internal_ids = []
        for metab in network.metabolites:
            if not metab.is_external:
                id_ind = [ind for ind, id in enumerate(ids) if id ==]
                if len(id_ind):

        ids = list(np.delete(ids, internal_ids))
        cone = np.delete(cone, internal_ids, axis=1)

    if mpi_wrapper.is_first_process():
        except OverflowError:
            normalised = np.transpose(normalize_columns(np.transpose(cone)))

    if args.print_conversions:
        print_ecms_direct(np.transpose(cone), ids)

    end = time()
    mp_print('Ran in %f seconds' % (end - start))
def geometric_ray_adjacency(ray_matrix, plus=[-1], minus=[-1], tol=1e-3, verbose=True, remove_cycles=True):
    Returns r by r adjacency matrix of rays, given
    ray matrix R. Diagonal is 0, not 1.
    Calculated using LP adjacency test
    :param R: ray matrix (columns are generating rays)
        plus: indices of 'plus' columns
        minus: indices of 'minus' columns
        if plus/minus are not provided, find all adjacencies; otherwise only between each + and - pair
    :return: r by r adjacency matrix
    start = time()

    matrix_normalized = normalize_columns(ray_matrix)
    matrix_indep_rows = independent_rows_qr(matrix_normalized)
    # matrix_indep_rows = independent_rows(matrix_normalized)

    # set default plus and minus
    if len(plus) > 0 and plus[0] == -1:
        plus = [x for x in range(matrix_indep_rows.shape[1])]
    if len(minus) > 0 and minus[0] == -1:
        minus = [x for x in range(matrix_indep_rows.shape[1])]

    mpi_size = get_process_size()
    mpi_rank = get_process_rank()

    adjacency = []
    nr_tests = len(plus) * len(minus)

    # first find any column basis of R_indep
    start_basis = get_basis_columns_qr(matrix_indep_rows)
    start_basis_inv = np.linalg.inv(matrix_indep_rows[:, start_basis])
    for i, p in enumerate(plus):
        # add the plus ray into the basis
        plus_basis = add_first_ray(matrix_indep_rows, start_basis_inv, start_basis, p)
        plus_basis_inv = np.linalg.inv(matrix_indep_rows[:, plus_basis])

        for j, m in enumerate(minus):
            it = j + len(minus) * i
            if it % mpi_size == mpi_rank:
                # add the minus ray into the basis
                plus_minus_basis = add_second_ray(matrix_indep_rows, plus_basis_inv, plus_basis, p, m)

                res = determine_adjacency(matrix_indep_rows, p, m, plus_minus_basis)
                if res == 1:
                    adjacency.append((p, m))

                if it % (100 * mpi_size) == mpi_rank:
                    mp_print("Process %d is on adjacency test %d of %d (%f %%)" %
                             (mpi_rank, it, nr_tests, it / nr_tests * 100), PRINT_IF_RANK_NONZERO=True)

    # bases = get_bases(matrix_indep_rows, plus, minus)
    # for i in range(mpi_rank, nr_tests, mpi_size):
    #     plus_index = i // len(minus)
    #     minus_index = i % len(minus)
    #     basis = bases[plus_index, minus_index]
    #     res = determine_adjacency(matrix_indep_rows, plus[plus_index], minus[minus_index], basis)
    #     if res == 1:
    #         adjacency.append((plus[plus_index], minus[minus_index]))
    #     if i % 100 == 0:
    #         mp_print("Process %d is now on adjacency test %d" % (mpi_rank, i))

    # MPI communication step
    adj_sets = world_allgather(adjacency)
    for i in range(mpi_size):
        if i != mpi_rank:

    end = time()
    mp_print("Did LPs in %f seconds" % (end - start))
    return adjacency
def drop_redundant_rays(ray_matrix,

    :param ray_matrix:
    :param verbose:
    :param use_pre_filter: Sometimes, use_pre_filter=True can speed up the calculations, but mostly it doesn't
    :param rays_are_unique: Boolean that states whether rays given as input are already unique
    :param linearities: Boolean indicating if linearities are still present
    :param normalised: Boolean indicating if ray_matrix columns are already normalised
    extreme_inds = []
    non_extreme_inds = []
    if not rays_are_unique:
        # First make sure that no duplicate rays are in the matrix
        ray_matrix = np.transpose(

    # Find 'cycles': combinations of columns of matrix_indep_rows that add up to zero, and remove them
    if linearities:
        if verbose:
            mp_print('Detecting linearities in H_ineq.')
        ray_matrix, cycle_rays = remove_cycles_redund(ray_matrix)
        cycle_rays = np.zeros((ray_matrix.shape[0], 0))

    if not normalised:
        if verbose:
            mp_print('Normalizing columns.')
        matrix_normalized = normalize_columns(ray_matrix)
        matrix_normalized = np.array(ray_matrix, dtype='float')

    if verbose:
        mp_print('Selecting independent rows.')
    matrix_indep_rows = independent_rows_qr(matrix_normalized)

    if use_pre_filter:
        filtered_inds = pre_redund(matrix_indep_rows)
        filtered_inds = np.arange(matrix_indep_rows.shape[1])

    mpi_size = mpi_wrapper.get_process_size()
    mpi_rank = mpi_wrapper.get_process_rank()

    matrix_indep_rows = matrix_indep_rows[:, filtered_inds]

