def do2dDiff(self,doEB): part = 'eb' if doEB else 'ee' customROOTstyle() refData = self.parseDic(self._allData["ref"]) newData = self.parseDic(self._allData["current"]) histos = {} if doEB: histos['eb'] = [] else: histos['eeplus'] = [] histos['eeminus'] = [] for s in range(12): if doEB: h = rt.TProfile2D(('%s_diff_2d_sample%d' % (part,s)),"",360,1,360,170,-85,85) h.GetXaxis().SetTitle('i#phi') h.GetYaxis().SetTitle('i#eta') h.SetTitle('sample_{%d}^{new}-sample_{%d}^{ref}' % (s,s)) h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.01,0.01) histos['eb'].append(h) else: hplus = rt.TProfile2D(('%s_plus_diff_2d_sample%d' % (part,s)),"",100,1,100,100,1,100) hplus.GetXaxis().SetTitle('ix') hplus.GetYaxis().SetTitle('iy') hplus.SetTitle('sample_{%d}^{new}-sample_{%d}^{ref}' % (s,s)) hplus.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.01,0.01) histos['eeplus'].append(hplus) hminus = hplus.Clone('%s_minus_diff_2d_sample%d' % (part,s)) histos['eeminus'].append(hminus) detids = EcalDetId('/afs/') for (partition,detid),samples in refData.iteritems(): key = (partition,detid) (x,y,z) = if key not in newData: continue if ((doEB and int(partition)==0) or (not doEB and int(partition)==1)): continue if z==-999: continue if z==0: htofill = histos['eb'] elif z==1: htofill = histos['eeplus'] else: htofill = histos['eeminus'] (ix,iy) = (y,x) if doEB else (x+1,y+1) for s in range(12): htofill[s].Fill(ix,iy,float((newData[key])[s])-float((refData[key])[s])) xsize = 1200 ysize = int(xsize*170/360+0.1*xsize) if doEB else int(xsize*0.9) canv = rt.TCanvas("c","",xsize,ysize) for k,v in histos.iteritems(): for s in range(12): #(histos[k])[s].Draw("colz") #canv.SaveAs('%s_diff_2d_sample%d.pdf' % (k,s)) self.printOnePlot( (histos[k])[s], canv, '%s_diff_2d_sample%d' % (k,s) )
def do2dDiff(self,doEB): part = 'eb' if doEB else 'ee' customROOTstyle() refData = self.parseDic(self._allData["ref"]) newData = self.parseDic(self._allData["current"]) histos = {} if doEB: histos['eb'] = [] else: histos['eeplus'] = [] histos['eeminus'] = [] for s in range(12): if doEB: h = rt.TProfile2D(('%s_diff_2d_sample%d' % (part,s)),"",360,1,360,170,-85,85) h.GetXaxis().SetTitle('i#phi') h.GetYaxis().SetTitle('i#eta') h.SetTitle('sample_{%d}^{new}-sample_{%d}^{ref}' % (s,s)) h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.03,0.03) histos['eb'].append(h) else: hplus = rt.TProfile2D(('%s_plus_diff_2d_sample%d' % (part,s)),"",100,1,100,100,1,100) hplus.GetXaxis().SetTitle('ix') hplus.GetYaxis().SetTitle('iy') hplus.SetTitle('sample_{%d}^{new}-sample_{%d}^{ref}' % (s,s)) hplus.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(-0.03,0.03) histos['eeplus'].append(hplus) hminus = hplus.Clone('%s_minus_diff_2d_sample%d' % (part,s)) histos['eeminus'].append(hminus) detids = EcalDetId('/afs/') for (partition,detid),samples in refData.iteritems(): key = (partition,detid) (x,y,z) = if key not in newData: continue if ((doEB and int(partition)==0) or (not doEB and int(partition)==1)): continue if z==-999: continue if z==0: htofill = histos['eb'] elif z==1: htofill = histos['eeplus'] else: htofill = histos['eeminus'] (ix,iy) = (y,x) if doEB else (x,y) for s in range(12): htofill[s].Fill(ix,iy,float((newData[key])[s])-float((refData[key])[s])) xsize = 1200 ysize = int(xsize*170/360+0.1*xsize) if doEB else int(xsize*0.9) canv = rt.TCanvas("c","",xsize,ysize) for k,v in histos.iteritems(): for s in range(12): #(histos[k])[s].Draw("colz") #canv.SaveAs('%s_diff_2d_sample%d.pdf' % (k,s)) self.printOnePlot( (histos[k])[s], canv, '%s_diff_2d_sample%d' % (k,s) )
