class BearerAuthenticationTests(TestCase):
    """ Tests for the BearerAuthentication class. """

    def setUp(self):
        super(BearerAuthenticationTests, self).setUp()
        self.auth = BearerAuthentication()
        self.factory = RequestFactory()

    def create_request(self, token=AccessTokenMixin.DEFAULT_TOKEN):
        """ Returns a Request with the correct authorization header and Site. """
        auth_header = 'Bearer {}'.format(token)
        request = self.factory.get('/', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=auth_header)
        request.site = self.site
        return request

    def test_get_user_info_url(self):
        """ Verify the method returns a user info URL specific to the Site's LMS instance. """
        request = self.create_request()
        with mock.patch('ecommerce.extensions.order.utils.get_current_request', mock.Mock(return_value=request)):
            actual = self.auth.get_user_info_url()
            expected = urljoin(self.site.siteconfiguration.lms_url_root, '/oauth2/user_info/')
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
class BearerAuthenticationTests(TestCase):
    """ Tests for the BearerAuthentication class. """

    def setUp(self):
        super(BearerAuthenticationTests, self).setUp()
        self.auth = BearerAuthentication()
        self.factory = RequestFactory()

    def create_request(self, token=AccessTokenMixin.DEFAULT_TOKEN):
        """ Returns a Request with the correct authorization header and Site. """
        auth_header = 'Bearer {}'.format(token)
        request = self.factory.get('/', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=auth_header)
        request.site = self.site
        return request

    def test_get_user_info_url(self):
        """ Verify the method returns a user info URL specific to the Site's LMS instance. """
        request = self.create_request()
        with mock.patch('ecommerce.extensions.order.utils.get_current_request', mock.Mock(return_value=request)):
            actual = self.auth.get_user_info_url()
            expected = urljoin(self.site.siteconfiguration.lms_url_root, '/oauth2/user_info/')
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)
 def setUp(self):
     super(BearerAuthenticationTests, self).setUp()
     self.auth = BearerAuthentication()
     self.factory = RequestFactory()
class BearerAuthenticationTests(AccessTokenMixin, TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        super(BearerAuthenticationTests, self).setUp()
        self.auth = BearerAuthentication()
        self.factory = RequestFactory()

    def _create_request(self, token=AccessTokenMixin.DEFAULT_TOKEN, token_name='Bearer'):
        auth_header = '{} {}'.format(token_name, token)
        request = self.factory.get('/', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=auth_header)
        return request

    def test_authenticate_header(self):
        """ The method should return the string Bearer. """
        self.assertEqual(self.auth.authenticate_header(self._create_request()), 'Bearer')

    def test_authenticate_no_provider(self):
        """ If the setting OAUTH2_PROVIDER_URL is not set, the method returns None. """

        # Empty value

        # Missing value
        del settings.OAUTH2_PROVIDER_URL

    def test_authenticate_invalid_token(self):
        """ If no token is supplied, or if the token contains spaces, the method should raise an exception. """

        # Missing token
        request = self._create_request('')
        self.assertRaises(AuthenticationFailed, self.auth.authenticate, request)

        # Token with spaces
        request = self._create_request('abc 123 456')
        self.assertRaises(AuthenticationFailed, self.auth.authenticate, request)

    def test_authenticate_invalid_token_name(self):
        """ If the token name is not Bearer, the method should return None. """
        request = self._create_request(token_name='foobar')

    def test_authenticate_missing_user(self):
        """ If the user matching the access token does not exist, the method should raise an exception. """
        request = self._create_request()

        self.assertRaises(AuthenticationFailed, self.auth.authenticate, request)

    def test_authenticate_inactive_user(self):
        """ If the user matching the access token is inactive, the method should raise an exception. """
        user = factories.UserFactory(is_active=False)


        request = self._create_request()
        self.assertRaises(AuthenticationFailed, self.auth.authenticate, request)

    def test_authenticate_invalid_token_response(self):
        """ If the OAuth2 provider does not return HTTP 200, the method should return raise an exception. """
        request = self._create_request()
        self.assertRaises(AuthenticationFailed, self.auth.authenticate, request)

    def test_authenticate(self):
        If the access token is valid, the user exists, and is active, a tuple containing
        the user and token should be returned.
        user = factories.UserFactory()

        request = self._create_request()
        self.assertEqual(self.auth.authenticate(request), (user, self.DEFAULT_TOKEN))
 def setUp(self):
     super(BearerAuthenticationTests, self).setUp()
     self.auth = BearerAuthentication()
     self.factory = RequestFactory()
class BearerAuthenticationTests(AccessTokenMixin, TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        super(BearerAuthenticationTests, self).setUp()
        self.auth = BearerAuthentication()
        self.factory = RequestFactory()

    def _create_request(self, token=AccessTokenMixin.DEFAULT_TOKEN, token_name='Bearer'):
        auth_header = '{} {}'.format(token_name, token)
        request = self.factory.get('/', HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=auth_header)
        return request

    def test_authenticate_header(self):
        """ The method should return the string Bearer. """
        self.assertEqual(self.auth.authenticate_header(self._create_request()), 'Bearer')

    def test_authenticate_no_provider(self):
        """ If the setting OAUTH2_PROVIDER_URL is not set, the method returns None. """

        # Empty value

        # Missing value
        del settings.OAUTH2_PROVIDER_URL

    def test_authenticate_invalid_token(self):
        """ If no token is supplied, or if the token contains spaces, the method should raise an exception. """

        # Missing token
        request = self._create_request('')
        self.assertRaises(AuthenticationFailed, self.auth.authenticate, request)

        # Token with spaces
        request = self._create_request('abc 123 456')
        self.assertRaises(AuthenticationFailed, self.auth.authenticate, request)

    def test_authenticate_invalid_token_name(self):
        """ If the token name is not Bearer, the method should return None. """
        request = self._create_request(token_name='foobar')

    def test_authenticate_missing_user(self):
        """ If the user matching the access token does not exist, the method should raise an exception. """
        request = self._create_request()

        self.assertRaises(AuthenticationFailed, self.auth.authenticate, request)

    def test_authenticate_inactive_user(self):
        """ If the user matching the access token is inactive, the method should raise an exception. """
        user = factories.UserFactory(is_active=False)


        request = self._create_request()
        self.assertRaises(AuthenticationFailed, self.auth.authenticate, request)

    def test_authenticate_invalid_token_response(self):
        """ If the OAuth2 provider does not return HTTP 200, the method should return raise an exception. """
        request = self._create_request()
        self.assertRaises(AuthenticationFailed, self.auth.authenticate, request)

    def test_authenticate(self):
        If the access token is valid, the user exists, and is active, a tuple containing
        the user and token should be returned.
        user = factories.UserFactory()

        request = self._create_request()
        self.assertEqual(self.auth.authenticate(request), (user, self.DEFAULT_TOKEN))