def equiv_c(self, ec, m=0):
     if m == 0:
         p = Point()
         p.x = 0
         p.y = 1
         p.z = 0
         return (self.equiv_c(ec, p))
     if self.z == 0 or m.z == 0:
         if self.z == 0 and m.z == 0:
             return True
             return False
     temp = f_inv(ec.q, m.z)
     s_temp = f_inv(ec.q, self.z)
     self_x = f_mult(ec.q, (int)(self.x), s_temp)
     self_y = f_mult(ec.q, (int)(self.y), s_temp)
     m_x = f_mult(ec.q, m.x, m.z)
     m_y = f_mult(ec.q, m.y, m.z)
     if ec.q > 0:
         if m_x % (ec.q) == self_x % (ec.q) and (m_y %
                                                 (ec.q)) == self_y % ec.q:
             return True
             return False
         if m_x == self_x and m_y == self_y:
             return True
             return False
def sign(ec, r, G, a, m):
    k = np.random.randint(1, r)
    rpoint = ec.scale(G, k)
    s = f_inv(r, k)
    temp = f_mult(r, a, rpoint.x)
    temp = f_add(r, m, temp)
    s = f_mult(r, s, temp)
    return m, rpoint, s
def verify(ec, r, G, Q, m, rpoint, s):
    u_1 = f_mult(r, f_inv(r, s), m)
    u_2 = f_mult(r, f_inv(r, s), rpoint.x)
    v = ec.scale(G, u_1)
    temp = ec.scale(Q, u_2)
    v = ec.add(v, temp)
    if v.equiv_c(ec, rpoint):
        return True
        return False
    def add(self, x, y, fac=0):
        if ec.verify(x) != True:
            print("This is not on the curve.")
            return 0
        if ec.verify(y) != True:
            print("This is not on the curve.")
            return 0

        if y.z == 0:
            return x
        elif x.z == 0:
            return y
            q = self.q
            x_1 = x.plane()[0]
            y_1 = x.plane()[1]
            x_2 = y.plane()[0]
            y_2 = y.plane()[1]
            ret = Point()
            if x_1 != x_2:
                m = f_add(self.q, y_2, -y_1)
                m = f_mult(self.q, m,
                           f_inv(self.q, f_add(self.q, x_2, -x_1), fac))
                x_3 = f_mult(q, m, m)
                x_3 = f_add(q, x_3, -x_1)
                x_3 = f_add(q, x_3, -x_2)
                y_3 = f_add(q, x_1, -x_3)
                y_3 = f_mult(q, m, y_3)
                y_3 = f_add(q, y_3, -y_1)
            elif y_1 != y_2:
                ret.x = 0
                ret.y = 1
                ret.z = 0
                return ret
            elif y_1 != 0:  #P_1 = P_2, y_1 != 0
                m = f_mult(q, 3, x_1)
                m = f_mult(q, m, x_1)
                m = f_add(q, m, self.b)
                div = f_mult(q, 2, y_1)
                m = f_mult(q, m, f_inv(q, div, fac))
                x_3 = f_mult(q, m, m)
                x_3 = f_add(q, x_3, -x_1)
                x_3 = f_add(q, x_3, -x_1)
                y_3 = f_add(q, x_1, -x_3)
                y_3 = f_mult(q, m, y_3)
                y_3 = f_add(q, y_3, -y_1)

            elif y_1 == 0:
                ret.x = 0
                ret.y = 1
                ret.z = 0
                return ret
            ret.x = x_3
            ret.y = y_3
            ret.z = 1
            return ret
    def rand(
            self):  #pick a random point on this ec. TODO: Prime power support.