tv = TagValidation([txt], options) data = tv.parseDic(tv._allData["current"]) ebdata = {(partition, detid): samples for (partition, detid), samples in data.iteritems() if partition == '1'} eedata = {(partition, detid): samples for (partition, detid), samples in data.iteritems() if partition == '0'} print "Original has {neb} crystals in EB and {nee} in EE".format( neb=len(ebdata), nee=len(eedata)) # some geometry detids = EcalDetId( '/afs/' ) ringmap = etaRingMapping() averages = {} filledCry = {} irCry = {} print "Starting the first loop..." for (partition, detid), samples in eedata.iteritems(): (x, y, z) = x0 = x - 50 y0 = y - 50 ir = int(math.sqrt(x0 * x0 + y0 * y0)) iring = ringmap.getRing(False, x, y, z) if iring not in averages:
def do2dTime(self,currentTimeIC,doEB,newTimeIC=''): part = 'EB' if doEB else 'EE' customROOTstyle() refData = self.parseDic(self._allData["ref"]) newData = self.parseDic(self._allData["current"]) of = rt.TFile.Open('%s_timeVals.root' % part,'recreate') histos = [] histosDiff = [] if doEB: h = rt.TProfile2D(('%s_time' % part),"",360,1,360,170,-85,85) h.GetXaxis().SetTitle('i#phi') h.GetYaxis().SetTitle('i#eta') h.SetTitle('Time (ns)') h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(-1,1) histos.append(h) histosDiff.append(h.Clone(('%s_time_diff' % part))) else: hplus = rt.TProfile2D(('%splus_time' % part),"",100,1,100,100,1,100) hplus.GetXaxis().SetTitle('ix') hplus.GetYaxis().SetTitle('iy') hplus.SetTitle('Time (ns)') hplus.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(-1,1) histos.append(hplus) histosDiff.append(hplus.Clone(('%splus_time_diff' % part))) hminus = hplus.Clone('%sminus_time' % part) histos.append(hminus) histosDiff.append(hminus.Clone(('%sminus_time_diff' % part))) detids = EcalDetId('/afs/') # load the current time ICs (dump of the tag) self.timeICs = self.loadTimeICs(currentTimeIC) if len(newTimeIC)>0: newTimeICs = self.loadTimeICs(newTimeIC) histo = rt.TH1F("histo","",15,0,15) fitter = AlphaBetaFitter( rt.TF1("alphabeta",alphabeta,0,10,5), doEB) cryfit = 0 for (partition,detid),samples in newData.iteritems(): key = (partition,detid) (x,y,z) = if detid not in self.timeICs: continue if ((doEB and int(partition)==0) or (not doEB and int(partition)==1)): continue if z==0 or z==1: htofill = histos[0] hdifftofill = histosDiff[0] else: htofill = histos[1] hdifftofill = histosDiff[1] (ix,iy) = (y,x) if doEB else (x,y) # fill the template and fit it for s in range(3): histo.SetBinContent(s+1,0) for s in range(12): histo.SetBinContent(s+4,float((newData[key])[s])) # results =,doEB,('pulse_%d_%d_%d.png' % (x,y,z))) results =,doEB) currentCorr = float(self.timeICs[detid]) + self.timeOffsets[part] time = 25.*((results['pars'])[2]-5.5) correctedTime = time + currentCorr # print "detid = ",key," has time from fit [IC] = ",time, " [",currentCorr,"]" htofill.Fill(ix,iy,correctedTime) if len(newTimeIC)>0: if detid not in newTimeICs: continue newCorr = float(newTimeICs[detid]) # print ' correctedTime = ',correctedTime," newCorr = ",newCorr," diff = ", correctedTime - newCorr hdifftofill.Fill(ix,iy,correctedTime - newCorr) if cryfit % 1000 == 0: print 'fitted ',cryfit,' templates' cryfit += 1 xsize = 1200 ysize = int(xsize*170/360+0.1*xsize) if doEB else int(xsize*0.9) canv = rt.TCanvas("c","",xsize,ysize) for h in histos: #h.Draw("colz") #canv.SaveAs(h.GetName()+'.pdf') self.printOnePlot(h,canv,h.GetName()) h.Write() for h in histosDiff: h.Write() of.Close()
