeframe: 'day' or 'minute', activeinfo: 액티브월물 정보 } """ = args['auto'] if 'key' in args: self.key = args['key'] if todo == 'backup': self.backup() elif self.session.is_connected(): #날짜 ='%Y%m%d') self.yesterday = ( - timedelta(1)).strftime('%Y%m%d') self.timer = time.time() #조회 제한 용 타이머 # 시장정보 업데이트 if todo == "marketinfo": self.request_marketinfo() elif todo == "rawdata": #open DB db_dir = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'market.hdf5') filters = tb.Filters(complib='blosc', complevel=9) self.h5file = tb.open_file(db_dir, mode="a", filters=filters) self.activeinfo = args['activeinfo'] if args['timeframe'] == 'day': self.request_rawdata('day') if args['timeframe'] == 'minute': self.request_rawdata('minute') else: self.todo = todo self.args = args self.login(self.key) def flush(self): del del self.yesterday del self.timer if hasattr(self, 'args'): del self.args if hasattr(self, 'todo'): del self.todo if hasattr(self, 'h5file'): del self.h5file if hasattr(self, 'activeinfo'): del self.activeinfo if hasattr(self, 'codelength'): del self.codelength if hasattr(self, 'products'): del self.products if hasattr(self, 'codespair'): del self.codespair if hasattr(self, 'cursor'): del self.cursor if hasattr(self, 'message'): del self.message if hasattr(self, 'lastday'): del self.lastday if hasattr(self, 'fields'): del self.fields if hasattr(self, 'activeinfo_res'): del self.activeinfo_res ###################################################################### ## 로그인 ## ###################################################################### def login(self, key): """ 로그인 """ fdir = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'dump') with open(fdir, 'r') as f: #s = a ='\\') i = Helper.decrypt(key, codecs.decode(a[0], "hex")).decode("utf-8") p = Helper.decrypt(key, codecs.decode(a[1], "hex")).decode("utf-8") if self.session.connect_server(): if self.session.login(i, p):"로그인 시도") else: err = self.session.get_last_error() errmsg = self.session.get_error_message(err)'Error message: %s', errmsg) def parse_err_code(self, trcode, errcode): ret = self.session.get_error_message(errcode) msg = '({}) {}'.format(trcode, ret) self.logger.warning(msg) @XAEvents.on('OnLogin') def __login(self, code, msg):"(%s): %s", code, msg) self.task(self.todo, **self.args) @XAEvents.on('OnReceiveMessage') def _msg_receiver(self, syserr, code, msg): if syserr: #True면 시스템 오류 self.logger.warning("OnReceiveMessage: System Error : (%s) %s", code, msg) else: self.logger.debug("OnReceiveMessage: (%s) %s", code, msg) ###################################################################### ## market-info update ## ###################################################################### #1. 전체 종목 정보를 요청 def request_marketinfo(self):"start updating market information") tr = TR.o3101 self.query = Query(self, tr.CODE) fields = dict(gubun='') errcode = self.query.request(tr.INBLOCK, fields) if errcode < 0: self.parse_err_code(tr.CODE, errcode) #2. 종목 리스트를 정리 @XAEvents.on('OnReceiveData', code='o3101') def __marketinfo(self, code): self.products = dict() outblock = TR.o3101.OUTBLOCK cnt = self.query.get_block_count(outblock) for i in range(cnt): market = self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'GdsCd', i) #시장구분 market = Helper.market_symbol(market) group = self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'BscGdsCd', i) #상품코드 code = self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'Symbol', i) #종목코드 codename = self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'SymbolNm', i) #종목명 name = self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'BscGdsNm', i) #기초 상품명 # o3101 'LstngYr이 이상하게 들어와서 codename parsing으로 긴급조치함(170808) #month = datetime( # int(self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'LstngYr', i)), # int(Helper.get_month(self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'LstngM', i))), # 1 #) #월물 month = datetime(int(codename[-8:-4]), int(codename[-3:-1]), 1) # 마이크로 상품, 거래량 적은 상품 제외 if ('micro' in name.lower())\ or ('mini' in name.lower())\ or ('miny' in name.lower())\ or ('vix' in name.lower())\ or ('mp' in group.lower())\ or ('suc' in group.lower())\ or ('hchh' in group.lower())\ or ('sch' in group.lower())\ or ('sku' in group.lower())\ or ('cfi' in group.lower())\ or ('cer' in group.lower()): continue if group not in self.products.keys(): self.products[group] = dict( codes=[], #월물 리스트 market=market, #시장구분 group=group, #상품구분 name=name, #상품명 