    # then find any column basis of R_indep
    start_basis = get_basis_columns_qr(matrix_indep_rows)
    start_basis_inv = np.linalg.inv(matrix_indep_rows[:, start_basis])

    number_rays = matrix_indep_rows.shape[1]
    for i in range(number_rays):
        if i % mpi_size == mpi_rank:
            if i % (10 * mpi_size) == mpi_rank:
                    "Process %d is on redundancy test %d of %d (%f %%). Found %d redundant rays."
                    % (mpi_rank, i, number_rays, i / number_rays * 100,
            basis = add_first_ray(matrix_indep_rows, start_basis_inv,
                                  start_basis, i)
            extreme = check_extreme(matrix_indep_rows, i, basis)
            if extreme:

    # MPI communication step
    extreme_sets = mpi_wrapper.world_allgather(extreme_inds)
    for i in range(mpi_size):
        if i != mpi_rank:

    return extreme_inds, cycle_rays
def remove_cycles(R, network, tol=1e-12, verbose=True):
    """Detect whether there are cycles, by doing an LP. If LP is unbounded find a minimal cycle. Cancel one metabolite
    with the cycle."""
    external_cycles = []
    count_since_last_redund = 0
    A_eq, b_eq, c, x0 = setup_cycle_LP(independent_rows_qr(normalize_columns(R)), only_eq=True)
    # A_eqtest, b_eqtest, ctest, x0test = setup_cycle_LP(independent_rows(normalize_columns(R)), only_eq=True)
    basis = get_basis_columns_qr(np.asarray(A_eq, dtype='float'))
    b_eq, x0 = perturb_LP(b_eq, x0, A_eq, basis, 1e-10)
    cycle_present, status, cycle_indices = cycle_check_with_output(c, np.asarray(A_eq, dtype='float'), x0, basis)

    if status != 0:
        A_ub, b_ub, A_eq, b_eq, c, x0 = setup_cycle_LP(independent_rows(normalize_columns(R)))
        res = linprog(c, A_ub, b_ub, A_eq, b_eq, method='revised simplex', options={'tol': 1e-12},
        if res.status == 4:
            mp_print("Numerical difficulties with revised simplex, trying interior point method instead")
            res = linprog(c, A_ub, b_ub, A_eq, b_eq, method='interior-point', options={'tol': 1e-12})

        cycle_present = True if np.max(res.x) > 90 else False
        if cycle_present:
            cycle_indices = np.where(res.x > 90)[0]
        if np.any(np.isnan(res.x)):
            raise Exception('Remove cycles did not work, because LP-solver had issues. Try to solve this.')

    # if the objective is unbounded, there is a cycle that sums to zero
    while cycle_present:
        # Find minimal cycle
        met = -1
        counter = 0
        removable_is_ext = False
        while met < 0 and (not removable_is_ext):
            cycle_ind = cycle_indices[counter]
            met = get_remove_metabolite(R, network, cycle_ind)
            if met == -1:  # Only external metabolites used in this ray, delete external and remember the ray
                removable_is_ext = True
                met = get_remove_metabolite(R, network, cycle_ind, allow_external=True)

            counter = counter + 1
            if counter > len(cycle_indices):
                mp_print('No internal metabolite was found that was part of the cycle. This might cause problems.')

        if verbose:
            mp_print("Found a cycle, cancelling metabolite %d (%s) with reaction %d" % (
                met, network.metabolites[met].id, cycle_ind))

        R, external_cycle = cancel_with_cycle(R, met, cycle_ind, network, removable_is_ext=removable_is_ext)
        if external_cycle:
        count_since_last_redund = count_since_last_redund + 1

        if count_since_last_redund > 10:
            count_since_last_redund = 0
            R = np.transpose(R)
            rows_before = R.shape[0]

            if verbose:
                mp_print("\tDimensions before redund: %d %d" % (R.shape[0], R.shape[1]))
            start = time()
            R = redund(R)
            end = time()
            if verbose:
                mp_print("\tDimensions after redund: %d %d" % (R.shape[0], R.shape[1]))
                mp_print("\t\tRows removed by redund: %d" % (rows_before - R.shape[0]))
                mp_print("\tRedund took %f seconds" % (end - start))

            R = np.transpose(R)

        A_eq, b_eq, c, x0 = setup_cycle_LP(independent_rows_qr(normalize_columns(R)), only_eq=True)

        # Do new LP to check if there is still a cycle present.
        basis = get_basis_columns_qr(np.asarray(A_eq, dtype='float'))
        b_eq, x0 = perturb_LP(b_eq, x0, A_eq, basis, 1e-10)
        cycle_present, status, cycle_indices = cycle_check_with_output(c, np.asarray(A_eq, dtype='float'), x0, basis)

        if status != 0:
            A_ub, b_ub, A_eq, b_eq, c, x0 = setup_cycle_LP(independent_rows(normalize_columns(R)))
            res = linprog(c, A_ub, b_ub, A_eq, b_eq, method='revised simplex', options={'tol': 1e-12},
            if res.status == 4:
                mp_print("Numerical difficulties with revised simplex, trying interior point method instead")
                res = linprog(c, A_ub, b_ub, A_eq, b_eq, method='interior-point', options={'tol': 1e-12})

            cycle_present = True if np.max(res.x) > 90 else False
            if cycle_present:
                cycle_indices = np.where(res.x > 90)[0]
            if np.any(np.isnan(res.x)):
                raise Exception('Remove cycles did not work, because LP-solver had issues. Try to solve this.')