def asymmetryByRing(tv, data, doPlot=True): customROOTstyle() rt.gStyle.SetOptStat(0) histos = {} histos['eeplus'] = [] histos['eeminus'] = [] histos['eediff'] = [] for s in range(12): hp = rt.TProfile(('endcap_plus_ring_sample%d' % s), "", 39, 0, 39) hp.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta ring') hp.SetTitle('average sample %d' % s) histos['eeplus'].append(hp) hm = hp.Clone('endcap_minus_ring_sample%d' % s) histos['eeminus'].append(hm) hd = rt.TH1D(('endcap_diff_ring_sample%d' % s), "", 39, 0, 39) hd.GetXaxis().SetTitle('#eta ring') hd.SetTitle('sample %d (EE^{+}-EE^{-})/(EE^{+}+EE^{-})' % s) hd.GetYaxis().SetLimits(-0.01, 0.01) histos['eediff'].append(hd) print "Loading detIds mapping..." detids = EcalDetId( '/afs/' ) print "Loading EE rings..." ringmap = etaRingMapping() for (partition, detid), samples in data.iteritems(): key = (partition, detid) (x, y, z) = if int(partition) == 1: continue # skip barrel htofill = histos['eeplus'] if z > 0 else histos['eeminus'] ring = ringmap.getRing(False, x, y, z) for s in range(12): htofill[s].Fill(ring, float(data[key][s])) xsize = 1200 ysize = int(xsize * 0.9) canv = rt.TCanvas("c", "", xsize, ysize) for s in range(12): for b in range(histos['eeplus'][s].GetNbinsX() + 1): reldiff = (histos['eeplus'][s].GetBinContent(b) - histos['eeminus'][s].GetBinContent(b)) / ( histos['eeplus'][s].GetBinContent(b) + histos['eeminus'][s].GetBinContent(b)) relerr = hypot( histos['eeplus'][s].GetBinError(b) / histos['eeplus'][s].GetBinContent(b), histos['eeplus'][s].GetBinError(b) / histos['eeplus'][s].GetBinContent(b)) histos['eediff'][s].SetBinContent(b, reldiff) histos['eediff'][s].SetBinError(b, relerr) if doPlot: tv.printOnePlot((histos['eediff'])[s], canv, 'endcap_diff_ring_sample%d' % s) tv.printOnePlot((histos['eeplus'])[s], canv, 'endcap_plus_ring_sample%d' % s) tv.printOnePlot((histos['eeminus'])[s], canv, 'endcap_minus_ring_sample%d' % s) return histos
def do2dShapeDiff(self,doEB,absoluteShape=False): part = 'EB' if doEB else 'EE' customROOTstyle() refData = self.parseDic(self._allData["ref"]) newData = self.parseDic(self._allData["current"]) of = rt.TFile.Open('%s_timeVals.root' % part,'recreate') histos = {} for ip,par in enumerate(['alpha','beta','T0']): (zmin,zmax) = (-0.03,0.03) if par!="T0" else (-1,1) # ns if par=="T0" and absoluteShape: (zmin,zmax) = (-5,5) # ns if doEB: h = rt.TProfile2D(('%s_%s' % (part,par)),"",360,1,360,170,-85,85) h.GetXaxis().SetTitle('i#phi') h.GetYaxis().SetTitle('i#eta') h.SetTitle('Time (ns)' if par=="T0" else '#Delta #{par}/#{par}'.format(par=par)) h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(zmin,zmax) histos[par] = [h] else: hz = [] hplus = rt.TProfile2D(('%splus_%s' % (part,par)),"",100,1,100,100,1,100) hplus.GetXaxis().SetTitle('ix') hplus.GetYaxis().SetTitle('iy') hplus.SetTitle('Time (ns)' if par=="T0" else '#Delta #{par}/#{par}'.format(par=par)) hplus.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(zmin,zmax) hz.append(hplus) hminus = hplus.Clone('%sminus_%s' % (part,par)) hz.append(hminus) histos[par] = hz detids = EcalDetId('/afs/') cryfit = 0 for (partition,detid),samples in newData.iteritems(): key = (partition,detid) (x,y,z) = if not absoluteShape and key not in refData: continue if ((doEB and int(partition)==0) or (not doEB and int(partition)==1)): continue if z==-999: continue (ix,iy) = (y,x) if doEB else (x+1,y+1) (val,err) = self.timeFit(newData[key],self.abfitter,doEB) (valRef,errRef) = self.timeFit(refData[key],self.abfitter,doEB) if not absoluteShape else ({},{}) for ip,par in enumerate(['alpha','beta','T0']): if z==0 or z==1: htofill = (histos[par])[0] else: htofill = (histos[par])[1] value = val[par]-valRef[par] if not absoluteShape else val[par] if par!