#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 """ back archive example """ from __future__ import print_function import os import ecf as ecflow from ecf import (Defs, Defstatus, Suite, Family, Task, Variables, Label, Limit, Inlimit, Repeat, Trigger) HOME = os.getenv("HOME") + "/ecflow_server" NAME = "back_archiving"; FILES = HOME + "/back"; DEFS = Defs() DEFS.add(Suite(NAME).add( Defstatus("suspended"), # so that jobs do not start immediately Repeat(kind="day", step=1), Variables(ECF_HOME=HOME, ECF_INCLUDE=HOME, ECF_FILES=FILES, SLEEP=2), Limit("access", 2), [Family(kind).add( Repeat("DATE", 19900101, 19950712, kind="date"), Variables(KIND=kind), Task("get_old").add(Inlimit("access"), Label("info", "")), Task("convert").add(Trigger("get_old == complete")), Task("save_new").add(Trigger("convert eq complete")) ) for kind in ("analysis", "forecast", "climatology", "observations", "images")])) # print(DEFS); DEFS.generate_scripts(); RESULT = DEFS.simulate(); print(RESULT) CLIENT = ecflow.Client(os.getenv("ECF_HOST", "localhost"), os.getenv("ECF_PORT", 2500)) CLIENT.replace("/%s" % NAME, DEFS)
NAME = os.getenv("SUITE", "elearning") def create_family_f5(): return Family("f5").add(Limit( "l1", 2), Inlimit("l1"), Variables(SLEEP=2), [ Task("t%d" % idn).add(Late("-s 00:03 -a 00:10")) for idn in xrange(1, 10) ]) DEFS.add( # suite definition Suite(NAME).add( Defstatus("suspended"), # so that jobs do not start immediately Variables( # we can add multiple variables at once ECF_HOME=ECF_HOME, # where job files are created by ecflow ECF_FILES=ECF_HOME + "/files", # where to find script templates ECF_INCLUDE=ECF_HOME + "/include", # where to find head.h tail.h SLEEP=2, ), create_family_f5())) SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = """#!/bin/bash %include <head.h> sleep %SLEEP:1% %include <tail.h>""" for num in xrange(1, 10): # replace script templates with open(ECF_HOME + "/files/t%d.ecf" % num, "w") as t: print(SCRIPT_TEMPLATE, file=t) if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 from __future__ import print_function """ add another task, another manual """ import os from ecf import (Defs, Defstatus, Suite, Variable, Task, Client) print("Creating suite definition") ECF_HOME = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), "ecflow_server") NAME = os.getenv("SUITE", "elearning") DEFS = Defs() DEFS.add( # suite definition Suite(NAME).add( Defstatus("suspended"), # so that jobs do not start immediately Variable("ECF_HOME", ECF_HOME), Task("t1"), # first task Task("t2"), # second task )) SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = """%manual Manual for task t2 Operations: if this task fails, set it to complete, report next working day Analyst: Check something ... %end %include <head.h> echo "I am part of a suite that lives in %ECF_HOME%" %include <tail.h> %manual There can be multiple manual pages in the same file. When viewed they are simply concatenated. %end """
from __future__ import print_function import os import ecf as ecflow from ecf import (Date, Day, Defs, Defstatus, Suite, Family, Task, If, # If attribute in use example Edit, Label, Repeat, Time, Trigger, Defs, Client) HOME = os.getenv("HOME") + "/ecflow_course"; NAME = "data_acquisition"; DEFS = Defs() DEFS.add(Suite(NAME).add( Defstatus("suspended"), # so that jobs do not start immediately Repeat(kind="day", step=1), Edit(ECF_HOME=HOME, ECF_INCLUDE=HOME, ECF_FILES=HOME + "/acq", SLEEP=2), [Family(city).add( Family("archive").add( [Family(obs_type).add( If(test=city in ("Exeter", "Toulouse", "Offenbach"), then=Time("00:00 23:00 01:00")), If(city in ("Washington"), Time("00:00 23:00 03:00")), If(city in ("Tokyo"), Time("12:00")), If(city in ("Melbourne"), Day("monday")), If(city in ("Montreal"), Date("1.