currency=self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'CrncyCd', i), #통화구분 notation=self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'NotaCd', i), #진법구분 tick_unit=float( self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'UntPrc', i)), #틱 단위 tick_value=float( self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'MnChgAmt', i)), #틱 가치 rgl_factor=self.query.get_field_data( outblock, 'RgltFctr', i), #가격 조정계수 open_time=self.query.get_field_data( outblock, 'DlStrtTm', i), #거래시작시간 close_time=self.query.get_field_data( outblock, 'DlEndTm', i), #거래종료시간 is_tradable=self.query.get_field_data( outblock, 'DlPsblCd', i), #거래가능구분 open_margin=self.query.get_field_data( outblock, 'OpngMgn', i), #개시증거금 keep_margin=self.query.get_field_data( outblock, 'MntncMgn', i), #유지증거금 decimal_places=int( self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'DotGb', i)), #유효소숫점자리수 '%Y%m%d%H%M') #마지막 업데이트 ) # 종목별 정리 self.products[group]['codes'].append( dict( group=group, code=code, codename=codename, month=month, #월물 ec_price=float( self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'EcPrc', i)), #정산가격 )) self.set_front_month() def set_front_month(self): """ 근월물과 차월물 선택 매소드 """ self.codespair = [] for group in self.products.values(): codes = group.get('codes') if len(codes) == 1: group['front'] = codes[0]['code'] group['active'] = codes[0]['code'] group['activated_date'] = self.yesterday elif len(codes) > 1: cm_list = [] for code in codes: cm_list.append((code['month'], code)) front_cm = sorted(cm_list)[:2] group['front'] = front_cm[0][1]['code'] group['front_codes'] = (front_cm[0][1], front_cm[1][1]) self.codespair += [front_cm[0][1], front_cm[1][1]] #테스트코드 #self.codespair = self.codespair[:2] self.codeslen = len(self.codespair) self.get_volume() #3. 일별 거래량 수집 def get_volume(self): tr = TR.o3104 #해외선물 일별 self.query = Query(self, tr.CODE) self.code = self.codespair.pop() self.code['volume'] = [] fields = dict( gubun=0, #일별 shcode=self.code['code'], #종목코드 date=self.yesterday #어제 날짜 기준 ) #조회요청 errcode = self.query.request(tr.INBLOCK, fields) if errcode < 0: self.parse_err_code(tr.CODE, errcode) @XAEvents.on('OnReceiveData', code='o3104') def __get_volume(self, code): tr = TR.o3104 cnt = self.query.get_block_count(tr.OUTBLOCK) # 최근 2일치 거래량 수집 for i in range(3): date = self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK, 'chedate', i) if not date: continue date = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d') vol = int(self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK, 'volume', i)) price = float( self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK, 'price', i) or 0) self.code['volume'].append((date, vol, price)) count = self.query.get_tr_count_request(tr.CODE) # 10분당 조회 tr 200회 제한 if count >= 199: delta = 60 * 10 - (time.time() - self.timer) + 5 msg = "need to sleep %s sec" % delta self.reply("log", msg) time.sleep(delta) self.timer = time.time() # 로깅 msg = "Receiving: %s (%s/%s)"%\ (self.code['codename'], len(self.codespair)+1, self.codeslen) self.reply("log", msg) if self.codespair: time.sleep(tr.TR_PER_SEC + 0.1) #조회 제한 self.get_volume() else: msg = "*** Market information successfully downloaded ***" self.reply("log", msg) self.compare_volume() #5. 거래량 비교 def compare_volume(self): for group in self.products.values(): if 'front_codes' in group: first = group['front_codes'][0] second = group['front_codes'][1] if 'volume' in first and 'volume' in second: group['active'] = group['front'] group['activated_date'] = self.yesterday # 거래량 리스트의 길이를 맞춤 length = min(len(first['volume']), len(second['volume'])) cnt = 0 # 차월물의 거래량이 2일 연속 많으면 액티브월물 = 차월물 for i in range(length, 0, -1): if first['volume'][i - 1][1] < second['volume'][i - 1][1]: cnt += 1 if cnt == 2: group['active'] = second['code'] group['activated_date'] = second['volume'][ i - 1][0].strftime("%Y%m%d") del first['volume'] del second['volume'] else: msg = "volume of %s for comparison does not exist" % group[ 'name'] self.reply("log", msg) self.pass_to_django() #6. django로 넘기기 def pass_to_django(self): for group in self.products.values(): for code in group['codes']: code['month'] = code['month'].strftime("%Y%m") self.reply("marketinfo", self.products, name="post-work") self.flush() ###################################################################### ## Daily OHLC Update ## ###################################################################### def request_rawdata(self, work): """ 데이터 받기 세팅 db에 저장된 최신 데이터의 액티브 월물이 현재 