def test_branched_icd_well():
    r"""Simplest possible branched well with ICD segments

         |          segidx 1
    * - / \ - *     segidx 2 and 3
    wellseg = pd.DataFrame({
        "SEGIDX": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        "SEGNXT": [None, 1, 1, 2, 3],
        "SEGBRNO": [1, 1, 2, 3, 4],
    con_data = pd.DataFrame({
        "CONSEGNO": [4, 5],
        "PRESSURE": [301, 302],
        "CONPRES": [291, 292]
    (seg_data, icd_data) = rft.split_seg_icd(wellseg)

    assert len(icd_data) == 2
    assert all(icd_data.columns.str.startswith("ICD"))
    assert all(icd_data["ICD_SEGIDX"].values == [4, 5])
    assert all(icd_data["ICD_SEGBRNO"].values == [3, 4])
    assert all(icd_data["ICD_SEGBRNO_upstream"].values == [0, 0])

    assert rft.count_wellbranches(seg_data) == 2

    con_seg = rft.merge_icd_seg_conseg(con_data, seg_data, icd_data)
    assert len(con_seg) == 2
    con_seg = rft.add_extras(con_seg)
    assert all(con_seg["DRAWDOWN"].values == [10, 10])
def test_minimal_well():
    """Test a dummy well dataset

    |    segidx 1

    one_seg = pd.DataFrame({
        "SEGIDX": [1],
        "SEGNXT": [None],
        "SEGBRNO": [1],
        "SEGPRES": [195.8]
    m_one_seg = rft.process_seg_topology(one_seg)
    assert m_one_seg["LEAF"][0]
    assert len(m_one_seg) == 1
    assert rft.count_wellbranches(one_seg) == 1
    assert rft.split_seg_icd(one_seg)[1].empty

    con_data = pd.DataFrame({
        "CONSEGNO": [1],
        "PRESSURE": [200.1],
        "CONPRES": [196.0]
    con_seg = rft.merge_icd_seg_conseg(con_data, m_one_seg)
    assert len(con_seg) == 1
    assert "CONSEGNO" in con_seg
    assert "SEGIDX" in con_seg
    con_seg = rft.add_extras(con_seg)
    assert "COMPLETION_DP" in con_seg
    assert con_seg["COMPLETION_DP"].values[0] == 196.0 - 195.8
    assert con_seg["DRAWDOWN"].values[0] == 200.1 - 196.0
    assert rft.seg2dicttree(m_one_seg) == {1: {}}
def test_single_branch_partly_icd():
    Test that we are able to untangle segment dataframes with ICDs
    modelled as individual branches, but not on all reservoir connections

    Single branch well, one mother segment, two connections,
    one icd to one connection:

         |   segidx 1
         | - *  segidx 2 and 4 (icd), and reservoir
         | *  segidx 3, and reservoir

    legend: | = tubing
            - = icd
            * = reservoir connection

    This is the same layout as
       |  segidx 1
       |  segidx 2
      / \  segidx 3 and 4
     *   *
    which is a two-branch well. It is not possible to
    separate these two based on topology. Current code interprets
    the topology as the latter case.
    The ambiguity arises due to the assumption that ICD segments
    are on their on branches with only one segment. In real modelled
    wells, this assumption will be valid, as the tubing segments will
    consist of more segments than 1 (except corner cases)
    (check the LONELYSEG segment toplogy metadata column which
    is used in determining whether a segment is ICD or not)

    wellseg = pd.DataFrame({
        "SEGIDX": [1, 2, 3, 4],
        "SEGNXT": [None, 1, 2, 2],
        "SEGBRNO": [1, 1, 1, 2]
    con_data = pd.DataFrame({
        "CONSEGNO": [4, 3],
        "PRESSURE": [301, 302],
        "CONPRES": [291, 292]
    (seg_data, icd_data) = rft.split_seg_icd(wellseg)
    assert rft.count_wellbranches(seg_data) == 2

    assert len(icd_data) == 0

    con_seg = rft.merge_icd_seg_conseg(con_data, seg_data, icd_data)
    assert len(con_seg) == 2
    con_seg = rft.add_extras(con_seg)
    assert all(con_seg["DRAWDOWN"].values == [10, 10])
def test_longer_branched_icd_well():
    r"""Test a well with two connections on each of two laterals,
    with an ICD segment for each connection

           |          segidx 1
      * - / \ - *     segidx 4 and 2 (lateral1) and 6 and 8
      * - | | - *     segidx 5 and 3 (lateral1) and 7 and 9

    wellseg = {
        "SEGIDX": [1] + [2, 3, 4, 5] + [6, 7, 8, 9],
        "SEGNXT": [None] + [1, 2, 2, 3] + [1, 6, 6, 7],
        "SEGBRNO": [1] + [1, 1, 3, 4] + [2, 2, 5, 6],