*.*")), Task("get").add(Label("info", "")), Task("process").add(Trigger("get eq complete")), Task("store").add(Trigger("get eq complete"))) for obs_type in ("observations", "fields", "images")])) for city in ("Exeter", "Toulouse", "Offenbach", "Washington", "Tokyo", "Melbourne", "Montreal")])) # print(DEFS); DEFS.generate_scripts(); RESULT = DEFS.simulate(); # print(RESULT) CLIENT = Client(os.getenv("ECF_HOST", "localhost"), os.getenv("ECF_PORT", 2500)) CLIENT.replace("/%s" % NAME, DEFS)
import os import ecf as ecflow from ecf import (Defstatus, Suite, Family, Task, Variables, Trigger, Event, Meter, Defs, Client) ECF_HOME = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), "ecflow_server") NAME = os.getenv("SUITE", "elearning") DEFS = Defs() DEFS.add( # suite definition Suite(NAME).add( Defstatus("suspended"), # so that jobs do not start immediately Variables( # add multiple variables at once ECF_HOME=ECF_HOME, # where job files are created by ecflow ECF_FILES=ECF_HOME + "/files", # where to find script templates ECF_INCLUDE=ECF_HOME + "/include", # where to find head.h tail.h SLEEP=2), Family("f2").add( Task("t1").add(Meter("step", -1, 240)), Task("t2").add(Trigger("t1 eq complete"), Event("a"), Event("b")), Task("t3").add(Trigger("t2:a")), Task("t4").add(Trigger("t2:b")), Task("t5").add(Trigger("t1:step ge 24")), Task("t6").add(Trigger("t1:step ge 48")), Task("t7").add(Trigger("t1:step ge 120")), ))) SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = """#!/bin/bash %include <head.h> STEP=0 while [[ $STEP -le 240 ]] ; do ecflow_client --meter step $STEP # share progress msg="The date is now $(date)"; sleep %SLEEP:1%
from __future__ import print_function import os import ecf as ecflow from ecf import (Defstatus, Suite, Family, Task, Variables, Trigger, Event, Complete, Defs, Client) ECF_HOME = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), "ecflow_server") NAME = os.getenv("SUITE", "elearning") DEFS = Defs() DEFS.add( # suite definition Suite(NAME).add( Defstatus("suspended"), # so that jobs do not start immediately Variables( # add multiple variables at once: ECF_HOME=ECF_HOME, # where job files are created by ecflow ECF_FILES=ECF_HOME + "/files", # where to find script template ECF_INCLUDE=ECF_HOME + "/include", # where to find head.h tail.h SLEEP=5), Family("f1").add( Task("t1"), Task("t2").add(Trigger("t1 eq complete"), Event("a"), Event("1")), Task("t3").add(Trigger("t2:a")), Task("t4").add( Complete("t2:1"), Trigger("t2 eq complete"), )))) if __name__ == '__main__': HOST = os.getenv("ECF_HOST", "localhost") PORT = int(os.getenv("ECF_PORT", "%d" % (1500 + os.getuid()))) CLIENT = Client(HOST, PORT) NODE = "/" + NAME # replace top CLIENT.replace(NODE, DEFS) print("replaced node %s into" % NODE, HOST, PORT)
from __future__ import print_function import os import ecf as ecflow from ecf import (Defstatus, Suite, Family, Task, Edit, Time, Date, Day, Clock, Defs, Client) ECF_HOME = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), "ecflow_server") NAME = os.getenv("SUITE", "elearning") DEFS = Defs() DEFS.add( # suite definition Suite(NAME).add( Clock("real"), Defstatus("suspended"), # so that jobs do not start immediately Edit( # we can add multiple variables at once ECF_HOME=ECF_HOME, # where job files are created by ecflow ECF_FILES=ECF_HOME + "/files", # where to find script templates ECF_INCLUDE=ECF_HOME + "/include", # where to find head.h tail.h SLEEP=2, ), Family("f2").add( Task("t1").add(Time("00:30 23:30 00:30")), Task("t2").add(Day("sunday")), Task("t3").add(Date("16.01.2018"), Time("12:00")), Task("t4").add(Time("+00:02")), Task("t5").add(Time("00:02"))))) SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = """#!/bin/bash %include <head.h> STEP=0 while [[ $STEP -le 240 ]] ; do sleep %SLEEP:1%; ecflow_client --meter step $STEP # share progress (( STEP = STEP + 1)) done