액티브월물과 다른경우 액티브 월물의 갱신 날짜까지는 과거 종목으로 데이터를 받고 갱신 날짜 다음날 부터 갱신된 액티브 월물 데이터를 받는다. """ self.message = [] #월물 업데이트 정보 self.activeinfo_res = deepcopy(self.activeinfo) # 신규 종목 db 생성 for product in self.activeinfo: if not hasattr(self.h5file.root, product['group']): node = self.h5file.create_group('/', product['group'], product['name']) ohlc = self.h5file.create_table(node, "Daily", Daily, "Daily Raw Data") self.h5file.create_table(node, "Minute", Minute, "Minutely Raw Data") self.h5file.create_table(node, "DateMapper", DateMapper, "date array for Minute") self.h5file.flush() self.codelength = len(self.activeinfo) if work == 'day': self.get_daily_data() if work == 'minute': self.get_minute_data() def get_daily_data(self): #tr 정보 tr = TR.o3108 self.query = Query(self, tr.CODE) #db 정보 = self.activeinfo.pop() grp =['group'] self.cursor = getattr(self.h5file.root, grp).Daily #db 커서 self.lastday = max(, default=np.array(0)) #최근 저장된 날짜 startday = ''.join( str( self.lastday.astype('M8[s]').astype('M8[D]') + np.timedelta64(1)).split('-')) #시작일 # db에 액티브월물 저장 안되어있으면 저장하기 if not hasattr(self.cursor.attrs, 'active'): =['active'] active = #db에 저장된 종목 코드 # 액티브 월물이 변경된 경우: 선 갭보정 후 다운 if['active'] != active: #digit =['decimal_places'] #소숫점자릿수(반올림용) price_gap =['price_gap'][:] =[:] + price_gap self.cursor.cols.high[:] = self.cursor.cols.high[:] + price_gap self.cursor.cols.low[:] = self.cursor.cols.low[:] + price_gap self.cursor.cols.close[:] = self.cursor.cols.close[:] + price_gap =[ 'active'] # db에 새로운 액티브 코드 저장 self.cursor.flush() self.message.append("!!! %s Data Has been changed up by %s from %s"%\ (['name'], price_gap, self.lastday.astype('M8[s]'))) self.fields = dict(['active'], gubun=0, #일별 qrycnt=500, sdate=startday, edate=self.yesterday, cts_date='', ) # 로깅 msg = "Starting to get data : %s, last date: %s"\ %(['name'], self.lastday.astype('M8[s]').astype('M8[D]')) #조회 요청 errcode = self.query.request(tr.INBLOCK, self.fields) if errcode < 0: self.parse_err_code(tr.CODE, errcode) @XAEvents.on('OnReceiveData', code='o3108') def _on_get_daily_data(self, code): tr = TR.o3108 data = [] shcode = self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK, 'shcode', 0) #종목코드 cts_date = self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK, 'cts_date', 0) #연속일자 cnt = self.query.get_block_count(tr.OUTBLOCK1) for i in range(cnt): date = self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK1, 'date', i) #날짜 open = self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK1, 'open', i) #시가 high = self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK1, 'high', i) #고가 low = self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK1, 'low', i) #저가 close = self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK1, 'close', i) #종가 volume = self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK1, 'volume', i) #거래량 #날짜가 이상할때가 있음. try: ndate = np.datetime64(datetime.strptime( date, '%Y%m%d')).astype('uint64') / 1000000 sdate = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d') except: self.logger.warning( "%s has a missing DATE or something is wrong", shcode) self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) continue #거래량이 1 미만이면 버림 if int(volume) < 1:"%s with volume %s will be passed at %s", shcode, volume, date) continue if np.rint(ndate) <= np.rint(self.lastday): self.logger.warning("Last date of %s in DB matched at %s", shcode, date) continue if self.cursor.read_where('date==ndate').size:"duplicated date: %s", sdate) continue datum = (ndate, open, high, low, close, volume) data.append(datum) count = self.query.get_tr_count_request(tr.CODE) if data: msg = "Updating daily: %s at %s, TR: %s, (%s/%s)"\ %(['name'], sdate, count, len(self.activeinfo), self.codelength) self.reply("log", msg) self.cursor.append(data) self.cursor.flush() else: msg = "Nothing to update: %s , TR: %s (%s/%s)"\ %(['name'], count, len(self.activeinfo), self.codelength) self.reply("log", msg) # 10분당 조회 tr 200회 제한 if count >= 199: delta = 60 * 10 - (time.time() - self.timer) + 5 msg = 'need to sleep %s sec' % delta self.reply("log", msg) time.sleep(delta) self.timer = time.time() time.sleep(1) #Tr 조회 제한 if cts_date != '00000000': self.fields['cts_date'] = cts_date errcode = self.query.request(tr.INBLOCK, self.fields, bnext=True) if errcode < 0: self.parse_err_code(tr.CODE, errcode) else: if self.activeinfo: self.get_daily_data() else: for msg in self.message: self.reply("log", msg) msg = "** Daily Data updated completely **" self.reply("log", msg) if self.activeinfo = deepcopy(self.activeinfo_res) self.get_minute_data() else: self.h5file.close() self.flush() ###################################################################### ## Minute Data Update ## ###################################################################### def get_minute_data(self): """ 분봉 데이터 받기 """ #tr 정보 tr = TR.o3103 self.query = Query(self, tr.CODE) #db 정보 = self.activeinfo.pop() grp =['group'] self.m_cursor = getattr(self.h5file.root, grp).Minute #db 커서 self.d_cursor = getattr(self.h5file.root, grp).DateMapper self.lastdate = max(, default=np.array(0)) #최근 저장된 날짜 self.flag = False #last date 매칭 되었을때 사용 if not hasattr(self.m_cursor.attrs, 'active'): =['active'] active = #db에 저장된 종목 코드 # 액티브 월물이 변경된 경우: 선 갭보정 후 다운 if['active'] != active: price_gap =['price_gap'] #가격 차이 #데이터 변환 self.m_cursor.cols.price[:] = self.m_cursor.cols.price[:] + price_gap =['active'] #새로운 액티브 코드 저장 self.m_cursor.flush() self.message.append("!!!CASE1: %s Data Has been changed up by %s from %s"%\ (['name'], price_gap, self.lastdate.astype('M8[s]'))) self.fields = dict(['active'], ncnt=1, #분단위 readcnt=500, cts_date='', cts_time='', ) # 로깅"Started to get MINUTE data : %s upto %s",['name'], self.lastdate.astype('M8[s]')) # 조회 요청 errcode = self.query.request(tr.INBLOCK, self.fields) if errcode < 0: self.parse_err_code(tr.CODE, errcode) @XAEvents.on('OnReceiveData', code='o3103') def _on_get_minute_data(self, code): tr = TR.o3103 shcode = self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK, 'shcode', 0) #종목코드 cts_date = self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK, 'cts_date', 0) #연속일자 cts_time = self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK, 'cts_time', 0) #연속시간 timediff = int(self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK, 'timediff', 0)) * (-1) #시차 cnt = self.query.get_block_count(tr.OUTBLOCK1) for i in range(cnt): date = self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK1, 'date', i) #날짜 dtime = self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK1, 'time', i) #시간 high = float(self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK1, 'high', i)) #고가 low = float(self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK1, 'low', i)) #저가 volume = int(self.query.get_field_data(tr.OUTBLOCK1, 'volume', i)) #거래량 items = [] dates = [] #날짜가 이상할때가 있음. try: ndate = np.datetime64(datetime.strptime(date+dtime, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) \ + np.timedelta64(timediff, 'h') ndate = ndate.astype('uint64') / 1000000 sdate = datetime.strptime( date + dtime, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + timedelta(hours=timediff) sdate = sdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') except: self.logger.warning( "%s has a missing DATE or something is wrong %s,%s", shcode, date, dtime) self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) continue #거래량이 1 미만이면 버림 if int(volume) < 1:"%s with volume %s will be passed at %s", shcode, volume, sdate) continue #db에 저장된 최근 날짜보다 이전이면 끝냄 if np.rint(ndate) <= np.rint(self.lastdate): self.flag = True self.logger.warning("Last date of %s in DB matched at %s", shcode, sdate) break # 날짜 겹치면 버림 if self.d_cursor.read_where('date==ndate').size:"duplicated date: %s", sdate) continue else: if len(self.d_cursor.cols.mapper): idx = self.d_cursor.cols.mapper[-1] + 1 #매핑 인덱스 else: idx = 0 mapper = (ndate, idx) dates.append(mapper) digit =['decimal_places'] tickunit =['tick_unit'] if round(low, digit) == round(high, digit): item = (idx, round(low, digit), volume) items.append(item) else: length = (high - low) / tickunit + 1 length = np.rint(length) value = volume / length if np.isinf(value) or (value < 0.1): #inf value 종종 생겨서.. self.logger.warning( "wrong volume: %s, length: %s at %s", volume, length, sdate) continue for price in np.arange(round(low, digit), high - tickunit / 2, tickunit): item = (idx, round(price, digit), value) items.append(item) if items: self.d_cursor.append(dates) self.m_cursor.append(items) self.d_cursor.flush() self.m_cursor.flush() count = self.query.get_tr_count_request(tr.CODE) if 'items' in locals() and items: msg = "Updating Minute data: %s, TR: %s, (%s/%s)"\ %(['name'], count, len(self.activeinfo), self.codelength) self.reply("log", msg) else: msg = "Nothing to update: %s, TR: %s, (%s/%s)"\ %(['name'], count, len(self.activeinfo), self.codelength) self.reply("log", msg) # 10분당 조회 tr 200회 제한 if count >= 199: delta = 60 * 10 - (time.time() - self.timer) + 5 msg = "need to sleep %s sec" % delta self.reply("log", msg) time.sleep(delta) self.timer = time.time() time.sleep(tr.TR_PER_SEC + 0.1) #Tr 조회 제한 if (cts_date == '00000000') or self.flag: if 'sdate' in locals():"Reached last date at %s", sdate) if self.activeinfo: self.get_minute_data() else: for msg in self.message: self.reply("log", msg) msg = "** Minute Data updated completely **" self.reply("log", msg) self.h5file.close() self.flush() #자동 백업 if self.backup() elif cts_date != '00000000': self.fields['cts_date'] = cts_date self.fields['cts_time'] = cts_time errcode = self.query.request(tr.INBLOCK, self.fields, bnext=True) if errcode < 0: self.parse_err_code(tr.CODE, errcode)
class DBmanager: """ 데이터 수집 및 갱신하는 클래스 설명: - xing api를 이용해 시장정보 및 거래정보를 수집 - 종목정보 수집 -> 검증 -> DB에 저장 - 일간 데이터, 분 데이터 수집 - 액티브 월물 채택 기준: 근월물과 차월물 중 3 거래일 연속 거래량이 더 큰 월물 채택 """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.logger = logging.getLogger() self.session = Session(self, demo=True) self.tasks = [] self.messages = deque() #이벤트 결과 저장용 메세지큐 # 10분당 조회 tr 200회 제한 확인용 매서드 def check_req_limit(self, tr): count = self.query.get_tr_count_request(tr.CODE) if count >= 199: delta = 60 * 10 - (time.time() - self.timer)+5 if delta < 0: delta = 600"need to sleep %s sec", delta) time.sleep(delta) self.timer = time.time() else: time.sleep(tr.TR_PER_SEC+0.1) #초당 조회제한 def work(self, **args): """ tasks : ['products','day','minute', 'backup'] """ if not self.tasks:"No more work to do!") return elif not self.session.is_connected(): self.login(key=args['key'] if 'key' in args else None) else: #날짜 = ezdate('today') self.timer = time.time() #조회 제한 용 타이머 task = self.tasks.pop(0) # 백업 if task == 'backup': self.backup() # 상품정보 업데이트 elif task == "products": self.request_productsinfo() elif task == "ohlc" or task == "density": #open DB db_dir = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'market.hdf5') filters = tb.Filters(complib='blosc', complevel=9) self.h5file = tb.open_file(db_dir, mode="a", filters=filters) self.products_l = list(load_products().values()) self.codelength = len(self.products_l) self.message = [] #중요 메시지 마지막에 보여주는 용도 # 신규 종목 db 생성 for product in self.products_l: if not hasattr(self.h5file.root, product['symbol']): node = self.h5file.create_group('/', product['symbol'] , product['name']) ohlc = self.h5file.create_table(node, "OHLC", OHLC, "Daily OHLC Data") self.h5file.create_table(node, "Density", Density, "Minutely Density Data") self.h5file.flush() if task == "ohlc":"TASK : Updating Daily OHLC Data") self.get_ohlc_data() elif task == 'density':"TASK : Updating Density Data") self.get_density_data() def flush(self): del del self.timer if hasattr(self, 'h5file'): del self.h5file if hasattr(self, 'products_l'): del self.products_l if hasattr(self, 'codelength'): del self.codelength if hasattr(self, 'products'): del self.products if hasattr(self, 'cursor'): del self.cursor if hasattr(self, 'message'): del self.message if hasattr(self, 'lastday'): del self.lastday if hasattr(self, 'fields'): del self.fields # 파일 백업 def backup(self): src = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'market.hdf5') dst_file = 'market_bak/market_''%Y%m%d%H%M%S')+'.hdf5' dst = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, dst_file) copyfile(src, dst)"file has backed up to %s",dst_file) ###################################################################### ## 로그인 ## ###################################################################### def login(self, key=None): """ 로그인 """ if not key: key = input("Insert login key: ") fdir = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'dump') with open(fdir, 'r') as f: #s = a ='\\') i = Helper.decrypt(key, codecs.decode(a[0], "hex")).decode("utf-8") p = Helper.decrypt(key, codecs.decode(a[1], "hex")).decode("utf-8") if self.session.connect_server(): if self.session.login(i, p):"로그인 시도") else: err = self.session.get_last_error() errmsg = self.session.get_error_message(err)'Error message: %s', errmsg) def parse_err_code(self, trcode, errcode): ret = self.session.get_error_message(errcode) msg = '({}) {}'.format(trcode, ret) self.logger.warning(msg) @XAEvents.on('OnLogin') def __login(self, code, msg):"(%s): %s", code, msg) if code=='0000': @XAEvents.on('OnReceiveMessage') def _msg_receiver(self, syserr, code, msg): if syserr: #True면 시스템 오류 self.logger.warning("OnReceiveMessage: System Error : (%s) %s", code, msg) else: self.logger.debug("OnReceiveMessage: (%s) %s", code, msg) ###################################################################### ## products-info update ## ###################################################################### #1. 