        y_0 = False
        while (y_0 == False):
            x_0 = np.random.randint(0, self.q)
            y_square = f_mult(self.q, x_0, x_0)
            y_square = f_mult(self.q, x_0, y_square)
            temp = f_mult(self.q, x_0, self.b)
            y_square = f_add(self.q, temp, y_square)
            y_square = f_add(self.q, y_square, self.c)
            y_0 = f_sqrt(self.q, y_square)
        r = Point()
        r.x = x_0
        r.y = y_0
        r.z = 1
        return r
def h_func(ec, p, q):

    p_x = p.plane()[0]
    p_y = p.plane()[1]
    q_x = q.plane()[0]
    q_y = q.plane()[1]
    x, y = sp.symbols('x y')
    if p_x == q_x and p_y != q_y:
        h_pqn = x - p_x
        h_pqd = 1
        if p_x == q_x and p_y == q_y and p_y == 0:
            h_pqn = x - p_x
            h_pqd = 1
            if p_x == q_x and p_y == q_y:
                m = (3*p_x*p_x + ec.b)/(2*p_y)
                m = f_mult(ec.q, p_x, p_x)
                temp = f_add(ec.q, m, m)
                m = f_add(ec.q, m, temp)
                m = f_add(ec.q, m, ec.b)
                temp = f_add(ec.q, p_y, p_y)
                m = f_mult(ec.q, m, f_inv(ec.q, temp))
                m = f_add(ec.q, q_y, -p_y)
                temp = f_add(ec.q, q_x, -p_x)
                #print("this is m")
                #print("this is inv")
                #print(f_inv(ec.q, temp))
                m = f_mult(ec.q, m, f_inv(ec.q, temp))
            temp = f_add(ec.q, p_x, q_x)
            temp1 = f_mult(ec.q, m, m)
            temp = f_add(ec.q, temp, -temp1)
            h_pqn = (y - p_y - m*(x -p_x))
            h_pqd = (x + temp)
    return h_pqn, h_pqd
def weil(ec, p, q, m, s): #s is any point on the curve not P, -Q, P-Q, O

    #Verify p, q are m-torsion points, and on curve
    if ec.verify(p) == False or ec.verify(q) == False:
        return "At least one point is not on the curve"
    mp = ec.scale(p, m)
    mq = ec.scale(q, m)
    if mp.equiv_c(ec) != True:
        return "P is not an m-torsion point"
    if mq.equiv_c(ec) != True:
        return "Q is not an m-torsion point"
    x,y = sp.symbols('x y')
    f_pn, f_pd = millers_algorithm(ec, p, m)
    f_qn, f_qd = millers_algorithm(ec, q, m)
    found = False
    while found == False:#Find an s such that s notin {O, P, -Q, P-Q} to prevent
        #degeneracy of the weil computations.
        s = ec.rand()
        if s.equiv_c(ec):
            found = False
        elif s.equiv_c(ec, p):
            found = False
        elif s.equiv_c(ec, q):
            found = False
        elif s.equiv_c(ec, ec.add(p, q)):
            found = False
            found = True
    ps = ec.add(q, s)
    neg = ec_curves.Point()
    neg.x = s.x
    neg.y = -s.y
    neg.z = s.z
    qs = ec.add(p, neg)
    num = f_pn.subs([(x, ps.plane()[0]), (y, ps.plane()[1])])
    num = f_mult(ec.q, num, f_inv(ec.q, f_pd.subs([(x, ps.plane()[0]),
    (y, ps.plane()[1])])))

    den = f_pn.subs([(x, s.plane()[0]), (y, s.plane()[1])])
    den = f_mult(ec.q, den, f_inv(ec.q, f_pd.subs([(x, s.plane()[0]),
    (y, s.plane()[1])])))

    num2 = f_qn.subs([(x, qs.plane()[0]), (y, qs.plane()[1])])
    num2 = f_mult(ec.q, num2, f_inv(ec.q, f_qd.subs([(x,
    qs.plane()[0]), (y, qs.plane()[1])])))

    den2 = f_qn.subs([(x, neg.plane()[0]), (y, neg.plane()[1])])
    den2 = f_mult(ec.q, den2, f_inv(ec.q, f_qd.subs([(x,
    neg.plane()[0]), (y, neg.plane()[1])])))
    num = f_mult(ec.q, num, den2)
    den = f_mult(ec.q, den, num2)
    ret = f_mult(ec.q, num, f_inv(ec.q, den))
    print("Weil: " + str(ret))