="T0": value = value/valRef[par] if not absoluteShape else value #print "par = ",par," val1,2 = ",val[par]," ",valRef[par]," norm value = ",value #print "err1,2 = ",err[par]," ",errRef[par] htofill.Fill(ix,iy,value) if cryfit % 1000 == 0: print 'fitted ',cryfit,' templates' cryfit += 1 xsize = 1200 ysize = int(xsize*170/360+0.1*xsize) if doEB else int(xsize*0.9) canv = rt.TCanvas("c","",xsize,ysize) for k,hvect in histos.iteritems(): for h in hvect: h.Write() self.printOnePlot(h,canv,'{name}{absolute}'.format(name=h.GetName(),absolute='_absolute' if absoluteShape else ''),"",True) of.Close()
def do2dTime(self,currentTimeIC,doEB,newTimeIC=''): part = 'EB' if doEB else 'EE' customROOTstyle() refData = self.parseDic(self._allData["ref"]) newData = self.parseDic(self._allData["current"]) of = rt.TFile.Open('%s_timeVals.root' % part,'recreate') histos = [] histosDiff = [] if doEB: h = rt.TProfile2D(('%s_time' % part),"",360,1,360,170,-85,85) h.GetXaxis().SetTitle('i#phi') h.GetYaxis().SetTitle('i#eta') h.SetTitle('Time (ns)') h.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(-1,1) histos.append(h) histosDiff.append(h.Clone(('%s_time_diff' % part))) else: hplus = rt.TProfile2D(('%splus_time' % part),"",100,1,100,100,1,100) hplus.GetXaxis().SetTitle('ix') hplus.GetYaxis().SetTitle('iy') hplus.SetTitle('Time (ns)') hplus.GetZaxis().SetRangeUser(-1,1) histos.append(hplus) histosDiff.append(hplus.Clone(('%splus_time_diff' % part))) hminus = hplus.Clone('%sminus_time' % part) histos.append(hminus) histosDiff.append(hminus.Clone(('%sminus_time_diff' % part))) detids = EcalDetId('/afs/') # load the current time ICs (dump of the tag) self.timeICs = self.loadTimeICs(currentTimeIC) if len(newTimeIC)>0: newTimeICs = self.loadTimeICs(newTimeIC) histo = rt.TH1F("histo","",15,0,15) cryfit = 0 for (partition,detid),samples in newData.iteritems(): key = (partition,detid) (x,y,z) = if detid not in self.timeICs: continue if ((doEB and int(partition)==0) or (not doEB and int(partition)==1)): continue if z==0 or z==1: htofill = histos[0] hdifftofill = histosDiff[0] else: htofill = histos[1] hdifftofill = histosDiff[1] (ix,iy) = (y,x) if doEB else (x,y) # fill the template and fit it for s in range(3): histo.SetBinContent(s+1,0) for s in range(12): histo.SetBinContent(s+4,float((newData[key])[s])),doEB) results = {'pars': abfitter.getPars(), 'errs': abfitter.getErrs()} currentCorr = float(self.timeICs[detid]) + self.timeOffsets[part] time = 25.*((results['pars'])[2]-5.5) correctedTime = time + currentCorr # print "detid = ",key," has time from fit [IC] = ",time, " [",currentCorr,"]" htofill.Fill(ix,iy,correctedTime) if len(newTimeIC)>0: if detid not in newTimeICs: continue newCorr = float(newTimeICs[detid]) # print ' correctedTime = ',correctedTime," newCorr = ",newCorr," diff = ", correctedTime - newCorr hdifftofill.Fill(ix,iy,correctedTime - newCorr) if cryfit % 1000 == 0: print 'fitted ',cryfit,' templates' cryfit += 1 xsize = 1200 ysize = int(xsize*170/360+0.1*xsize) if doEB else int(xsize*0.9) canv = rt.TCanvas("c","",xsize,ysize) for h in histos: #h.Draw("colz") #canv.SaveAs(h.GetName()+'.pdf') self.printOnePlot(h,canv,h.GetName()) h.Write() for h in histosDiff: h.Write() of.Close()