전체 종목 정보를 요청 def request_productsinfo(self):"TASK: Updating market information") = TR.o3101() #해외선물 종목정보 self.query = Query(self, fields = dict(gubun='') errcode = self.query.request(, fields) if errcode < 0: self.parse_err_code(, errcode) #2. 종목 리스트를 정리 @XAEvents.on('OnReceiveData', code='o3101') def __marketinfo(self, code): if != 'request_productsinfo': return self.products = dict() outblock = cnt = self.query.get_block_count(outblock) for i in range(cnt): market = self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'GdsCd', i) #시장구분 market = Helper.market_symbol(market) symbol = self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'BscGdsCd', i) #상품코드 code = self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'Symbol', i) #종목코드 codename = self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'SymbolNm', i) #종목명 name = self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'BscGdsNm', i) #기초 상품명 # o3101 'LstngYr이 이상하게 들어와서 codename parsing으로 긴급조치함(170808) #month = datetime( # int(self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'LstngYr', i)), # int(Helper.get_month(self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'LstngM', i))), # 1 #) #월물 month = datetime(int(codename[-8:-4]), int(codename[-3:-1]), 1) # 마이크로 상품, 거래량 적은 상품 제외 if symbol in EXCLUSIONS: continue if symbol not in self.products.keys(): self.products[symbol] = dict( market=market, #시장구분 symbol=symbol, #상품구분 name=name, #상품명 currency=self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'CrncyCd', i), #통화구분 notation=self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'NotaCd', i), #진법구분 tick_unit=D(self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'UntPrc', i)), #틱 단위 tick_value=D(self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'MnChgAmt', i)), #틱 가치 rgl_factor=self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'RgltFctr', i), #가격 조정계수 open_time=self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'DlStrtTm', i), #거래시작시간 close_time=self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'DlEndTm', i), #거래종료시간 is_tradable=self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'DlPsblCd', i), #거래가능구분 open_margin=D(self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'OpngMgn', i)), #개시증거금 decimals=int(self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'DotGb', i)), #유효소숫점자리수'%Y%m%d%H%M'), #마지막 업데이트 codes=[] ) # 종목별 정리 self.products[symbol]['codes'].append(dict( code=code, #월물코드 month=month, #월물 codename=codename, #종목명 symbol=symbol #심볼 )) # sorting month for product in self.products.values(): product['codes'].sort(key=lambda x: x['month']) product['codes'] = product['codes'][:3] #최근 3개 월물 저장 self.allcodes = [x for product in self.products.values() for x in product['codes']] self.collect_trade_data() #3. 종목 거래정보 수집 def collect_trade_data(self): = TR.o3103() self.query = Query(self, self.code = self.allcodes.pop() field = dict( shcode = self.code['code'], ncnt = 60, readcnt=24, cts_date='', cts_time='' ) #조회요청 errcode = self.query.request(, field) if errcode < 0: self.parse_err_code(, errcode) else:"Receving %s (remains: %s)", self.code['codename'], len(self.allcodes)) @XAEvents.on('OnReceiveData', code='o3103') def __collect_trade_data(self, code): if != 'collect_trade_data': return outblock = cnt = self.query.get_block_count(outblock) prices = [] vol = 0 for i in range(cnt): prices.append(D(self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'open', i))) #시가 prices.append(D(self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'close', i))) #종가 vol += int(self.query.get_field_data(outblock, 'volume', i)) #거래량 self.code['volume'] = vol # 기준가격(price) 정하기 (시가 + 종가 평균) digit = [x['decimals'] for x in self.products.values() if self.code in x['codes']][0] tickunit = [x['tick_unit'] for x in self.products.values() if self.code in x['codes']][0] self.code['ec_price'] = round((np.mean(prices) // tickunit) * tickunit, digit) if prices else D('0') # 조회제한 확인 self.check_req_limit( # 연속조회 if self.allcodes: self.collect_trade_data() else: self.set_active() # 4. 액티브 월물 결정 # 전일 기준 거래량이 가장 큰 월물을 액티브 월물로 결정함 def set_active(self): for product in self.products.values(): product['active'] = deepcopy(max(product['codes'], key=lambda x: x['volume'])) product['active']['activated_date'] = product['active']['price_gap'] = D('0') self.verification() #5. 