    def __init__(self, n=331337, seed=42):
        create a new prng using a finite field
        of order n. n must be prime, as we basically
        use the integers mod some prime (Z mod p).
        Jeremy Kun's code lets us make this actual
        arithmetic code quite nice. We do take a
        performance hit, but not a *ton*
        self.P = Point(C,F(32770),F(85186))
        Q = 5*P
        seeds with not-incredibly-terrible initial
        cycles: 2819,

        some seeds lead to idntical cycles, but
        there are at least 3 distinct cycles!
        identical cycles:
        #don't need to keep field or curve beyond constructor
        F = FiniteField(n, 1)
        C = EllipticCurve(a=F(1), b=F(1))  #choice of curve assumes default
        self.state = F(seed).n
        #this gives a 'cycle' of 71 elements...
        self.Q = Point(C, F(153116), F(171795))  # <Q> has order 6257
        self.P = Point(C, F(285710), F(143307))
def get_state(p):
    given the prng p, get the 2 candidate
    current states of p
    out = p.get_num()
    F = p.P.x.field
    C = p.P.curve
    e = F(3)  #backdoor!
    prime = p.P.x.p
    val = out * out * out + C.a * out + C.b
    points = [Point(C, F(out), F(y)) for y in tonelli_shanks(val.n, prime)]
    #print("points: ",points)
    states = [(e.n * T).x.n for T in points]
    #as both candidates are additive inverses of
    #one another, they have the same x coordinates
    return states[0]
 def __init__(self, out):
     given the initial output,
     init out guesser so we can guess
     all remaining outputs
     prime = 331337
     F = FiniteField(prime, 1)
     C = EllipticCurve(a=F(1), b=F(1))
     e = F(3)  #backdoor! we'd have to pre-compute this
     val = out * out * out + C.a * out + C.b
     print(time.time(), ":", "finding points...")
     points = [Point(C, F(out), F(y)) for y in tonelli_shanks(val.n, prime)]
     #print("points: ",points)
     print(time.time(), ":", "recovering states...")
     states = [(e.n * T).x.n for T in points]
     #as both candidates are additive inverses of
     #one another, they have the same x coordinates
     print(time.time(), ":", "making prng")
     self.p = prng(seed=states[0])
def find_point(C, x):
    C: elliptic curve
    x: x coordinate (FiniteField object)

    attempts to find a point on the
    curve C with x coordinate x. Only
    one of the points is returned, as
    the other can be trivially found 
    with negation
    F = C.a.field
        # y^2 = x^3 + ax + b
        val = x * x * x + C.a * x + C.b
        y = tonelli_shanks(val.n, F.p)[0]
        return Point(C, F(x), F(y))
    except Exception:
        #print("no possible point")
        return None  #not a residue => no point on curve
    def __init__(self, out):
        given the initial output,
        init out guesser so we can guess
        all remaining outputs
        prime = 331337
        F = FiniteField(prime, 1)
        C = EllipticCurve(a=F(1), b=F(1))
        e = F(3)  #backdoor! we'd have to pre-compute this
        xs = [(i << 15) | out for i in range(16)]
        print("xs:", xs)
        vals = [x * x * x + C.a * x + C.b for x in xs]
        print("vals:", vals)
        print(time.time(), ":", "finding roots...")
        # at this point, *some* vals won't be quadratic
        # residues, thus invalid points. But, we must
        # associate each possible preimage with its root
        coords = []  # list of tuples (x,y)
        for i in range(len(xs)):
                t = tonelli_shanks(vals[i].n, prime)
                coords.append((xs[i], t[0]))
                coords.append((xs[i], t[1]))
            except Exception:
                # not quadratic residue

        print("coords:", coords)
        print(time.time(), ":", "making points...")
        points = [Point(C, F(c[0]), F(c[1])) for c in coords]
        print(time.time(), ":", "recovering states...")
        states = [(e.n * T).x.n for T in points]
        print("states:", states)
        print(time.time(), ":", "generating candidates...")
        self.candidates = [prng(seed=s) for s in states]