    # Do redund one more time
    R = np.transpose(R)
    rows_before = R.shape[0]

    if verbose:
        mp_print("\tDimensions before redund: %d %d" % (R.shape[0], R.shape[1]))
    start = time()
    R = redund(R)
    end = time()
    if verbose:
        mp_print("\tDimensions after redund: %d %d" % (R.shape[0], R.shape[1]))
        mp_print("\t\tRows removed by redund: %d" % (rows_before - R.shape[0]))
        mp_print("\tRedund took %f seconds" % (end - start))

    R = np.transpose(R)

    network.N = R
    if not len(external_cycles):
        external_cycles = None
    return R, network, external_cycles
def remove_cycles_redund(R, tol=1e-12, verbose=True):
    """Detect whether there are cycles, by doing an LP. If LP is unbounded find a minimal cycle. Cancel one metabolite
    with the cycle."""
    zero_rays = np.where(np.count_nonzero(R, axis=0) == 0)[0]
    for ray_ind in zero_rays:
        R = np.delete(R, ray_ind, axis=1)
    cycle_rays = np.zeros((R.shape[0], 0))
    A_eq, b_eq, c, x0 = setup_cycle_LP(independent_rows_qr(
        normalize_columns(np.array(R, dtype='float'))),

    if verbose:
        mp_print('Constructing basis for LP')
    basis = get_basis_columns_qr(np.asarray(A_eq, dtype='float'))
    b_eq, x0 = perturb_LP(b_eq, x0, A_eq, basis, 1e-10)
    if verbose:
        mp_print('Starting linearity check using LP.')
    cycle_present, status, cycle_indices = cycle_check_with_output(
        c, np.asarray(A_eq, dtype='float'), x0, basis)

    if status != 0:
        print("Cycle check failed, trying normal LP")
        A_ub, b_ub, A_eq, b_eq, c, x0 = setup_cycle_LP(
            independent_rows_qr(normalize_columns(np.array(R, dtype='float'))))
        res = linprog(c,
                      method='revised simplex',
                      options={'tol': 1e-12},
        if res.status == 4:
                "Numerical difficulties with revised simplex, trying interior point method instead"
            res = linprog(c,
                          options={'tol': 1e-12})

        cycle_present = True if np.max(res.x) > 90 else False
        if cycle_present:
            cycle_indices = np.where(res.x > 90)[0]
        if np.any(np.isnan(res.x)):
            raise Exception(
                'Remove cycles did not work, because LP-solver had issues. Try to solve this.'

    # if the objective is unbounded, there is a cycle that sums to zero
    while cycle_present:
        # Find minimal cycle
        met = -1
        counter = 0
        while met < 0:
            cycle_ind = cycle_indices[counter]
            met = get_remove_metabolite_redund(R, cycle_ind)
            counter = counter + 1

        cycle_rays = np.append(cycle_rays,
                               R[:, cycle_ind][:, np.newaxis],
        R = cancel_with_cycle_redund(R, met, cycle_ind)

        # Do new LP to check if there is still a cycle present.
        A_eq, b_eq, c, x0 = setup_cycle_LP(independent_rows_qr(
            normalize_columns(np.array(R, dtype='float'))),

        basis = get_basis_columns_qr(np.asarray(A_eq, dtype='float'))
        b_eq, x0 = perturb_LP(b_eq, x0, A_eq, basis, 1e-10)
        if verbose:
            mp_print('Starting linearity check in H_ineq using LP.')
        cycle_present, status, cycle_indices = cycle_check_with_output(
            c, np.asarray(A_eq, dtype='float'), x0, basis)

        if status != 0:
            print("Cycle check failed, trying normal LP")
            A_ub, b_ub, A_eq, b_eq, c, x0 = setup_cycle_LP(
                    normalize_columns(np.array(R, dtype='float'))))
            res = linprog(c,
                          method='revised simplex',
                          options={'tol': 1e-12},
            if res.status == 4:
                    "Numerical difficulties with revised simplex, trying interior point method instead"
                res = linprog(c,
                              options={'tol': 1e-12})

            cycle_present = True if np.max(res.x) > 90 else False
            if cycle_present:
                cycle_indices = np.where(res.x > 90)[0]
            if np.any(np.isnan(res.x)):
                raise Exception(
                    'Remove cycles did not work, because LP-solver had issues. Try to solve this.'

    return R, cycle_rays