기존 상품정보와 비교 def verification(self): old = load_products() if old: for symbol, product in self.products.items(): # case 1. 신규 생성된 상품 if symbol not in old: continue else: cur_ac = product['active'] #신규 액티브 old_ac = old[symbol]['active'] #구 액티브 # case 2. 액티브 웜물이 기존보다 앞서거나 같은 경우: pass if cur_ac['month'] <= old_ac['month']: product['active'] = old_ac # case 3. 신규 액티브 월물이 갱신된 경우: 갱신 elif cur_ac['month'] > old_ac['month']: newprice = [x['ec_price'] for x in old[symbol]['codes'] if x['code'] == cur_ac['code']][0] lastprice = [x['ec_price'] for x in old[symbol]['codes'] if x['code'] == old_ac['code']][0] tick = product['tick_unit'] cur_ac['price_gap'] = round( (newprice - lastprice)//tick * tick , product['decimals'])"Active month of %s has changed with price gap %s (%s -> %s) "\ , product['name'], cur_ac['price_gap'], old_ac['month'], cur_ac['month']) save_products(self.products)"*** Products Information Successfully Updated ***") self.flush() ###################################################################### ## Daily OHLC Update ## ###################################################################### def get_ohlc_data(self): #tr 정보 = TR.o3108() self.query = Query(self, #db 정보 self.product = self.products_l.pop() symbol = self.product['symbol'] self.cursor = getattr(self.h5file.root, symbol).OHLC #db 커서 self.lastday = ezdate(max(, #최근 저장된 날짜 startday = #시작일 # db에 액티브월물 저장 안되어있으면 저장하기 if not hasattr(self.cursor.attrs, 'active'): = self.product['active']['code'] active = #db에 저장된 액티브 월물코드 # 액티브 월물이 변경된 경우: 선 갭보정 후 다운 if self.product['active']['code'] != active: #digit =['decimal_places'] #소숫점자릿수(반올림용) price_gap = self.product['active']['price_gap'][:] =[:] + price_gap self.cursor.cols.high[:] = self.cursor.cols.high[:] + price_gap self.cursor.cols.low[:] = self.cursor.cols.low[:] + price_gap self.cursor.cols.close[:] = self.cursor.cols.close[:] + price_gap = self.product['active']['code'] # db에 새로운 액티브 코드 저장 self.cursor.flush() self.message.append("!!! %s Data Has been changed up by %s from %s"%\ (self.product['name'], price_gap, self.lastday.str())) self.fields = dict( shcode=self.product['active']['code'], gubun=0, #일별 qrycnt=500, sdate=startday.str(),, cts_date='', ) #조회 요청 errcode = self.query.request(, self.fields) if errcode < 0: self.parse_err_code(, errcode) @XAEvents.on('OnReceiveData', code='o3108') def _on_get_ohlc_data(self, code): if != 'get_ohlc_data': return data = [] shcode = self.query.get_field_data(, 'shcode', 0) #종목코드 cts_date = self.query.get_field_data(, 'cts_date', 0) #연속일자 cnt = self.query.get_block_count( for i in range(cnt): date = self.query.get_field_data(, 'date', i) #날짜 open = self.query.get_field_data(, 'open', i) #시가 high = self.query.get_field_data(, 'high', i) #고가 low = self.query.get_field_data(, 'low', i) #저가 close = self.query.get_field_data(, 'close', i) #종가 volume = self.query.get_field_data(, 'volume', i) #거래량 #날짜가 이상할때가 있음. try: date = ezdate(date) #ndate = np.datetime64(datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d')).astype('uint64')/1000000 #sdate = datetime.strptime(date, '%Y%m%d').strftime('%Y-%m-%d') except: self.logger.warning("%s has a missing DATE or something is wrong", shcode) self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) continue #거래량이 1 미만이면 버림 if int(volume) < 1:"%s with volume %s will be passed at %s", shcode, volume, date.str()) continue if np.rint(date.stamp()) <= np.rint(self.lastday.stamp()): self.logger.warning("Last date of %s in DB matched at %s", shcode, date.str()) continue ndate = date.stamp() if self.cursor.read_where('date==ndate').size:"duplicated date: %s", date.str()) continue datum = (date.stamp(), open, high, low, close, volume) data.append(datum) count = self.query.get_tr_count_request( if data: msg = "Updating daily: %s at %s, TR: %s, (%s/%s)"\ %(self.product['name'], date.str(), count, len(self.products_l), self.codelength) self.cursor.append(data) self.cursor.flush() else: msg = "Nothing to update: %s , TR: %s (%s/%s)"\ %(self.product['name'], count, len(self.products_l), self.codelength) # 10분당 조회 tr 200회 제한 self.check_req_limit( if cts_date != '00000000': self.fields['cts_date'] = cts_date errcode = self.query.request(, self.fields, bnext=True) if errcode < 0: self.parse_err_code(, errcode) else: if self.products_l: self.get_ohlc_data() else: for msg in self.message:"** Daily Data updated completely **") self.h5file.close() self.flush() ###################################################################### ## Minute Data Update ## ###################################################################### def get_density_data(self): """ 분봉 데이터 받기 """ #tr 정보 = TR.o3103() self.query = Query(self, #db 정보 self.product = self.products_l.pop() symbol = self.product['symbol'] self.cursor = getattr(self.h5file.root, symbol).Density self.lastdate = ezdate(max(, #최근 저장된 날짜 self.flag = False #last date 매칭 되었을때 사용 if not hasattr(self.cursor.attrs, 'active'): = self.product['active']['code'] active = #db에 저장된 종목 코드 # 액티브 월물이 변경된 경우: 선 갭보정 후 다운 if self.product['active']['code'] != active: price_gap = self.product['active']['price_gap'] #가격 차이 #데이터 변환 self.cursor.cols.price[:] = self.cursor.cols.price[:] + price_gap = self.product['active']['code'] #새로운 액티브 코드 저장 self.cursor.flush() self.message.append("!!!CASE1: %s Data Has been changed up by %s from %s"%\ (self.product['name'], price_gap, self.lastdate.str('s'))) self.fields = dict( shcode=self.product['active']['code'], ncnt=1, #분단위 readcnt=500, cts_date='', cts_time='', ) # 로깅"Started to get MINUTE data : %s upto %s", self.product['name'], self.lastdate.str('s')) # 조회 요청 errcode = self.query.request(, self.fields) if errcode < 0: self.parse_err_code(, errcode) @XAEvents.on('OnReceiveData', code='o3103') def _on_get_density_data(self, code): if != 'get_density_data': return shcode = self.query.get_field_data(, 'shcode', 0) #종목코드 cts_date = self.query.get_field_data(, 'cts_date', 0) #연속일자 cts_time = self.query.get_field_data(, 'cts_time', 0) #연속시간 timediff = int(self.query.get_field_data(, 'timediff', 0)) * (-1) #시차 cnt = self.query.get_block_count( for i in range(cnt): date = self.query.get_field_data(, 'date', i) #날짜 dtime = self.query.get_field_data(, 'time', i) #시간 high = float(self.query.get_field_data(, 'high', i)) #고가 low = float(self.query.get_field_data(, 'low', i)) #저가 volume = int(self.query.get_field_data(, 'volume', i)) #거래량 items = [] #날짜가 이상할때가 있음. try: ndate = np.datetime64(datetime.strptime(date+dtime, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) \ + np.timedelta64(timediff, 'h') date = ezdate(ndate) #ndate = ndate.astype('uint64')/1000000 #sdate = datetime.strptime(date+dtime, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') + timedelta(hours=timediff) #sdate = sdate.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') except: self.logger.warning("%s has a missing DATE or something is wrong %s", shcode, date.str('s')) self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) continue #거래량이 1 미만이면 버림 if int(volume) < 1:"%s with volume %s will be passed at %s", shcode, volume, sdate) continue #db에 저장된 최근 날짜보다 이전이면 끝냄 if np.rint(date.stamp()) <= np.rint(self.lastdate.stamp()): self.flag = True self.logger.warning("Last date of %s in DB matched at %s", shcode, date.str('s')) break # 날짜 겹치면 버림 ndate = date.stamp() if self.cursor.read_where('date==ndate').size:"duplicated date: %s", date.str('s')) continue else: digit = self.product['decimals'] tickunit = float(self.product['tick_unit']) if round(low, digit) == round(high, digit): item = (date.stamp(), round(low, digit), volume) items.append(item) else: length = (high-low)/tickunit + 1 length = np.rint(length) value = volume/length if np.isinf(value) or (value < 0.1): #inf value 종종 생겨서.. self.logger.warning("wrong volume: %s, length: %s at %s", volume, length, date.str('s')) continue for price in np.arange(round(low, digit), high - tickunit/2, tickunit): item = (date.stamp(), round(price, digit), value) items.append(item) if items: self.cursor.append(items) self.cursor.flush() count = self.query.get_tr_count_request( if 'items' in locals() and items: msg = "Updating Minute data: %s, TR: %s, (%s/%s)"\ %(self.product['name'], count, len(self.products_l), self.codelength) else: msg = "Nothing to update: %s, TR: %s, (%s/%s)"\ %(self.product['name'], count, len(self.products_l), self.codelength) # 10분당 조회 tr 200회 제한 self.check_req_limit( if (cts_date == '00000000') or self.flag: if 'date' in locals():"Reached last date at %s", date.str('s')) if self.products_l: self.get_density_data() else: for msg in self.message:"** Minute Data updated completely **") self.h5file.close() self.flush() elif cts_date != '00000000': self.fields['cts_date'] = cts_date self.fields['cts_time'] = cts_time errcode = self.query.request(, self.fields, bnext=True) if errcode < 0: self.parse_err_code(, errcode)