    # Shuffle the segment list randomly, that should not matter:
    shuffled = list(range(9))
    wellseg = pd.DataFrame(
        {segname: [wellseg[segname][idx] for idx in shuffled] for segname in wellseg}

    con_data = pd.DataFrame(
            "CONSEGNO": [4, 5, 8, 9],
            "PRESSURE": [301, 302, 401, 402],
            "CONPRES": [291, 292, 392, 393],
    seg_data = rft.process_seg_topology(wellseg)
    assert sum(seg_data["LONELYSEG"]) == 4
    assert sum(seg_data["LEAF"]) == 4
    assert sum(seg_data["JUNCTION"]) == 6  # 1, 2 and 6 counted twice
    assert sum(seg_data["LEAF"]) == 4
    (seg_data, icd_data) = rft.split_seg_icd(wellseg)

    assert len(icd_data) == 4
    assert all(icd_data.columns.str.startswith("ICD"))
    assert set(icd_data["ICD_SEGIDX"].values) == {4, 5, 8, 9}
    assert set(icd_data["ICD_SEGBRNO"].values) == {3, 4, 5, 6}
    assert all(icd_data["ICD_SEGBRNO_upstream"].values == [0, 0, 0, 0])

    assert rft.count_wellbranches(seg_data) == 2

    con_seg = rft.merge_icd_seg_conseg(con_data, seg_data, icd_data)
    assert len(con_seg) == 4
    con_seg = rft.add_extras(con_seg)
    assert all(con_seg["DRAWDOWN"].values == [10, 10, 9, 9])
def test_longer_branched_partly_icd_well():
    r"""Test a well with two connections on each of two laterals,
    with an ICD segment for each connection only on the first lateral

           |          segidx 1
      * - / \  *     segidx 4 and 2 (lateral1) and 6 and
      * - | |  *     segidx 5 and 3 (lateral1) and 7 and

    wellseg = pd.DataFrame(
            # [wellhead] + [lateral 1, tubing, then icd layer] + [lateral 2]
            "SEGIDX": [1] + [2, 3, 4, 5] + [6, 7],
            "SEGNXT": [None] + [1, 2, 2, 3] + [1, 6],
            "SEGBRNO": [1] + [1, 1, 3, 4] + [2, 2],

    con_data = pd.DataFrame(
            "CONSEGNO": [4, 5, 6, 7],
            "PRESSURE": [301, 302, 401, 402],
            "CONPRES": [291, 292, 392, 393],
    (seg_data, icd_data) = rft.split_seg_icd(wellseg)

    assert len(icd_data) == 2
    assert all(icd_data.columns.str.startswith("ICD"))
    assert set(icd_data["ICD_SEGIDX"].values) == {4, 5}
    assert set(icd_data["ICD_SEGBRNO"].values) == {3, 4}
    assert all(icd_data["ICD_SEGBRNO_upstream"].values == [0, 0])

    assert rft.count_wellbranches(seg_data) == 2

    con_seg = rft.merge_icd_seg_conseg(con_data, seg_data, icd_data)
    assert len(con_seg) == 4
    con_seg = rft.add_extras(con_seg)
    assert all(con_seg["DRAWDOWN"].values == [10, 10, 9, 9])
def test_single_branch_icd():
    Test that we are able to untangle segment dataframes with ICDs
    modelled as individual brances.

    # Single branch well, one mother segment, two connections,
    # one icd to each connection:

    #     |   segidx 1
    #     | - *  segidx 2 and 4, and reservoir
    #     | - *  segidx 3 and 5, and reservoir

    # legend: | = tubing
    #         - = icd
    #         * = reservoir connection
    wellseg = pd.DataFrame({
        "SEGIDX": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        "SEGNXT": [None, 1, 2, 2, 3],
        "SEGBRNO": [1, 1, 1, 2, 3],
    con_data = pd.DataFrame({
        "CONSEGNO": [4, 5],
        "PRESSURE": [301, 302],
        "CONPRES": [291, 292]
    (seg_data, icd_data) = rft.split_seg_icd(wellseg)
    assert rft.count_wellbranches(seg_data) == 1

    assert len(icd_data) == 2
    assert all(icd_data.columns.str.startswith("ICD"))
    assert all(icd_data["ICD_SEGIDX"].values == [4, 5])
    assert all(icd_data["ICD_SEGBRNO"].values == [2, 3])
    assert all(icd_data["ICD_SEGBRNO_upstream"].values == [0, 0])

    con_seg = rft.merge_icd_seg_conseg(con_data, seg_data, icd_data)
    assert len(con_seg) == 2
    con_seg = rft.add_extras(con_seg)
    assert all(con_seg["DRAWDOWN"].values == [10, 10])