v = "2.7" v = "3.5" INST = "/usr/local/apps/ecflow/lib/python%s/site-packages/ecflow:" % v sys.path.append(INST) INST = "/usr/local/lib/python%s/site-packages/ecflow" % v sys.path.append(INST) from ecf import (Defs, Suite, Defstatus, Edit, Task) if 0: raise Exception( #ERR: could not import ecf. Does the following line help?"+ "\nexport PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:%s" % INST) print("Creating suite definition") ECF_HOME = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), "ecflow_server") NAME = os.getenv("SUITE", "elearning") DEFS = Defs() DEFS.add( Suite(NAME).add( # simplest suite definition Defstatus("suspended"), # so that jobs do not start immediately Edit( ECF_HOME=ECF_HOME, # where to find jobs + output files ECF_FILES=ECF_HOME + "/files", # script template .ecf ECF_INCLUDE=ECF_HOME + "/include"), # include files .h Task("t1"))) # a first task if __name__ == '__main__': print(DEFS) NAME = ECF_HOME + NAME print("Saving definition to file '%s.def'" % NAME) os.system("mkdir -p %s" % NAME) DEFS.save_as_defs("%s.def" % NAME) # an external client can use it
DEFS.add( Suite(NAME).add( Defstatus("suspended"), # so that jobs do not start immediately Repeat(kind="day", step=1), Variables(ECF_HOME=HOME, ECF_INCLUDE=HOME + "/include", ECF_FILES=HOME + "/files"), [ Family(str(cycle)).add( Variables(CYCLE=cycle, LAST_STEP=LAST_STEP[cycle]), cycle_trigger(cycle), Family("analysis").add( Task("get_observations"), Task("run_analysis").add(Trigger([ "get_observations", ])), Task("post_processing").add(Trigger([ "run_analysis", ]))), Family("forecast").add( Trigger("analysis == complete"), Task("get_input_data").add(Label("info", "")), Task("run_forecast").add( Trigger([ "get_input_data", ]), Meter("step", 0, LAST_STEP[cycle]))), Family("archive").add( Family("analysis").add( Variables(TYPE="analysis", STEP=0), Trigger([ "../analysis/run_analysis", ]), Task("save"), [ Family("step_%02d" % i).add( Variables(TYPE="forecast", STEP=i), Trigger( "../../forecast/run_forecast:step ge %d" % i), Task("save")) for i in range(6, LAST_STEP[cycle] + 1, 6) ]))) for cycle in ["00", "12"] ]))
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function import os import ecf as ecflow from ecf import (Defstatus, Suite, Family, Task, Variables, Label, Meter, Defs, Client) ECF_HOME = os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), "ecflow_server") ECF_INCLUDE = ECF_HOME + "/include" NAME = os.getenv("SUITE", "elearning") DEFS = Defs() DEFS.add( # suite definition Suite(NAME).add( Defstatus("suspended"), # so that jobs do not start immediately Variables( # we can add multiple variables at once ECF_HOME=ECF_HOME, # where job files are created by ecflow ECF_FILES=ECF_HOME + "/files", # where to find script template ECF_INCLUDE=ECF_INCLUDE, # where to find head.h tail.h SLEEP=2, ), Family("f3").add( Task("t1").add(Label("info", "none"), Meter("step", -1, 240))))) SCRIPT_TEMPLATE = """#!/bin/bash %include <head.h> STEP=0 while [[ $STEP -le 240 ]] ; do sleep %SLEEP:1%; ecflow_client --meter step $STEP # share progress msg="The date is now $(date)" ecflow_client --label info "$msg" (( STEP = STEP + 1)) done